Friday, 3 July 2015
WALL STREET JOURNAL - 1MDB money in Najib's pocket?
Anonymous said...
What goes up must come down. There is a God and He will decide
Friday, July 03, 2015 7:40:00 am
Anonymous said...
Tak masuk syurga kalau solat tapi memfitnah, kata Najib.
Agaknya curi duit rakyat tak berdosa kot??? -
Friday, July 03, 2015 7:42:00 am
- akaz said...
Will fall in disgrace.
Friday, July 03, 2015 7:43:00 am
Petoi Boga said...
Sure WSJ didnt get the info from SR?
Friday, July 03, 2015 9:05:00 am
Anonymous said...
Najib can't be that stupid right? Millions transfered to personal accounts? Cash is king indeed! Apalah bala Malaysia dapat PM corrupt sampai macam gini sekali? Malu orang Malaysia dibuatnya. Yang peliknya dia and wifey muka tak tahu malu pulak. Selamba dek aje ke hulu ke hilir menipu rakyat. Liat betul nak belah!
Friday, July 03, 2015 9:08:00 am
Anonymous said...
Hahaha...laporan tahap sampah ni pun ada yg percaya?!!... mmm....masuk acc peribadi DS Najib di Amislamic Bank?!!hehehe...korang mgkin boleh tuduh DS Najib pengecut tapi takkan lah dia sebodoh tu nk masuk ke acc peribadi!! Hahaha...mmg sah kena kencing buta2 dgn 'mat saleh '!!
Anakjati_sgway -
Friday, July 03, 2015 10:01:00 am
Anonymous said...
1. I do now believe mahathir has a lot more damaging information on 1MDB
2. I perfectly understand now as to why mahathir has been so vocal in asking najib to step down
3. I also believe mahathir has "the information" on who murdered altantuya....
4. Just like in the case of 1MDB, it was the WSJ who had leaked the damnest evidence on najib followed by SR.
5. So I expect the australians would reveal on altantuya's case.
Friday, July 03, 2015 10:25:00 am
Anonymous said...
The whole world may know everything BUT I have Nothing2Hide!
Cocky Lim ask me to say like that lor should anyone ask me for details, hehehehe ... my legacy very important leh. -
Friday, July 03, 2015 10:31:00 am
- Unknown said...
WSJ memang senang mahu memfitnah PM Najib. Sama juga dengan Tony Puaka.
Tak habis-habis selagi mereka lihat PM Najib jatuh.
Yang menjadi mangsa selalu Orang yang berhati jujur.
Persepsi "FITNAH DAHULU SEBELUM DI SIASAT". Jikalau benar atau tidak, WSJ mesti dihukum berat kerana memfitnah menjatuhkan PM Najib. -
Friday, July 03, 2015 10:53:00 am
Anonymous said...
Ohh baru faham itu pasal Najib selalu tukar bank ke bank lain, nak hilangkan trace, tapi ini zaman IT, macam mana nak tutup bangkai gajah?
Mungkin ini yg Tun ada solid proof kot?
Kalau Najib Resign dari awal, tak lah terjadi kecoh, skandal, bala dan malapetaka menimpa nimpa terhadap Malaysia.
Resign gracefully aje lah, chai ahjibgor tak pasal2 dapat dosa, macam mana nak minta maaf? tuduh orang yg tak sokong Najib fitnah? penangkapan Xavier Justo umpama meraikan Hari Raya.tapi mereka lupa Xavier Justo juga ada original 1mdb email & doc. transaction selain dari yg tampered tu. lagi sekali macam mana nak tutup bangkai Gajah?
Permintaan Rakyat sekarang adalah,
Najib Resign gracefully aje lah, Tengok Pak Lah x der siapa yg kacau dia lagi, heran juga kenapa Najib tak mahu resign? takde sekumit dosa pun kah? tak ada pengganti yg berkelayakan? Hebat sangatkah Najib ni macam Tun? What have Najib Contribute terhadap Alif Ba dan Ta?
Cer citer chai ahjibgor..... -
Friday, July 03, 2015 11:24:00 am
Anonymous said...
Sudah2 lah mamak kitol, dulu Melaka kau runtuhkan. Sekarang.......
Friday, July 03, 2015 11:26:00 am
Anonymous said...
Mak Bedah oh Mak Bedah,
Boleh sarankan PM untuk saman malu WSJ?
Kenapa senyap je?
Krikkk Krikkk Krikkk
Friday, July 03, 2015 11:39:00 am
Anonymous said...
On point no.3, i believe it too...
Have any1 noticed how Mahfuz (pas) has been backing Tun? He was the 1 with Tun in Australia! -
Friday, July 03, 2015 12:55:00 pm
Anonymous said...
So saman lah WSJ ngan SR...nape sampai arini x reti2 nak saman? Org lain blh plak kena saman awal2....
Apa kena mengenanya business entity g masukkan duit berjuta2 ke dalam personal account? Jual apa barang? Pee em boleh wat bisnes sambil jdi pee em ke? Kalau wat bisnes juta2 tak kena cukai ke? Boleh ke dorang ni lari cukai? Dan banyak betul soalan lagi yg blh ditanya.... -
Friday, July 03, 2015 1:03:00 pm
Anonymous said...
@ Mak Bedah
"Persepsi "FITNAH DAHULU SEBELUM DI SIASAT". Jikalau benar atau tidak, WSJ mesti dihukum berat kerana memfitnah menjatuhkan PM Najib."
Hukumlah dorang, yop. SR dah tunggu 8 bulan dah....Sunday Times...WSJ...????
Cuma Harakah aje si Bacul tu berani saman ke? -
Friday, July 03, 2015 1:22:00 pm
- Unknown said...
Eh2 bodoh gila bangang ni Melaka runtuh sebab ada pengkhianat macan Ah jib gor sedang Khianat bangsa sendiri dasar barua...
Friday, July 03, 2015 1:49:00 pm
Anonymous said...
Bro., Ah Jib dah melepasi had - dia dah tak boleh resign gracefully. Penjenayah tahap ini hanya boleh diturunkan dengan hukuman makhamah.
Friday, July 03, 2015 2:21:00 pm
Anonymous said...
You can be stupid and inconvenience none but yourself, but this Bahlol is bringing down the whole nation for his own sake.
Friday, July 03, 2015 2:25:00 pm
Anonymous said...
The yarn masters are out in number attributing the damning report to SR. in no way are they crediting WSJ. watch tv3 tonight they will harp on about SR only. I hope that ugly man in black cock sayap earns his pay. This is no easy task. Trying to cover up for a retard is never is
Friday, July 03, 2015 2:30:00 pm
Anonymous said...
Do we have to repeat this all the time? We write what we wish to write and not what you demand us to write.
You dont agree you dont have to be angry but just state you issues. My issue is the story makes no sense. Reading we have done but too many facts and posers questionable. You disagree you tell us why.
We are deleting comments with no contents and just personal attack n sweeping remarks serve to discredit us in our own blog.
din's knickers in a twist. Those deleted post mentioned about WSJ being the source. Lo and behold what happens -
Friday, July 03, 2015 2:35:00 pm
Anonymous said...
- is very weird to have millions transferred to a personal account for biz purposes?
2nd...what kinda biz the pee em doin to get paid that much?
3rd...if it is just normal biz why are there at least 3 layers of transfers before ending up in his acc? Why cant the transfer done directly from the buyer to the seller acc?
4th...if it was just local biz, why was there a need to do all these out of Malaysia? Why were there involvement of international bankers?
5th...if its done locally, how much tax these people ought to pay? Why the tax evasion? Is it a legal biz?
There are so many more questions to be asked... -
Friday, July 03, 2015 2:42:00 pm
Anonymous said...
1MDB rush to deny involvement. SR mentioned about the money transferred via banks controlled by Aabar or IPIC. Yes 1MDB has no direct link but SR clearly stated which account number the money deposited to plus name of the bank. Just give consent to bank to publish bank statement and show it to public la.
Why Pm did not use simple approach to deny allegations? Show original documents to proof that documents disposed by SR tempered. Ask bank to print the bank statement and publish. susah sangat ke?
Friday, July 03, 2015 2:52:00 pm
Anonymous said...
najib bukan saja pengecut tapi dia juga bodoh mcm najib ni will always do all the stupid things...dan org yg sokong sibangang najib ni pun sama bodoh macam dia jugak!
pak sadeng jengka -
Friday, July 03, 2015 3:04:00 pm
Anonymous said...
1MDB denies allegations made by MI, TWSJ and SR. Setakat deny je buat apa. Kalau berani saman la..
Friday, July 03, 2015 3:31:00 pm
Anonymous said...
Bukan lah, the kutties...
Friday, July 03, 2015 4:31:00 pm
Anonymous said...
Just as they thought they have successfully destroyed SR's credibility with the arrest of Justo, SR turns the table around with this cut throat revealations.
Friday, July 03, 2015 4:58:00 pm
Anonymous said...
Siap dengan no. akaun bank, nama bank complete dengan cawangan mana. To put salts to injury, details of when, where, who and how of the transactions also disclosed. There's a lot of names being thrown around and implicated.
If this all were made up, then those guys should drag SR to court for defamation. -
Friday, July 03, 2015 5:08:00 pm
Anonymous said...
Ini logic MACAI Anwar, selalu di canang, mcmana siful yg muda dan kuat tak boleh lawan Anwar yg tua tu? Maka byrlah macam yg makan logic ni.
Friday, July 03, 2015 5:32:00 pm
- Unknown said...
Saman jgn tak saman. Kalau benar apa nak takut. Masalah nya cuba cakap dan cerita betul2 pada rakyat. Kan dah susah.....takkan tak perasan....lepas satu...satu. Ada je isu panas...Abis tu bila masa nak buat kerja ? Cukup guna advisor je ? Ni masalah negara.....bukan hal remeh beb !
Apa pun Allah Maha Mengetahui.....tu PASTI.
Berani sbb benar....takut sbb salah. -
Friday, July 03, 2015 8:14:00 pm
Anonymous said...
I believe SR has more high class info. They just plan to release it bit by bit..till they fully reveal the truth. But it depends on how the accused react. For now..they only can deny without who is gonna believe them?
Friday, July 03, 2015 8:19:00 pm
Anonymous said...
Anon 10:01 betul kata hang dia x sebodoh tu KALAU benda tu di transfer direct ke dlm akaun dia....
TAPI ada 3 layer sykt yg diguna pakai sebelum msk ke akaun dia...itu maknanya dia hampir bijak!!! Utk jadi lebih bijak dia sepatutnya guna lebih byk sykt supaya penyiasat 'give up'...
SECARA logik otak perompak, dgn adanya berlapis2 layer macam ni mmg sangat susah nak trace....samalah kalau org guna anonymous IP address utk msk ke laman2 web terlarang. Cuba bayangkan pihak penyiasat kena cek 1 persatu akaun sykt2 tu utk pastikan mana dpt duit tu dan kemana perginya....
WSJ plak dgn statusnya yg tinggi pasti akan berpuluh kali cek bukti mereka pasal ni boleh melibatkan permusuhan negara...apalagi bila negara kita tgh sibuk nak join tppa dan nak jdi pengimbang kuasa negara besar asia!! -
Saturday, July 04, 2015 1:59:00 am
Anonymous said...
Penyokong Jibby kata dia takkan bodoh mana masuk duit akaun mrk tak tau yg Money launderer takkan masuukan duit dlm poket dia terus menerus..mrk boleh export duit dan kmdn import balik melalui beberapa transaksi sebelum masuk balik akaun persendiriannya.. Inilah taktik money launderer
Jibby pulak langsung tak buat kenyataan direct ..adakah mmg betul akaun2 dan tarikh2 serta amaun tersebut tak wujud? Sebaliknya dia konar baring ckp pasal TDM pulak ..proxy ke apa..tu fintah dah tu klu dia sendiri tak da bukti
yg pasal YR1M pun tak ada jawapan direct akan dakwaan WSJ. Adakah dakwaan itu benar..adakah duit YR1M mmg dia x guna spt yg didakwa WSJ.. bukan hanya cukup dgn Jibby kena tunjuk penyata atau benarkan audit forensik YR1M kalau dia mmg tak buat apa apa kesalahan. apa takut ke? Akaun YR1M tu pun bukan akauan persendirian dia..tapi dia dok beating about the bush..its simply a pathetic wayang from him
Saturday, July 04, 2015 10:43:00 pm