Above is documentary proof of what Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Ibrahim of Johor said in an exclusive pre-Coronation interview with the New Straits Times on March 22, 2015. That was about a month ago.
Please re-read DYMM Sultan Johor's own words HERE about the Johor Causeway, the bridge and quotes like 'even if we need to remove part of the causeway'.
My advice to all those mainstream media editors and politicians who are overzealously in high gear to apple-polish their master, Don't cross the line!
Please do continue to support a failed leader at your own peril but don't drag the palace into politics.
Don't try to use or abuse the Royal Institution for your narrow self-serving politics.
Don't twist, turn and completely disfigure what our Malay Rulers say with the best interest of this nation and her people at heart.
If you happen to be a politician/ top editor who don't understand the English language, please get someone to translate the interview above and read it again for proper context.
p/s When you try to drag a Malay Ruler to appear on prime-time TV news to talk politics, please do remember that there are EIGHT other Malay Rulers in this beloved nation of ours.
From the past - http://www.sgrolexclub.com/archive/index.php/t-36724.html
Malaysian National News Agency
Demolish Causeway - Sultan Iskandar
November 04, 2006 17:16 PM
JOHOR BAHARU, Nov 4 (Bernama) -- The Sultan of Johor, Sultan Iskandar, on Saturday called for demolition of the Johor Causeway, the southern gateway into Malaysia, to provide the passage for ships to pass through the Tebrau Straits which separates Malaysia and Singapore.
He said the causeway, built by the British colonialists, was blocking ships from passing through the Tebrau Straits.
This had subjected Johor to constant condemnation, he said.
"The causeway has to be demolished, only then Johor will develop," he said when launching the multi-billion ringgit South Johor Economic Region (SJER) project in Danga Bay here today. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was present.
Built in 1920, the causeway, spanning 1,050m in length from Johor Baharu to Singapore and 18.18m in width, accommodates two railway lines and a 7.87m-wide road. A water pipeline from Johor to Singapore and a telecommunication cable also pass through the causeway.
On the SJER project, a joint initiative of the federal and state governments, the Sultan said he was confident the project would succeed with the cooperation of all parties.
He hoped it would open up opportunities for Johoreans and the benefits reaped by people from all strata of society in the state.
He also reminded Johoreans to learn a lesson from the experiences of the forefathers who were easily deceived by the British.
"We better not be naive to be not cheated again," he said.
The Ruler thanked the federal government, particularly Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, for allocating a substantial amount for Johor's economic development.
The Sultan later placed an iconic time capsule at the project site which would be kept until 2025.
In conjunction with the launch, the massive SJER project, developed by Khazanah Nasional, the federal government's investment arm, was given a new name -- Iskandar Development Region.
The project entails RM47 billion investment in the first five years from 2006 to 2010 and RM335 billion in the next 15 years between 2011 and 2025.
Johor Sultan speaks out http://www.rockybru.com.my/2006/11/johor-sultan-speaks-out.html
Sultan of Johor's SJER Speech. The media quotes Tuanku.
Here are quotes taken from Malaysia-Today, NST Online, Star Online and Bernama. At the time of writing (updating) this, I couldn't find anything quoting Tuanku's speech in Sun2Surf and Berita Harian Online.
It's amazing to me how different some of the quotes are, and how much the emphasis differs between them. If I didn't know better, I might think each reporter was listening to a different speech.
And as if to confirm NST's current status as bootlicker #1, top arse kisser and spin doctor extraordinaire, note how they ahem... subtly include (add?) "quotes" about the virtues of the govt. Funny.... nobody else did.
"The colonialists built it to develop Keppel Harbour in Singapore," Sultan Iskandar, 74, said in remarks broadcast live on television.
"Many people think foreigners are great but I think they are dirty," he added.
"If the causeway is removed, then the economy will develop," he told a crowd of some 2,000 onlookers, who cheeered and clapped at his suggestion.
"Let ships go through," said Sultan Iskandar, who was flanked by Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi at the launch.
News Straits Times
"What we want is for the Causeway to be torn down. The water is so filthy. Tear it down and Johor will prosper. Ships can then pass through."
"Let’s not be proud of the Mat Sallehs. They will only play you out."
"We have to work together, the state and the federal governments, to make this a success. Insyallah, bermuafakat itu berkat. (God willing, there will be benefits if we co-operate)."
"I want to thank the federal government, especially sahabat lama saya (my good old friend) Pak Lah (Abdullah). I have known him for decades."
The Star
“The Causeway has to be removed to allow ships to pass,” the Sultan said before
launching the multi-billion SJER.
In his address the Ruler, who was clad in a T-shirt, said he would not “give face” (bagi muka) to the foreigners (Mat Sallehs) and urged the people not to hold them in high regard.
He also reminded locals and their children to be wary of them as they were “vultures”.
"Causeway tu, bukakan...baru negeri Johor ni maju (the causeway has to be demolished, only then Johor will develop)," the Sultan said before launching the project which was televised live.
He said the causeway, built by the British colonialists, was blocking ships from passing through the Tebrau Straits. This had subjected Johor to constant condemnation, he said.
He also reminded Johoreans to learn a lesson from the experiences of the forefathers who were easily deceived by the British. "We better not be naive to be not cheated again," he said.
Sultan of Johor's SJER Speech. The media quotes Tuanku.
Here are quotes taken from Malaysia-Today, NST Online, Star Online and Bernama. At the time of writing (updating) this, I couldn't find anything quoting Tuanku's speech in Sun2Surf and Berita Harian Online.
It's amazing to me how different some of the quotes are, and how much the emphasis differs between them. If I didn't know better, I might think each reporter was listening to a different speech.
And as if to confirm NST's current status as bootlicker #1, top arse kisser and spin doctor extraordinaire, note how they ahem... subtly include (add?) "quotes" about the virtues of the govt. Funny.... nobody else did.
"The colonialists built it to develop Keppel Harbour in Singapore," Sultan Iskandar, 74, said in remarks broadcast live on television.
"Many people think foreigners are great but I think they are dirty," he added.
"If the causeway is removed, then the economy will develop," he told a crowd of some 2,000 onlookers, who cheeered and clapped at his suggestion.
"Let ships go through," said Sultan Iskandar, who was flanked by Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi at the launch.
News Straits Times
"What we want is for the Causeway to be torn down. The water is so filthy. Tear it down and Johor will prosper. Ships can then pass through."
"Let’s not be proud of the Mat Sallehs. They will only play you out."
"We have to work together, the state and the federal governments, to make this a success. Insyallah, bermuafakat itu berkat. (God willing, there will be benefits if we co-operate)."
"I want to thank the federal government, especially sahabat lama saya (my good old friend) Pak Lah (Abdullah). I have known him for decades."
The Star
“The Causeway has to be removed to allow ships to pass,” the Sultan said before
launching the multi-billion SJER.
In his address the Ruler, who was clad in a T-shirt, said he would not “give face” (bagi muka) to the foreigners (Mat Sallehs) and urged the people not to hold them in high regard.
He also reminded locals and their children to be wary of them as they were “vultures”.
"Causeway tu, bukakan...baru negeri Johor ni maju (the causeway has to be demolished, only then Johor will develop)," the Sultan said before launching the project which was televised live.
He said the causeway, built by the British colonialists, was blocking ships from passing through the Tebrau Straits. This had subjected Johor to constant condemnation, he said.
He also reminded Johoreans to learn a lesson from the experiences of the forefathers who were easily deceived by the British. "We better not be naive to be not cheated again," he said.
Johor wants new bridge to replace Causeway
Ini gurindam Raja Ali Haji fasal yang keempat & yang kedua belas:
"Hati kerajaan di dalam tubuh,
jikalau zalim segala anggota pun roboh.
Apabila dengki sudah bertanah,
datanglah daripadanya beberapa anak panah.
Mengumpat dan memuji hendaklah pikir,
di situlah banyak orang yang tergelincir.
Pekerjaan marah jangan dibela,
nanti hilang akal di kepala.
Jika sedikitpun berbuat bohong,
boleh diumpamakan mulutnya itu pekong.
Tanda orang yang amat celaka,
aib dirinya tiada ia sangka.
Bakhil jangan diberi singgah,
itupun perampok yang amat gagah.
Barang siapa yang sudah besar,
janganlah kelakuannya membuat kasar.
Barang siapa perkataan kotor,
mulutnya itu umpama ketur.
Di mana tahu salah diri,
jika tidak orang lain yang berperi?"
"Raja mufakat dengan menteri,
seperti kebun berpagarkan duri.
Betul hati kepada raja,
tanda jadi sebarang kerja.
Hukum adil atas rakyat,
tanda raja beroleh inayat.
Kasihkan orang yang berilmu,
tanda rahmat atas dirimu.
Hormat akan orang yang pandai,
tanda mengenal kasa dan cindai.
Ingatkan dirinya mati,
itulah asal berbuat bakti.
Akhirat itu terlalu nyata,
kepada hati yang tidak buta."
Kenapa Pak Arab tu yang berbillionaire tu tak buat jasa bakti kepada rakyat Johor dan Tuanku dengan membina Jambatan Bengkok tu sendiri?
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