Thursday, 19 November 2015

RM2 juta dalam akaun Rosmah Mansor adalah derma ikhlas ?

Meneliti kembali laporan dan pembongkaran media, terutamanya media elektronik, berhubung duit tunai RM2 juta dalam akaun peribadi isteri Perdana Menteri, besar kemungkinan jumlah duit yang besar itu pun adalah sejenis derma.

RM2 juta itu mungkin derma yang dihulurkan kepada Rosmah Mansor untuk kerja-kerja kebajikan yang beliau begitu aktif lakukan. 

Siapa yang menderma jangan disoal, itu mungkin rahsia besar. Rahsia serupa derma RM2.6 billion yang diterima suami beliau. Keperibadian serta kebijaksanaan mereka suami isteri memang dikenali seantero dunia. Jesteru derma yang datang mencari. 

Bagi tujuan siasatan untuk memastikan ianya benar-benar derma / sumbangan ikhlas Pasukan Petugas Khas atau SPRM/PDRM/Bank Negara seharusnya mengenalpasti punca wang tunai RM2 juta yang didepositkan kedalam akaun peribadi oleh seorang individu bernama Roslan Sohari. 

Siapa Roslan Sohari? 
Dah siasat akaun yang dipaparkan?
Pembongkaran media sebelum ini mengenalpasti Roslan Sohari sebagai anggota tentera yang bertugas sebagai 'Resident Manager at the Prime Minister's Office' .

Pelbagai gambar serta maklumat peribadi serta rakaman perjalanan global Roslan Sohari bersama Perdana Menteri dan rombongan pun berjaya dirakam dari Facebook beliau (sebelum seluruh catatan Facebook Roslan Sohari hilang secara mengejut

Setakat ini belum ada apa-apa laporan yang mengatakan bahawa pembongkaran berhubung RM2 juta dalam akaun peribadi Rosmah Mansor serta indentiti individu yang bertindak mendeposit sejumlah wang tersebut, iaitu Roslan Sohari , adalah palsu.

Sebelum ini Pasukan Petugas Khas, menerusi Peguam Negara  ketika itu Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, telah membuat kenyataan rasmi bahawa kes ini didalam pengetahuan serta siasatan mereka. 

Apa perkembangan kes ini. Roslan Sohari telah disoalsiasat atau apakah individu ini pun telah melarikan diri ?

Seluruh rakyat Malaysia, terutamanya pejuang-pejuang Melayu dalam Umno yang bertarung demi Agama, Bangsa dan Negara telah menerima sebulatnya bahawa penyaluran wang RM2.6 billion kedalam akaun peribadi suami Rosmah adalah halal serta sah. Mungkin Rosmah pun wajar menggunakan alasan yang nyata mujarab itu. 

Peduli apa dengan undang-undang negara. Kan?

p/s Yang bersuara menuntut suami Rosmah agar meletak jawatan hanya golongan kecil yang tidak tahu 'cari makan'. 

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Apa perkembangan kes RM2 juta dalam akaun peribadi Rosmah Mansor ?


Ini bukan cerita baru. Laporan di-atas disiarkan pada 9hb Julai yang lepas, lebih kurang EMPAT bulan yang lalu. 
Kami dah tahu pasal akaun Rosmah - Pasukan Petugas Khas

KUALA LUMPUR: Pasukan Petugas Khas yang menyiasat isu melibatkan 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) memaklumkan mereka sudah mengetahui berkaitan dakwaan wang RM2 juta dimasukkan ke akaun isteri perdana menteri.

"Selanjutnya berkaitan dengan pendedahan media mengenai akaun isteri perdana menteri, perkara itu sememangnya sudah diketahui oleh pasukan petugas khas sebelum pendedahan itu dan siasatan mengenainya sedang dikendalikan," kata Pasukan Petugas Khas itu dalam satu kenyataan media hari ini.

Kenyataan media itu dikeluarkan bersama oleh ketua-ketua di Jabatan Peguam Negara, Bank Negara, Polis Diraja Malaysia dan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM).

Pasukan Petugas Khas itu dalam kenyataannya turut menegaskan siasatan dijalankan dengan telus, bebas dan profesional serta berharap semua pihak tidak mempersoalkan kewibawaan mereka. -

Bukan berniat mempersoalkan kewibawaan Pasukan Pertugas Khas yang kita tahu pada suatu ketika dahulu begitu berani... atau lebih tepat lagi lebih bebas bertindak. 

Apa yang menimpa Pasukan Petugas Khas yang gah itu diketahui umum, tidak perlu diulang disini. Umum terkeliru dengan kecelaruan yang menimpa Pasukan Petugas Khas kita, hanyut umpama bulu pipit yang dibuai angin. Terkapai entah dimana.

Berbalik kepada perkara yang dibincangkan. Perkembangan siasatan kes duit tunai RM2 juta ringgit didalam akaun peribadi isteri Perdana Menteri harus diumumkan secara serta merta. 

Ini soal tanggungjawab, amanah, kewibawaan dan yang lebih penting lagi kebolehpercayaan (trustworthiness) agensi-agensi yang menganggotai Pasukan Petugas Khas. Pihak berwajib mungkin boleh membuat bancian terbuka untuk seluruh rakyat jika mereka perlu diyakinkan lagi akan ketirisan kepercayaan rakyat. 

Jika Rosmah tidak bersalah nyatakan seadanya. Yang penting jangan menggadai amanah dan kepercayaan yang disandarkan rakyat. 

Apa perkembangan kes RM2 juta dalam akaun peribadi Rosmah Mansor ?

Pasukan Petugas Khas yang dikatakan masih 'hidup' itu mungkin boleh mengeluarkan kenyataan secepat mungkin. 

Untuk pengetahuan mereka yang masih menyiasat kes ini - Secara umum siasatan wang tunai didalam akaun peribadi yang ini seharusnya lebih mudah. 

Tidak mungkin ianya lebih rumit dari siasatan berhubung RM2.6 billion dalam akaun peribadi suami Rosmah yang juga Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Kes melibatkan RM40 juta yang disalurkan dari SRC International ke akaun peribadi suami Rosmah juga rumit sedikit kerana ianya disalurkan menerusi dua syarikat lain serta saksi-saksi utama masih lagi 'makan angin' diserata dunia. 

Berdasarkan apa yang telah dilaporkan sebelum ini dan kenyataan rasmi dari Pasukan Petugas Khas/Peguam Negara kita tahu bahawa kes siasatan keatas Rosmah hanya melibatkan deposit tunai berjumlah RM2 juta ringgit. Orang yang mendeposit wang tunai dalam jumlah yang begitu besar itu pun telah dinamakan sebelum ini. Rasanya bank dimana duit tunai tersebut dideposit pun masih beroperasi lagi.

Apakah Pasukan Petugas Khas juga masih menunggu 'temu-janji' dari Rosmah sebelum siasatan dapat diselesaikan? 

Jangan biarkan rakyat dalam teka-teki. 

Mungkin tidak salah jika pihak berwajib mengadakan temubual serentak dengan isteri dan suami. Ianya juga akan mempermudahkan mereka berdua untuk bertukar-tukar fikiran dan ingat mengingat sebelum menjawab soalan. Kan?  

Jangan makan atau minum ketika menjalankan tugas penting seperti soalsiasat jenayah. Bukan apa, ia mungkin bertentangan dengan displin dan etika.  

  AML/CFT  - 

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Mana hilangnya 2.6 bintang-bintang - AMIRUDIN HIZADIN

Mana Hilang 2.6 Bintang:
Mungkin takkanku ke Kuala Lumpur,
Nak bayar tol minyak, aku menggelupur,
Duit belanja cukup makanku waktu sahur,
Mungkin hidupku kegelapan,
Nak bayar bil elektrik, tak kemampuan,
Tapi tak apa, tunggu duit BR1M dan bantuan,
Mana hilangnya 2.6 bintang bintang,
Yang sepatutnya menerangi mimpi ngeri dan suram kita,
Mana hilangnya 2.6 bintang bintang,
Aku tanyakan pak mentari tapi masih lagi berdiam,
Mungkin yang sakit akan terus uzur,
Nak bayar ubat pun terus tersungkur,
Oh tapi PA, katanya baik untuk kita,
Mungkin harga barang akan turun,
Ada GST semua orang untung,
Tapi mengapa makin ramai yang bermurung,
Mana hilangnya 2.6 bintang bintang,
Yang sepatutnya menerangi mimpi ngeri dan suram kita,
Mana hilangnya 2.6 bintang bintang,
Aku tanya Pak Mentari, tapi masih lagi berdiam. 

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Agreeing to disagree

A: Bro, janganlah hentam PM sangat. 

B: But this is not just about PM. This is about a crime (or a series of crimes, particularly theft, treason, abuse of power, criminal breach of trust and such). Ini kes curi.

A:  Tapi Dr Mahathir pun curi! 

B: Oooops. Bila? 

A: Mesti ada (curi) masa dia. 

... and she walked away briskly. 

'A' was a primary school student when I first met her. She is my best friend's sister. I have very few best friends. ;-)

Now a successful businesswoman with hefty contracts with/from the Government, A is also close to top notch politicians, especially close to the one who is impatiently waiting to be crowned. 

I could understand A's leanings and business dealings but I think for her to thoughtlessly say 'Dr Mahathir's pun curi!' is a little too immature, shallow and dangerously naive.

For a business person of her perceived standing, it was such a disappointment. I thought you guys are supposed to be smart and savvy. No? 

I think if indeed 'Dr Mahathir pun curi' has some basis, the much feared Fourth Floor Boys wouldn't have waited for Najib Razak to try to send Dr M to jail. You get what I mean? I rest this part of the case here. 

Actually the major concern is about this ludicrous nutty-tale that 'Oh! Those in the past stole so it's my turn to steal and plunder now'. You think Malaysians are pre-schoolers waiting for your best of trickery or are you of the opinion that this nation is your father's private limited company? 

You say your mentor did this and that when he was the leader. You are saying it now but you must very well know that your mentor was not involved in any personal scandal. Nothing at all. Unlike you.

Some may want to talk about BMF, Perwaja, and other lesser scandals of yesteryear but none of these were personal wrongdoings. In the case of BMF and Perwaja, crimes and wrongdoings were prosecuted and punished. Investigations then were not subject to any arm-twisting of the investigators, prosecutors, Bank Negara or even the Attorney Generals. The Prime Minister did not siphon out money from BMF or Perwaja and put it into his personal bank account.  

Similarly, I don't think Tan Sri Musa Hitam, Tan Sri Shahrir Samad, Tengku Razaleigh and a whole lot of other Umno leaders faced any action from the party when they went around the nation vociferously campaigning against the then Umno President and Prime Minister. 

Even Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi was not sacked from Umno despite the fact that he was arrested and briefly detained for investigations under the Internal Security Act for allegedly colluding with Anwar Ibrahim in 1998. 

Certainly Shahrir Samad, a man once known for his iron clad principles, would know more about those freedom he enjoyed in Umno and Government then. I hope Shahrir the politician whom I knew as a journalist would return someday, without fear or favour. 

He says 'Umno growing more intolerant' . I hope Shahrir has finally listened to his heart. I hope.

Is Umno just intolerant internally, where even the Deputy President is not spared for speaking the truth? 

Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin's unceremonious removal is in fact a tight slap smack across the face for Umno but it seems a huge majority of Umno leaders and members are completely ignorant. Even the blind could sense this insult but Umno remains numb.  

The Deputy President was not even campaigning for the Umno president's post when he highlighted those grave mistakes that formed the root cause of people's eroding trust and confidence in the administration. 

Is speaking up for the people no longer provided for in Umno, BN or the Government? 

An increasing number of elders comprising former civil servants and politicians who served Malaysia during her glory days have begun to speak their mind. 

I hope no attempts are made by the naked Emperor's court jesters to transfer retired ministers, civil servants and their friends from the diplomatic service for standing against crime and tyranny. 

Back to Umno, probably Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz could tell us more about democracy in Umno. She fought and tasted defeat and victory for the then much respected post of Ketua Wanita Umno. By the way, how is Wanita Umno doing nowadays. Joined the silent majority?

So, why was Umno's deputy president sacked from the government after he spoke about the monster that has become a serious threat.

Why is 1MDB sacred that even the No:2 man in the country had to be removed, together with the Attorney General and a list of other top servants to the King and country? 

It was not the deputy president of Umno who created the monster that has chalked up debts to the tune of billions of ringgit. Did he?

As mentioned earlier, a huge majority of Umno leaders and members are such an ignorant lot that they would applause a court jester who says Vaping is our younger generation's 'aspirasi'. 

The other day another lucky clown said Malaysians preferred 'Cheap and Slow' internet connection. A day ago another of their equally funny colleague threatened to jump down from his toilet seat if a politician and an aspiring politician engaged in a debate.

In a last minute attempt to outdo his countrymen another joker says you must wake up early to avoid paying road tolls. What next. Schools to start their session at 5am to accommodate parents who have to sent their children to school before heading to work? 

The list is endless. Utter stupidity and ignorance have become a norm. We are no longer the Malaysia we knew or we think we are. We are growing in the wrong direction. Idiots multiply by the day, especially after the leader says loyalty is more important than intelligence. The few seemingly intelligent ones in the administration must have had something stuck in their mouth. No noise at all. Even our foreign friends are perplexed at the rate of our decay as a nation and a society. 


Religious leaders who are often quick to pass judgement and offer guidance on trivial matters in the society are almost absolutely silent when their rightful guidance, based on the teachings of their respective Holy scriptures, are much awaited by hapless followers and believers. 

Bila tabiat hisap Vape dan cara berpakaian atlet pun boleh dibincang kenapa krisis kepimpinan, isu rasuah, salahguna kuasa dan pecah amanah yang amat memeranjatkan tidak berani disentuh pun?  

Are corruption, treason, abuse of power and criminal breach of trust not much more dangerous and serious than scratching among ourselves for the right to use of the term 'Allah'? At which direction is your moral compass pointing?

Mungkin ada kewajaran disebalik tindakan sebahagian besar Mufti serta ketua-ketua agama lain untuk berdiam diri. Mungkin mereka belum cukup berani. Takut kena tukar? 

Jika tidak silap Titah Raja-Raja Melayu berkenaan 1MDB serta ketirisan kepercayaan terhadap Kerajaan yang dititahkan menerusi Majlis Raja-Raja pun masih belum ada yang 'Junjung'. 

Yang ada hanya reaksi bongkak anggota kerajaan yang lebih condong kepada memperingatkan Raja-Raja akan bidang kuasa mereka. Jika titah Raja Raja Melayu pun seolah-olah tidak diendahkan langsung, apa pula nasib Mufti dan kawan-kawan jika berani bersuara. Baik senyap untuk selamatkan diri dan jawatan...  atau bagaimana? 

Umno is in crisis not because of any internal power struggle but squarely due to a humongous financial scandal spearheaded by none other than the President. However it is no longer confined to Umno because the president also happens to be the Prime Minister and Finance Minister. 

Prime Minister of Malaysia (voted-in only by less than 40 thousand voters in the Pekan parliamentary constituency in the state of Pahang) is entrusted to manage this nation. 

Everybody knows the PM is very busy trying to manage his serious personal problems which was exposed by the Wall Street Journal. The personal problem has transformed into a possible national disaster after more details of a scheme to scam the nation were made public. Who is managing the country while the PM tries to escape prosecution? 
Many talk about a powerful 'kitchen cabinet'. Not sure if it is made up of 'kayu' but I hope the official PM does find some time for trivial matters like managing the all-round spiralling price of almost anything and everything in the country. 

A big majority of Malaysians who fall under the middle and lower income group are suffering due to the unbearable economic burden.  Who are they to rely on when the Government appears absolutely insensitive to anything, except maybe comments against 1MDB and the PM.

What happened to the illustrious Barisan Nasional? BN should still have 13 components, if none had quietly left through the back door. Umno is just one of the 13, what happened to the rest?

Except for Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu and friends in Sarawak, plus one or two others from Sabah the rest are almost invisible. Most are heard only during the annual party meetings while some are just famous for infighting and statements supporting the BN chairman. 

The other 12 BN component's collective silence pertaining real pressing matters affecting our society and the nation as a whole is deafening. They appear like nothing but mere 'extras' in a Chinese opera.

Are the other BN component parties still interested in representing the people or are their top leaders more concerned about protecting their personal interests, power, positions, allocations and such? 

BN component leaders must have been red-faced to tell their members that none of their views and objections to the infamous Red shirt Maruah Melayu rally was taken into consideration during a BN Supreme Council meeting before the rally. Did they tell you about this?

How could 'Agreeing to disagree' possibly hold water when 12 members disagree and the lone one remains arrogantly adamant. 

You shamelessly nodded your head sacrificing the larger interests of a multiracial Malaysian society although you knew it was wrong and dangerously detrimental to our very existence. Didn't you?

If this interpretation of 'agreeing to disagree' is the new democracy, is Barisan Nasional then still relevant for our country? 

p/s B: Please grow up girl.