Difahamkan Mesyuarat Biro Politik Umno yang bersidang lewat semalam telah mengambil keputusan untuk tidak meneruskan tradisi melantik Timbalan Presiden Umno merangkap Timbalan Pengerusi BN untuk mengetuai kempen pilihanraya kecil.
Sebaliknya amanah Presiden Umno itu kini dianugerahkan kepada Naib Presiden Umno Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi (untuk kempen BN bagi pilihanraya kecil kawasan Parlimen Permatang Pauh ) dan Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussien (bagi PRK kawasan Parlimen Rompin).
Tidak pasti jika Muhyiddin yang kini berada di Jakarta untuk lawatan kerja telah dimaklumkan terlebih dahulu ataupun beliau sendiri telak menolak tanggungjawab tersebut.
Kenapa Muhyiddin memilih untuk ke Jakarta dan tidak menghadiri mesyuarat penting Biro Pengurusan Umno di Kuala Lumpur?
Walau apa pun, perkembangan yang agak mengejutkan ini pasti akan menimbulkan pelbagai persoalan serta tanda tanya akan hubungan diantara Presiden Umno Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan Timbalan beliau.
Satu lagi perkembangan yang akan mengeruhkan lagi keadaan serta menimbulkan pelbagai spekulasi ialah ura-ura akan tindakan menggantikan Muhyiddin sebagai Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Bencana Negara.
Jika maklumat di-atas adalah benar serta sahih, apa maknanya?
Apakah Najib sudah tidak lagi mempercayai Muhyiddin atau mungkinkah Muhyiddin sudah tidak yakin dengan Najib?
Apakah sudah bermula langkah drastik untuk memperkukuhkan kedudukan Najib dengan menyingkirkan Muhyiddin yang hangat diperkatakan sebagai individu paling layak menggalas tanggungjawab sebagai Perdana Menteri bila Najib terpaksa berundur?
Sementara menunggu pengesahan/penafian atau pengumuman rasmi akan perkara yang disebut di-atas, marilah kita sama-sama mendengar serta mengambil iktibar dari nasihat ikhlas Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan Datuk Seri Utama Mohamad Hassan.
Kata orang nasihat ini masih panas dan berhubungkait dengan kemelut kepimpinan dalam Umno. Saya tidak pasti, biarlah para pembaca sekalian yang membuat kesimpulan masing-masing.
Untuk makluman, Umno Negeri Sembilan mengadakan perjumpaan tertutup bersama Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin beberapa hari yang lalu di Seremban.
p/s Ini bukan hasutan. Jika ada mana-mana maklumat dalam tulisan ini yang tidak tepat, sila perbetulkan. Jika tidak betul samasekali, sila nafikan. Jangan ada balaci yang melompat macam kera kena belacan. I stand to be corrected. TQ
Berbaik sangka... tak payah panjangķan. Lepas ni akan ada mcm2 komen dan penulisan dan spekulasi.. penatlah
Perhaps the Committe felt that he is so lembab that they prefer someone more dynamic?
Buat posting macam bagus. Di akhir kalam tidak pasti jika perkara ini benar. Playsave nampak. Tak sahih jangan la digembar gemburkan. Saja buat kecoh.
Langkah begini telahpun dijangka. Allah maha besar dan maha berkuasa. Namrud membakar Nabi Ibrahim as dan Firaun mengumpulkan ahli sihir untuk menewaskan Musa as tetapi Allah juga yang menentukan siapa yang menang.
Kalau benar bagai dikata, sahlah Najib is insulated by his paid followers. It is a matter of time Muhyiddin will show his stand and I do believe he has enough grassroot supporters including umno veterans
Anyone should be better than Najib. Our PM is a disgrace to the nation and the existence of humanity!!!
Anon 8.02,
If you think zahid and or hishamuddin are strong and more dynamic, you better have a second thought.
Remember how zahid handled lahad datu case with tonnes and tonnes of rhetorics? We do not need a rhetoric expert.
Similarly, we do not need a corroboration and non corroboration expert like hishamuddin. pity those on board mh370.
Rompin menang Permatang pauh kalah
Hishamudin menang Zahid kalah
Menang ganti Muhyidin kalah jadi menteri asas tani
Dah lama dengar perkara ni. Worse come to worse if Najib has to step down, pengganti pastilah BUKAN TSMY. He needs a person that he can make a deal...i save u you save me deal like what happened when he took over from Pak Lah. Zahid is being prepared for that.
If the pact managed to have their way, then umno will never be fixed...it will be permanently damaged... corrupt to the bones....broken beyond repair.
TS Muhyiddin have a stronger character and reputation. Just look at how he handled the flood in Kelantan, while his boss happily playing golf somewhere else? Even when Najib came back, Najib even smiled when commenting about the flood. To me that reaction was not supposed to came out from someone when commenting about a tragedy, and which supposed to be much concerned to him. Luckily Muhyiddin was there and manage to handle the tragedy professionally. He even managed to reform the education in Malaysia, better than Najib when he wast the Education Minister. I strongly support TS Muhyiddin as the next PM. I think Tun M is doing his 'operation' to bring up Muhyiddin rather than simply just to tarnish Najib's image without reason. Tun Mahathir may now realized the potential of Muhyiddin which gains much support not only from Malay but other races too. Even from enemy like PAS!
ISMA, Perkasa and PAS should form a pact to fight UMNO at Permatang pauh and Rompin!
If DAP want to see UMNO die slowly, stay away from this election!
Tengku Razaleigh should be the caretaker PM, sort out all the dirt and mess left behind and deliver a clean slate to Muhydin to take over.
1. As a result of the exposure regarding the Altantuya case and 1MDB, Najib is now getting pledges of support from UMNO division heads, BN, MIC, Senators and all kinds of groups. This is what the mainstream press reports.
2. I am not asking anybody to support me. But I am going to ask all those who support Najib to declare they all support his 1MDB, 1MDB borrowing 42 billion Ringgit and his inability to answer where the money is when asked.
3. Do you also support keeping billions of Ringgit in Cayman Islands? Do you also support that having brought back the money, it must be kept in a Swiss Bank in Singapore. Do you also support the explanation that the money cannot be brought back to Malaysia by the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance because Bank Negara will ask too many questions.
4. Do you support purchase of Government land in KL at far below market price, revaluing it to make it your asset while buying power plants from the private sector at well above market price.
5. Now there is a suggestion that this land be sold to Government companies at inflated prices so as to pay the billions borrowed by 1MDB.
6. If this sale is in order to pay 1MDB debts, that means that 1MDB which borrowed 42 billion cannot pay its debts from its investments, that it has lost the billions.
7. So what happened to the 42 billion borrowed? Why must 1MDB borrow 2 billion to pay the interest? Why must Government make available almost 1 billion Government money to pay 1MDB debts?
8. These two borrowings by 1MDB means it now has a debt of 42+3 billion = 45 billion.
9. Supporters of Najib must also support Jho Low who managed 1MDB money who is a friend of Najib like Daim is my friend. They must also be friends of Jho Low to have so much faith in him.
10. I asked Najib simple questions but instead of answering the questions he asked people to support him. I would like to ask the supporters whether their support means the disappearance of 42 billion Ringgit is okay, that there is no necessity to at least explain where the money is. If you do, go tell Daim, Tengku Razaleigh, Shahrir Samad and Khairy Jamaluddin to shut up.
Oh no, not Mr. Zahid the gungho who talks-like-real !
Couldn't access it for hours. Thanks..
I Love Jho Low! I support 1Mdb. I dont care if the 42billion is used to make First Lady happy because I Love PM unconditionally.
Hukum hudud utk Pemimpin yg songlap duit negara dan menzalimi rakyat sampai mati apa ek? Sula sampai mati? Geletek sampai kluar taik ijau?
Pada pendapat saya Muhyiddin tidak layak dipertimbangkan sebagai bakal PM. SebagaivTPM dan Menteri Pelajaran pun tidak layak. Malah apa-apa jawatan kabinet juga dia tidak layak Setakat ini beliau tidak memberi apa-apa sumbangan kepada semua kementerian demi kepentingan rakyat. Tidak ada satu dasar atau polisi yang dikemukakan untuk memajukan peranan kementerian yang di terajui Muhyiddin.
Major breach of public trust by a top government official amounting to embezzlement of national treasury funds and wilful deception of the people. Certainly criminal in nature, ie. passed the limits (hadd) of acceptable behaviour.
Diorang yang bergelar "shaktipat" atau "pengamal kebal" itu memang diorang ahli musyirikin: "Siapa yang berkuasa itu betul!"
Tak payah lah nak bagi moral support kepada Muhyideen sebab dia sudah "burn out".
Nampaknya Cuma Hishamuddin sahaja yang layak menyandang gelaran PM. Walau pun dia taklah secelupah Zahid, dia tak cakap banyak dan memang buat kerja...
Hishamuddin juga tak lah gila wang macam yang lain.
Akhi, dia tak cakap banyak dan memang buat kerja tidak bermakna dia layak menjawat kementerian perdana. Ramai kawan aku pun tak gila wang, kebanyakan diorang pun berdiam diri dan terus buat kerja saja .... Ya Allah Tuhan kami!
"9. Supporters of Najib must also support Jho Low who managed 1MDB money who is a friend of Najib like Daim is my friend. They must also be friends of Jho Low to have so much faith in him."
Dua Kali lima sepuluh dan dua campur dua empat! It takes a thief to catch a thief.
Daim was the Finance Minister. Who is Jho Low?
Mamak kutty nasi tambah. batu api.
Jho Low is just a financial broker but Daim was the Finance Minister?
The question is:
Who are the crooked masters with great intelligence who masterminded to manipulate and hack into the complex financial institutions?
They, with motive, holding an executive talent and power are liable to do so. A craving desire for financial benefit is the driven motivation, an appetite to directly undertake con assignments, practically resetting and reconstructing the financial transaction for their own good and purpose.
They are in minded for capital accumulation for financial profit while sitting in the position of power. A compelling principal is guarded for their survival (so-called the economic growth) of greeds otherwise assumed or at least in principle.
The spiral maneuvering started when Tun Mahathir released his position as the Finance Minister, to take charge the house of Money. They were responsible for the financial figuring that have had caused the financial system to shatter. These financial fraudulences were made possible because of the privatization policies. I think, it went under Mahatdir's nose unnoticed by the ugly "hidden hands" after it was too late then.
A fact, abide an irony of greeds have a spiral, thus cropping effects in their leadership inclusively to take its cause since the privatization policy was introduced.
As a result, the structure of its financial, thus the economic foundation have gone haywires.
Marilah kita bersatu ...ingat dalam pegangan kita ...apa yang berlaku baik dan buruk pada rupa sebenarnya telah ditetapkan dari dahulu kala lagi..... bersabarlah.. rida... kembalilah kepada sang Pencipta ...
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