Tindakan yg telah d jangka....cuma apa pula dari TSMY selepas ini.Peringkat cacamerba sedang dlm proses.....bagaimanapun terima kasih buat bekas TPM yg selama ini berkhidmat utk negara kita.
This is all part of TSM's plan. Let's start the ball rolling TS!. Get it out in the open and kickdefella out altogether. No more behind the shades. Johor UMNO, let's unite behind TSM
I cannot believe that the Boogeese Warrior can be this stupid. He must have moron for his consultant. Dia tak pernah dengar pribahasa Mat salleh ni ke - 'Keep your friend close, your enemy closer'.....This is the biggest tactical error ever made by the Boogeese Warrior. TSMY is now out of the government, there is nothing holding him back. It will be open war soon with each one opening up the other skeleton in the cupboard. Boogeese Warrior with the 1MDB issue while TSMY with the Education related issue still pending. All in all 1MDB is rated on the higher scale - RM48 billion is no small matter - it can make or break a country!!!!!
Najib can't expel MY from being UMNO deputy president because the latter is elected by UMNO members. On the other hand Najib has every right to expel MY from being the DPM. Whether the decision is right or not will remain to be seen.
Kepada ketua-ketua yang hadir dimajlis perasmian TSMY diCheras pada tempohhari, yang bertepuk memberi sokongan kepada beliau, eloklah mereka menjelaskan pendirian mereka sekarang.
1. Sejarah Malaysia dikait rapat dengan UMNO, Parti Kebangsaan Melayu
Bersatu. Parti UMNO pula dikenali dengan pemimpinnya. 2. Demikian di
peringkat permul...
Reasoning about being a nerd
After going through the rites of passage into corporate adult-hood through
a school, one question that people may ask is why does it seem that those
who ma...
Sebagaimana yang telah dimaklumkan,
bermula hari ini iaitu 1 Mac 2019, blog ini
telah berpindah sepenuhnya ke alamat
baru - shahbudindotcom.net.
Larangan Merokok Di Premis Awam Wajar Disokong
1. Biru muka perokok tegar apabila kerajaan melalui Kementerian Kesihatan
Malaysia mewartakan bermula Januari 2019 maka larangan merokok di tempat
awam t...
Assalammualaikum, teman-teman, pembaca dan followers saya dalam blog ini
yang sangat saya hormati. Saya ingim memaklumkan bahawa blog
Dr. Mahathir dan kebodohan media umno
Mengapa serangan media umno terhadap Tun Dr. Mahathir ibarat menikam umno
sendiri? Dengarkan rumusan oleh Bekas Pengarah Pusat Kajian Demokrasi dan
(For English, Read Below)
*Assalamualaikum Warrahmatallahi Wabarakatu*
1. Dengan penuh rasa tanggungjawab dan azam yang kuat...
Tindakan yg telah d jangka....cuma apa pula dari TSMY selepas ini.Peringkat cacamerba sedang dlm proses.....bagaimanapun terima kasih buat bekas TPM yg selama ini berkhidmat utk negara kita.
Lepas ni naji and the gang plak...bkan stkt berenti....silap2 ke dlm....
This is all part of TSM's plan. Let's start the ball rolling TS!. Get it out in the open and kickdefella out altogether. No more behind the shades.
Johor UMNO, let's unite behind TSM
Will Najib expel TSMY as the UMNO Deputy President too? Let's wait Friday !
Liang lahat untuk UMNo dikebumikan pada PRU14 telah siap disediakan.
Thank you TSMY, long road ahead.
I cannot believe that the Boogeese Warrior can be this stupid. He must have moron for his consultant. Dia tak pernah dengar pribahasa Mat salleh ni ke - 'Keep your friend close, your enemy closer'.....This is the biggest tactical error ever made by the Boogeese Warrior. TSMY is now out of the government, there is nothing holding him back. It will be open war soon with each one opening up the other skeleton in the cupboard. Boogeese Warrior with the 1MDB issue while TSMY with the Education related issue still pending. All in all 1MDB is rated on the higher scale - RM48 billion is no small matter - it can make or break a country!!!!!
Najib can't expel MY from being UMNO deputy president because the latter is elected by UMNO members.
On the other hand Najib has every right to expel MY from being the DPM. Whether the decision is right or not will remain to be seen.
Najib would just laugh out loud and say....'all my enemies will shut their mouth completely when I showed them the money !!!' 'money is king!!!'
Najib is NOT acting true to his nature. It is becoming more obvious by the minute that he is the puppet on a string.
Question is - who is the puppet master?
Kepada ketua-ketua yang hadir dimajlis perasmian TSMY diCheras pada tempohhari, yang bertepuk memberi sokongan kepada beliau, eloklah mereka menjelaskan pendirian mereka sekarang.
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