'PM's aide sabotaged Najib-Dr M dialogue'
The Umno-linked NGO which organised the 'Nothing2Hide' dialogue on 1MDB for Najib Abdul Razak has blamed the prime minister's aide for the no-show that has turned into a major embarrassment for the prime minister.
Malaysian Volunteer Lawyers Association (Sukaguam) chairperson Khairul Anwar Rahmat said today the aide had prevented Najib from attending the event so as to prevent him from crossing paths with former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who is the prime minister's fiercest critic.
"When Najib was on the way to the venue and was advised by the inspector-general of police about the situation at PWTC, the organiser still believed that Najib should attend to prove he is big-hearted and was ready to meet with Mahathir and speak on any matter.
"We were convinced that even if the programme were to be postponed on police advice, the meeting between Najib and Mahathir should still go on in a private room to prove the start of a new chapter and to calm down their respective supporters.
"Unfortunately, the aide worked to block the prime minister's attendance, conveyed inaccurate information, and made the situation worst by exaggerating the matter to the prime minister that he would supposedly be mocked if he turned up at PWTC," he said.
Khairul, who is also Johor Umno deputy youth chief, said there was never a security concern if the duo were to meet in a private room and Najib should not have been prevented from coming.
Najib's no-show turned into a major embarrassment as he was seen as 'chickening out' and this was made worse when Mahathir, who was only there as a guest, took over the stage in the prime minister's absence.
Mahathir proceeded to criticise Najib in his speech but which lasted less than 10 minutes as police blocked him from continuing, a scene captured by the media and has since gone viral on the Internet.
"Therefore, it is true when it is said that those who sully Najib's image are not outsiders but those from among his own people," said Khairul.
'Najib accepts our explantion'
He said the if the meeting had happened and photographs of Najib and Mahathir having coffee were circulated, it would have created a 'feel good' factor even if the dialogue did not go on.
"But there are some quarters that don't want to see a change in the political landscape and didn't want our plan yesterday to succeed as the continued battle between Najib and Mahathir would benefit them," he said.
Prior to the event, Khairul said the organiser had already met with Najib's aides and had prepared for various scenarios including the one if Mahathir were to attend.
"We believe the situation would not have turned out as such if our original agenda was not disturbed too much by the aide and his associates," he said.
As such, Khairul said it was unfair for Sukaguam and other NGOs involved in organising the event to be made scapegoats for the resulting fiasco.
Khairul added he had met Najib yesterday evening to explain the situation.
"From the prime minister's face, he appears to have taken it well and understood what I wanted to convey.
"But I hope he will take stern action against the individual responsible as well as his associates," he said.
Khairul also warned the unnamed aide against turning Sukaguam into a scapegoat, saying that he was prepared to expose this person together with evidence.
He also clarified Sukaguam's claim that Mahathir was not invited, stating that the former premier was only supposed to be present as a guest and not a speaker.
Malaysian Volunteer Lawyers Association (Sukaguam) chairperson Khairul Anwar Rahmat said today the aide had prevented Najib from attending the event so as to prevent him from crossing paths with former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who is the prime minister's fiercest critic.
"We were convinced that even if the programme were to be postponed on police advice, the meeting between Najib and Mahathir should still go on in a private room to prove the start of a new chapter and to calm down their respective supporters.
"Unfortunately, the aide worked to block the prime minister's attendance, conveyed inaccurate information, and made the situation worst by exaggerating the matter to the prime minister that he would supposedly be mocked if he turned up at PWTC," he said.
Khairul, who is also Johor Umno deputy youth chief, said there was never a security concern if the duo were to meet in a private room and Najib should not have been prevented from coming.
Najib's no-show turned into a major embarrassment as he was seen as 'chickening out' and this was made worse when Mahathir, who was only there as a guest, took over the stage in the prime minister's absence.
Mahathir proceeded to criticise Najib in his speech but which lasted less than 10 minutes as police blocked him from continuing, a scene captured by the media and has since gone viral on the Internet.
"Therefore, it is true when it is said that those who sully Najib's image are not outsiders but those from among his own people," said Khairul.
'Najib accepts our explantion'
He said the if the meeting had happened and photographs of Najib and Mahathir having coffee were circulated, it would have created a 'feel good' factor even if the dialogue did not go on.
Prior to the event, Khairul said the organiser had already met with Najib's aides and had prepared for various scenarios including the one if Mahathir were to attend.
"We believe the situation would not have turned out as such if our original agenda was not disturbed too much by the aide and his associates," he said.
As such, Khairul said it was unfair for Sukaguam and other NGOs involved in organising the event to be made scapegoats for the resulting fiasco.
Khairul added he had met Najib yesterday evening to explain the situation.
"From the prime minister's face, he appears to have taken it well and understood what I wanted to convey.
Khairul also warned the unnamed aide against turning Sukaguam into a scapegoat, saying that he was prepared to expose this person together with evidence.
He also clarified Sukaguam's claim that Mahathir was not invited, stating that the former premier was only supposed to be present as a guest and not a speaker.
Now this is a serious matter.
You cannot easily identify the culprit because Najib Razak surrounds himself with one too many idiots, both local and foreign.
Some used-to-be intelligent and straight-arrows have also turned into domesticated pussies after stepping into the Prime Minister's Office. Who could be the PM's idiot who has successfully re-branded his boss?
Maybe Najib Razak should personally lodge a police report so that the Inspector General himself could take up the case and try to identify who sabotaged the event and effectively exposed Najib as THE wimp of the nation.
Sources say Najib's Political Secretary Datuk Khairun Aseh (pic above) was holed up in one of the rooms in PWTC, very close to the hall in which the #Nothing2Hide dialouge was held, on Friday morning.
Maybe the IGP could take a look at all those CCTV recording in PWTC or consult the OCPD who went upstage to ask Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to stop addressing the #Nothing2Hide crowd because maybe the OCPD did speak to the PM's aide before he was asked to stop Tun Dr M... maybe.
Certainly idiots must be on the run after the shit has hit the ceiling.
Khas untuk pejuang-pejuang cyber yang telah sehari suntuk berputar-putar dalam percubaan untuk memutarbelit kebaculan Perdana Menteri yang terserlah semalam, sila berhenti berputar dan cuba tolong pihak Polis mengenalpasti 'anasir' yang dikatakan telah menjatuhkan kemaluan... oops air muka Najib di mata dunia pada pagi Jumaat.
#Nothing2Hide #BeraniKeranaBenar
p/s Hakikatnya bermacam taktik dan teknik sedang digunakan dalam percubaan untuk mengembalikan kemaluan yang telah hilang itu. :-)
Najib elah menerima kemaluan yang amat besar akibat kebodohan sukaguam sendiri yang cakap berbelit-belit. Mulanya nak kata Tun M tak dijemput, tapi ada bukti sebaliknya siap tunjukkan kerusi direserved untuk Tun M. Tak payah nak salah orang lain kalau sendiri yang tak betul.
Kemaluan beliau telah hilang bersama penipuan yg telah beliau cipta khas buat rakyat msia. Maruah beliau pun telah tergadai semurah hampas yg tak berguna. Otak beliau membeku dgn penasihat yg sedang menghancurkan negara bertuah ini....
Hari ini kita dapati beliau rupanya duduk d dua alam....dasar jantan dayus !
next time got #nothing2hide event, najib must wear bullet-proof vest and speak within a bullet-proof glass window
The organiser should stick to their original plan..dialogue between PM Nsjib and NGOs. Tun Mahathir should not be present at ally, if I am DS Najib's my stand soul have been the same. I truly blamed the organiser for the mess and embarrassed DS Najib.
Couldn't the idiot be PM himself? And all these pointing fingers to this aide or that aide is another pointless exercise in diverting blame onto others.
Sudah masanya semua yg bodoh2 tu disingkirkan.... Termasuk yg paling bodoh berada di kerusi no 1.....
pm seharusnya yg tahu nak urus. jika ada khabar dari penasihat,keputusan tetap pd pm. pm yg berprinsip bijak tidak akan membuta tuli akur. kna cerdas fikiran analisis baik buruk dan berkeputusan yg baik. ni.....pak turut je. minta maafla. pm yg ni mmg lemah.
The sloganizing bird-brain just created another flop with "nothing2hide". Which other Prime Minister churns out slogans to run a country like Najib does? And has little of value to show for them?
Kasi kosongkan Dewan tu khaskan untuk Dr M dan DS Najib rak bolehkah? Penyokong nak tengok berikan mereka berdiri kat luar....
Tun should not be present? Because Najib would certainly chicken out. Pathetic la you Mustapha Ong!
Now they are blaming the 'idiot aide' when the biggest idiot is the PM himself. Only idiots would hire an idiot and listen to idiotic advice. Is that Mustapha Ong up there one of the idiot aides? He sure sounds like it. Just imagine him giving that advice to PM. He will help make the PM looks like a real chicken.
LOSER is a LOSER . You have no courage to face National issue already proved that you are a big LOSER and GREAT LIAR. Instead you got a guts to claim youself as Bugis Warrior. Da ya know what is the meaning of Bugis..?
B - Bikin
U - Uwang
G - Ganti
IS - Isteri
It was bound to happen. Let's us all take a lesson from it. Learn from it. In event organization 101, the buck stops at event organizer. Succesful or not, credits and blames shoud go to them. That is the truth.
If you want to organize an event which involving VVIPs, there's a lot of considerations need to be made in the event when it doesn't go as planned. There's somebody of extreme important gracing your event, you've got to prepared. I'm always hoping for the best but at the same always ready for the worst should be the mantra. Back up plan should always be on the table at all times.
Tun M ni pun tak boleh caya sangat. Masa Tun M tadbir dulu. Mcm-mcm berlaku tapi tak de pape pun yang dibuat. Tutup sebelah mate plak tu. Tepuk dada tanya selera. Kami semua tau ape yang Tun M nak sebenarnya!!!
what a moron. yang datang tu semuanya nak bergaduh dan berperang. penyokong mana yang nak benarkan private discussion sedangkan tujuan majlis tu diadakan adalah dialog secara terbuka. 'TERBUKA' la mangkuk. kalau dah sampai merempuh masuk dan membawa penyokong yang bukannya dalam angka ratus, memang mereka ini mempunyai agenda tersendiri dan perancangan lemah dari penganjur memang dah nampak dari mula lagi.
It reflect the quality of the leader, smart leader would pick smart Machai to work for him line tun. Najib can tell the difference smart and idiot machai. So he is surrounded by idiot machai.
DAP already made PAS fight amongst themselves. Now they want Umno to fight amongst themselves. To the Chinese it is good if the Malays fight amongst themselves because this will make the Malays weak.
I do not know where APANAMA got the impression that it was a Najib-Dr Mahathir dialogue. It was not a Najib-Dr Mahathir dialogue. It was supposed to be a dialogue between Najib and the NGO called Malaysian Volunteer Lawyers Association (Sukaguam). And it was not supposed to be a dialogue open to public but for invited guests only.There was a reason why Khairun advised Najib to cancel the dialogue session. Khairul Anwar had actually played Najib out by making a secret pact with Tun Dr Mahahir for him to attend the dialogue session.The point is, those 2,500 people who attended the dialogue were not interested to hear what Najib had to say. What they wanted yesterday is to see Tun M and Najib fight like cats and dogs. What a shame for Tun M.
What is clear as day is - only an IDIOT will employ other idiots because the bigger idiot can be conned by smaller idiot.
Malaysia has a super idiot PM with chicken blood whose tel*q has been frozen and kept under tight security by hippo.
Security reasons is not compromise.. It does not mean Najib coward.. the organizer sukaguam unable to manage the event properly which may cause dispute and chaos.. This will tarnish our country and bad perception of foreigner and tourist.. We love peace and harmony..
Nampaknya penganjur gagal menyediakan keselamatan yang baik, mana taknya penganjur di khabarkan menjemput Tun M sudah tentu kedua-dua penyokong akan hadir dan bertembunglah kekerasan yang mana pasti akan berlaku..
ini semua untuk mengelakkan perpecahan kaum dan bangsa melayu kita sendiri. sebelum apa apa terjadi, elok tindakan di ambil.
Allah maha besar. Cuma sehari sebelum tu najib berdegar-degar mengaku darahnya bukan sembarangan, darah pahlawan, esoknya dia di hina satu Malaysia disebabkan dia di nilai oleh rakyat sebagai pengecut. nampak kan, Allah bayar cash, dia nak cuba bongkak dengan darah pahlawan, esok nya dia dimalukan sebagai bacul.
pengajarannya kepada semua manusia dan lebih-lebih lagi pemimpin: jangan bongkak. rendahkan diri anda, humble sebab kita ini semua hanya hambaNya. semua yg kita ada ini hanya pinjaman dan satu hari nanti kita semua akan berjumpa denganNya sebagai hamba, yang membezakan antara kita hanyalah iman dan amal, bukannya darah dan keturunan.
N2H...utk bincang hal semasa..bukan masa lalu...ada faham tajuk ke tak..utk masa lalu boleh diadakan dlm forum yg lain.
You are the most idiot of all. Pointing finger to PM rather then pointing finger to others. Mahathir is not invited in the first place. If I'm Mahathir I should not have attended the forum upon 3rd party invitation. Where is Mahathir dignity? Now the whole world branded him as the old hungry gate crasher.
More harm to Mahathir than Najib himself.
Sounds like what RPK blog said....but anyway please face the music....shame for najib
Apa pun Ahjibgor buat rakyat x yakin mungkin rakyat sabah , swk, peelis dan Pahang, kalau ada Pru14 skg sure tersungkur dalam jamban..pemerhati atas pagar da fedup dgn ahjbgor snggup buat apa demi kuasa..dia kata Pilih dia, bila masa..Ni buian Indonesia, amerika dan jepun atau korea bukan palarti yg lantuk tpi rakyat yg pilih..mcm Jokowi
What is wrong with Tun M attending an open dialogue with or without invitation? If Najib couldnt answer him in private meetings, in letters, through the media and all...the open dialogue could be the only opportunity for him to get a straight answer from Najib. If Najib didnt want Tun M to attend then dont say that its an open dialogue. Just put it clearly that "EVERYONE CAN ATTEND EXCEPT TUN MAHATHIR"
The only one without dignity here is Najib and his supporters who are making a fool of themselves for trying to safe Najib's face when the whole world knows that he chickened out.
You can control the event and its surrounding but YOU CANNOT CONTROL PEOPLE's ACTION. If you refer the recordings carefully, there was NO issue with those inside the hall UNTIL the police came to stop Tun. Tun himself was never an issue.
in this case there was NOTHING WRONG WITH THE EVENT. Some1 and i believe "jubor"has everything to do with it. Imagine tun explaining to a crowd of ngos, tun supporters as well as jubor's supporter.
There was also NO ISSUE on Tun's attendance. He was invited (pls refer to all sorts of info. Latest by Khairul himself from sukaguam). Jubor must have known about this earlier and if security AND TELLING THE TRUTH were his concern, he will deploy enough national security to cover the event. For your info, jubor is the pee em and not some ordinary guy. He can make it happen if he wanted to.
Mahathir was not invited? Really??? Can you understand english? Who is 3rd party? The organizer is surely not. Its their event.
Refer to the last paragraph, utusan malaysia, tweet from lokman and so many more...
Get your facts straight before commenting!!!
Apa yg tun nak?? Cer crita....bg fakta skali k...jgn bg alasan2 x munasabah
Hang ada kat sana ke? X yah dok crita org dok rempuh masuk la wei...lawan bola pun org berasak2/rempuh masuk gak. Nape plak si jubor takut? Kan dia pee em. Klu betul dia nak bg tau benda yg benar, dia blh panggil seluruh atm dan polis jga apa. Kan dia gak selalu cakap dia di pihak yg benar. Nape nak takut ngan tun? Buat event kat rumah sendiri plak tu.
Shame on you who doesnt know the facts. Who the hell are you to speak on behalf of those 2500 who came and saying that they are not interested to hear what Jubor has to say?
Khairun advised jubor to cancelled??? Are u saying he was the man?? Wow!!! You 1 great investigator arent u....
Secret pact with tun??? And they went telling it to public through social media and even utusan? Are you blind or just simply stupid?
Whatever it is Jubor is 1 coward gay bugis
Ni penyokong panglima perang mana yang banyak songel kat sangat ni? Panglima perang cakap darah dia bukan sembarangan! Maka jangan kata Dr M, kalau letak Dajjal pun dia takkan gentar. Sebab darah dia bukan sembarangan! Korang nak perang camna kalau dah panglima pun tak mo turn up! Hahahah.
Dr M nak datang tak nak datang itu sukati dialah, dah nama pun forum. SukaGuam nak cover line camnor, ada media report yang jelas kata SukaGuam jemput Dr M, dan siap sediakan kerusi special punyaaa.
Did PM know of the secret meeting supposedly held between Muhydeen and Hadi Awang in Sabah? They had to rush out of the building when it suffered from an aftershock.
Wonder what Hadi had to say to DPM? Time will tell, but if Hadi is trying to make a secret deal with Muhydeen, for example his hudud for DPM's support to replace PM, think twice again becos this deal will fail.
Anon@12:07:00 p.m.
Hahaha which whole world?? The world news say Najin "chickened out". heh heh
As expected.
Najib's apple polishers now puts the blame on the organiser.
Najib also blamed his own MOF for the cash-asset-units error
He blames Zeti for BR1M
He instructs Husni to answer all questions for 1MDB
He instructs Shabery to answer GST complaints
He instructs Lan3.85 to explain and justify GST
Meanwhile he goes jetsetting *(new jet) all over the world putting Muhyiddin in charge.
He also roams freely all over Malaysia to claim he has extraordinary Bugis blood.
Most heroes do not arrogantky claim they are heroes. The other people do that. What a great shame.
I think there were some truths that najib failed to appear at nothing to hide dialogue were due to combined force of tdm and ahmaid said.
TDM to cover overall and ahmad said on the background and involvement of jho low.
Well....tdm 1 najib 0
Saudara sejiwa, perpecahan tel ah lama berlaku tahap setahap. Pemulihan umat Melayu bukankah dengan balik menghormati dan mentuntuti ketokohan pentadbiran dengan semangat ikhlas?
I also love peace and harmony, especially when I have 42 billion Ringgit (plus change) in my pocket.
Hi. It seems that the ratio of those paid to back up the pussy whipped pm is like 8 to 10 at being horrible in english. The guy that said that the buck stops with the organizer is an example. What does the pussy whipped (PW) expect when he hires idiots to the fore?
It also seems that he got RPK on his side. Unfortunately, the PW is too much of a clown where no effort can be made to cover him. It is an insurmountable task as he is a true village idiot. Im not being personal but if one were to look at all offsprings with FLOM, they all look to be a little on the village idiot (retards) side. A prime example, the son who is also in the auditor company that audit the PW's hare-brained brainchild.
How stupid can you be Mustafa Ong and yet you considered yourself to be the smart ass for DSN
Apanama Sir,
Why do some aides give idiotic advice? And why is it heeded by the advised? Is it because when they weigh the pros and cons of the situation they both actually belong to the same idiotic club of "Aids to Self-Interest"?
What's wrong with tun m attending the dialogue? The question now is where is the bugis warrior? If you are in the right, then prove that tun m is wrong. It is as simple as that. Tun m is ready to be proven wrong, that's why he attend the dialogue. If najib's balls are as big as his head in the poster, he should come and deliver his so called facts. 'Nuff said.
'Janji ditepati' or is it 'kanji dicapati'? Hmmmm....
Dsn nothing2hide? Hahahahah.. Perhaps its just dsn Hide! What a disgrace... Dsn a bugis? Maybe just throw away the 'is' part and you can get dsn a bug.... Squirming away to the welcoming armpits of Rosie... Heheheh..
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