Monday, 31 August 2015
Saturday, 29 August 2015
Dr M - Saya sokong rakyat. Ini GERAKAN RAKYAT... People's Power!
Penjelasan ini dibuat selepas Tun Dr Mahathir berucap dan berdialog bersama Bangsa Johor di Stadium Pasir Gudang petang tadi.
Ketibaan Tun Dr Mahathir di Stadium Pasir Gudang petang tadi |
Tun Dr Mahathir serta isteri bersama RAKYAT di Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur |
Dengar baik-baik dan fikir sendiri jika apa yang diperkatakan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad ini benar atau sebaliknya.
Kalau buta penglihatan tidak mengapa tetapi jangan buta hati.
P.S. Video Ucapan / Sesi Soal-Jawab di-SINI
Friday, 28 August 2015
DAULAT TUANKU! Sultan Johor titah Solat Hajat setiap Jumaat
DYMM Sultan Ibrahim, yang baru-baru ini menegur kerajaan serta wakil rakyat agar peka akan rintihan rakyat serta lebih bertanggungjawab dalam menjalankan tugas yang diamanahkan, telah tampil sebagai Raja Melayu yang pertama menitahkan supaya semua masjid mendirikan Solat Hajat demi untuk kesejahteraan rakyat.
Tujuan Solat Hajat yang akan didirikan diseluruh negeri Johor selepas selesai Solat Jumaat adalah amat jelas dan bertepatan dengan rintihan rakyat kebanyakkan didalam dan diluar negeri Johor.
Walaupun sudah ada suara-suara sumbang yang tidak berapa selesa dengan teguran terbuka Sultan Ibrahim dan putera baginda Tunku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ismail terhadap pemimpin kerajaan dan segelintir ahli politik namun sokongan rakyat biasa untuk Tuanku Sultan serta TMJ nyata semakin kuat.
Susulan teguran serta kenyataan dari Istana Johor masyarakat berbilang kaum di negara bertuah ini kini menaruh harapan yang amat tinggi agar Raja-Raja Melayu akan tampil bersama rakyat untuk menyelamatkan ibu pertiwi dari ditimpa malapetaka.
Keadaan ekonomi serta nilai mata wang kita semakin meruncing tetapi ancaman sebenar kepada negara ini kini datangnya bukan dari luar. Krisis yang dihadapi kini juga bukanlah krisis politik seperti yang sering diulas dan dikupas. Permasalahan rumit yang kita hadapi kini adalah akibat tindakan jenayah pemimpin yang sepatutnya memimpin dan menjaga rakyat dan negara.
Krisis yang kita hadapi kini adalah akibat daripada tindakan sekumpulan kecil pengkhianat yang tidak harus dan tidak boleh dibiarkan bermaharajalela seolah-olah negara ini tidak ada undang-undang dan peraturan hidup.
Agenda untuk menutup perlakuan jenayah dari mata rakyat dan melepaskan diri dari tindakan undang-undang mengatasi segala-galanya, termasuk kesejahteraan rakyat dan kelangsungan negara.
Maruah dan imej negara telah digadai semata-mata untuk menyelamatkan seorang pemimpin yang rakus, tamak kuasa dan wang ringgit.
Kalau dahulu kita dikenali dan menjadi contoh teladan kerana pencapaian, kemampuan dan keberanian dipentas dunia kini seantero dunia mengenali kita kerana hutang, rasuah dan skandal kewangan pemimpin tertinggi kerajaan.
Krisis kita negara yang berdaulat ini adalah amat getir dan ianya BUKAN krisis politik. Pendekatan untuk mencari penyelesaian politik tidak mungkin dapat mengatasi krisis ini kerana mereka yang mencetuskan krisis ini tidak menghormati mahupun mematuhi undang-undang negara ataupun perlembagaan yang seharusnya dijadikan panduan.
Institusi penting negara telah dirobek sedemikian rupa sehingga pegawai-pegawai tertinggi dari institusi-institusi berkenaan telah tampil secara terbuka mempersoalkan 'kuasa halimunan' yang dilaporkan lebih berkuasa dari mereka yang diberi kuasa menerusi undang-undang dan perlembagaan.
Fitnah dan pembohongan terancang telah menjadi mainan harian samada untuk mengaburi mata rakyat atau untuk mengugut mereka yang menjalankan tugas dengan penuh amanah.
Semoga Solat Hajat diseluruh negeri Johor ini sepertimana yang dititah Tuanku Sultan Ibrahim dapat melembutkan hati dan membuka mata mereka yang nyata telah sesat dari jalan yang benar.
Semoga Solat Hajat ini mampu menggerakkan hati mereka yang telah mengkhianati rakyat dan negara ini agar segera bertaubat dan kembali kepangkal jalan.
Semoga Solat Hajat ini mampu mengekang dan menghalau 'kuasa halimunan' yang membabi buta tanpa batas.
Sebenarnya masyarakat telah mula putus harapan dengan sebahagian besar ahli politik, sama ada kerajaan mahupun pembangkang, yang kebanyakannya hanya pintar bersandiwara. Wang ringgit, jawatan serta kuasa masih menjadi percaturan mereka ketika negara diancam pengkhianatan dari dalam.
Negara kita dalam bahaya. Retak menanti belah tetapi mereka yang mampu bertindak masih sibuk tawar-menawar demi hasil dan pulangan untuk diri dan kumpulan masing-masing.
Sememangnya hanya pada Raja tempat rakyat bernaung dan berlindung.
Ampun Tuanku beribu-ribu ampun, sembah patik harap diampun.
Tujuan Solat Hajat yang akan didirikan diseluruh negeri Johor selepas selesai Solat Jumaat adalah amat jelas dan bertepatan dengan rintihan rakyat kebanyakkan didalam dan diluar negeri Johor.
Walaupun sudah ada suara-suara sumbang yang tidak berapa selesa dengan teguran terbuka Sultan Ibrahim dan putera baginda Tunku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ismail terhadap pemimpin kerajaan dan segelintir ahli politik namun sokongan rakyat biasa untuk Tuanku Sultan serta TMJ nyata semakin kuat.
Susulan teguran serta kenyataan dari Istana Johor masyarakat berbilang kaum di negara bertuah ini kini menaruh harapan yang amat tinggi agar Raja-Raja Melayu akan tampil bersama rakyat untuk menyelamatkan ibu pertiwi dari ditimpa malapetaka.
Keadaan ekonomi serta nilai mata wang kita semakin meruncing tetapi ancaman sebenar kepada negara ini kini datangnya bukan dari luar. Krisis yang dihadapi kini juga bukanlah krisis politik seperti yang sering diulas dan dikupas. Permasalahan rumit yang kita hadapi kini adalah akibat tindakan jenayah pemimpin yang sepatutnya memimpin dan menjaga rakyat dan negara.
Krisis yang kita hadapi kini adalah akibat daripada tindakan sekumpulan kecil pengkhianat yang tidak harus dan tidak boleh dibiarkan bermaharajalela seolah-olah negara ini tidak ada undang-undang dan peraturan hidup.
Agenda untuk menutup perlakuan jenayah dari mata rakyat dan melepaskan diri dari tindakan undang-undang mengatasi segala-galanya, termasuk kesejahteraan rakyat dan kelangsungan negara.
Maruah dan imej negara telah digadai semata-mata untuk menyelamatkan seorang pemimpin yang rakus, tamak kuasa dan wang ringgit.
Kalau dahulu kita dikenali dan menjadi contoh teladan kerana pencapaian, kemampuan dan keberanian dipentas dunia kini seantero dunia mengenali kita kerana hutang, rasuah dan skandal kewangan pemimpin tertinggi kerajaan.
Krisis kita negara yang berdaulat ini adalah amat getir dan ianya BUKAN krisis politik. Pendekatan untuk mencari penyelesaian politik tidak mungkin dapat mengatasi krisis ini kerana mereka yang mencetuskan krisis ini tidak menghormati mahupun mematuhi undang-undang negara ataupun perlembagaan yang seharusnya dijadikan panduan.
Institusi penting negara telah dirobek sedemikian rupa sehingga pegawai-pegawai tertinggi dari institusi-institusi berkenaan telah tampil secara terbuka mempersoalkan 'kuasa halimunan' yang dilaporkan lebih berkuasa dari mereka yang diberi kuasa menerusi undang-undang dan perlembagaan.
Fitnah dan pembohongan terancang telah menjadi mainan harian samada untuk mengaburi mata rakyat atau untuk mengugut mereka yang menjalankan tugas dengan penuh amanah.
Semoga Solat Hajat diseluruh negeri Johor ini sepertimana yang dititah Tuanku Sultan Ibrahim dapat melembutkan hati dan membuka mata mereka yang nyata telah sesat dari jalan yang benar.
Semoga Solat Hajat ini mampu menggerakkan hati mereka yang telah mengkhianati rakyat dan negara ini agar segera bertaubat dan kembali kepangkal jalan.
Semoga Solat Hajat ini mampu mengekang dan menghalau 'kuasa halimunan' yang membabi buta tanpa batas.
Sebenarnya masyarakat telah mula putus harapan dengan sebahagian besar ahli politik, sama ada kerajaan mahupun pembangkang, yang kebanyakannya hanya pintar bersandiwara. Wang ringgit, jawatan serta kuasa masih menjadi percaturan mereka ketika negara diancam pengkhianatan dari dalam.
Negara kita dalam bahaya. Retak menanti belah tetapi mereka yang mampu bertindak masih sibuk tawar-menawar demi hasil dan pulangan untuk diri dan kumpulan masing-masing.
Sememangnya hanya pada Raja tempat rakyat bernaung dan berlindung.
Ampun Tuanku beribu-ribu ampun, sembah patik harap diampun.
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
26 OGOS 2015
Saya merakamkan ucapan setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada YB Khairy Jamaluddin, Ketua Pemuda UMNO, dan barisan Exco Pemuda UMNO Malaysia atas kenyataan berani mengenai hal ehwal negara khususnya tentang isu yang menjejaskan imej negara seperti 1MDB dan derma politik RM 2.6 bilion kepada Perdana Menteri. Saya amat menghormati dan menghargai pandangan berani Ketua Pemuda yang saya percaya dibuat berlandaskan prinsip kebenaran dan keadilan yang teguh berpandukan ajaran Islam.
Saya juga ingin merakamkan ucapan setinggi-tinggi terima kasih atas sokongan Saudara Khairy kepada kedudukan saya sebagai Timbalan Presiden UMNO yang dipilih oleh para perwakilan dalam pemilihan parti. Ucapan penghargaan dan terima kasih juga saya tujukan kepada sahabat-handai, ahli-ahli Umno akar umbi dan rakyat Malaysia yang tidak putus-putus memberikan sokongan, dorongan dan kata-kata semangat kepada saya supaya meneruskan perjuangan menegakkan kebenaran demi menyelamatkan UMNO, bangsa Melayu dan rakyat Malaysia seluruhnya.
Saya menyokong sepenuhnya pendirian Pemuda UMNO dalam meletakkan semula Malaysia pada landasan yang betul. Saya ingin mengingatkan jika kita gagal menangani kemelut yang melanda negara kita secara berani dan berdepan atau “take the bulls by the horns”, saya bimbang Malaysia akan terjerumus ke dalam kancah negara yang gagal (failed state). Iklim ekonomi dunia yang tidak menentu, nilai ringgit yang semakin merudum, kemelut politik yang luar biasa, kenaikan harga barang dan kos sara hidup, kebanjiran warga asing yang tidak terkawal dan sentimen pelabur yang dingin terhadap Malaysia merupakan bibit-bibit yang boleh menyebabkan Malaysia menjadi sebuah negara yang gagal. Mudah-mudahan Allah s.w.t. menjauhi kita daripada sebarang malapetaka, na’uzubillahi min zalik.
Atas kesedaran inilah saya tidak putus-putus mengingatkan rakan-rakan saya di dalam kerajaan supaya mengambil langkah-langkah pembetulan dengan segera. Sebagai Timbalan Presiden UMNO, saya menyampaikan kebimbangan saya melalui platform parti, iaitu di dalam mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi dan ketika merasmikan mesyuarat-mesyuarat perwakilan UMNO bahagian yang saya dijemput hadir sebagai perasmi. Saya lakukan ini kerana saya sayangkan UMNO. Pemimpin datang dan pergi, tetapi parti mesti terus kukuh dan utuh untuk meneruskan perjuangan membela agama, bangsa dan negara.
Namun, malangnya terdapat segelintir individu di dalam UMNO sendiri yang lantang mengkritik saya. Lumrah apabila seseorang itu tidak lagi berjawatan tinggi di dalam kerajaan, maka akan ada segelintir manusia yang tidak lagi menghormati, malah mengecam kita. Mereka ini ada antaranya yang pernah saya bantu ketika saya berada di dalam kerajaan. Mereka menuduh saya menjadi pengkhianat, menuntut supaya saya dihadapkan ke Lembaga Disiplin dan mendesak saya supaya meletak jawatan. Seorang Ketua Bahagian di negeri Selangor antara yang paling kuat mendesak saya meletak jawatan sedangkan ahli di bahagiannya sendiri menuntut dia meletak jawatan. Semua ini dibuat semata-mata kerana saya bercakap benar demi untuk menyelamatkan parti.
Kepada mereka ini ingin saya ingatkan. Sejarah sumbangan saya kepada UMNO cukup panjang. Saya telah berjuang di dalam UMNO lebih 40 tahun. Malah, ketika UMNO diharamkan dahulu, saya mengambil tanggungjawab untuk membina semula UMNO di Johor sehingga UMNO kembali kuat dan negeri Johor menjadi penyumbang terbesar kemenangan UMNO dan Barisan Nasional dalam setiap pilihanraya umum. Saya juga tetap setia bersama parti ketika UMNO menghadapi pelbagai krisis. Jadi, janganlah terlalu mudah menuduh saya sebagai pengkhianat dan mendesak saya meletak jawatan.
Namun, semua ini tidak akan mematahkan semangat saya, apa lagi melemahkan daya juang saya untuk terus membela maruah agama, bangsa dan negara. Saya yakin bangsa Melayu tidak akan menjadi bangsa yang dihina selagi kita berpegang teguh kepada ajaran Islam, menjadikan prinsip kebenaran dan keadilan sebagai panduan dalam kehidupan dan dipimpin oleh pemimpin yang amanah dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan.
Kepada Allah saya berserah.
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Dikemaskini - 7.30pm
DYMM Tuanku Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar
"Sememangnya kedudukan saya sebagai Raja tidak boleh mencampuri urusan politik tetapi sebagai Raja saya bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan suasana kehidupan rakyat dinegeri saya berada didalam keadaan yang baik, maju dan makmur.
Oleh itu saya menggesa kepada pihak kerajaan yang memerintah supaya segera menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi sekarang ini, antaranya mengenai kejatuhan nilai ringgit.
Suka juga saya ingatkan kepada pemimpin-pemimpin kerajaan yang telah dipilih oleh rakyat supaya memikul tanggungjawab dengan penuh amanah untuk kepentingan umum dan janganlah mengutamakan kepentingan peribadi."
Video Titah ucapan penuh Tuanku Sultan ketika perbarisan hari ulang tahun Rejimen Gerak Khas ke-50 Jubli Emas di Markas 21 Gerup Gerak Khas, Kem Iskandar, Mersing akan menyusul.
Rakaman video titah ucapan Tuanku Sultan Johor di-bawah.
"Sememangnya kedudukan saya sebagai Raja tidak boleh mencampuri urusan politik tetapi sebagai Raja saya bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan suasana kehidupan rakyat dinegeri saya berada didalam keadaan yang baik, maju dan makmur.
Oleh itu saya menggesa kepada pihak kerajaan yang memerintah supaya segera menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi sekarang ini, antaranya mengenai kejatuhan nilai ringgit.
Suka juga saya ingatkan kepada pemimpin-pemimpin kerajaan yang telah dipilih oleh rakyat supaya memikul tanggungjawab dengan penuh amanah untuk kepentingan umum dan janganlah mengutamakan kepentingan peribadi."
Rakaman video titah ucapan Tuanku Sultan Johor di-bawah.
Monday, 24 August 2015
Apa lagi yang ditunggu-tunggu ?
Friday, 21 August 2015
Fitnah itu kerja mereka yang tidak diajar ibu bapa - Datuk Hamid Bador

'Ada pihak cuba pujuk saya tutup mulut' - Abdul Hamid Bador
Abdul Hakim Rahman, Astro Awani |

ABDUL HAMID: Terperosoklah saya dalam neraka jahanam selama-lamanya jika saya lakukan dosa besar ini (menfitnah Tun Mahathir).
KUALA LUMPUR: Bekas Timbalan Pengarah Cawangan Khas (SB) Bukit Aman, Datuk Abdul Hamid Bador mengakui ada pihak yang cuba memujuk beliau daripada bercakap mengenai isu sebenar.
"Orang yang sebarkan berita palsu (dalam aplikasi WhatsApp) itu sengaja berbuat demikian untuk buy time (lengahkan masa).
"Ia satu taktik mengalih tumpuan buat sementara untuk beri masa bagi usaha memujuk saya agar tutup mulut dari isu sebenar," katanya kepada Astro AWANI pada Jumaat.
Abdul Hamid berkata demikian susulan khabar angin dalam WhatsApp yang menyatakan beliau akan membuat laporan polis terhadap bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad mengenai kontroversi 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).
"Apa dosa Tun Mahathir kepada saya sehingga tergamak saya hendak memfitnah beliau?
"Terperosoklah saya dalam neraka jahanam selama-lamanya jika saya lakukan dosa besar ini.
"Orang yang sebarkan berita palsu (dalam aplikasi WhatsApp) itu sengaja berbuat demikian untuk buy time (lengahkan masa).
"Ia satu taktik mengalih tumpuan buat sementara untuk beri masa bagi usaha memujuk saya agar tutup mulut dari isu sebenar," katanya kepada Astro AWANI pada Jumaat.
Abdul Hamid berkata demikian susulan khabar angin dalam WhatsApp yang menyatakan beliau akan membuat laporan polis terhadap bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad mengenai kontroversi 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).
"Apa dosa Tun Mahathir kepada saya sehingga tergamak saya hendak memfitnah beliau?
"Terperosoklah saya dalam neraka jahanam selama-lamanya jika saya lakukan dosa besar ini.
"Menangis roh ibu bapa saya dalam kubur," katanya lagi sambil menyifatkan pihak yang menyebarkan berita palsu tersebut mungkin tidak mempunyai ibu bapa kerana tidak diajar menjadi insan yang jujur. - ASTRO AWANI
Berita sebelum ini -
Cut me into pieces but I will never defame Dr M
Thursday, 20 August 2015
With love from Pontian - Johor Darul Ta'zim
Ikuti ucapan penuh Ketua Bahagian Umno Pontian Datuk Hasni Mohamad dan ucapan Timbalan Presiden Umno Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin ketika majlis perasmian mesyuarat Umno Bahagian Pontian baru-baru ini.
Dengar baik-baik, ini mesej kepada mereka yang masih belum berpijak dibumi yang nyata.
Dengar baik-baik, ini mesej kepada mereka yang masih belum berpijak dibumi yang nyata.
Cut me into pieces but I will never defame Dr M
Cut me into pieces but I will never defame Dr M, says former senior cop

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 20 — Former deputy director of the Special Branch (SB) Datuk Abdul Hamid Bador denied tonight that he is to file a report against Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad tomorrow over the former leader’s attacks against Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in the latest rumours following the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) controversy.
“Even if I am cut in 12 pieces, I will never defame the servant of Allah who has contributed so much to the country,” Abdul Halim told Malay Mail Online when contacted for confirmation on the rumoured press conference. - Read the EXCLUSIVE report in Malay Mail Online
Maybe this latest news report answers the question as to why the Deputy Director of the Royal Malaysian Police' Special Branch Division, a career police officer of 37 years, was abruptly moved to the Prime Minister's Department.
Earlier posting on this issue - Are the curtains coming down on Najib's 1MDB ?
Good try Mister HR.
This 'media alert' below has now been proven beyond any doubt to be nothing but a big BULLSHIT by those desperate to keep the thieving traitor in power.
Dear media friends, Dato' Abdul Hamid Bador, former Deputy Director of Special Branch will hold a press conference on 21st Aug at Bukit Aman after Friday prayers to explain Tun Mahathir involvements in the doctoring and fabrication of 1MDB documents to attack and topple the Prime Minister. After that Dato Hamid will lodge a police report with all evidences for Tun Mahathir to be charged under Section 124 Panel Code along with Claire Brown.
P.S. Wait for the real MEDIA ALERT soon. You won't know what hit you then.
“Even if I am cut in 12 pieces, I will never defame the servant of Allah who has contributed so much to the country,” Abdul Halim told Malay Mail Online when contacted for confirmation on the rumoured press conference. - Read the EXCLUSIVE report in Malay Mail Online
Maybe this latest news report answers the question as to why the Deputy Director of the Royal Malaysian Police' Special Branch Division, a career police officer of 37 years, was abruptly moved to the Prime Minister's Department.
Earlier posting on this issue - Are the curtains coming down on Najib's 1MDB ?
Good try Mister HR.
This 'media alert' below has now been proven beyond any doubt to be nothing but a big BULLSHIT by those desperate to keep the thieving traitor in power.
Dear media friends, Dato' Abdul Hamid Bador, former Deputy Director of Special Branch will hold a press conference on 21st Aug at Bukit Aman after Friday prayers to explain Tun Mahathir involvements in the doctoring and fabrication of 1MDB documents to attack and topple the Prime Minister. After that Dato Hamid will lodge a police report with all evidences for Tun Mahathir to be charged under Section 124 Panel Code along with Claire Brown.
P.S. Wait for the real MEDIA ALERT soon. You won't know what hit you then.
Mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi Umno di-tangguh lagiiiii
Dikemaskini 2100hrs - Laporan media mengatakan Mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi Umno akan diadakan pada 9hb September, 2015... jika tidak ditangguh lagi. Sekian Terima Kasih.

P.S. Sejak bila mesyuarat MT Umno kena tunggu Bahagian Umno selesai mesyuarat dulu? #sajatanya
Are the curtains coming down on Najib's 1MDB ?
UPDATED! IGP: Former Special Branch deputy requested leave to rest, not ordered - MalayMailOnline
LATEST: Dear media friends, former SB dep director Datuk Hamid will give a pc later today. Venue and time to be confirmed. Pc would be on 1MDB and expose of other misconducts in the administration. Stay tuned for updates. - (WhatsApp message)
LATEST: Dear media friends, former SB dep director Datuk Hamid will give a pc later today. Venue and time to be confirmed. Pc would be on 1MDB and expose of other misconducts in the administration. Stay tuned for updates. - (WhatsApp message)
Earlier Malay Mail report below -
Senior Special Branch officer gets sudden transfer to PM’s Dept, told to go on long leave
A special ceremony was conducted behind closed doors in Bukit Aman earlier today, which saw Abdul Hamid passing on the baton as deputy director of the police intelligence agency to an assistant, Datuk Mohd Haniff Hanudin. — Picture by Yap Tzu Ging
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 19 — In another abrupt change within government agencies, Datuk Abdul Hamid Bador was today transferred out of the Special Branch (SB) and into the Prime Minister’s Department where he will head a new security division reporting directly to Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
A special ceremony was conducted behind closed doors in Bukit Aman earlier today, which saw Abdul Hamid passing on the baton as deputy director of the police intelligence agency to an assistant, Datuk Mohd Haniff Hanudin who was heading a unit called E4 that deals with the political extremist threat.
Abdul Hamid confirmed the transfer when contacted, but said he was in the dark on the reasons for his abrupt work shift.
“No… they just told me to go to JPM, so I go to JPM lah,” he told Malay Mail Onlinewhen contacted, using the Malay abbreviation for the Prime Minister’s Department.
“No reason given and I just received the letter yesterday… earlier today, there was a ceremony to hand over my duty.”
He added that he would take up his new duties at the Prime Minister’s Department on September 2, as he was currently on leave from work.
Malay Mail Online understands Abdul Hamid was ordered to go on “long leave” before assuming new duties as the head of a new security and transnational crime division under Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak.
Contacted today, Bukit Aman confirmed Abdul Hamid’s transfer and that the latter is on leave but denied knowledge on his next posting.
Abdul Hamid’s promotion is the latest change to take place within the SB following last month’s shock Cabinet reshuffle, which saw Datuk Seri Mohamad Fuzi Harun replacing Datuk Seri Akhil Bulat as SB director. - MalayMailOnline
There has been some desperate attempts to sabotage the Special Branch Deputy Director's intended Press Conference (as notified via the WhatsApp message above) by individuals known to be Najib Razak's 'operators' and their lackeys in the media circle. As desperate situations demand desperate measures the identity of the said individuals could be exposed if the situation warrants.
Below is the fake message being spread by the said individuals. Its FAKE.
THIS MESSAGE IS A FAKE! - "Dear media friends, Dato' Abdul Hamid Bador, former Deputy Director of Special Branch will hold a press conference on 21st Aug at Bukit Aman after Friday prayers to explain Tun Mahathir involvements in the doctoring and fabrication of 1MDB documents to attack and topple the Prime Minister. After that Dato Hamid will lodge a police report with all evidences for Tun Mahathir to be charged under Section 124 Panel Code along with Claire Brown".
The original message (also unverified) is as at the top of this page.
P.S. Please be on the lookout for more desperate attempts by the traitors. Verify all messages and provocative propaganda.
Jho Low is on the run - SARAWAK REPORT
Global Financier Relocates.....
18 Aug 2015Sarawak Report has now reliably established that the global financier, self-styled philanthropist and international party lover, Malaysia’s Taek Jho Low, has relocated to Taiwan.
The news is likely to provoke considerable dismay amongst the Crystal-drinking Las Vegas nightclub set and trendy Hollywood pals like Leonardo di Caprio.
However, those in the know confirm he has become rooted in the island state and appears to have jettisoned his previous Hong Kong base and hyper-active travel schedules for several weeks.
We also understand that Mr Low’s motivation for curtailing his formerly febrile jet-setting habits and sticking unflinchingly to terra firma these days in Taipei, owes to the republic’s reputation as an extradition blackspot.
US Citizen – two passports!
Paying for the party – Jho Low relies on magnums of Crystal..
In particular, Taiwan is untouched by the jurisdiction of the United States, with which it has not had diplomatic relations since 1979.
This is significant, because Sarawak Report can now definitively reveal that Jho Low has not just one American passport, but two.
The numbers of these passports are A10690483 and A19877008. Neither of course are legal for a Malaysian to possess, owing to the country’s strict citizen laws.
Under US law Jho Low can possess two passports. However, as he is now an American citizen he is also subject to American laws, particularly with respect to money laundering proceeds of corruption through the US financial system.
Wanted – sort of….
Several bodies of investigators from different jurisdictions have recently started to indicate that they would be extremely pleased to talk with Mr Low, as they believe he could help them with their enquiries with respect to a number of lines of investigation into the missing millions from Malaysia’s development fund 1MDB.Jho Low was the link man for the initial 1MDB PetroSaudi joint venture, for example, which was something he initially sought to adamantly deny.
He was also the link man with Abu Dhabi fund Aabar with which he conducted a number of private deals at the same time that Aabar was doing very well indeed out of its entirely passive role as an advertised parter of 1MDB on several of its big investments.
The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission has signalled its interest in speaking to Mr Low on these matters, as has the Parliamentary Accounts Committee (presently suspended owing to the actions of the Prime Minister).
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Safe in Malaysia? |
On the other hand, of course, Malaysia’s Inspector General of Police has yet to do anything so uncouth as to rush into court and execute an arrest warrant for Mr Low, let alone attempt to place him on Interpol’s Red Alert list for people wanted for enormous crimes, such as the stealing of billions of dollars of public money.
Malaysia’s IGP has restricted such actions merely to outfits like Sarawak Report, who provided the initial details into the missing money and sparked all these pesky investigations, which he and Najib are now doing their best to close down.
In fact, after the recent clamp downs by Najib and the new concept being promoted by his new ministers that the PM and his friends should be considered to be above the law, might not Malaysia turn out to be Jho Low’s safest haven?
Apparently not, in Jho Low’s estimation.
It is understood that the Penang born multi-billionaire feels nervous that the rest of the population might feel less charitable towards him as the evidence of their missing billions escalates, taxes rise and the ringgit plummets. He seems settled in Taipei.
Off-shore accounts
Of particular concern to Jho Low will be the fate of his off-shore money and foreign accounts.![]() |
Brushstroke by Roy Lichtenstein…. worth around a million bucks |
The relevant authorities have reported that they believe that the contents of these accounts may represent the proceeds of corruption.
It will plainly be extremely sad and dull for the jet-setting Mr Low to have to clip his wings like this and remain doggedly in Taiwan for the coming future. However, despite such potential financial woes, he appears to have continued spending for his friends and foundations over the past months of scrutiny.
At San Tropez last month his money still flowed sufficiently from afar to supply a fabulously expensive Lichtenstein sculpture for a fancy eco-charity auction run by his fellow philanthropist cum hard party buddy Leonardo Di Caprio.
“Leonardo Dicaprio’s Foundation Gala raised USD40mil that will go towards protecting biodiversity, ocean and forest conservation and mitigating climate change” explained the publicity (too bad about the Borneo Jungle).Low has also been pouring money into the UN, which has stood by its right to accept millions from this generous funder of its programmes for training journalists:
” The recently announced partnership with the Jynwel Foundation will help the UN Foundation contribute to what has been called “the biggest communications challenge and opportunity of our generation” – the urgent need to create an environment that will help the world achieve success on the most ambitious anti-poverty agenda in history. The new “global goals” – often referred to as the Sustainable Development Goals — will be the most comprehensive plan in history to fight poverty and create prosperity while protecting the planet. With the support of the Jynwel Foundation and other partners, the UN Foundation will be able to encourage a global discussion around the goals through increased level of media reporting, capacity building and training for journalists” [UN Foundation Spokesman statement to Sarawak Report]It is ironic that the journalists whom Jho Low’s money will help to train would get short shrift in his native Malaysia, should they dare to tackle such matters as corruption in high places.
It is also of growing concern that this money for “tackling poverty” via the UN’s media programme is currently being investigated in relation to a massive plunder from Malaysia’s own development fund. We have tried warning the UN and indeed other recipients of Jho Low’s largesse, but they have not been listening have they! - SARAWAK REPORT
This latest report is certainly a positive development for Malaysia and our Malaysian authorities who have been hunting high and low for Jho Low.
Certainly the details provided by SarawakReport could shed greater light into the whereabouts of one of top three guys on Malaysia's current WANTED list pertaining to the ongoing investigation into the multibillion ringgit 1MDB related scandals.
The other two WANTED individuals are Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil (centre) and Datuk Suboh Mohd Yassin.
All three are required to assist in providing information on the transfer of funds from a former 1MDB subsidiary – SRC International Sdn Bhd – which is now a unit directly under the Finance Ministry.
(SRC had borrowed RM4 billion from the the public retirement fund Kumpulan Wang Persaraan (KWAP) in 2011.)Suboh and Nik Faizal are shareholders of Gandingan Mentari Sdn Bhd, one of the two companies used as a conduit to transfer accounts from SRC to a private bank account in AmBank.- TheSun
Since the MACC have resumed their investigations, after a minor hiccup following a now suspended police investigations and another revoked transfer order on investigators, the graft busters could now make the necessary legal preparations to extradite Jho Low or dispatch MACC officers to Taiwan to interrogate him.
By the way, don't we already know where the other two fugitives are?
It must be emphasised here that there is a need to update the Malaysian public on this particular case on a regular basis due to the sheer size of public funds involved in the scandal plus the fact that there has been obvious attempts to scuttle this investigations.
To recap SRC International took a massive RM4 billion loan from Retirement Fund Incorporated or Kumpulan Wang Persaraan (KWAP) and the loan is guaranteed by the Government of Malaysia. So this is not merely a matter confined to your kitchen cabinet.
Public perception is that there have been repeated attempts to sabotage investigations into SRC because Prime Minister Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak is directly implicated in the case. Nik Faisal's link to Najib and his role in the scandal cannot possibly be covered even with the biggest of the big leaves.
The suspicious removal of previous Attorney General Tan Sri Gani Patail who was heading a Task Force investigating SRC International and the subsequent disbanding of the Task Force itself have only lend credence to the notion that there is indeed a conspiracy to protect those involved in this financial scandal.
Malaysians, and I'm sure the international community too, are watching this 1MDB scandal and all other related cases very closely.
The interest in this case is much greater now after news broke out of the RM2.6billion anonymous donation received by Najib Razak. Pundits are predicting that the Malaysian Prime Minister could be making his way into the Guiness Book of World Records under the 'largest donation receipient' category.
1MDB/PetroSaudi/SRC is certainly not a curi ayam case in some remote village in the interiors of Pekan where you could pay a few dollars more to settle a minor crime.
Naturally those involved in any crime would be very worried, especially now since even the Americans have started their probe into suspected money laundering. The Monetary Authority of Singapore and the Singapore Police are also into similar investigations, I was told.
Truth shall prevail. It's just a matter of time.
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Yang Remeh Temeh - PAK PANDIR
Ada telinga dengar
Ada mulut diam
Ada tangan garu
Ada kaki goyang
Ada otak pandai
Ada akal pakai
Ada bijak gadai
Ada mata pejam
Ada mulut kunyah
Yang remeh dan yang temeh
Berlegar di sekelilingmu
Yang remeh dan yang temeh
Berlegar di sekelilingmu
Buatlah tak tahu
Buatlah tak tahu
Rela jadi tunggul
Rela jadi patung
Tunggu dilelong
Suruh angguk-angguk
Suruh geleng-geleng
Oh puji lah aku
Ampu lah aku
Senang hidupmu
Ada tangan tadah
Ada maruah campak
Yang remeh dan yang temeh
Berlegar di sekelilingmu
Yang remeh dan yang temeh
Berlegar di sekelilingmu
Biarkan berlaku
Biarkan berlaku
- lirik dari LIRIKAMI
NEGARAKU - Siapa lagi bersama rakyat ?
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Tak takut Tuhan? |
PAS deputy president Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said today PAS will support a no-confidence vote against Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, as mentioned by the party's elections director Datuk Mustafa Ali.
"If there is a no-confidence vote moved against the prime minister, PAS will join in as the actions by 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) and answers on the RM2.6 billion donation clearly cannot be accepted by the people," he said. - Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man
Sebelum ini Tuan Ibrahim pernah membuat kenyataan bahawa skandal 1MDB serta permasalahan lain yang melanda Malaysia sebenarnya telah membuka ruang yang lebih luas untuk parti-parti pembangkang. Beliau berkata kini waktu terbaik bagi pembangkang untuk mengenepikan permasalahan mereka dan duduk semeja untuk mencatur kaedah untuk menyelamatkan negara.
Kenyataan beliau dua minggu yang lalu itu mungkin hanya dinilai dari sudut politik kerana Tuan Ibrahim juga menyentuh tentang perlunya keseluruhan pentadbiran ditukar, bukan hanya setakat menyingkiran Perdana Menteri yang telah menyebabkan pelbagai masalah kepada negara dan rakyat.
Namun kenyataan terbaru Tuan Ibrahim mungkin boleh ditafsir dalam konteks yang lebih luas, kerana kenyataan ini datangnya selepas 'komplot' Ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional sendiri menyokong undi tidak percaya terhadap Perdana Menteri heboh. (Komplot dihebohkan oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri)
Oleh itu, dari satu sudut Tuan Ibrahim boleh dilihat menzahirkan pendirian jelas PAS mengenepikan politik kepartian buat seketika untuk berdiri bersama rakyat.
Pas mungkin telah sedar akan denyut nadi sebenar sebahagian besar rakyat Malaysia dari pelbagai lapisan masyarakat tanpa mengira agama, bangsa, darjat atau pegangan politik. Ajaran agama serta nilai-nilai murni kehidupan mengatasi segalanya.
Pas atau mana-mana parti politik atau perkumpulan lain tidak lagi mempunyai pilihan selain melangkah keluar dari kepompong politik demi menyelamatkan negara.
Ini bukan lagi politik. Ini gerakan aman rakyat Malaysia, mengikut lunas undang-undang serta perlembagaan, untuk menyelamatkan negara.
Siapa lagi yang sebenarnya bersama rakyat untuk negara?
Harus diambil maklum juga bahawa ada sebilangan ahli politik pembangkang serta penyokong yang berpendapat bahawa krisis kepimpinan masakini harus dibiarkan berlarutan agar parti pemerintah lumpuh sepenuhnya menjelang pilihanraya akan datang. Mereka ini nyata meletakkan kepentingan parti mengatasi segalanya tanpa mempedulikan akibatnya kepada negara dan rakyat?
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
MALAYSIA - Conspiracy of a thickhead and his jesters
It was a mega conspiracy which briefly became an old man's plot before re-emerging as a conspiracy again. It is touted as actions detrimental to parliamentary democracy.
Initially the tale was presented with much awe, with the alleged involvement of retired top notch politicians, foreign nationals, a media magnate and his entire stable of media outfits and even a former Prime Minister's aide. The infamous and totally untrustworthy fugitive blogger who has now transformed into Najib Razak's greatest lover was among the first to spin the tale.
Xavier Justo, who never tampered or falsified any 1MDB-PetroSaudi documents or the fugitive blogger's outrageous Statutory Declaration, was also thrown into the plot. When Justo was arrested in Thailand for some other crime, the jesters went into overdrive trying to humour the thickhead. The thickhead thought he had successfully covered his tracks and fooled the people.
As the thickhead is such he couldn't understand why the people refused to believe a single word that he and his jesters were saying, while fresh evidence and expose of the thickhead's numerous crimes against the nation continued.
In recent weeks the conspiracy to topple the government via actions detrimental to parliamentary democracy by utilising Justo's tempered/fabricated/falsified documents on 1MDB-PetroSaudi scandal has all but died. Justo's sentencing to a three-year jail by a Thai Court for blackmailing his employer must have nailed it tight. Justo seems to be a forgotten part of the play now.
Suddenly we have another conspiracy or a plot to topple the government through the back door, or so say a few jesters who could soon be promoted as junior thickheads for their ability to outperform even the best of clown from the Three Stooges.
Initially it was an old man. A retired, old but influential politician. Then it was the old man, a lawyer, a yellow A4 paper and about 20 other Members of Parliament from the coalition which the lame-duck Prime Minister leads. We still don't know who the old man is but MPs openly accused as being part of the conspiracy by another jester of an anonymous blogger has drawn multiple police reports. Watch closely how the police, particularly the Inspector General of Police, treats these reports compared to the fresh reports alleging another round of 'actions detrimental to parliamentary democracy'.
This latest conspiracy tale is nothing but another attempt to hoodwink the people. Everybody knows it and a few have come forward to educate certain politician/ministers.
The action of Members of Parliament getting together in private to deliberate on the state of affairs of the nation is not a crime. It is certainly not a conspiracy or a plot. It is the right thing to do and it is provided for under the law.
If more than half of the 222 elected representatives of the people from throughout the nation who have been allowed to sit in Dewan Rakyat as Members of Parliament decide that Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak is unfit to lead the Government then the Prime Minister must step down. That is the law, it is NOT A CRIME.
Lately shouts of 'over our dead body' by a minister reverberated threatening those who dared to break ranks to bring down a government via the backdoor. Please confine such threats within the party for party members. It may be an offence within the party, Umno/BN, to break ranks but do take note that desperate times requires desperate measures.
If you ask me 'Are we in a desperate situation now? I might slap you or get someone to recruit you as the thickhead's jester because you must be an undisputed idiot.
MCA vice-president Gan Ping Sieu who is also a former Deputy Minister explains the provisions in a simple way in his Facebook.
So, attempting to remove a Prime Minister who has - lost the moral legitimacy to lead the Government of the day, could no longer resolve the crisis of confidence that the Government and the Nation are facing is not a crime. It is in fact national service. A service to Malaysia and her people.
Initially the tale was presented with much awe, with the alleged involvement of retired top notch politicians, foreign nationals, a media magnate and his entire stable of media outfits and even a former Prime Minister's aide. The infamous and totally untrustworthy fugitive blogger who has now transformed into Najib Razak's greatest lover was among the first to spin the tale.
Xavier Justo, who never tampered or falsified any 1MDB-PetroSaudi documents or the fugitive blogger's outrageous Statutory Declaration, was also thrown into the plot. When Justo was arrested in Thailand for some other crime, the jesters went into overdrive trying to humour the thickhead. The thickhead thought he had successfully covered his tracks and fooled the people.
As the thickhead is such he couldn't understand why the people refused to believe a single word that he and his jesters were saying, while fresh evidence and expose of the thickhead's numerous crimes against the nation continued.
In recent weeks the conspiracy to topple the government via actions detrimental to parliamentary democracy by utilising Justo's tempered/fabricated/falsified documents on 1MDB-PetroSaudi scandal has all but died. Justo's sentencing to a three-year jail by a Thai Court for blackmailing his employer must have nailed it tight. Justo seems to be a forgotten part of the play now.
Suddenly we have another conspiracy or a plot to topple the government through the back door, or so say a few jesters who could soon be promoted as junior thickheads for their ability to outperform even the best of clown from the Three Stooges.
Initially it was an old man. A retired, old but influential politician. Then it was the old man, a lawyer, a yellow A4 paper and about 20 other Members of Parliament from the coalition which the lame-duck Prime Minister leads. We still don't know who the old man is but MPs openly accused as being part of the conspiracy by another jester of an anonymous blogger has drawn multiple police reports. Watch closely how the police, particularly the Inspector General of Police, treats these reports compared to the fresh reports alleging another round of 'actions detrimental to parliamentary democracy'.
This latest conspiracy tale is nothing but another attempt to hoodwink the people. Everybody knows it and a few have come forward to educate certain politician/ministers.
The action of Members of Parliament getting together in private to deliberate on the state of affairs of the nation is not a crime. It is certainly not a conspiracy or a plot. It is the right thing to do and it is provided for under the law.
If more than half of the 222 elected representatives of the people from throughout the nation who have been allowed to sit in Dewan Rakyat as Members of Parliament decide that Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak is unfit to lead the Government then the Prime Minister must step down. That is the law, it is NOT A CRIME.
Lately shouts of 'over our dead body' by a minister reverberated threatening those who dared to break ranks to bring down a government via the backdoor. Please confine such threats within the party for party members. It may be an offence within the party, Umno/BN, to break ranks but do take note that desperate times requires desperate measures.
If you ask me 'Are we in a desperate situation now? I might slap you or get someone to recruit you as the thickhead's jester because you must be an undisputed idiot.
MCA vice-president Gan Ping Sieu who is also a former Deputy Minister explains the provisions in a simple way in his Facebook.
To be a sitting duck is our choice
Some friends ask me, what are the ways that a sitting Prime Minister can be unseated?
If you believe in the rule of law and the constitutional process, which i no doubt defend, a sitting prime minister can only be "removed" when he loses the confidence of the majority elected members of Parliament.
If you feel, as I do, that despite his earlier efforts as an inclusive and an open liberal minded PM, our PM has
- lost the moral legitimacy to lead the Government of the day,
- could no longer resolve the crisis of confidence that the Government and the Nation are facing, and yet
-- political process doesn't seem to be able to bring about immediate changes ?
Well, please express your honest view to your MP, both in private and public; even organize a petition to ask your MP to take a clear and unequivocal stand whether he or she still think that our PM should continue to serve.
That will be a democratic process one could take. ..or to be a sitting duck and to wait for GE to cast your vote of discontent.
Of course,one is at full liberty and has full political right to defend our PM and accords him the benefit of doubt and express one's confidence in him.
The choice is ours.
Do remember, the mandate of PM and MPs all come from the People.
"The Government is not legitimate,unless it is carried on with the consent of the governed." ....John Locke, 《Two Treatises of Government》
So, attempting to remove a Prime Minister who has - lost the moral legitimacy to lead the Government of the day, could no longer resolve the crisis of confidence that the Government and the Nation are facing is not a crime. It is in fact national service. A service to Malaysia and her people.
If the IGP and others are still hungry try probing deeper into the recent statements and media interviews of Datuk Haji Abdul Rahman Dahlan the Member of Parliament for Kota Belud and Minister in the Federal Cabinet.
Abdul Rahman Dahlan may have exposed the actual CONSPIRACY, plot and a host of definite actions seriously undermining parliamentary democracy in our nation.
The real conspiracy could be the heinous plot to maintain a possible criminal at the helm of the administration, by hook or crook. Abdul Rahman has admitted to such acts, in an open interview with The Star newspaper.
It is obvious now that even the Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Dr Ali Hamsa has lied to justify the recent removal of Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail. By Abdul Rahman Dahlan's admission, Gani was not removed because he was sick. Gani was removed because the Prime Minister was about to be charged for a crime against this nation. This was what Rahman Dahlan said.
Please be reminded that Rahman Dahlan is also the Strategic Communications Director of Barisan Nasional. He said Najib had to 'take people out' after realising that there was a criminal charge being finalised against him.
So, who are the conspirators and what really is the conspiracy?
Who decided that the move to charge Najib was a conspiracy or a plot?
Have the police instituted any action or investigation based on Abdul Rahman Dahlan's admission. Why is the often talkative IGP silent on this revelations?
I'm not a fan of Lim Kit Siang (He has even blocked me on Twitter as in the case of numerous other Opposition politicians after heated exchanges in the past) but I fully agree with the veteran DAP leader's call for Abdul Rahman Dahlan's arrest.
If we are really keen to expose the real conspiracy to rob the nation and fool the people with lies and deception via deliberate abuse of power and position, we can. As Gan Ping Sieu rightly put it, to be a sitting duck is also our choice.
Those of you who are blowing your trumpet threatening everything that moves including Members of Parliaments against the wishes of an overwhelming majority of the 30-odd million Malaysians please take note that you may inadvertently be the biggest promoters of street demonstrations.
If you try to scuttle basic democratic rights of the people, via their elected representatives in this case, as provided for under any Parliamentary Democracy, you will just fuel greater public anger.
Bersih is just around the corner. Don't push those still reluctant Malaysians to the streets. Thank You!
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Stand Up Malaysia! |
abdul rahman dahlan,
attorney general,
barisan nasional,
parliamentary democracy,
prime minister,
Monday, 17 August 2015
More LIES about Malaysian Prime Minister in SARAWAK REPORT's latest article?
Hey Big Spender!
17 Aug 2015
Prime Minister Najib Razak splashed over US$1 million on his credit cards during the month of August in the year following the election, according to information received by Sarawak Report.The spending took place in Europe while he was on a summer holiday.
For most people to run up such a bill on mere expenses while on holiday would seem astounding, but the Prime Minister has always declined to explain how such conspicuous spending has been funded.
The bills were run up on two cards Najib was using in August 2014, a Visa and a MasterCard from CIMB & Maybank.
Over RM2.8 million was spent from the MasterCard and around RM500,000 was splashed on the Visa in just the one month. Sarawak Report has further details.
Where does Malaysia’s ‘First Family’ get all their money?
This is just the latest information about conspicuous spending by Najib and his wife, but it comes after Malaysia was left wondering why he had transferred US$650 million out of the country, from money which he had earlier explained a donation to UMNO.
The Prime Minister and his wife have attracted world-wide scrutiny caused by their ostentatiousness. In the United States news has seeped out of a jaw-dropping bill covering Rosmah’s stay at the Hotel Bel-Air, Beverly Hills, while spending Christmas with her son Riza in 2013.
Her bill for a week’s stay at the Hotel was over US$300,000, reliable sources have informed us.
There have been numerous other reports of eye-catching spending, including the millions spent this year on the couple’s extended wedding celebrations for Rosmah’s daughter and a series of expensive houses purchased for Riza Aziz in the United States.
Last month Sarawak Report detailed how Rosmah’s fabled addiction to buying hugely expensive jewellery is managed through the same businessman who has been identified as the Prime Minister’s proxy at 1MDB, Jho Low.
It would therefore be incumbent on any Prime Minister in a country governed by the rule of law to give an account with regard to the series of unsustainable claims that have recently been made about supposed anonymous and secret ‘donations’ to UMNO in his personal account and missing billions from 1MDB being held in ‘units’ in banks.
Najib Razak has noticeably failed to deny our statement last week that over US$650 million were transferred back from his personal account in KL, supposedly managing the secret ‘donation’ from an anonymous source on behalf of UMNO, to the account in Falcon Bank in Singapore from where US$681 had originally been paid.
Our information is that there was in fact over a billion dollars from various sources in this particular AmPrivate Bank account in KL, belonging to Najib, in the period preceding what has been widely recognised as a bought election.
The US$650 was what remained when he closed the account in August 2013.
The Prime Minister has now after weeks of implied denial admitted the payment into this account of US$681 million, but is remaining silent over our latest information about where the remainder of this and the other sums was transferred.
He has also provided no evidence of a shred of accountability over the expenditure of money that he says he was holding on behalf of the party and “not for personal use”.
Instead, his supporters have started to imply that a Malaysian Prime Minister (unlike for example a US President) should be considered to be above the law in and that any attempt to investigate this matter should be treated as a crime, rather than any crime itself.
The same supporters are now also claiming that the hallowed tradition of a vote of no confidence in a Prime Minister (used as the standard tool in parliaments across the world for getting rid of duds) should also be considered and illegal and unconstitutional device in Malaysia against Najib Razak.
The rest of Malaysia, however, will be forced in the absence of credible explanations to make inevitable deductions regarding the unexplained disappearances of public money and the coincidental but equally unexplained conspicuous spending of the person who was last handling it. - Sarawak Report
I think its high time for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak to take legal action against Sarawak Report for telling lies and reporting absurd stories about him, his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor and Datin Seri's son Reza Aziz.
This time around they are also reporting about Najib's credit card expenses. This is a BIG no. How could Sarawak Report do that? There must be a leakage somewhere. But wait, don't waste time on small flies. Sarawak Report's informers and moles can't sort this out, unless they have been fabricating evidence or tampering documents. Even Xavier Justo has not tampered or fabricated evidence as alleged earlier.
Obtaining a warrant of arrest against Sarawak Report editor and journalist Clare Newcastle Brown that could not be served or executed is also just as good as sending a wish list to Santa Claus.
If whatever that Sarawak Report has reported so far, especially those abuse of power/corruption/money laundering/cheating and treachery allegations are nothing but fabricated lies against Najib and family then the Prime Minister has no choice but to sue Sarawak Report.
Blocking access to Sarawak Report is not a solution. In fact blocking the site has now made it more popular that it is available through so many other platforms and sites (I get my feed through FB, Twitter and smartphone social messaging applications now while previously you had to search for the site on the WWW).
Whoever came up with the idea of blocking access to Sarawak Report, without any justification from MCMC to-date, have certainly not done the Prime Minister a favour (if that was indeed the intention).
Suppose the Prime Minister's lawyers are still busy seeking expert advice/opinions/etc before suing the Wall Street Journal for its reports about the detailed money trail of approximately RM2.6 billion making its way into his personal account, may I also suggest for the learned lawyers to include Sarawak Report in their list of 'those who must be sued' to clear Najib's name.
Remember that this is not just about Najib the son of an illustrious former Prime Minister. It is very much about a serving Prime Minister of Malaysia and his flamboyantly popular wife and her son. How dare Sarawak Report talk about our first lady's handbags.
Sue them all. Najib should sue Tun Dr Mahathir too for saying "Najib has basically stolen the Government."
p.s. Big Spender is NOT spenda besar.
big spender,
claire newcastle brown,
jho low Taek,
master card,
reza aziz,
sarawak report,
SRC International,
tun dr mahathir,
wolf of wallstreet
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