Monday, 29 June 2015

Erti Kepimpinan - The True Meaning of Leadership


Almarhum nenda saya selalu berpesan, sifat kepimpinan yang paling agung adalah integriti. Malang sekali, dalam dunia masa kini, sifat ini semakin sukar dijumpai.

Baginda juga berpesan bahawa seorang pemimpin yang pengecut merupakan manusia yang paling bahaya sekali, dan salah satu ujian dalam kepimpinan adalah untuk mengenalpasti sesuatu masalah sebelum ianya menjadi darurat. Baginda juga mendidik saya bahawa pemimpin yang hebat memperoleh kekuatan untuk mencapai visinya daripada semangat yang kental dan bukannya daripada jawatan atau kedudukannya.

Nasihat saya kepada semua pemimpin dalam setiap sektor kerajaan, NGO dan organisasi di Johor adalah supaya memberikan inspirasi dan memimpin segenap lapisan rakyat. Jangan cuba memanipulasi dan menguruskan orang. Inventori barangan boleh diuruskan, tetapi rakyat harus dipimpin melalui tauladan dan dengan berintegriti.

Ingatlah bahawa kunci kepimpinan yang cemerlang pada hari ini adalah dengan mempunyai pengaruh, bukannya dengan menunjukkan kuasa. Tiada maknanya jika anda mempunyai kuasa tetapi tidak mampu mempengaruhi rakyat secara positif. Sekiranya anda mempunyai kuasa tetapi tidak mampu mempengaruhi rakyat secara positif, itu petanda yang anda tidak layak menjadi seorang pemimpin.

Nampaknya apa yang saya katakan sering membuatkan ramai orang melenting. Oleh itu, saya hanya bercakap dalam konteks Negeri Johor yang dekat di hati saya.

Akhir kata, saya bersyukur kerana telah dibesarkan dan dididik oleh dua pemimpin yang unggul, iaitu Almarhum Sultan Iskandar dan DYMM Sultan Ibrahim. Ayahanda saya, Raja saya.

DYAM Brigadier Jeneral Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Tunku Mahkota Johor



My grandfather the late Sultan Iskandar used to say, the supreme quality of leadership is integrity. Unfortunately in today's world, there is not much of this quality to be found.

He also said that a cowardly leader is the most dangerous of men, and that one of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency. He also taught me that great leaders musters the courage to fulfil his vision from passion, not position.

My advice to the leaders in every sector of government, NGOs and organizations in Johor is to lead and inspire the people. Do not try to manage and manipulate people. Inventories can be managed, but people must be lead by example and with integrity.

Remember that the key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority. There is no point having authority if you cannot influence the people. If you have authority but command no influence, it is a sign that you are not worthy of being a leader.

It seems that things I say usually ruffle more than a few feathers, so I say in the context of Johor, which is close to my heart.

Last but not least, I am blessed to have been raised and taught by two great leaders, which is the late Sultan Iskandar, and Sultan Ibrahim. My father, my King.

HRH Brigadier General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, The Crown Prince of Johor

Note: This pertinent and timely message from the Crown Prince was posted on the JOHOR Southern Tiger's Facebook page.  

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Malaysian scandals from Australia

Australian police investigators sprung into action almost immediately when news of an alleged high level corruption ring involving locals and a few prominent Malaysians broke. 

We must salute the Australian police for their admirable professionalism and urgency in striving to nail the crooks, no matter who they are. 

This latest Australian episode gives us an inside to not only the level of professionalism but also the Australian authorities' strict adherence to the maxim 'not leaving any stone unturned in seeking truth'. 

Questions have now been raised if the Australian police had in fact notified their Malaysian counterparts before the scam was exposed by The Age newspaper. This is another affirmation that the Australian authorities are always 'on the ball'. 

I'm certain the relevant authorities on our side would be responding to the queries to avoid any allegation of attempts to sweep things under the carpet

Sweeping under the carpet? 

We must also take cognisance that one of our former UTK policeman who has a noose hanging over his head here for the murder of Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu has been under the protection of Australian authorities since his arrest. 
It has been more than FIVE months since Sirul Azhar Umar was detained in Brisbane. In five months Sirul has met and spoke with countless Australian officers and some Malaysians.  

It was learned that the Australians have been moving the convicted murderer of Altantuya between a few detention centers and Australian intelligence units safe-houses for safety reasons, while regularly recording fresh inputs and statements. 

It seems an individual with the initial RB has been highlighted in some latest detailed statements. 

The investigators, it was learned, have also got hold of a few Statuory Declarations which were made in relation to the murder of Altantuya, including a sworn statement by a fugitive blogger that is said to have corroborated Sirul's statement. 

Legally, this is all hearsay.      

An exclusive video interview has also been recorded on Sirul's own request, says a Melbourne-based journalist who is currently pursuing the Australian culprits in the Mara-linked property scam.

Could we now expect the Australian media to come up with an expose of yet another long-running Malaysian scandal?
 - South-East Asia correspondent for Fairfax Media
We must put an immediate stop to all such humiliation. We have #Nothing2Hide 

Guess its high time for Kuala Lumpur to put its foot down and demand Canberra to deport Sirul Azhar on the next available flight to Kuala Lumpur. 

Otherwise every convicted killer and conman would be making his/her way to Australia. 

Can you do that Mr Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak or are you too busy with the 1MDB scandal?

Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman

p/s Fairfax Media investigated the Mara-linked scam for about six months before the expose and Fairfax Media's investigative journalists have been working on Sirul's case from day one of his arrest... or even before that.  

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Ali Baba

Ringkas tapi padat. Dah la berhutang, tak mampu nak bayar hutang lepas tu upah perompak untuk rompak rumah sendiri. Akhirnya papa kedana. 

Ini cerita yang dilakonkan seniman agong Tan Sri P.Ramlee lebih empat dekat yang lalu. Mungkin ketika itu ada yang curiga akan wujudnya manusia yang sanggup mengupah perompak untuk merompak 'rumah' sendiri.

Bagaimana keadaan-nya sekarang?  

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Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Mangsa terbaru #Nothing2Hide di PWTC ?

Gambar di-atas diambil oleh seorang rakan yang berada diperkarangan PWTC selepas solat Terawih sekitar jam 10 malam tadi. 

Rakan saya terkejut dengan gambar yang dirakam menerusi telefon bimbit dan terus menghubungi saya. Beliau berkata 'Bro, memang betul lah PWTC sudah tidak selamat seperti yang dikatakan ketika dialog #Nothing2Hide tempohari'.

Bila saya tanya kenapa, beliau menyuruh saya melihat gambar yang dirakamkan dengan lebih teliti. 

Presiden Umno yang ke-lima boleh ghaib di Ibu Pejabat Umno itu sendiri, kata rakan tadi yang juga anak kepada seorang bekas pemimpin tertinggi Umno dari selatan tanahair.

Saya tergamam. Tidak pasti ianya disengajakan atau sememangnya mentol di potret Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad di perkarangan PWTC itu 'pandai' terpadam dengan sendirinya tetapi yang pasti pelbagai perkara pelik yang berlaku di-era anak Tun Abdul Razak menjadi presiden Umno. 

p/s Check mentol-mentol di potret Tun Abdul Razak itu elok-elok, jangan-jangan pandai terpadam jugak kerana tak tahan malu.

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Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Seruan terakhir untuk UMNO

Di-atas adalah sedutan ucapan Timbalan Presiden Umno ketika merasmikan persidangan sayap Wanita, Pemuda dan Puteri - Perhimpunan Agung Umno 2014 yang lepas. 

Dalam bulan baik yang penuh barakah ini, cuba dengar balik ucapan penuh Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin untuk lebih memahami kerisauan yang dizahirkan. 

Tanpa perlu menuduh sesiapa atau cuba menegakkan benang yang basah, tolong dengar baik-baik SERUAN TERAKHIR UNTUK UMNO ini. 

p/s Tepuk dada tanya selera. 

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Saturday, 20 June 2015

Kerajaan membalas budi TABUNG HAJI menerusi 1MDB?

Pada awal bulan Mei negara dikejutkan dengan pendedahan satu urusniaga yang melibatkan duit tabungan pencarum Tabung Haji. 

Urusniaga sulit yang terbongkar itu, pada mulanya, melibatkan lebih dari TUJUH RATUS JUTA RINGGIT duit orang Islam Malaysia yang mencarum sebagai tabungan untuk membiayai ibadah Haji mereka. 

Terkejut dengan terbongkarnya urusniaga sulit diantara Tabung Haji dengan 1MDB itu, yang diluluskan oleh Menteri berkenaan dalam jangkawaktu tidak sampai dua minggu, yang ada pihak yang pada mulanya menangkis pendedahan itu sebagai fitnah semata-mata tetapi kurang dari 24-jam kemudian berita itu disahkan. 

Pelbagai putar-belit dan lenggok bahasa digunapakai selepas itu untuk mengaburi mata rakyat akan urusniaga sulit yang pada asasnya hanya satu tindakan untuk menyelamat atau bailout syarikat bermasalah 1MDB. 

Walaupun dokumen urusan sulit Tabung Haji dengan 1MDB Real Estate Sdn Bhd menyebut jumlah duit pencarum Tabung Haji yang akan digunakan dalam urusniaga itu adalah lebih kurang 770 JUTA RINGGIT, pihak Lembaga Tabung Haji menafikan jumlah itu dengan berkata hanya sejumlah Ringgit Malaysia 188.5 JUTA sahaja yang telah dibayar untuk sebidang tanah di Tun Razak Exchange - TRX. 
(Dokumen mendedahkan harga yang dipersetujui adalah 194 JUTA RINGGIT tetapi Lembaga Tabung Haji mendakwa mereka diberi potongan harga oleh 1MDB)

Pembayaran untuk satu lagi bidang tanah yang dinilai melebihi 578 JUTA RINGGIT MALAYSIA belum dimuktamadkan dan hanya diperingkat cadangan, kata Lembaga Tabung Haji ketika itu. 

Persoalan yang wujud dihati dan benak fikiran rakyat Malaysia, YANG WARAS, kenapa Tabung Haji bersetuju menggunakan duit tabungan pencarum untuk satu urusniaga yang jelas tidak masuk akal. 

Kenapa ianya tidak masuk akal? 

1. Tanah yang dibeli oleh Tabung Haji, dengan membayar jumlah penuh RM 188.5 JUTA dengan serta-merta ketika urusan jual beli atau S&P ditandatangani, adalah pada asalnya tanah milik kerajaan yang dikurniakan kepada 1MDB dengan harga tidak melebihi 5 JUTA RINGGIT. 

2. 1MDB hanya menjadi 'pemilik' tanah tersebut untuk jangkawaktu lebih kurang 5 tahun sahaja.  

3. Kerajaan yang diterajui Perdana Menteri Najib Razak -yang juga individu bertanggungjawab melahirkan 1MDB merangkap Menteri Kewangan dan Ketua Penasihat 1MDB mengurniakan tanah tersebut kepada 1MDB dengan alasan tanah itu akan digunakan untuk 'strategic development' atau pembangunan strategik yang diterajui 1MDB.

4. Tanah itu tidak 'dikurniakan' kepada 1MDB supaya syarikat bermasalah itu boleh membuat keuntungan atas angin (kerugian buat Kerajaan) dengan menjadi broker tanah kelas atasan.

5. Jika syarikat bermasalah yang bergelumang dengan hutang dan merosakan nama negara diseluruh dunia boleh dikurniakan tanah kerajaan untuk hanya 5 JUTA RINGGIT kenapa harus TABUNG HAJI membayar tambahan 183.5 JUTA RINGGIT untuk tanah yang sama?

6. Jika 1MDB yang baru muncul sekitar tahun 2009 layak untuk anugerah tanah kerajaan, kenapa tidak Tabung Haji - berusia 52 TAHUN, yang telah banyak berjasa kepada rakyat, negara dan Kerajaan Barisan Nasional ini? 

7. Apakah sumbangan besar 1MDB sehingga layak menerima layanan istemewa ini berbanding sumbangan serta sokongan Tabung Haji dari pelbagai segi, terutamanya sokongan dana pelaburan untuk membangunkan masyarakat selari dengan agenda Kerajaan selama lebih 50 tahun? 

8. Tidak dapat dinafi Kerajaan sebenarnya terhutang budi dengan Tabung Haji kerana bebas 'meminjam' dana Tabung Haji untuk projek-projek pembangunan negara selama ini. Apakah untuk membalas jasa ini kerajaan bersekongkol dengan broker tanah untuk menipu Tabung Haji? 

Apabila persoalan-persoalan ini timbul dan rakyat mula marah akan tindakan tidak masuk akal Lembaga Tabung Haji dan mendesak agar urusniaga itu dibatalkan, pihak atasan yang meluluskan urusniaga tersebut mula cemas. 

Urusniaga itu tidak mungkin dibatalkan kerana duit pencarum telah bertukar tangan dan difahamkan duit itu telah digunakan untuk membayar faedah untuk hutang yang ditanggung oleh penjual. 

Penjual pun dalam keadaan yang terlalu nazak dan tidak mungkin dapat menebus kembali tanah yang telah dijual dengan harga yang begitu lumayan.

Lembaga Tabung Haji, seperti cacing kepanasan selepas isu ini terbongkar, membuat beberapa pusingan dan laporan Polis berhubung kebocoran urusniaga sulit itu sebelum membuat kenyataan rasmi untuk menjual balik tanah kerajaan yang diambil 1MDB sebelum dijual kepada Tabung Haji dengan nilai hampir 40 kali ganda.
Ini BUKAN FITNAH. Ini kenyataan rasmi Pengerusi Tabung Haji Datuk Seri Azeez Rahim.

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak sendiri telah menasihati Lembaga Tabung Haji agar tanah itu dijual semula. 

Itu adalah satu tindakan yang yang 'bijak' kerana Najib, selaku Ketua Penasihat dan Bapa 1MDB, pasti sedar bahawa urusniaga itu tidak mungkin DIBATALKAN seperti yang dituntut umum. 

Beberapa pemegang jawatan utama dalam 1MDB juga adalah orang-orang penting yang telah diamanahkan untuk menjaga Tabung Haji.

Kini semakin jelas bahawa kenyataan penjualan semula tanah tersebut pun hanya dicanang untuk meredakan kemarahan rakyat. 

Bukan saja Melayu, malah seluruh rakyat Malaysia mungkin telah ditakrif sebagai specis hidupan yang mudah lupa. 

Kemarahan rakyat akan penyalahgunaan wang pencarum Tabung Haji hanya sementara dan mata rakyat boleh terus dikaburkan dengan isu lain, mungkin itu tanggapan mereka yang diamanahkan untuk menjaga Tabung Haji?

Menteri yang bertanggungjawab yang meluluskan pembelian tanah 1MDB dalam masa kurang dari dua minggu dan membenarkan pembayaran penuh setelah S&P ditandatangani, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom, telah memberitahu Dewan Rakyat baru-baru ini bahawa tanah itu belum dijual lagi.  

Beberapa hari sebelum pengakuan ini terpaksa dibuat di Dewan Rakyat, sudah timbul gerakan halus dalam media sosial untuk meyakinkan rakyat bahawa pembelian tanah 1MDB itu sebenarnya adalah satu pelaburan strategik Tabung Haji. 

Isu mengekalkan pegangan Bumiputera di tengah kotaraya Kuala Lumpur dicanang sebagai alasan pembelian. Ada juga bajingan yang memainkan isu perkauman semata-mata untuk mengaburi mata rakyat, seperti yang dijangka sebelum ini. 

Beberapa ahli Dewan Rakyat juga nampaknya tidak terlepas dari agenda menghalalkan Tabung Haji tidak menjual balik tanah 1MDB tersebut. 

Anggota Parlimen Sokong Tabung Haji Tidak Jual Tanah TRX

KUALA LUMPUR, 15 Jun (Bernama) -- "Dulu lain, sekarang lain"...itulah nada anggota Parlimen terhadap polemik tanah milik Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH) di pusat kewangan Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) apabila rata-rata menyokong agar tanah seluas 0.63 hektar itu tidak dijual semula.

Beberapa wakil rakyat yang menyentuh isu itu, termasuk bukan Islam berpendapat TH wajar menimbang semula cadangan untuk menjual tanah berkenaan kerana disifatkan sebagai pelaburan yang menguntungkan.

Datuk Liang Teck Meng (BN-Simpang Renggam) berkata TH akan memperoleh keuntungan yang lebih sekiranya tidak menjual tanah berkenaan.

"Dari sudut perniagaan, tanah berkenaan akan mendatangkan lebih banyak keuntungan, jika tidak dijual," katanya ketika mencelah penggulungan usul Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11 (RMK11) oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom di Dewan Rakyat, Isnin.

Datuk Seri Abdul Ghapur Salleh (BN-Kalabakan), yang turut menyokong cadangan tersebut, berkata pihak pengurusan TH sememangnya mempunyai kepakaran dalam perniagaan dan telah menjalankan amanah dengan sebaiknya sejak dahulu lagi. "Kita minta tanah ini jangan dijual kerana dalam perniagaan tanah, semakin hari disimpan semakin naik harga," katanya.

Datuk Nawawi Ahmad (BN-Langkawi) pula berkata cadangan penjualan tanah itu sebelum ini dibuat berikutan persepsi politik.

"Kalau persepsi itu sudah tidak ada, apa kata menteri supaya tanah ini tidak dijual dan dipertahankan untuk pembangunan demi keuntungan lebih besar kepada Tabung Haji di masa hadapan," katanya.

Datuk Noor Ehsanuddin Mohd Harun Narrashid (BN-Kota Tinggi); Datuk Seri Noh Omar (BN-Tanjong Karang); Ikmal Hisham Abdul Aziz (BN-Tanah Merah) dan Datuk Othman Aziz (BN-Jerlun) turut menyatakan sokongan mengenai parkara itu.

Sokongan seumpamanya turut dinyatakan anggota Parlimen pembangkang Datuk Dr Nik Mazian Nik Mohamad (PAS-Pasir Puteh) yang mengucapkan tahniah kepada Tabung Haji kerana membuat suatu pembelian menguntungkan.

"Isu Tabung Haji ini timbul kerana isu 1MDB pada masa itu, tiba-tiba Tabung Haji mengeluarkan wang yang banyak untuk membeli tanah yang agak mahal, tetapi dengan penerangan yang diberikan mengatakan pembelian itu adalah agak murah jika dibandingkan tanah sebelahnya, maka itu perkiraan menguntungkan kepada Tabung Haji," katanya.

Menyambut baik sokongan itu, Jamil Khir berkata beliau akan membawa perkara itu kepada anggota lembaga TH untuk menilai semula cadangan penjualan tanah berkenaan.

"Saya mendapat sokongan yang cukup luar biasa di mana kita dapat bergabung hari ini dan memberikan sokongan supaya Tabung Haji tidak menjual tanah tersebut dan saya mengambil perhatian tinggi," katanya.

Beliau sebelum itu berkata Tabung Haji pada masa ini telah menerima tawaran pembelian tanah itu dan sedang mengkaji tawaran tersebut.

Katanya dalam penjualan tanah itu, TH tidak hanya mahu sekadar mendapat pulangan modal sebaliknya melihat keuntungan demi kebaikan pendeposit.
Tabung Haji sebelum ini dikecam hebat kerana membeli tanah tersebut dengan harga RM188.5 juta daripada syarikat pelaburan kerajaan 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Ekoran itu, pada 9 Mei lepas, TH memutuskan untuk menjual tanahnya di TRX atas nasihat Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak sebagai menghormati sensitiviti dan kepercayaan pendeposit.

Langkah seterusnya?  Lembaga Tabung Haji akan menggunapakai sokong dari beberapa kerat ahli Dewan Rakyat untuk mengHALALkan pembelian tanah kerajaan dari broker tanah dengan harga hampir EMPAT PULUH KALI GANDA dari harga asal. 

Jangan bantah! Ini pelaburan strategik untuk menjaga kepentingan orang Islam namanya. 

Jangan fitnah! Laporan Polis akan dibuat dan anda akan didakwa. 

Jangan gusar! Ini bukan skandal besar yang harus di-siasat oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia. 

Jangan soal! Yang menyoal semuanya pengkhianat kepada agama Islam yang suci.

Sekian,  Terima Kasih. 

Nota: Teruskan menyokong para penyangak dan pembohong agar negara ini mampu digelar negara maju menjelang tahun 2020 dan dihormati masyarakat antarabangsa untuk kebolehan berhutang melampaui batas dan kebolehan luarbiasa untuk memutarbelit dan mengaburi lebih 30 JUTA manusia yang sudah tidak mampu berfikir secara waras. 

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AL-Fatihah - Tan Sri Omardin Mauju meninggal dunia

KUALA LUMPUR 20 Jun - Pendekar Malaysia, Tan Sri Omardin Mauju meninggal dunia di Hospital Tawakal awal pagi ini, akibat komplikasi buah pinggang.

Pengasas Pertubuhan Seni Silat Lincah Malaysia berusia 74 tahun itu meninggal dunia pada 3.20 pagi ini setelah 15 hari menerima rawatan di hospital itu, menurut anak Allahyarham, Senator Datuk Megat Zulkarnain.

"Sebelum ini arwah ada menghidap barah tulang, daripada barah itu dia mengalami komplikasi buah pinggang dan telah mendapatkan rawatan di Hospital Tawakal selama 15 hari," katanya ketika dihubungi Bernama hari ini.

Beliau berkata jenazah akan disembahyangkan di Kompleks Lincah sebelum dikebumikan di Tanah Perkuburan Islam Kampung Puah, Gombak selepas zuhur.

Allahyarham meninggalkan isteri, Puan Sri Raja Azizah Raja Ahmad Shah dan dua anak lelaki.

Omardin dipilih sebagai penerima pertama Anugerah Pendekar Malaysia pada Julai 2011.

Anugerah berkenaan disampaikan oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak pada majlis perhimpunan PSSLM bersempena 50 tahun pertubuhan itu.

Anugerah khas itu diwujudkan melalui Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan ketika itu sebagai pengiktirafan tertinggi negara kepada bidang seni mempertahankan diri.- BERNAMA

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Friday, 19 June 2015

1MDB on Wall Street Journal

Malaysia is now famous for all the wrong reasons, thanks to Najib Razak

Fund Controversy Threatens Malaysia’s Leader

Debts run up by state development fund 1MDB have roiled Malaysia’s markets and led to calls for its leader to step aside

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia—A state investment fund is at the center of a burgeoning political and financial controversy that is roiling markets and leading to calls for the ouster of Malaysia’s prime minister.

The fund, 1Malaysia Development Bhd., or 1MDB, was set up to spur economic growth in Malaysia. But it has rolled up more than $11 billion of debt that it now struggles to repay, and has invested in such projects as power plants in foreign countries and an oil venture abroad that yielded no oil.

Another fund initiative: Amid a close election, it indirectly supported Prime MinisterNajib Razak’s campaign, according to an examination by The Wall Street Journal.

The fund paid what appeared to be an inflated price for assets acquired from a Malaysian company; the company then contributed to a Najib-led charity that announced projects, such as aid to schools, that Mr. Najib was able to tout as he campaigned.

Concerns over 1MDB’s high debts and limited transparency have triggered four government investigations. The concerns also have set up a confrontation between Mr. Najib and his mentor, Mahathir Mohamad, who led Malaysia for 22 years.

Mr. Mahathir says 1MDB’s assets are too meager for its huge debts. “What happened to that money?” Mr. Mahathir said in an interview. “They can’t explain.” He has publicly called on Mr. Najib to resign, as have other former allies from the ruling party and opposition politicians.

Were the prime minister to heed such calls, the result could be a setback for U.S. interests in Southeast Asia. Under Mr. Najib, relations with the U.S. have improved as Washington tries to build up its alliances in the region to counter China’s rise.

Mr. Najib, who is chairman of 1MDB’s board of advisers, has said he did nothing wrong and has urged critics to wait for the results of the investigations. His office didn’t respond to specific questions about the fund’s activities, including about any role in election-related spending.

“Unfortunately, the prime minister’s political opponents, unwilling to accept his record or the facts, continue to try to undermine him with baseless smears and rumors for pure political gain,” his office said.

Debt levels

Though wholly owned by the government, 1MDB isn’t government-funded, except for a small initial amount; it has to raise money in the debt markets for its projects. In an “F.A.Q.” section of a news release in December, 1MDB said there was no reason to be concerned about its debt level.

Still, the fund has at times rescheduled its debt repayments. And in May, 1MDB got a $1 billion capital injection from a state fund in Abu Dhabi—a close ally of Malaysia—to help meet a looming loan repayment. Interest costs ate up half the fund’s revenue in the year ended March 31, 2014, the last for which the fund has filed a financial report.

Arul Kanda, 1MDB’s president and group executive director, said the fund hopes to repay debt by selling assets, which he said are worth more than its borrowings. In an emailed response to questions, he said the government has guaranteed only 14% of 1MDB’s total debt, limiting its exposure.

Mr. Arul, who was appointed in January, also said that “1MDB’s financial decisions are driven by the best interests of the business, not political considerations.”

Worries about 1MDB’s debt have helped make Malaysia’s markets among the worst performers in the world in recent months, according to investors. Malaysia’s currency, the ringgit, has fallen 6% against the U.S. dollar this year, to its weakest in almost a decade. Though credit-rating agencies consider Malaysia’s debt safe, government bond prices have fallen, and foreign investors are pulling cash out of the country’s markets at an accelerating rate.

Some investors are betting the Malaysian government will end up bailing 1MDB out.Moody’s Investors Service has estimated such a rescue could cost as much as 1.4% of the country’s annual economic output. Meanwhile, Malaysia is facing low prices for its major exports: oil, natural gas, palm oil and rubber.

“At the end of the day, this entire entity is owned by the Ministry of Finance,” said Dhiraj Bajaj, a fund manager with Swiss bank Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch & Cie., who bought more 1MDB debt after recent declines, betting the government will step in with a bailout if needed.

Prime Minister Najib faced political problems almost immediately after he took office in 2009.

His party, the United Malays National Organization, had only narrowly retained power a year earlier. UMNO has headed every government since Malaysia gained independence from Britain in 1957. It has been losing the financial backing of the country’s ethnic Chinese minority, who dominate the economy but have been growing frustrated with government programs that favor ethnic Malays. The ebbing support, according to party insiders, forced Mr. Najib to look for other sources of financing.

Mr. Najib formed 1MDB in 2009, saying the fund would develop lucrative industries and create a new financial district in Kuala Lumpur that later was named after his father, the country’s second prime minister. Besides its development efforts at home, the fund has poured money into investments such as power-plant purchases abroad and a since-liquidated venture with a Saudi oil company. The fund has said it made money on the oil venture but hasn’t disclosed details.

Paying a high price

In one power-plant deal, the seller was Genting Group, which calls itself Malaysia’s leading corporation. The sprawling real-estate, plantation, hospitality and casino company owns New York City’s only casino and just broke ground on a $4 billion Chinese-theme casino in Las Vegas. 

The 1MDB fund in October 2012 acquired a Genting unit that owned a 75% stake in a 720-megawatt coal-fired power plant near Kuala Lumpur. The price, which was equivalent to about $740 million at the time, came to 2.3 billion Malaysian ringgit. Genting later reported it had a 1.9 billion-ringgit extraordinary gain on this sale, implying a value for its stake in the power plant of just 400 million ringgit—or less than one-fifth what 1MDB paid for it.

In a second sign that 1MDB paid a high price, the fund’s financial statement for the fiscal year ended in March 2013 said the power unit’s property, plant and equipment were worth a little under 500 million ringgit at the time of acquisition.

The fund cited 1.7 billion ringgit of “intangible assets,” which were the value of the plant’s agreement to sell power to a state-owned entity. But this valuation appeared to be contingent on Genting obtaining a renewal of its power-sale agreement, which was running out in 2016.

Genting announced the terms of the sale to 1MDB in August. Equity analysts at the time noted the size of the deal was positive for Genting given its contract to sell power was ending. In early October, Malaysia’s Energy Commission, an independent body which regulates the energy sector, announced Genting had won a 10-year extension to sell power through 2026. A few days later, Genting and 1MDB finalized the sale.

Soon after the purchase, 1MDB appeared to recognize that it had overpaid for power assets. In its financial accounts for fiscal 2013, the fund took an “impairment” charge of 1.2 billion ringgit, writing down part of the premium it had paid to acquire power assets from Genting and another Malaysian company.

The 1MDB fund said the premium it paid reflected the experience of the staff of the Genting unit. Mr. Arul, 1MDB’s president, said in a December news release that the valuation was “commensurate with their existing and future potential” at the time.

A few months after the sale, a unit of Genting called Genting Plantations Bhd. made a donation of about $10 million to a Najib-linked charity, according to a spokesman for Genting Plantations. The charity, Yayasan Rakyat 1Malaysia, lists Mr. Najib as chairman on its website. Stock analysts at the time said the surprise donation reduced the company’s net profit in the first quarter of 2013, and said they didn’t expect it to be repeated.

Though set up to help underprivileged Malaysians through education and sport, this charity soon got involved in spending that appeared designed to help Mr. Najib retain power in a May 2013 election.

It and other charities linked to the government spent millions of dollars before the voting in Penang, a northern state that was an important election battleground. Mr. Najib visited Penang during the campaign and announced that Yayasan Rakyat 1Malaysia would donate two million ringgit (about $660,000 at the time) to two local schools. These schools serve Chinese communities that are not a poor demographic, but whose support would be crucial to win voting in the area.

Mr. Arul, 1MDB’s president, referred questions about the matter to Genting and to the charity.

A Genting spokeswoman declined to comment on the charitable donation or the valuation of the plant sold to 1MDB.

The charity, too, declined to comment. Regulators say the charity has failed to file required financial statements since its inception in early 2013.
Before the election

Also active in Penang just before the May 2013 election was 1MDB itself. The fund purchased land in the state days before the voting.

Mr. Najib, campaigning in Penang, promised to build low-cost housing on the land.

Critics said 1MDB’s spending amounted to the use of state funds for electioneering. “They’ve shown they’ve got lots of cash to throw,” said Lim Guan Eng, Penang’s chief minister and a member of the opposition Democratic Action Party.

Mr. Arul of 1MDB declined to comment on the fund’s land purchase. He referred questions to Mr. Najib, whose office didn’t address such specifics in its response.

Opposition politicians also have criticized 1MDB for raising billions of dollars just weeks before the 2013 election. In March 2013, the fund sold $3 billion in bonds.

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. arranged the bond sale and took on extra risk to get the deal done quickly at 1MDB’s request, according to a person familiar with the matter, earning unusually high profits as a result. Goldman, which also was 1MDB’s financial adviser on the purchase of assets from Genting, declined to comment. The 1MDB fund, when asked about criticisms of the fund-raising, pointed to a past statement it had made in defense of the $3 billion bond, which said it was issued at a typical discount.

The results of the May 2013 election turned out to be the worst yet for UMNO’s ruling coalition. It not only didn’t prevail in Penang but didn’t win a majority of the national vote, either. Mr. Najib remained in power only because of electoral rules that give more parliamentary seats to candidates from UMNO’s rural heartlands.

Last month, in an election to fill a vacant seat in parliament, 1MDB used the Twitter feed of its foundation to promote the government’s candidate. A 1MDB spokesman declined to comment.

The financial situation appears to be deteriorating for 1MDB. The fund has shelved plans for an initial public offering of its power plants, a move it had hoped would raise $3 billion.

The government recently stepped in with a $260 million emergency line of credit after 1MDB had to renegotiate a loan payment to a consortium of banks.

“Like many companies, we examine our financial arrangements and restructure these from time to time in order to ensure that the company is receiving the best possible terms,” said 1MDB’s president, Mr. Arul.

The 1MDB fund recently sold some land to another state fund, one that invests money for Malaysians who want to make a pilgrimage to Mecca. Mr. Arul denied suggestions from critics that a sale to another government fund amounted to a partial bailout. The pilgrimage fund’s chairman said he expects to make a profit on the deal.

Malaysia’s police, auditor general and a parliamentary committee are investigating the fund’s investment activities. This month came word of a fourth probe, as Malaysia’s central bank launched an investigation of 1MDB’s offshore borrowings and foreign investments. 
—Celine Fernandez contributed to this article. 


Web of Entities Spent Ahead of Malaysia’s Tight Election

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Terima Kasih Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad

Dari dahulu sehingga sekarang, niat Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad hanya satu. Ianya nyata bukan untuk memperkayakan diri dan keluarga atau semata-mata untuk tampil popular dan disukai ramai. 

Singkapan ringkas diatas mungkin dapat membuka mata rakyat Malaysia, khususnya anak-anak muda yang barangkali tidak berapa mengenali Tun Dr Mahathir ketika beliau menerajui negara kita. 

Legasi dan pencapaian Tun Dr Mahathir yang paling utama ialah tindakan beliau memperkasakan jati diri setiap rakyat Malaysia. Semangat Malaysia Boleh masih membara dihati rakyat sehingga hari ini.

Terima kasih Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Budi dan jasa mu tidak mungkin dapat kami balas. 

Semoga Allah terus mengurniakan kesejahteraan serta kesihatan yang baik buat Tun Dr Mahathir dan Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali. 


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Thursday, 18 June 2015

The New York Times - Najib, 1MDB, Altantuya and more

NOTE: My comments below, after the cheap ringgit.

Power Struggle in Malaysia Pits Former Premier Against a Protégé


Prime Minister Najib Razak of Malaysia, in orange, at the general assembly of the United Malays National Organization in Kuala Lumpur last year.Credit
Azhar Rahim/European Pressphoto Agency
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PUTRAJAYA, Malaysia — Malaysia’s governing party is at war with itself, embroiled in a power struggle that is destabilizing the country and threatening the party’s nearly six-decade stretch of uninterrupted governance.

The battle has revealed itself publicly in a nasty spat between two political titans. Mahathir Mohamad, a former prime minister who turns 90 next month, is the chief architect of a political insurgency aiming to oust the man he helped put into office six years ago, Prime Minister Najib Razak.

Having lost none of the combativeness honed during more than two decades in power, Mr. Mahathir is pressing allegations of malfeasance in a sovereign wealth fund, criticizing the “lavish” lifestyle of the prime minister’s wife, and has resurrected troubling questions about the murder of a Mongolian woman, the mistress of a former top aide to Mr. Najib.

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Malaysian Ex-Prime Minister Unleashes CriticismJUNE 17, 2015

"Murray Hiebert, an expert on Southeast Asia at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, says the country’s political troubles “could hardly come at a worse time.”

“The prime minister is focused on political survival when the country’s economy is slowing due to low oil prices and falling exports resulting from China’s economic slowdown,” he said. The combination, he said, is “giving pause to the foreign investors Malaysia is seeking to court.”

As the 'expert' puts it, nobody seems to be bothered in the falling ringgit and less than convincing economic outlook for the nation. Nobody seems to share the worry and concerns of businesses that are badly affected by the crashing ringgit. 

The central bank Governor just repeats that its temporary (the falling ringgit and fleeing foreign investors) while businesses continue to slide. 

In the past, as witnessed and experienced before/during the 97/98 economic crisis, the Government was very focused and took the bull by its horn. The Prime Minister who was also Finance Minister at that particular time had daily early morning meetings with the Central Bank and other relevant authorities/bodies. 

The National Economic Action Council was put into action. The sole aim then was to save the country from being ravaged by the rogues under the pretext of 'Saving Malaysia. 

We prevented our nation from being put on a 'fire sale' entirely because the Government or rather the leadership was hands-on with their heart and priorities in the right place. 

That was in 97/98. Fast forward to 2015 and you can see clearly what is happening or rather not happening now. Many core members of the then NEAC are still around in the Government but still nothing seems to be happening to protect the nation and manage the crisis.

One thing for sure, the Prime Minister who is also Finance Minister is only desperately trying to shore up his waning support and ruined reputation. 

It cannot be denied that the Umno president is desperate to remain in power. The level of desperation has hit a high after he realised that not all of his partymen are with him. So, rather than trying to protect the nation, he is more occupied in saving himself.

Najib's dilemma is largely due to his own incompetence as a leader but the devil that has put the nail on his head is his own baby, the 1MDB. 

You can varnish it however you want and try to divert people's attention by ridiculing critics but 1MDB is a scandal of global proportion that cannot be hidden via dirty tricks on government-controlled television channels like TV3. You cannot possibly fool all the people all the time.

Many now suspect that Najib fears having to face time behind bars for his role in the 1MDB scandal. The desperation could be seen from such planned acts of discrediting the national car (because it was a brainchild of one of your main critics) and hiring Opposition activists to ridicule your former party president.

His not telling the truth in the Malaysian Parliament i.e. Dewan Rakyat about the more than 1Billion USD kept in a private Swiss Bank in Singapore is an outright crime, legal experts say. 

You can twist and turn via government controlled media and presently subservient enforcement authorities but things would change the moment you are no more in power. Najib is fully aware of this.

The New York Times have once again sniffed the stench emanating from 1MDB  (some of the real estate deals linked to 1MDB money is in New York, courtesy of Jho Low and one Rezza Aziz), while Najib remains overjoyed by the orchestrated public show of support. 
After the aphrodisiac-like I Love PM, Najib is now simply touched by a recent Dayak Love PM placard that was held up in Sarawak during his rounds to spent more 'off budget' Government money. 

Contrary to what Najib often repeats, our current state of malady has all got to do with just one man and that one man is none other than Najib himself. 

Rather than pointing fingers try taking a good look in the mirror Mister Prime Minister. 

p/s ... and please do the mirror test in the absence of your controller 

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Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Tabung Haji dah jual tanah 1MDB?

Ini janji Pengerusi Tabung Haji kepada pencarum Tabung Haji. Saya pun mencarum dalam Tabung Haji walaupun tidak banyak. 

Janji Pengerusi Tabung Haji Datuk Seri Azeez Rahim ini dizahirkan atas nasihat Perdana Menteri yang begitu prihatin tetang keluhan pencarum dan menasihati Tabung Haji agar menjual tanah yang dibeli dari 1MDB. 

Untuk makluman, Perdana Menteri juga adalah ketua penasihat 1MDB (penjual tanah). 

Atas nasihat ketua penasihat kepada penjual tanah, pembeli tanah berjanji untuk menjual balik tanah yang dibeli dengan harga melangit itu dalam masa SATU MINGGU. 

Ketika pengumuman menangkis fitnah ini dibuat sudah ada TIGA tawaran pembelian yang akan memberi KEUNTUNGAN kepada Tabung Haji, mengikut kata Datuk Seri pengerusi. 

Ketika pengumuman ini dibuat yang menjadi perhitungan hanyalah jumlah keuntungan yang bakal dikecapi Tabung Haji. Terlalu ramai yang berpusu-pusu untuk membeli tanah kerajaan yang amat berharga ini katanya.

Kini sudah lebih SATU BULAN semenjak Tabung Haji terkedu dan berjanji untuk menjual balik tanah, apabila urusan diam-diam membeli tanah milik kerajaan dari broker (1MDB) dengan harga tinggi melangit itu terbongkar

Laporan terbaru dari jawapan yang dikemukakan di Dewan Rakyat mendedahkan bahawa tanah itu belum dijual lagi. 

Kenapa tak jual lagi? 

Nasihat Perdana Menteri yang begitu prihatin dan kenyataan Pengerusi Tabung Haji hanya tindakan hangat-hangat tahi ayam untuk memperdaya pencarum lagi? 

p/s Kalau bohong pun biarlah berpada-pada. Jangan jadikan hidup itu sendiri satu pembohongan. 

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Monday, 15 June 2015

TMJ - Don't use me to divert attention from 1MDB and other national issues



Of late, I just voiced out my opinion and a reminder that people who has been entrusted with the responsibility to not blame the people for losing trust and confidence in them, but think of why the people no longer have the confidence and trust in them. Apparently my gentle reminder has been met with a rather hostile response from a minister. If I got such a reply, then what chances does the rest of the rakyat have?

You are a minister, not a God from the heavens who lord above everybody. Do not think the people of this country exist to provide you with position and wealth, but the position exists for you to serve the people. When I voice out, I do it as the leader of my rakyat, on behalf of Johoreans and Malaysians. All I did is to remind the leaders of the country that they have a responsibility to serve the people, and for this, I am attacked.

In the new world order, I envision a future that every person has a right to voice their opinions. However, that is not the case in Malaysia today, where ministers think they are untouchable. I am willing to be cursed for standing up for what is right, rather than be loved for defending what is wrong.

I am not a politician. I am only answerable to Allah, my Sultan and the people of Johor. I do not do the bidding of some puppet-master who pulls the strings. Johor only has place for those who want to serve the people, not for those who want to garner votes for their own interests.

There will come a time, when the Johorean people must decide what is best for us and our future generations. Decide and unite we will, as Bangsa Johor, to forge our future. United we stand strong, divided we fall. I stand for my rakyat, not to joust for power, not to topple the government, but to ensure the well-being of my people.

I never told anybody to step down or resign, only to remind politicians of their roles and responsibilities. If you cannot deal with that, it just shows your arrogance to the people. Alhamdulillah, I have been blessed with a comfortable life, and I can just live my own life and be oblivious to the worries of my people, but here I am, standing firm by their side. So for those wanting to tarnish my image and make me public enemy number one, the people are smarter than that, and they can think for themselves.

Do not use me to divert the attention from 1MDB and other national issues. This country needs politicians who are clean and transparent, who carry out their duties with sincerity and integrity.

- HRH Brigadier General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, The Crown Prince of Johor.

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Sunday, 14 June 2015

OK atau TIDAK?

Ini OK

Ini pun OK

Ini lagi OK 

tapi yang ini TAK OK? 

Kalau sokong OK, kalau kritik TAK OK? 

Kita keliru. Harap Perdana Menteri, sebagai individu yang bertanggungjawab mencetuskan kontroversi ini, tampil membuat pendirian. 

Harap maklum bahawa ini isu yang amat sensitif dan dekat dengan hati rakyat.

Ambil maklum juga bahawa rata-rata golongan muda serta ibu-bapa dan keluarga mereka yang celik tidak membantah kenyataan TMJ, sebagaimana Najib sendiri tidak membantah, malah bermegah dengan pujian serta sokongan pihak istana. 

Nota: Jangan cuba gunakan isu ini untuk mengalih perhatian rakyat dari skandal 1MDB. 

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Saturday, 13 June 2015

Antara kaca dan permata - Jangan BOHONG!

Hayati nasihat yang diluahkan oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin ini. Cuba berfikir secara jelas dan besar kemungkinan anda akan mendapat petunjuk dari Allah.

Pembohongan dan lebih teruk lagi kesediaan kita untuk hidup dalam pembohongan kerana alpa dan terlalu malas untuk menentang kemungkaran akan hanya menghancurkan kita dan negara tercinta ini. 

Ramai yang tidak berani, segelintir lagi melacurkan diri demi wang ringgit, jawatan, anugerah dan sebagainya sehingga pencuri dan pembohong disanjung dan ditatang. Pembunuh pun mungkin diberi permaidani merah. Yang dikeliling tidak peduli jika negara pun digadai.

Yang tidur se-bantal tidak perlu dihurai lagi. Seluruh negara sedar akan penyakit bongkak dan tamak haloba.

Politik ada batasnya. Batas politik adalah apabila tindakan, kelakuan, halatuju dan keputusan dibuat semata-mata kepentingan peribadi, keluarga, rakan-rakan serta tidak berasakan undang-undang dan kepentingan rakyat dan negara. Jauh sekali dari panduan agama. 

Apapun bentuk dan rupa, politik yang menghalalkan pengkhianatan, pembohongan dan rompakan khazanah negara mesti ditentang habis-habisan. Tidak kira siapa, pengkhianat tetap pengkhianat walaupun darahnya berlainan warna.

Kita tidak perlu pemimpin yang tidak peduli jika rumah yang diduduki bersama perlu dibakar hanya kerana ingin terus berkuasa dan menyelamatkan diri dari dihumban ke-penjara.

Pantun dibawah ini mungkin hanya dua kerat tetapi makna-nya amat mendalam dan sangat sesuai untuk kita renungkan bersama disebalik tabiat pemimpin yang sudah kerap bercakap bohong kepada rakyat. 

Siakap senohong gelama ikan duri,
Bercakap bohong lama-lama mencuri. 

Mungkin dahulu urutan-nya adalah bercakap bohong lama-lama mencuri tetapi kini ada yang mencuri terlebih dahulu sebelum bercakap bohong untuk menipu rakyat. 

Saban hari pelbagai cerita dongeng serta pembohongan direkacipta hanya untuk melencongkan pemikiran rakyat daripada jenayah pencurian khazanah negara. Yang membongkar dihina dan dicerca, si-pencuri pula bermegah mendabik dada. 

Apakah kita rakyat Malaysia ini sudah terlalu hina sehingga tidak mampu membezakan antara kaca dan permata?

Janganlah kita khianati anak-anak kita dengan tindakan bersekongkol bersama pencuri dan pembohong yang sedang riak dengan kuasa dan jawatan. Ingat, berdiam diri tanda-nya setuju.

Bangkitlah sebelum nasi menjadi bubur. 

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Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Rulers are above politics and 1MDB is a scandal - AMPUN TUANKU

In mid April, amidst open criticisms against Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak following the unveiling of the 1MDB scandal, DYMM Sultan of Pahang Sultan Ahmad Shah urged the people to support the Pekan Member of Parliament.

Slightly a month later, amidst growing calls for his resignation and further damning revelation of the multi-billion ringgit 1MDB scandal, Najib ignored prevailing public sentiments and re-emphasised that he enjoyed the full support of Sultan Ahmad Shah. 

Some questioned the rationale behind DYMM Sultan Ahmad Shah's open endorsement of the illustrious Tun Abdul Razak's son and Najib's crowing of the support he enjoyed from the Pahang palace but the rest of us basically took it as signs of the Prime Minister's desperate political situation.

Then came the #Nothing2Hide shame last Friday, courtesy of Najib's able aides and advisors. 

#Nothing2Hide became #Everything2Hide and drew a Royal rebuke from the Crown Prince of Johore HRH Brigadier General Tunku Ismail ibni Sultan Ibrahim. 

I believe TMJ's royal rebuke struck a chord with many a Malaysian, including those who have been strong supporters or rather sympatisers of the Prime Minister. 

A quick look at unadulterated figures and comments on social media alone would prove this widespread approval of the strong message from the Johore Palace. 

The Crown Prince captured many, particularly the idealistic younger generation, with his frank take on politicians and their repeated antics of taking the rakyat for a ride. On Friday the ride was called #Nothing2Hide. 

Did Najib learn the hard way, after Friday's royal rebuke, that 'playing' with the palace was a double-edged sword?  

Sources say that may not be the case. There are, they claim, renewed attempts to drag the Raja-Raja Melayu deeper into the current political turmoil as Najib's position as Prime Minister becomes increasingly untenable with each passing day. 

Some of his learned aides and advisors seem to be very keen in soliciting unanimous support from all nine Malay Rulers, via the Rulers Conference, to boost their boss' tainted imagine and waning support.  

It appears that almost all the Prime Minister's men now have their fingers pointed at others rather than to admit that the real issue is the unexplained 1MDB scandal and the missing BILLIONS of RINGGIT, kickback from IPPs included. 

I hope common sense prevails among our politicians and their highly paid aides and advisors, including those expatriates who may not understand our culture and customs. 

The 238th Rulers Conference starts tomorrow in Istana Negara and DYMM Sultan Ahmad Shah the Sultan of Pahang is expected to chair the two-day conference. 


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Saturday, 6 June 2015

Who is the Prime Minister's IDIOT? 1MDB - Nothing2Hide

'PM's aide sabotaged Najib-Dr M dialogue'

The Umno-linked NGO which organised the 'Nothing2Hide' dialogue on 1MDB for Najib Abdul Razak has blamed the prime minister's aide for the no-show that has turned into a major embarrassment for the prime minister.

Malaysian Volunteer Lawyers Association (Sukaguam) chairperson Khairul Anwar Rahmat said today the aide had prevented Najib from attending the event so as to prevent him from crossing paths with former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who is the prime minister's fiercest critic.

"When Najib was on the way to the venue and was advised by the inspector-general of police about the situation at PWTC, the organiser still believed that Najib should attend to prove he is big-hearted and was ready to meet with Mahathir and speak on any matter.

"We were convinced that even if the programme were to be postponed on police advice, the meeting between Najib and Mahathir should still go on in a private room to prove the start of a new chapter and to calm down their respective supporters.

"Unfortunately, the aide worked to block the prime minister's attendance, conveyed inaccurate information, and made the situation worst by exaggerating the matter to the prime minister that he would supposedly be mocked if he turned up at PWTC," he said.

Khairul, who is also Johor Umno deputy youth chief, said there was never a security concern if the duo were to meet in a private room and Najib should not have been prevented from coming.

Najib's no-show turned into a major embarrassment as he was seen as 'chickening out' and this was made worse when Mahathir, who was only there as a guest, took over the stage in the prime minister's absence.

Mahathir proceeded to criticise Najib in his speech but which lasted less than 10 minutes as police blocked him from continuing, a scene captured by the media and has since gone viral on the Internet.

"Therefore, it is true when it is said that those who sully Najib's image are not outsiders but those from among his own people," said Khairul.

'Najib accepts our explantion'

He said the if the meeting had happened and photographs of Najib and Mahathir having coffee were circulated, it would have created a 'feel good' factor even if the dialogue did not go on.

"But there are some quarters that don't want to see a change in the political landscape and didn't want our plan yesterday to succeed as the continued battle between Najib and Mahathir would benefit them," he said.

Prior to the event, Khairul said the organiser had already met with Najib's aides and had prepared for various scenarios including  the one if Mahathir were to attend.

"We believe the situation would not have turned out as such if our original agenda  was not disturbed too much by the aide and his associates," he said.

As such, Khairul said it was unfair for Sukaguam and other NGOs involved in organising the event to be made scapegoats for the resulting fiasco.

Khairul added he had met Najib yesterday evening to explain the situation.

"From the prime minister's face, he appears to have taken it well and understood what I wanted to convey.

"But I hope he will take stern action against the individual responsible  as well as his associates," he said.

Khairul also warned the unnamed aide against turning Sukaguam into a scapegoat, saying that he was prepared to expose this person together with evidence.

He also clarified Sukaguam's claim that Mahathir was not invited, stating that the former premier was only supposed to be present as a guest and not a speaker.

Now this is a serious matter. 

You cannot easily identify the culprit because Najib Razak surrounds himself with one too many idiots, both local and foreign. 

Some used-to-be intelligent and straight-arrows have also turned into domesticated pussies after stepping into the Prime Minister's Office. Who could be the PM's idiot who has successfully re-branded his boss?

Maybe Najib Razak should personally lodge a police report so that the Inspector General himself could take up the case and try to identify who sabotaged the event and effectively exposed Najib as THE wimp of the nation. 
Sources say Najib's Political Secretary Datuk Khairun Aseh (pic above) was holed up in one of the rooms in PWTC, very close to the hall in which the #Nothing2Hide dialouge was held, on Friday morning. 

Maybe the IGP could take a look at all those CCTV recording in PWTC or consult the OCPD who went upstage to ask Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to stop addressing the #Nothing2Hide crowd because maybe the OCPD did speak to the PM's aide before he was asked to stop Tun Dr M... maybe. 

Certainly idiots must be on the run after the shit has hit the ceiling. 

Khas untuk pejuang-pejuang cyber yang telah sehari suntuk berputar-putar dalam percubaan untuk memutarbelit kebaculan Perdana Menteri yang terserlah semalam, sila berhenti berputar dan cuba tolong pihak Polis mengenalpasti 'anasir' yang dikatakan telah menjatuhkan kemaluan... oops air muka Najib di mata dunia pada pagi Jumaat. 

#Nothing2Hide #BeraniKeranaBenar 

p/s Hakikatnya bermacam taktik dan teknik sedang digunakan dalam percubaan untuk mengembalikan kemaluan yang telah hilang itu. :-) 

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