Must be the first time in modern history that a multi-agency task force led by none other than the Attorney General himself has started an extensive probe into some 'wild allegations'.
We shall place our full confidence and trust in the task force and on the shoulders of the no-nonsense Attorney General Tan Sri Gani Patail.
While the AG and his task force are conducting their extensive probe that includes poking their nose deep into those personal accounts in local banks, the Malaysian currency is taking a bad hit.
Ringgit has hit a 16-year low against the US Dollar followings news of Najib's 'wild allegations' making world headlines.
News Alerts today read :-
- 'Malaysian Ringgit hit a 16-year low on Monday as political tensions mounted over a report that linked Prime Minister Najib Razak to probes into alleged corruption involving state fund 1MDB'
- The Ringgit fell to as low as 3.8070 per US dollar, its weakest since May 1999. Two of Malaysia's main Opposition parties on Sunday demanded an emergency sitting of Parliament to discuss Mr Najib's future - Straits Times Singapore.
The share market is not spared by Najib's 'wild allegations' either. Slightly before noon the KLCI was down 21.02 points to 1,713.22.
MIDF research reports that - Foreign selling persists, Year-to-day outflow stood at RM9 billion.
Wild allegations or not a friend from Bangkok called this morning saying that some newspapers in Pattaya have been speculating that Najib might do a Thaksin to save himself.
I didn't ask him exactly what he meant, simply not wanting to discuss our domestic scandal with a foreigner but 'doing a Thaksin' at this point of time could not mean too many things.
I hope the Attorney General and the special multi-agency task force probing Najib's 'wild allegations' have taken the necessary steps to prevent anyone 'doing a Thaksin' while graft and or abuse of power investigations are underway.
To prevent speculation and allegations of cover up and such, it would be wise for the powerful task force to freeze, with immediate effect, all local and foreign assets/properties plus bank accounts linked to the prime suspects in this major investigation.
We must accept the fact that this investigation into the 'wild allegations' against the Prime Minister of Malaysia is being followed internationally. What was local has gone global i.e. glokal.
In view of the seriousness of the 'wild allegations' against Najib, the task force must also prevent the Prime Minister and his close family members from leaving the country until the investigation is done with.
All official foreign assignments of the Prime Minister could be handled by the Deputy Prime Minister and/or other relevant ministers. Unofficial assignments could wait.
If the Prime Minister and family are not barred from leaving Malaysia, 'wild allegations' and speculations will just gain momentum and take its toll on the ringgit and KLCI.
For those Malaysians who are still stuck in their own web, this is not about politics. This is about putting the interest of the nation and the 30-odd million people who depend on her before any other interests or considerations. This is about saving Malaysia from further slide and ridicule. This is about arresting the sliding level of confidence in us, Malaysia and Malaysians.
Thank you.
Russia Negotiates End To Economic Sanctions. War Coming To An End.
*Russia has achieved a major first step in negotiating a ceasefire by
getting the United States to remove economic sanctions against Russian
wheat and fe...
5 hours ago
Somebody has to file Court Injunction to stop Najib leaving the country. Everybody has a locus-standi since he's a prime minister in the office!
Heard of the new mansion in greater Britain? A 25 million pound sterling villa fit for the first lady that is. My dad reckons task force must have their hands full. Hello Scotland Yard did the pilgrims fund guy pocket hefty commission in this first lady deal too
Well sir, this Jemuan al-Bangang (he used to call others those names) has managed beyond our wildest dreams to bring Malaysia down to its lowest ebb in history. If he's going to do a Thaksin thingy he better buy his own jet for starters - jangan guna hak milik Malaysia.
Well he certainly has to let the engine running at all times from now on. You never know what's going to happen. Those who live nearby, please form human barricade at every entrance should things turn topsy turvy. Never ever let them into the air bases.
Utk kekawan semua, cuba kita tanya diri sendiri apa akan kita buat atau strategi kita untuk 'MENGHILANGKAN DUIT?' (Put yourself in his shoe) Tanya dan jawab secara jujur dan anda akan dapat jawapannya samada alasan2 yg diberi pee em logik atau tak.
Sebenarnya da banyak alasan/jawapan dari pengomen di blog ni dan blog2 yg lain yg menjawap kemungkinan2 kpd soalan ini tapi tiada lagi yg nampak bercakap berkenaan "apa yg patut dilakukan utk menyonglap!!!'
Di mana?
Ini semua adalah soalan asas utk melakukan sesuatu perkara agar ianya berjaya.
Cuba selami apa yg anon dibawah katakan...
Salam semua,
Ada ustad dan lain2 ragu2 kata kenapa x pakai secret account?
Saya ada beberapa soalan untuk ditanyakan:-
No.1...ustad percaya ke kalau buka akaun atas nama org lain mahupun keluarga sendiri? Ada kemungkinan tak kalau pakai nama org lain duit boleh lesap? Penat2 buat keje pastu org lain sapu...
No.2...sykt kewangan mana nak bagi buka akaun "tak bernama" atau atas nama "secret"?
No.3...adakah tarikh2 pemindahan tu berjarak jauh antara 1 sama lain? Apa jenis bisnes yg buat pemindahan begitu cepat diantara mereka dan kenapa?
No.4...Kenapa perlu bberapa syarikat untuk pemindahan itu kalau hujung2nya berhenti di 1 akaun? Kenapa tidak terus kpd penerima?
No.5...Perlu atau tidak mengikut akta BAFIA pemindahan wang sebegini banyak harus di maklumkan kepada pihak berkenaan? Jika ya apa yg pihak berkenaan sudah buat utk pastikan kesahihan transaksi tersebut? Jika tidak kenapa pihak berkenaan mendiamkan diri? Patutkah soalan ini ditanya juga kpd pemilik sykt kewangan berkenaan serta pihak yg ditugaskan memantau keseluruhan sistem kewangan?
No.6...Adakah kemungkinan pihak yg ingin menyiasat akan mengalami kesukaran kerana banyak syarikat perlu di teliti maklumatnya berbanding dgn hanya 1 sykt (maknanya dari a pembayar terus ke b penerima)? Adakah ini strategi yg baik utk mengelirukan mereka?
No.7...Kenapa tidak 1 pun pihak terlibat mengeluarkan kenyataan bertulis bersama bukti dalam masa 24jam memandangkan ia melibatkan integriti beliau, institusi kewangan, negara dan seluruh rakyatnya?
No.8...Patut ke ustad buang masa utk bincang2 dgn peguam bilamana ustad sendiri tahu yg dokumen tersebut memang palsu?
No.9...Adakah ustad dlm keadaan tertekan skrg akan cuba memohon bantuan walaupun dr negara yahudi? Adakah ustad akan terima shj apa syarat2 mereka utk bantuan yg akan mereka berikan?
@ Monday, July 06, 2015 5:11:00 p.m.
Don't try lah bro.
The Bacul can accuse Tun of masterminding these attacks without a shred of proof.
Si Bacul tu pon tak puasa ke?
The Word for Today,
p/s: " Attorney General...", I reserve my judgment :)
all on board Tatoosh !! Wonder why the Chinaman was happy to receive these photos from PM's special officer Wan Shihab, is it to commemorate the meeting of the PM with Petro Sadi's Turki and Tarek, or to preserve evidence of the meeting in case the participants suddenly had cold feet or short memories? Time will tell, perhaps now? Pictures tell a thousand words.
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