Saksikan video yang dirakam ketika himpunan pemimpin-pemimpin Umno Bahagian Semporna. Kita tahu sebelum ini bahawa dalam himpunan ini Umno Semporna ditalkinkan oleh ahli dan pimpinan bahagian yang sudah tidak percaya lagi kepada Najib Razak.
Sebenarnya Najib sudah koyak di Semporna. Saksikan video di-atas sekali lagi.
Rupanya orang Semporna lah yang benar-benar bersemangat pahlawan dan keberanian mereka menongkah arus seharusnya menjadi teladan kepada ramai (terutamanya ahli, pemimpin serta penyokong) yang masih berpeluk tubuh walau parti, kerajaan dan negara mereka sedang dirogol oleh penyamun dan kuncu-kuncunya.
Siapa lagi yang berani kerana benar, seperti Semporna?
p/sSatu lagi himpunan besar-besaran di Istana Johor ?
Apanama, do not stoop so low just to score brownie points with your masters by condoning such disgraceful acts. You call them warriors and brave ?? You want to set this as an example ??
So what if someone starts doing the same to other leaders, would you guys condone that as well ?
Macam sudah boleh tukar ba jikalau ini macam, Dato CM pun sudah kena pigang batu dia ba ini macam. Swiss top court orders UBS Bank to release documents on Musa Aman 24 Jun 2016, 5:16 pm
The Swiss Federal Court yesterday ordered that the records held by UBS Bank on its business ties with Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman be released to the country's Attorney-General's Office (AGO).
It further ruled that the documents can be used in criminal proceedings against the bank.
International non-governmental organisation, Bruno Manser Fund (BMF), in a statement today welcomed the Swiss Federal Court's decision, saying that it expects UBS to be charged with money-laundering in relation to Musa's case.
It was reported in November 2014 that Swiss prosecutors had confiscated confidential bank records on UBS' relationship with Musa, who is alleged to be involved in a US$90 million corruption scandal for allegedly collecting bribes for granting logging concessions of tropical rainforest in Sabah.
The alleged deposits for logging concessions were collected through UBS Bank accounts in Singapore and Hong Kong.
This follows a complaint under criminal law filed by the BMF, resulting in the Swiss AGO opening criminal proceedings against the bank in 2012.
BMF said the decision yesterday came despite the bank's public announcement that it was fully cooperating with the investigations where it is alleged to have key documents on its relationship with Musa and refused to share them with the prosecutors.
“The bank argued that no accused could be forced to testify against itself, an argument which the Swiss Federal Court refused to follow in this case.
“The court stated that the investigation of this grave case of international corruption and money-laundering justified the release of the relevant bank records to the prosecutors.
"The judges also said that bank records fielded for regulatory purposes must be made available to prosecutors in criminal proceedings,” the BMF said.
Sarawak Report, which had earlier exposed Sabah's timber corruption in a series of articles in 2012, also confirmed the decision.
Suspicious money
It alleged that through a network of companies, businessman Michael Chia, son of a business associate of Musa, was involved in the matter that led to Chia being arrested in Hong Kong with a bag full of millions of dollars in cash, just before the Sabah state election.
The arrest prompted the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to launch investigations into the matter.
Sarawak Report had in numerous exposÃĐ showed how this contributed to the otherwise unexplained wealth of Musa and his brother, Foreign Minister Anifah Aman.
With the Swiss Federal Court's decision, Sarawak Report said UBS was likely to be questioned on why its Singapore branch was willing to accept such suspicious money.
“The decision looks set to throw further crucial light on the practices of Malaysia’s corrupted ruling politicians and the facilitating role of global banks and off-shore entities.
“It is also the latest in a series of landmark decisions, which indicate that potentially important new steps towards stronger regulation against major kleptocracy could start to be achieved through global efforts on the part of regulators.
“If so, it would be to the benefit of poorer communities in areas of low accountability by political elites,” the report said. UBS head of strategic communications Susanne MÞhlemann confirmed with Malaysiakini that the bank had taken note of the Swiss Federal Court decision and "will analyse its ramifications and impact carefully".
The bank argued that it initially sealed the records as it believed that documents produced for and on behalf of the bank's supervisory authority should not be made available to a criminal prosecution authority investigating the bank. Malaysiakini is still awaiting a reply from Musa's office.
Pakaian khas untuk semua ahli Umno yang yang bersekongkol dengan Dato Sri Mohd Najib.
Sempena Syawal pemimpin serta ahli Umno lelaki khususnya ahli di semenanjung yang bacul dan tidak berani di saran membuat tempahan awal utk Kebaya sendat. Kalian tidak layak di gelar lelaki lagi.
Bagi Wanita Puteri kalian cukup sekadar berbalut kain puteh. Jangan lupa mengenakan segala intan belian yang di kumpul haram bersama beg Hermes dan perabut itali
1-Lying is OK 2-Stealing is OK 3-Thumping the rakyat whom kept the onslaught questioning him on 2.6 Billion & 42 Million by ways of purging MACC's HIGH PROFILE investigation! 4-Abuse and Misuse of Power are OK 5-Threatening & Sacking people for questioning his hanky-panky 1MDB business 6-Never for once Najib would admit he is one PM, FM, Chairman 1MDB ex, President of UMNO that technically a...
When a leader is seemingly immune to being impeached in parliament with a speaker who is a lame duck, when a leader who can't be prosecuted challenged, accused , indicted , arraigned , charged and brought to court to face justice with an AG ,who is trigger happy to shoot any adverse reports ,around, when a leader who wont allow himself to be questioned, criticized and cast aspersions on, with a horde of awestruck minions to protect him and be his spokespersons then what will his poor defenceless followers able to do other than tearing his portrait as it is better than tearing their hairs out.
When his followers "koyak" his portrait you are quick to label it as disgraceful but when your revered leader "koyak" the followers and rakyat pockets thus far you deemed it as a right honourable act. Please stop and smell the roses.
When a leader is seemingly immune to being impeached in parliament with a speaker who is a lame duck, when a leader who can't be prosecuted challenged, accused , indicted , arraigned , charged and brought to court to face justice with an AG ,who is trigger happy to shoot any adverse reports ,around, when a leader who wont allow himself to be questioned, criticized and cast aspersions on, with a horde of awestruck minions to protect him and be his spokespersons then what will his poor defenceless followers able to do other than tearing his portrait as it is better than tearing their hairs out.
When his followers "koyak" his portrait you are quick to label it as disgraceful but when your revered leader "koyak" the followers and rakyat pockets thus far you deemed it as a right honourable act. Please stop and smell the roses.
Justification is the key word. People will not do to this extent if they think it is not justified. This was first in Malaysia for UMNO. Apanama we support you! Lets people who have switched off their brain think otherwise.
177. Verily, those who purchase disbelief by sacrificing their Faith, not the least harm will they do to Allah. But for them, there will be a painful torment.
178. And let not the disbelievers think that Our postponing of their punishment is good for them. We postpone the punishment only so that they may increase in sinfulness. And for them is a disgraceful punishment.
179. Allah will not put the faithful in the state you are now, except that He distinguishes the wicked from the good. Nor will Allah disclose to you the secrets of the Ghaib (Unseen Reality), but Allah chooses His messengers whomsoever He pleases. So believe in Allah and His Messengers. And if you believe and fear Allah, then for you there is a great reward.
180. And let not those who covetously withhold that which Allah has bestowed on them of His Bounty (Wealth) think that it is good for them (and so they do not pay the obligatory zakat or the lawful taxes). Nay, it will be the worse for them; the things which they covetously hoarded up will be fastened to their necks like an (animal) collar on the Day of Resurrection. And to Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth; and the Lord is Well-Acquainted with all your deeds (good and bad). (Quran, Ali Imran)
Prayer of General Douglas MacArthur, effective rebuilder of Japan after WW II:
"Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid, one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory."
Wow the hoodlums have come to attack me ? Not really. Just a bunch of stupid noisemakers who are disappointed they got nothing. I will still write, criticise and expose you dedak beggars !
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Latheefa Koya shares her views on Anwar’s war on corruption, politics,
human rights, the exploitation of religion and more. Not …
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Bom atom: Sains yang memusnahkan manusia
Oleh Ku Seman Ku Hussain KHAMIS lalu (6 Ogos 2020) genap 75 tahun bandar
raya Hiroshima bersama-sama manusia dan alamnya diranapkan oleh bom atom
1. Sejarah Malaysia dikait rapat dengan UMNO, Parti Kebangsaan Melayu
Bersatu. Parti UMNO pula dikenali dengan pemimpinnya. 2. Demikian di
peringkat permul...
Reasoning about being a nerd
After going through the rites of passage into corporate adult-hood through
a school, one question that people may ask is why does it seem that those
who ma...
Sebagaimana yang telah dimaklumkan,
bermula hari ini iaitu 1 Mac 2019, blog ini
telah berpindah sepenuhnya ke alamat
baru -
Larangan Merokok Di Premis Awam Wajar Disokong
1. Biru muka perokok tegar apabila kerajaan melalui Kementerian Kesihatan
Malaysia mewartakan bermula Januari 2019 maka larangan merokok di tempat
awam t...
Assalammualaikum, teman-teman, pembaca dan followers saya dalam blog ini
yang sangat saya hormati. Saya ingim memaklumkan bahawa blog
Dr. Mahathir dan kebodohan media umno
Mengapa serangan media umno terhadap Tun Dr. Mahathir ibarat menikam umno
sendiri? Dengarkan rumusan oleh Bekas Pengarah Pusat Kajian Demokrasi dan
(For English, Read Below)
*Assalamualaikum Warrahmatallahi Wabarakatu*
1. Dengan penuh rasa tanggungjawab dan azam yang kuat...
Syabas orang Sempornað
Masih 3 juta ahli UMNO sokong penyamun????? Pemimpin bersejarah dimana potret diinjak dipijak sekarang dikoyak......
Sombong dan bongkak lah Bugis-Lanun dan 40 Penyamun!!!! Teruskan.
Thanks for the video feed as it counter the UMNO's spin-doctor who said itu acara buka puasa tanpa ahli tahu tujuan sebenar...bla bla bla...
Apanama, do not stoop so low just to score brownie points with your masters by condoning such disgraceful acts. You call them warriors and brave ?? You want to set this as an example ??
So what if someone starts doing the same to other leaders, would you guys condone that as well ?
Apanama, get your brain checked !
p.s. I hope you have one.
Bila An War di pecat, tidak ada cawangan ditutup.
Bila Mat Sabut dipecat, tiada cawangan ditutup
Bila Turn dipecat tiada cawangan ditutup.
Bangunan boleh tutup, tapi tidak cawangan.
Bro Apanama.
Ignore DK. He is in reality a DicK stuck in some stinking cavity. Sympathies yes but ignore please.
Macam sudah boleh tukar ba jikalau ini macam, Dato CM pun sudah kena pigang batu dia ba ini macam.
Swiss top court orders UBS Bank to release documents on Musa Aman
24 Jun 2016, 5:16 pm
The Swiss Federal Court yesterday ordered that the records held by UBS Bank on its business ties with Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman be released to the country's Attorney-General's Office (AGO).
It further ruled that the documents can be used in criminal proceedings against the bank.
International non-governmental organisation, Bruno Manser Fund (BMF), in a statement today welcomed the Swiss Federal Court's decision, saying that it expects UBS to be charged with money-laundering in relation to Musa's case.
It was reported in November 2014 that Swiss prosecutors had confiscated confidential bank records on UBS' relationship with Musa, who is alleged to be involved in a US$90 million corruption scandal for allegedly collecting bribes for granting logging concessions of tropical rainforest in Sabah.
The alleged deposits for logging concessions were collected through UBS Bank accounts in Singapore and Hong Kong.
This follows a complaint under criminal law filed by the BMF, resulting in the Swiss AGO opening criminal proceedings against the bank in 2012.
BMF said the decision yesterday came despite the bank's public announcement that it was fully cooperating with the investigations where it is alleged to have key documents on its relationship with Musa and refused to share them with the prosecutors.
“The bank argued that no accused could be forced to testify against itself, an argument which the Swiss Federal Court refused to follow in this case.
“The court stated that the investigation of this grave case of international corruption and money-laundering justified the release of the relevant bank records to the prosecutors.
"The judges also said that bank records fielded for regulatory purposes must be made available to prosecutors in criminal proceedings,” the BMF said.
Sarawak Report, which had earlier exposed Sabah's timber corruption in a series of articles in 2012, also confirmed the decision.
Suspicious money
It alleged that through a network of companies, businessman Michael Chia, son of a business associate of Musa, was involved in the matter that led to Chia being arrested in Hong Kong with a bag full of millions of dollars in cash, just before the Sabah state election.
The arrest prompted the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to launch investigations into the matter.
Sarawak Report had in numerous exposÃĐ showed how this contributed to the otherwise unexplained wealth of Musa and his brother, Foreign Minister Anifah Aman.
With the Swiss Federal Court's decision, Sarawak Report said UBS was likely to be questioned on why its Singapore branch was willing to accept such suspicious money.
“The decision looks set to throw further crucial light on the practices of Malaysia’s corrupted ruling politicians and the facilitating role of global banks and off-shore entities.
“It is also the latest in a series of landmark decisions, which indicate that potentially important new steps towards stronger regulation against major kleptocracy could start to be achieved through global efforts on the part of regulators.
“If so, it would be to the benefit of poorer communities in areas of low accountability by political elites,” the report said.
UBS head of strategic communications Susanne MÞhlemann confirmed with Malaysiakini that the bank had taken note of the Swiss Federal Court decision and "will analyse its ramifications and impact carefully".
The bank argued that it initially sealed the records as it believed that documents produced for and on behalf of the bank's supervisory authority should not be made available to a criminal prosecution authority investigating the bank.
Malaysiakini is still awaiting a reply from Musa's office.
Hebahan Umum
Pakaian khas untuk semua ahli Umno yang yang bersekongkol dengan Dato Sri Mohd Najib.
Sempena Syawal pemimpin serta ahli Umno lelaki khususnya ahli di semenanjung yang bacul dan tidak berani di saran membuat tempahan awal utk Kebaya sendat. Kalian tidak layak di gelar lelaki lagi.
Bagi Wanita Puteri kalian cukup sekadar berbalut kain puteh. Jangan lupa mengenakan segala intan belian yang di kumpul haram bersama beg Hermes dan perabut itali
DK no brainer,
Najib set the example by....
1-Lying is OK
2-Stealing is OK
3-Thumping the rakyat whom kept the onslaught questioning him on 2.6 Billion & 42 Million by ways of purging MACC's HIGH PROFILE investigation!
4-Abuse and Misuse of Power are OK
5-Threatening & Sacking people for questioning his hanky-panky 1MDB business
6-Never for once Najib would admit he is one PM, FM, Chairman 1MDB ex, President of UMNO that technically a...
6c- LIAR
But all of the above have all been proven by the action taken so far by himself and himself alone.....with the aid of 40 penyamun of putrajaya!
So DK don't act surprised because Lanun-Bugis set a very fine example......
When a leader is seemingly immune to being impeached in parliament with a speaker who is a lame duck, when a leader who can't be prosecuted challenged, accused , indicted , arraigned , charged and brought to court to face justice with an AG ,who is trigger happy to shoot any adverse reports ,around, when a leader who wont allow himself to be questioned, criticized and cast aspersions on, with a horde of awestruck minions to protect him and be his spokespersons then what will his poor defenceless followers able to do other than tearing his portrait as it is better than tearing their hairs out.
When his followers "koyak" his portrait you are quick to label it as disgraceful
but when your revered leader "koyak" the followers and rakyat pockets thus far you deemed it as a right honourable act. Please stop and smell the roses.
When a leader is seemingly immune to being impeached in parliament with a speaker who is a lame duck, when a leader who can't be prosecuted challenged, accused , indicted , arraigned , charged and brought to court to face justice with an AG ,who is trigger happy to shoot any adverse reports ,around, when a leader who wont allow himself to be questioned, criticized and cast aspersions on, with a horde of awestruck minions to protect him and be his spokespersons then what will his poor defenceless followers able to do other than tearing his portrait as it is better than tearing their hairs out.
When his followers "koyak" his portrait you are quick to label it as disgraceful
but when your revered leader "koyak" the followers and rakyat pockets thus far you deemed it as a right honourable act. Please stop and smell the roses.
Huh? Kerajaan dan negara mereka sedang diRogol oleh Penyamun dan Kuncu-kuncunya.
Wah, wah, wah! betul punya Big Brother!
Justification is the key word. People will not do to this extent if they think it is not justified. This was first in Malaysia for UMNO. Apanama we support you! Lets people who have switched off their brain think otherwise.
177. Verily, those who purchase disbelief by sacrificing their Faith, not the least harm will they do to Allah. But for them, there will be a painful torment.
178. And let not the disbelievers think that Our postponing of their punishment is good for them. We postpone the punishment only so that they may increase in sinfulness. And for them is a disgraceful punishment.
179. Allah will not put the faithful in the state you are now, except that He distinguishes the wicked from the good. Nor will Allah disclose to you the secrets of the Ghaib (Unseen Reality), but Allah chooses His messengers whomsoever He pleases. So believe in Allah and His Messengers. And if you believe and fear Allah, then for you there is a great reward.
180. And let not those who covetously withhold that which Allah has bestowed on them of His Bounty (Wealth) think that it is good for them (and so they do not pay the obligatory zakat or the lawful taxes). Nay, it will be the worse for them; the things which they covetously hoarded up will be fastened to their necks like an (animal) collar on the Day of Resurrection. And to Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth; and the Lord is Well-Acquainted with all your deeds (good and bad).
(Quran, Ali Imran)
Mwahahaha. I apporve this video. Biar cacing macam DKK kepanasan.
Dulu kalo x silap gambar LGE kena koyak tapi si pengoyak tu bukan orang DAP. What goes around comes around with interest in Semporna?
Prayer of General Douglas MacArthur, effective rebuilder of Japan after WW II:
"Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid, one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory."
Grant us O Lord a leader the likes of this!
Salute to Semporna....
DD 1010
Melayu semenanjung lena makan dedak.... tak de telor... takut tak makan.
Syabas orang Semporna.
JOHOR bajet jer bagus...... hampas ada la
Wow the hoodlums have come to attack me ? Not really. Just a bunch of stupid noisemakers who are disappointed they got nothing. I will still write, criticise and expose you dedak beggars !
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