On 2nd February 2016 we carried an article titled “A Record of Untrue Stories – the Case of Clare Rewcastle”. This is an article that we picked up from another website and then carried for our readers on Malaysia Today. The article contains a number of allegations about Ms Rewcastle, who complained to us after she read the article and informed us that the allegations are untrue. We did not write the article and were not involved in its writing and we do not have any relationship with its authors. We do not know who the authors are and do not endorse the article. We took the article down from our site after we received her complaint and we regret any distress caused. -The Keeper
"There are worse forms of prostitution than whoring" - Ian Rankin
for those who wonder what the hell is going one with RPK
The article was first published on Open Source Investigations (OSI), which presents itself as an international investigative outfit.However, the site appears to only have an interest in Malaysia, as its material on other countries were all taken from other sources. The mysterious outfit largely produces its own content on Malaysia, most of which target critics and opponents of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak. It is not clear as to who is behind OSI, which was set up in December last year.
Malaysians definitely will encourage truthful news but there is no need to be rude all the time against someone if you don't like. Articles that appear in MT by RPK just ridiculous not worth reading.
This Moron of Manchester (MOM) aka Raja Putar Kamarudin who bolted to the UK fleeing Malaysian justice really is a joke. He had nowhere to flee anymore should Mrs Rewcastle decided to brought legal action on him. Returning to Malaysia was out of question. It's like 'keluar dari mulut harimau masuk ke mulut buaya'. Should he returned back to Malaysia he would immediately arrested due to outstanding warrant issued on him on his previous sedition and defamation charges. The only way out in this is to apologize and continue to make a living in the UK writing thrash on Malaysian politics. He has no choice but to apologize to Mrs Rewcastle, emphatically, as stated above for distress 'we' had caused and immediately removed the slanderous article. What a sad about turn. Very unlike RPK. The thing is nobody take him seriously anymore, like seriously, ever since he decided to make a living by licking somebody's backside and became the UK chapter of dedak eater. What an easier and happier way to make a living in far away land. His usual modus operandi is to attacking those in Mahathir's camp whom he perceived pose a threat to his paymaster via character assassination. Kadir Jasin was on his receiving end recently. Writing something out of nothing is his usual style which he honed to perfection. There's nothing Kadir could do about it as MOM launched his attack from his base overseas and was not subjected to Malaysian law. By the time he turned to Clare Rewcastle Brown and trained his gun on her, he made a costly blunder. Clare Rewcastle Brown of Sarawak Report (SR) fame is from the same country as him thus what he wrote is subject to local law where he and Clare resides. If what he wrote was not true and defaming her, she could very well brought a legal suit on him in the UK which was what she intended to do. Raja putar was forced to backtracked and apologized. His hunger for Malaysian dedak had blinded his rationale, clouded his judgement. Only afterwards was he realized. He's grateful it was still a mitigated disaster. And that is how the story ends.
1. Sejarah Malaysia dikait rapat dengan UMNO, Parti Kebangsaan Melayu
Bersatu. Parti UMNO pula dikenali dengan pemimpinnya. 2. Demikian di
peringkat permul...
Reasoning about being a nerd
After going through the rites of passage into corporate adult-hood through
a school, one question that people may ask is why does it seem that those
who ma...
Sebagaimana yang telah dimaklumkan,
bermula hari ini iaitu 1 Mac 2019, blog ini
telah berpindah sepenuhnya ke alamat
baru - shahbudindotcom.net.
Larangan Merokok Di Premis Awam Wajar Disokong
1. Biru muka perokok tegar apabila kerajaan melalui Kementerian Kesihatan
Malaysia mewartakan bermula Januari 2019 maka larangan merokok di tempat
awam t...
Assalammualaikum, teman-teman, pembaca dan followers saya dalam blog ini
yang sangat saya hormati. Saya ingim memaklumkan bahawa blog
Dr. Mahathir dan kebodohan media umno
Mengapa serangan media umno terhadap Tun Dr. Mahathir ibarat menikam umno
sendiri? Dengarkan rumusan oleh Bekas Pengarah Pusat Kajian Demokrasi dan
(For English, Read Below)
*Assalamualaikum Warrahmatallahi Wabarakatu*
1. Dengan penuh rasa tanggungjawab dan azam yang kuat...
for those who wonder what the hell is going one with RPK
The article was first published on Open Source Investigations (OSI), which presents itself as an international investigative outfit.However, the site appears to only have an interest in Malaysia, as its material on other countries were all taken from other sources. The mysterious outfit largely produces its own content on Malaysia, most of which target critics and opponents of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak. It is not clear as to who is behind OSI, which was set up in December last year.
Open Source Investigations (OSI) is also the handiwork of melayu celup tu lah.
He's the "pimp" but there are "sub-contracted" hookers also......all paid with our money
Malaysians definitely will encourage truthful news but there is no need to be rude all the time against someone if you don't like. Articles that appear in MT by RPK just ridiculous not worth reading.
RPK is like the hyena howling and barking for a pack of territorial wolves in return for a few delicious carcasses.
This Moron of Manchester (MOM) aka Raja Putar Kamarudin who bolted to the UK fleeing Malaysian justice really is a joke. He had nowhere to flee anymore should Mrs Rewcastle decided to brought legal action on him. Returning to Malaysia was out of question. It's like 'keluar dari mulut harimau masuk ke mulut buaya'. Should he returned back to Malaysia he would immediately arrested due to outstanding warrant issued on him on his previous sedition and defamation charges.
The only way out in this is to apologize and continue to make a living in the UK writing thrash on Malaysian politics. He has no choice but to apologize to Mrs Rewcastle, emphatically, as stated above for distress 'we' had caused and immediately removed the slanderous article. What a sad about turn. Very unlike RPK.
The thing is nobody take him seriously anymore, like seriously, ever since he decided to make a living by licking somebody's backside and became the UK chapter of dedak eater. What an easier and happier way to make a living in far away land. His usual modus operandi is to attacking those in Mahathir's camp whom he perceived pose a threat to his paymaster via character assassination.
Kadir Jasin was on his receiving end recently. Writing something out of nothing is his usual style which he honed to perfection. There's nothing Kadir could do about it as MOM launched his attack from his base overseas and was not subjected to Malaysian law.
By the time he turned to Clare Rewcastle Brown and trained his gun on her, he made a costly blunder. Clare Rewcastle Brown of Sarawak Report (SR) fame is from the same country as him thus what he wrote is subject to local law where he and Clare resides. If what he wrote was not true and defaming her, she could very well brought a legal suit on him in the UK which was what she intended to do. Raja putar was forced to backtracked and apologized. His hunger for Malaysian dedak had blinded his rationale, clouded his judgement. Only afterwards was he realized. He's grateful it was still a mitigated disaster. And that is how the story ends.
The man with two balls, one is white the other is black.
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