Thursday, 30 April 2015

Pesanan Tun Dr Mahathir untuk AHLI-AHLI AKAR UMBI UMNO

Dengar dulu... 
1. Saya ucap terima kasih kerana ada ahli-ahli akar umbi UMNO yang menasihati saya supaya tidak “menyerang” Dato’ Sri Najib, Presiden UMNO dan Perdana Menteri Malaysia.

2. Saya punyai sedikit pengalaman dalam bidang politik, terutama yang berkaitan dengan budaya Melayu. Kita cenderung untuk setia kepada pemimpin. Kita tidak soal apa-apa yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin. Dia pemimpin, kita pengikut. Oleh itu, ikut sahajalah. Lebih-lebih lagi apabila kita diberi penerangan olehnya secara tertutup seolah-olah kita dapat berkongsi rahsia dengan pemimpin kita.

3. Tetapi untuk kita membuat keputusan atau menghukum secara bijak, secara adil  kita perlu dengar kedua-dua belah pihak.

4. Jika ada yang fikir saya merosakkan parti, saya harap saya diberi peluang untuk menjelaskan kenapa saya “menyerang” Dato’  Sri Najib. Bagi saya serangan ini mungkin tidak menyenangkan Najib dan sebahagian daripada ahli UMNO tetapi sebabnya ialah kerana saya ingin menyelamatkan UMNO, parti keramat yang dahulu disokong sehingga menang 2/3 tiap PRU.

5. Hanya mereka yang tidak dapat lihat sahaja yang tidak sedar bahawa UMNO  dibawah Dato’ Sri Najib telah gagal memulih UMNO selepas Tun Abdullah. Kemenangan Najib lebih tipis.

6. Saya harap saya diberi peluang berjumpa dengan ahli UMNO biasa untuk menerang akan masalah kehilangan berbillion  Ringgit oleh Dato’ Sri Najib. Lepas mendengar kedua-dua pihak adililah terhadap “serangan” saya. Apakah saya sedang merosakan parti atau mencuba menyelamatkanya.


  1. 1. Saya sangat terharu dengan artikel tdm ini. Malangnya saya bukan ahli umno sebab kami ada PPB di sarawak

    2. Wahai ahli umno di malaya dan sabah....bukalah minda anda... pisahkan fantasi dari realiti.... kebatilan dari kebenaran

    3. Sahutlah cabaran tdm ini, give him the opportunity to address you all....listen and weighs pros and cons....

    4. I can only pray tdm would succeed in getting across the message to all umno grassroot supporters.


  2. It's sad that Tun has to plea to UMNO members to get them to listen to his side of story. Is this how you treat your statesman. I just hope in the end Tun won't be upset with UMNO. If it ever come to that then I'm sure the end of UMNO is just around the corner.

  3. 1. If Tun wants UMNO to continue leading BN, he has to endorse TRH, as DSN replacement now.

    2. TRH has enough MP friends from both political divides to force the Speaker to endorse him as the new leader that commands the confidence and the supports of the majority of the MPs. We must close ranks in this trying time.

    3. TRH is an UMNO member, and there still are aplenty of Malaysians that are honest, educated, and hardworking that could help him brings Malaysia back on her feet, economically, at least, for the moment.

    4. As for TMY, DS Nazir has better guts than he does.

    1. You ni Datuk Zaid ke? Naper pos komen pakai anonymous?


    Mahusia2 bijaksana dalam UMNO sekarang ni hanya sedar diri apabila satu hari nanti Allah SWT mengambil semula TDM yang dikasihi dari muka bumi ini. Masa itu lah manusia UMNO ni, TV3, RTM keluarkan segala cerita yang memuji jasa TDM ...masa itu lah keluar segala keluhan kekecewaan kerana mengenepikan mentah-mentah nasihat terakhir ayahanda TDM...masa itu lah baru mengaku akan kebenaran segala yang ditegur oleh ayahanda TDM dan....masa itu lah segalanya ternyata telah terlewat!!! Masa itu, apa yang boleh diperkatakan lagi cuma....All the best to UMNO without TDM around....

    Semoga Allah SWT terus memanjangkan umur TDM serta memelihara kesihatan beliau untuk meneruskan segala usaha murni...insyaallah...

  5. Syabas Tun Dr M.

    Ketika usia sudah maghrib masih tajam dan tepat pemikiran Tun.

    Jika dibanding dengan kangkung hippo, jauh berbeza saperti kaca tipis dgn intan berlian.

    Sinaran yg terang bercahaya masih diperlukan.

    Sokong Tun Dr Mahathir!!

    UMNO jangan asyik syiok sendiri.

  6. UMNO bootlickers must face the FACT that their continued political survival depends on the rakyat's approval.

    Majority rakyat are silent and Tun Dr M is helping the rakyat voice their concerns.

    Tun is not acting in his personal capacity but as the spokesman of the rakyat.

    So UMNO apple polishers must wake up to this reality before they end up begging in the streets.

  7. I believe Anifah Aman is the better candidate for PM compared to TRH.

    1. I keep saying that but someone alerted me about his son. So I'm now thinking twice. We cant afford to go thru the roller coaster again.

  8. Untuk sementara ini Tun M desak dahulu sehingga timbal balas dari PM Najib sedia dengan jawapan positif. Mungkin beliau sedang buat "preparation" atau sekurang-kurang nya jawapan tersimpai kelak beliau membuat rumusan reformasi beliau pertengahan Mei ini.

    Cuma Tun M :-

    1. Tidak payah persoalkan lain dari 1MDB. Biarkan yang lain nya berfungsi kerana ini "cara Najib" pula. Setakat GST saya sokong juga pelaksanaan nya bila efektif nya setelah keadaan stabil, harga barangan mula menunjukkan respon setelah 6% GST, SST secara total terkeluar dari sistem. Cuma kalut nya sedikit, kesempatan ini di manipulasi penuh para peniaga, majoriti pro-pembangkang apabila pihak-pihak terlibat kerajaan sedikit lalai kerana sepatut nya GST 6% di serap terus sepertimana SST berfungsi sebelum nya. Jadi senarai harga rujukan dengan persetujuan para peniaga, boleh terlaksana cara otomatik, kadar penurunan dalam lingkungan 4% di mana impak kepada rakyat itu minima dan di terima.

    Sekarang semua bergantung ketegasan pihak berwajib.

    2. Tidak perlu lah Tun M serang peribadi. Lebih dua puluh tahun memerintah dulu, sudah tentu beribu cara lain boleh di gerakkan. Jika ternyata dari fakta dan bukti, 1MDB satu skandal, semesti nya Najib mesti bertanggungjawab. Kes Sirul sudah muktamad. Mana benar, mana salah, masing-masing sudah bersumpah di dalam mahkamah bersaksi. Juga PM Najib. Hakim2 yang arif sudah mengakui. Apa lagi ? Memang pembunuhan terlibat. Sepatut nya telah di buktikan. Jika prosedur nya tidak mematuhi penyiasatan dan perundangan, mohon lah kepada bapa Altantuya membuka semula fail kes anak nya. Setakat ini, tiada suara dari pihak Altantuya. So ?

    3. Permatang Pauh dan Rompin, cabaran getir untuk Najib. Satu kubu Ketum, satu lagi kubu orang kanan beliau. Mahfum nya, kedua-dua nya mesti berjaya di rampas dengan majoriti besar. Gagal, bermakna Umno itu sudah memasuki gerbang retorik dan persepsi seperti nya pembangkang. Apa beza nya ? Cuma kita mahu jelas, platfom Najib itu sebenar nya di mana ? Helenang kata malaysian Malaysia dan 1Malaysia, tiada beza ! Jika Pemandu dan konsultan Inggeris itu kebanggaan Najib, maka pahlawan bugis itu adakah beliau atau keseluruhan Melayu Riau Lingga? Orang kata Melayu itu asal nya Indonesia, tetapi bagi aku Melayu itu aslinya dari Tanah Melayu - Malaysia ! he..he.. Masih ingat perjalanan pengembara ilmuan agama bangsa Melayu menuju Mekah mengikuti jalan darat ?

    Sebagai Melayu, zaman Tun M semua di bawah nya tidak banyak soal juga. Ok, laluan beliau berjaya membawa lonjakan besar pembangunan Malaysia selari adpirasi rakyat. Rakyat pula yakin. Malah Malaysia di lihat wujud dalam peta dunia yang selama itu di dominasi Singapura ! Betapa Malaysia di aniaya oleh jiran sebesar kuman ! Kemudian, Pak Lah dan Najib, siapa yang kompeten, masih KPI mereka pada aras hidung !

    Ini teguran dan kacamata dari seorang Negarawan. Ini kerana niat nya, tidak mahu Umno terus di jajah lagi menuju kehancuran...

    Secari peribadi, aku mahukan Tanahair Ku punya tempat untuk warisan aku tidak di belenggu, bebas berdikari hasil dari Pemimpin-Pemimpin Melayu bijak Bestari. Bermadah, berseloka, namun tersisip cita-cita murni di hati - TIDAK LAIN - Demi Negara, Bangsa dan Agama yang terikat kemas tidak di belah-bahagi.

    1. Agaknya kalau yg membunuh tu anak maae sendiri baguslah ue...takuah tanya2 dia sape yg suruh buat....biarkan je lah anak tu mati tali gantung....

      En maae kalau nak maju sya harap dimajukan sikit fikiran tu. Semua pembunuh membunuh ada motif...bukan sedap2 je g bunuh org

    2. Anda tidak baca betul apa yang saya tulis ! Itu kenapa Melayu itu macam lalang... di gertak, langsung hilan karan ! Kenapa libatkan peribadi, contohkan anak saya ? Anda ini mamak ke ?

    3. Pasal anda tak respect anak org yg dituduh...tu pasal sya kata kan kalau anak anda yg dituduh mungkin anda x peduli samada anak anda di hukum atau dak. Nape anak anda buat, apa puncanya, sape yg suruh anda pun x nak amek tau. X kiralah mamak ke melayu ke cina ke india ke yg penting cakap kasi guna otak
      Hang ckp sebelah pihak je..
      Camne rasa org tua dan isteri yg dituduh tu? Da hang kesah. Semua benda ada motif bukan sedap2 jer

  9. maae

    Tun Dr M sentuh hal "peribadi" sebab ada kaitan dgn perbelnjaan 1MBD.

    Duit belanja majlis perkahwinan anaknya mencencah berbillion ringgit. Dari mana datang duit ini. Adek2 Najib telah menyatakan bahawa ayah mereka angat berhemat tiada kekayaan yg diturunkan pada Najib.

    Walaupun polis membunuh tetapi SIAPA yg memberi arahan.

    Kesemua hal2 ini terbabit. Mungkin yg mengaitkan semua perkara ini adalah ornag yg sama.

    Maka ini bukan lagi hal peribadi. Jika ahjibgor menggunakan wang negara utk perbelanjaan keluarganya bermakna salah guna kuasa dan bukan lagi soal peribadi.

    Siapa yg kahwin mudarat??

    1. Sesuatu kemungkaran akan timbul tanpa di duga. Percayalah kepada Yang Esa. Jika Najib dan Rosmah bermaharajalela, sebagai seorang Islam, Allah itu ADA. Hendak kemana ?

      Jadi nya betul tindakan Tun M itu. Beliau bertanya demi anda, saya dan semua nya. Saya pasti Tun M ada rahsia yang di ketahui, cuma bukan untuk hak awam boleh di ceritera. Jadi, kita beri Najib masa yang selesa menjawab segala-gala nya. Saya rasa Najib sendiri pun dalam keadaan tertekan.

    2. Kenapa Najib perlu masa nak jawab? Kalau semua above board, tak ada hanky panky apa yg susah? Its a simple question, RM20 billion++ pergi mana? Kalau tak tau whatsapp lah ceo ke, gm ke, accountant ke... jangan lah pi photoshop bank statement pulak.

  10. Negara tengah freefall, orang kita sibuk bincang cara Tun M tegur Najib.

    Malays never see the bigger picture... its all about "people" ie. Tun or Najib. While Tun M biggest concern is the country. Its the country that is at stake and only those who are wise would understand the urgency to control the damage done by Najib.

    Obviously, most Malays can never understand it. I'm just surprised that Tun has never given up on the Malays. I know i have. I have given umno. No way I'm gonna support a party of the small minds.

  11. Dok diam2 lah Tun.. jangan sebok2

  12. Saudara Apanama tolong risik risik betul atau tidak tetamu-tetamu VVIP yang hadir menaiki pesawat Malindo Air yang disewa khas dari KUL ke Almaty di Kzakstan dari 17hb hingga 20hb April juga dihadiahkan beg tangan berjenama BIRKIN dan HERMES.
    Teman ni macam pernah dengar jenama-jenama beg tangan sedemikian yang harganya boleh beli kereta MyVi secara tunai, termasuk rim sport dan cermin golap.
    Risik ya jangan tak risik. Sebagai permulaan saudara boleh cuba risik isteri Ketua Setiausaha Negara dapat beg yang mana satu. Satu kaaa dua?

  13. Tengku Razaliegh Hamzah di jolok naik menganti Najib akan memyebabkan UMNO hancur berderai. Yang paling sesuai, demi keutuhan UMNO adalah TPM. Jika Muhyiddin tidak berminat, beliau boleh pegang sekejap dan pada PAU akan datang mungkin muncul bakal penganti yang lebih muda dan bersih dari Naib President sedia ada. Muhyiddin boleh pilih sesiapa yang beliau mahu sebagai penganti.

    Mengenai kes Altantuya, mungkin bapa simati sudah 'puas-hati' dan tidak mahu lagi mengungkit. Kebarangkalian sebahagian dari kehilangan berpuloh billion itu menjadi punca mengapa mulut terkunci rapat.

  14. Sdr/Sdri ‘maae’,

    1. Nak perbetul sikit komen sdr/sdri bagi perkara 2; terima kaseh. Untuk pengetahuan sdr/sdri, kedua-dua tertuduh (Sirul dan Azilah) tidak mengangkat sumpuh semasa memberi keterangan (katanya, atas syor peguam bela mereka). Mereka cuma membaca keterangan bertulis (juga tidak disumpah) daripada kandang tertuduh. Yang menjadi tanda tanya, mengapa kedua tertuduh di bela oleh peguam yang memang diketahui umum mewakili UMNO juga. Mengapa mereka membela tertuduh yang sedang dibicara di atas pertuduhan membunuh seseorang yang pernah dikaitkan dengan Timbalan Presiden UMNO ketika itu? Betul, keputusan mahkamah muktamad dan kedua tertuduh telah didapati bersalah kerana membunuh, dan juga telah dihukum gantung sampai mati. Tetapi, apa motif mereka membunuh? Difahamkan tidak seorangpun di antara tertuduh mengenali mangsa. Itu persoalan yang Dr M tanya, dan juga yang kebanyakan rakyat ingin tahu jawapannya. Berkenaan ‘sumpah’, adakah ia bermakna kepada individu yang telah membunuh seorang insan lain yang tidak berdosa terhadap beliau?

    2. Anon 12:21,
    Setuju Anifah Aman (‘AA’) seorang yang berwibawa, tetapi dengan keadaan ekonomi negara tercinta sedang tenat, kita memerlukan seorang pemimpin yang berpengalaman dan berkelayakan di dalam bidang ekonomi (dan bukannya seorang yang terlatih di dalam ‘bidang diplomasi.’ No pun intended to AA). Yang pasti AA dan juga rakan-rakan kabinet yang lain akan dapat membantu TRH di dalam menangani masaalah ekonomi dan kewangan negara secepat mungkin sebelum ianya bengkrap yang akan menyusahkan rakyat marhaen dan generasi terkemudian.

    3. Anon 12:37,
    Saya bukannya ‘Dato’ Zaid (‘DZ’).’ Saya cuma rakyat biasa yang tidak mempunyai nama besar seumpama ‘DZ.’ Komen saya berdasarkan kepada pemerhatian persendirian saya terhadap kemelut politik dan ekonomi Melayu yang telah dibinasakan oleh DSN. Saya Cuma ingin mengemukakan pendapat saya, itu saja. Malahan, TDM ke, TRH ke, AA ke, DZ ke, tiada sesiapa diantara mereka yang mengenali saya. Justeru, 'Anonymous.'

  15. We should support Tun M in whoever he names to take over as PM. As he said, enough monumental mistakes have been committed, willingly or unwillingly by the present gomen, Muhydeen will not be so stupid to continue doing the same.

    The latest Sarawak Report bears out Tun M's contention on 1MDB and his insistence to PM to reveal where the balance of the funds went to.

    Go to their website, it is so damaging to PM and the board of 1MDB, the CEO and whoever is advising/running the company. Bank Negara, the BSI Singapore bank, Deutsche bnk and others have been deceived so convincingly, this raises doubts why they allow themselves to be deceived and not enough safeguards or firewalls thrown up to detect the falsification of documents.

  16. Umno is...
    Broken in so many level in so many reasons.umno survival now just bcoz malays unity against non malay dominations...
    Which is crap coz non malays is more than malays which is even some malays are not into umno/bn to vote...

    Im getting fed up already wth muhyiddin...what else he waited for? Untill tun clear the post for him without a scratch to him??

    Its never about malays now...its malaysians when talk about 1mdb..
    We all know tun,his regime,his style...he would not attack rosmah personally if its not efeccting the rakyat..
    Bn campaign now are stupid & still depending on najib popularity which is sooooo not popular...
    Look at najib pics holding umbrella instead of some dude hold it for him?
    Terus ckp najib payung rakyat..what the...
    What a pathetic campaign is that? living in water for newlywed couple for me..just 2 of us anyway..
    Beat that mr. Umbrella LGBT colour!

  17. Bank kancil nye gabenor tu pun mesti kna jawab. Duit kuar berbillion blh lps gitu aje

  18. Othaman AhmadThursday, April 30, 2015 6:53:00 AM
    Cara Najib & si Mamat Maslan tangani isu 1MDB & GST mengimbas kembali peristiwa lucu zaman persekolahan saya di awal tahun 60an. Rakan sekelas yg berbangsa cina telah menulis karangan bertajuk 'Kesusahan' seperti berikut:-
    Saya sangat susah. Bapa saya susah. Emak saya juga susah. Drebar juga susah. Orang gaji juga susah. Tukang masak pun susah. Tukang kebun juga susah. Semuanya banyak susah. (Susah tapi ada drebar, tukang masak,
    tukang kebun & orang gaji. Susah ape ke mende?

    Begitulah tahap pemimpin pemerintahan kita masa kini yg sama dgn budak sekolah rendah saya sebutkan tadi. Lain yg TDM tanya, lain pula dorang merepek meraban. Haiiii... entah lah Labu.........,!!!!!!

  19. Apparently Najib is trying to polytricking us but caught in the web of serious criminal breach of trust involving billions RM, mysteriously known only by his inner circles, notably Rosmah, Arul Kandasamy, his step son and Jho Low

  20. Nak elak jawab isu 1MDB, maka disebut

    jambatan bengkok lah
    nak naikkan Mukhriz lah
    gila kuasa lah
    dah nyanyuk lah
    kena serang lah

    macam macam lagi

    inilah tahap 3.85 macai ahjibgor dan hippo

  21. Tak cukup dengan duit negara yang disapu-sapu berbilion-bilion dengan berselindung di sebalik dana pelaburan berdaulat, sekarang duit dalam poket rakyat nak disapunya dengan cukai GST.

  22. Adakah 1MDB terlalu "rahsia" sehingga tiada seorang pegawai kerajaan yang tahu?

    Takkan pegawai kerajaan sudah tidak dipercayai lagi untuk pegang "rahsia kerajaan"?

    Adakah sumpah setia orang gomen kepada seorang RM atau kepada negara?

    Adakah PAC dan Audit Negara akan namakan pegawai-pegawai yang akan "disirulkan"?

    Terkini, KP Kastam telah juga "disirulkan" dan "diahmad-maslankan" dalam isu GST yang sangat caca merba tu.

    Mungkinkah pegawai kerajaan sebenarnya menyokong Tun M kerana gejala "sirulisma" dan "ahmad-maslanisma" ni? Gejala "RMisma" dan "Pemanduisma" jugak dengarnya sudah lama jadi viral dan virus sekaligus kepada orang gomen?

  23. Jikalau ahjib kangkung tak tahu, kena tanyalah si hippo.

    Sebab jho low, riza, altantuya mungkin ada kaitan dgn hippo kot?

    Pasti Tun Dr M tahu segalanya, hanya beliau ingin kangkung hippo UNDUR supaya RAHSIA keluarga tak menjadi sesuatu yg MEMALUKAN negara Malaysia.

    Undur lah kangkung dan sorok sihippo duk kat rumah bersenam sepanjang hayat.

    Makan tak tahu kenyang.

  24. Kata-kata Prof. Dr. Hamka:

    "Kemunduran negara tidak akan terjadi kalau tidak kemunduran budi dan kekusutan jiwa."

    "Kalau hidup sekadar hidup, babi di hutan juga hidup. Kalau bekerja sekadar bekerja, kera juga bekerja."

    "Hujung akal itu fikir, pangkal agama itu zikir."

    "Positif, bukan negatif. Aktif, bukan pasif."

  25. First KBU seems to echo mahathir's question,"who is jho low" issyed ali of cheras.

    One of the guardians of najib's galaxym he was very vocal but now appeared "convinced" with what mahathir has expounded

  26. To all dumbo dumbass excluding the worst president and premier in the world.

    Pkr+pas+dap+tun m supporters+umno grassroot members+sabah parties+sarawak parties+bebas AGAINST bn...All against bn

    STILL THINK YOU CAN WIN? Bn only hope is the malay vote. Dont dream the chinese and indian votes. Slight change with malay votes will mean that you will lose and if you lose, i just hope and pray that all of you who failed the country and the people to be brought to justice and put behind bars...amin

    1. Najib Gor used to be bangang setakat tu lah, but his recent words and actions prove beyond a doubt that he is jemuan sampai gitu dah. Si Gemuk limpah ruah Jholow sembunyi di mana sekarang?

  27. bipolar@12:45:00 p.m.

    you need to seek immediate treatment at tanjung rambutan

    the people are against najib kangkung and hippo, not at BN

    1. I think ur more sick than kangkung. If you dont understand, ask...not giving back a stupid opinion which clearly show your level of stupidity.

      Let me ask 1 stupid question to you (i cant ask this to people who is not stupid). Which goverment is holding the power now? Umno? Mca? Mic? Ppp? Or all of the above together with other parties in sabah and sarawak? What is the name of the coalition? Is it bn, pas, pkr, dap or some other? If the malay swing their votes to other party not in this coalition or refuse to vote what will happen? Will bn still win? If bn loses does it mean umno or mca or mic wins and will still hold the power? Of course the reason is kangkung, all his stupid ministers, his kb, kp, kw and probably you as well.

      My intention mr idiot is to remind all those idiots (excluding you as you are totally irrepairable) whose holding the power to throw kangkung out before things get worst.

      Get it moron?

    2. Betul la kata 12:45. Klu byk pengundi lari camne bn nak menang... dgn issue 1mdb, gst, brg naik, mongolia dll ramai yg akan lari. Sya ngan famili kompom x kan vote bn pu14 nti kcuali kangkung xde

  28. Sebab pemerintah lemah maka tahun 2020 kita akan hantar pembantu rumah ke negara-negara lain ala Filippina. Nasib Melayu memang malang. Merempat di negara sendiri dan akan mengemis di negara lain tidak lama lagi. Ada UMNO ambil peduli? Tidak. Mereka hanya pentingkan kuasa dan bertuhankan duit. Sedihnya menjadi Melayu.

    Mana perginya RM27 bil itu? Perlukah cucu cicit saya menanggung beban hutang shopping sakan pembesar-pembesar Melayu yang hanya mementingkan diri?

    Mana jati dirimu UMNO?

    Tidak akan saya pangkah lagi UMNO.

  29. En Firdaus.

    I overheard this conversation amongst a group of makciks in a wet market in Pudu.

    Veggie seller is Chinese lady in her mid 40s.
    Pelanggan are 2 Malay ladies with young families and an older Bengali lady in her 60s.

    They are (I deduce) regulars with the veggies seller. All were complaining about the rising food costs. One of the Malay lady said she no longer eating much chicken much less beef. Most of the time ikan keli je. The topic shifted to GST. From GST it become personal. All of them think GST is implemented to fuel The PM's wife shopping.

    If the ordinary rakyat is already thinking like this, and it is easy to think like this, since you will be reminded of it every time you open your wallet or purse to pay for groceries, what is the implication to DSN and his UMNO bunch of merrymen?

  30. Sir,

    I do not think Mr. Najib will step down in the near future. This time our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir will lose as the Prime Minister is surrounded by layers of people who need him to remain in power. They have to safeguard their periuk nasi. They will do any means necessary to make Najib the Prime Minister until next general election.

    But I believe BN will be the opposition after 2018. Mark my word.

    Dak wan.

    1. And mark mine: this case of national embezzlement is going to send some people to jail insha Allah

  31. Selama 446 tahun kita dijajah selepas kejatuhan kerajaan Melayu Melaka pada 1511. Nikmat kemerdekaan & harga diri Melayu sayang sekali mula terhakis sejak pengunduran TDM sebagai PM.

    Hari ini negara, pemerintahan & ekonomi kita dijajah semula bila Ah Jib Ghor tidak berupaya berdikari dan berkiblatkan barat & USA atas nasihat puak Liberal Umno & Pemandul. Bertambah dayus lagi bila dia di bawah telunjuk (queen control) jelmaan Imelda Marcos II.

  32. bipolar@10:46:00 p.m

    hahahaha marah nampak

    Not only do you need psychiatric redress, you also need a brain transplant.

    Imagine expecting a cool intelligent answer from stupid people ... hahahaha

    the chinese tsunami should have TAUGHT you a bitter lesson, my dear bipolar

    Malaysia is really all about the majority Malays, including kangkung and hippo

    the pakatoons had never made any serious threat to the all powerful present UMNO/BN.

    The fact that dinosaur LimKS ACTUALLY proposed to work with the great statesman TUN DR MAHATHIR proves just how pathetically stupid and ineffective the pakatoons are. That includes the inferior chinese DNA.

    The chinese must ACCEPT that their best chance was PRU13.

    And that dear bipolar is history.

    hahahahaha ...

    1. Anon 6:02
      Awaklah antara sebab umno makin buruk di mata rakyat. X blh trima kenyataan dan angkuh

  33. 1:01:00 a.m.

    Setuju ... sejak kahwain darurat kangkung hippo

  34. What a dumb s answer fr an idiot with a hollow brain. That kinda brain ur having is like hvin none at all. Well what do you aspect when a moron trying to put his message of dumbness across.

    There was no threat by pakatan? Explain why they won those states. Malay votes already split into 3 at least and what was the result? Losing those states. And what will happen if tun m supporters and the rakyat do not or refuse to vote bn come ge14?

    U c most of bn leaders r dreamers and thats the real reason bn gonna lose. They dreamt since bodohwi right till kangkung. Tun did not worked with dap or any other opposition party before but bn still did bad. Bn will lose because of its arrogant and stupidity and yes, having people like kangkung, 3.85, roti jala, molek and you around.

    bn will lose if they dont pull themselves together. As a matter of fact, I myself and hundreds of my relatives and friends are ready to vote for pkr or pas. We are umno members but we are ashame to be one now. We will take our chance. We would rather vote for a party who could probably improve our lives instead of choosing a party/coalition that has and still continuing to destroy it.

    I pity u for the state of mind ur in now. Probably because of kangkung or probably to much dreaming of what was taught to you when you were young until everything is haywire. I dont blame you. By the way, pls dont donate ur brain if u no longer need it ya. It might give bad effect to the recepient. Also dont just throw it in the dustbin coz considering its level of toxication, it'll be hazardous to humankind as well as animals. Just swallow it if u can. At least there, we know for sure the stupidity will remain unexposed.

    thanks dummy

    1. Bro, x yah layan si bahlol anonymous 3:55 ni...bukan dia paham apa yg hang maksudkan...

      Memang banyak org umno sekarang terutama yang berjawatan dah jadi sewel. Banyak makan harta kotor kot...hahaha

  35. Anon 2:27pm, if ders a nid 2 hv some1 sent 2 tg rmbtan, i think its u. U don even know how 2 understand d msge written.

  36. bipolar@12:00:00 p.m.

    tsk tsk tsk

    your language is really FULL of linguistic errors - indisputable EVIDENCE of a lowly educated coolie kang

    why vote for pakatoons just because you are unhappy with UMNO/BN

    pakatoons will amplify and worsen the problems faced by Malaysia

    my dear bipolar, the available solution (in case your brain capacity is devoid of creative problem solving) is to convince the capable leaders from UMNO to make a pact with the professionals from PAS and form a new party.

    kangkung, hippo, 3.85, trojan horse, bootlickers, apple polishers will be left DISCARDED mouths open


    P.S. bipolar dearie, you should attend English Language classes to upgrade your grasp of EL as well as to reboot your CPU that has outlived the warranty - better still overhaul)

    hee hee

    1. Coolie kang? Which part of dictionary any 1 could find that word?


    2. Who are you to judge pkr or any other party for that matter to be worse? No wonder ur such a moron acting like god.

      I dont blame your parent giving birth to a dumb child like you. Afterall they didnt know that ur gonna be so dumb anyway...

      Regards to your english teacher for successfully making you a moron...

      Dumb dumb

    3. "why vote for pakatoons just because you are unhappy with UMNO/BN."
      "my dear bipolar, the available solution (in case your brain capacity is devoid of creative problem solving) is to convince the capable leaders from UMNO to make a pact with the professionals from PAS and form a new party."

      look at what this dumbo wrote. 1st he asked why vote for pakatan if unhappy with umno/bn. Then he suggest to form a new party.

      Hahaha...please laugh coz dis moron is makin a joke....dont even know what he was writing maharaja bangak...saya kasi 3 suku bintang...hahaha

    4. Allo...apsal lak nak kna wat parti baru? Yg patut buat ialah buang pm dan suku sakatnya yg x reti keje tu. Hang calap tungang tebalik la...kot hangpa ni agen red bean kot...

    5. "pakatoons will amplify and worsen the problems faced by Malaysia."
      "my dear bipolar, the available solution (in case your brain capacity is devoid of creative problem solving) is to convince the capable leaders from UMNO to make a pact with the professionals from PAS and form a new party".

      Another point to note. He claimed pakatan will make things worst and yet he proposed a pact with them....this guy is a no brainer...same like kangkung

    6. Agaknya dia suruh wat parti baru utk dia sendiri jdi presiden kot....lagi hancus...

    7. Hahaha....Hang da kasi cekmate mamat ni...dia ingat professional pas tu bukan pakatan kot...hahaha

  37. Anom 12:00pm.....

    I am in total concurrence.

    TDM is indeed a special gift bestowed by the Almighty to Malays and Islam. He is not only a true statesman but also the global spokesman for 3rd world and Islamic countries that have guts to pin-point against the evil doings of Zionist Jews and American imperialism. I trust the plight of the country & rakyat would not taken place if he is still our PM. This grand old statesman is man of visions and incredibly brilliant. He gives me chills coming to the realization of his intellectual brilliance and wisdom without relying on foreign Talent Corpse/Mayat and roti Jala PEMANDUL and of course, puak songsang Melayu Liberals.

    Ex Son of Spura

  38. Yo people

    The initiative is NOT to make a pact with pakatoons, only with PAS professionals and the UMNO members who is anti-kangkung and hippo.

    Once again NOT with DAP, PKR or PASMA but a union of part PAS and part UMNO.

    And this is only if kangkung and hippo stubbornly hangs on to the country's funds.

    Please go upgrade your comprehension skills before jumping on the bandwagon of retards.

    Hee hee

    1. Pas part of ur pakatoon or not???? Hahaha...joker

    2. I think u should go back to study yourself laa... pas is part of pakatan and u clearly said pakatan will be worse....

      Reading your comments reminded me of some jokers in the govt like malek, kangkung and sabri

    3. Hi bro, stop your nonsense have made a fool of yourself...our important hope and mission is to get the pm to resi

    4. Anon 10:50

      Apo kono eh jang? Dah terkono bahan buatan sendiri ko? Hehehe

  39. To trouble shooting problem, find the root or cause. Likewise, who trigger the 1MDB, the murder of Altantunya committed by Sirul & Azila, disrespect towards Malays, Islam & the rulers due to abolishment of ISA and NEP, the hiring of expensive but destructive Foreign Talent Corpses/Zombies and those fruitless extravagant spendings of the country's wealth.
    If you desire command of respect, you don't buy them nor self-praise yourself as what was revealed few days ago in the mainstream media, notably tv3 and NST.

  40. To trouble shooting problem, find the root or cause. Likewise, who trigger the 1MDB, the murder of Altantunya committed by Sirul & Azila, disrespect towards Malays, Islam & the rulers due to abolishment of ISA and NEP, the hiring of expensive but destructive Foreign Talent Corpses/Zombies and those fruitless extravagant spendings of the country's wealth.
    If you desire command of respect, you don't buy them nor self-praise yourself as what was revealed few days ago in the mainstream media, notably tv3 and NST.

  41. After all is said and done, the individuals who act upon their own plans convinced that "the ends justify the means" will have to face the painful consequences, sooner or later. And since the longer they linger around, increasingly larger numbers of people will be affected negatively, therefore may the punishment befall them sooner rather than later.

  42. Just wonder why people lije tunku aziz of ex dap taking a pot shot at mahathir.....

    Mahathir, how soon are you gonna let the cats out of the bag for both 1 MDB and Altantuya's case?

    Having looked at all views from many msny angles viz the muslim malays today, I can safely conclude that tiada lagi esok untuk mereka.

    Eloklah melayu menjadi melayu yang tak beragama, mati tak bernisan, tak perlu beraja. Hiduplah kita sebagai mat salleh dengan penuh liberal dN bebas. Blog jiwa paradox sangat meyakinkan saya bahawa sememangnya ALLAH tak skan membantu kita melayu muslim kerana kitarela diri kita diliwat oleh melayu yang intellectual seperti najib dan tinku aziz.

    Satu hari kelak moga anak2 dan cucu2 kita kencing atas melayu muslim yang telah mengkhianati bangsa dan agamanya sendiri


  43. Rakyat di era Transparency & IT kini tidak lagi boleh dimanipulasi, apatah lagi diperolok-olokkan oleh pemimpin. Isu 1MDB kini hangat diperbualkan di setiap pelusuk oleh semua lapisan masyarakat.

    Dari input yg terluah di blog ini & juga blog2 lain, initial finding jelas menunjukkan kes 1MDB adalah :-

    1 - Satu
    M - Malaysia
    D - Dah
    B - Bengang. .......!!!

    Without Fear or Favour.

  44. He's playing up issues on the left he's playing up issues on the right but he ain't gonna open us honestly - because he can't, he's filled up with ulterior motives.

  45. Hahaha mic ada ura2 nak kuar bn....padan muka. G jahanam lah org2 umno yg merosakkan negara dan menyeksa rakyat...

    Amin amin yarabbal alamin...

  46. Pegi la lagi cepat. Mereka itu lalang. Belum tentu Allah kabulkan doa mu yg berniat jahat hati hitam seperti hati limkomunis.
    Semoga Allah hapuskan niat hitam gelagam kamu.

  47. Assalamualaikum.

    Please read this shocking deal between Tabung Haji and 1MDB.

  48. Semoga tun M sihat selalu...selamatkan malaysia dari pemimpin lembik..
