6 MAC 2015
Dalam mesyuarat Jemaah Menteri pada 4 Mac 2015, Jemaah Menteri telah diberikan taklimat oleh 1MDB dan firma auditnya Deloitte berhubung beberapa dakwaan yang dibuat terhadap dana pelaburan strategik itu.
Saya menyambut baik arahan YAB Perdana Menteri supaya Ketua Audit Negara mengesahkan secara bebas akaun 1MDB yang mana laporannya akan diserahkan kepada Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negara untuk penelitian lanjut.
Saya berpandangan Ketua Audit Negara wajar mengaudit akaun 1MDB secara telus, bebas dan menyeluruh dengan meneliti akaun 1MDB sejak awal penubuhannya. Ini kerana beberapa tuduhan penyelewengan yang dilemparkan terhadap dana pelaburan strategik itu adalah berhubung urusniaga yang dibuat sejak tahun 2009 yang tidak termasuk dalam tahun kewangan 2013 yang diaudit oleh firma Deloitte.
Ini termasuk tuduhan berlakunya penyelewengan dalam usahasama antara 1MDB dan PetroSaudi International seperti yang ditimbulkan oleh beberapa portal berita. Saya percaya pengauditan yang telus, bebas dan menyeluruh adalah penting untuk membersihkan nama dana pelaburan strategik milik kerajaan itu daripada sebarang tuduhan penyelewengan dan salah laku.
Oleh kerana dakwaan terhadap 1MDB melibatkan urusniaga korporat yang agak kompleks serta menyentuh kepentingan negara dan kerajaan, Ketua Audit Negara mestilah diberikan sokongan sumber, kepakaran dan tempoh masa yang tidak terlalu lama untuk menyiapkan satu laporan yang lengkap dan komprehensif. Ini penting untuk memulihkan reputasi 1MDB dan mengembalikan keyakinan pelabur. Audit forensik hendaklah dilaksanakan untuk menentukan tiada penyelewengan kewangan berlaku dalam urusniaga 1MDB. Pada masa yang sama, Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negara juga boleh memulakan siasatannya sendiri tanpa perlu menunggu Laporan Ketua Audit Negara disiapkan.
1MDB mesti memandang serius semua dakwaan yang dilemparkan terhadapnya terutama di media sosial. Untuk membersihkan nama 1MDB, tindakan undang--undang hendaklah diambil terhadap sesiapa sahaja yang melemparkan tuduhan tidak berasas. Lembaga Pengarah 1MDB juga perlu mengambil tanggungjawab bersama dan bersedia menghadapi tindakan undang-undang sekiranya hasil siasatan mendapati terdapat kecuaian atau penyelewengan dalam urusniaga 1MDB.
Lembaga Pengarah perlu memberikan penjelasan tentang beberapa urusniaga yang kelihatan tidak memberikan keuntungan jangka panjang kepada syarikat dan kerajaan. Kerajaan juga akan menanggung kerugian jika penstrukturan semula 1MDB melibatkan penjualan tanah TRX dan Bandar Malaysia yang diperolehi pada harga yang rendah daripada kerajaan dan hasil penjualan digunakan untuk membayar hutang syarikat. Saya juga ingin menegaskan bahawa sebarang usaha untuk menangani isu 1MDB tidak wajar melibatkan tindakan menyelamat (bail out) syarikat tersebut dengan menggunakan dana awam.
Timbalan Perdana Menteri
Well done TS Muhyiddin. Saya dah agak dah he can replace najib anytime. Most importantly, he is strong and non rhetorical.
Hidup Muhyiddin
Alhamdullilah. My utmost respect to you Mr. DPM. Pls round up all the biggest culprits and confiscate their wealth.
Put them in jail until they die. No parole.Period.
Berapa ramai pemimpin pilihan rakyat akan tampil menyokong pendirian Timbalan Perdana Menteri yang jelas mengutamakan kepentingan rakyat dan negara ini?
Pemimpin Umno pula bagaimana? Nak kena buat pertimbangan antara kepentingan diri dan kepentingan umum ka?
Sama-sama kita nilai hati budi pemimpin yang memperjuangkan agama, bangsa dan negara.
In less than 48 hours, 191 Umno division heads (Ketua Bahagian) are going to meet. They might be telling us that this meeting is to discuss current issues, but we all know that it is so that one of the division heads, Umno President and Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, can get a fresh mandate from the other 190 division heads to continue as party leader and Prime Minister.
And if the 190 Umno division heads pledge support and loyalty then Najib will remain as Umno’s President and Malaysia’s (or Umno’s) Prime Minister. What you and I think does not matter because we are not Umno members, and, more importantly, we are not one of the 191 Umno division heads.
I wrote about this matter some years back, more than once, actually. What I said was that 191 Umno Malays decide who becomes the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The three or four million Umno members do not decide that. The six million or so Barisan Nasional members do not decide that. The 14 million or so registered voters do not decide that. The estimated 30 million Malaysian citizens do not decide that. Only 191 Malay Umno division heads will decide that.
On Sunday, Umno is going to prove what I have been saying these last many years. Raja Petra
Saya sarankan agar Kabinet juga mendesak audit terperinci dengan bantuan pihak sprm dijalankan keatas Khazanah, Felda, FGV danTabung Haji,
Pegawai kerajaan, bermula daripada Ketua Setiausaha Kerajaan, mesti dipantau dengan lebih rapi agar khidmat mereka adalah untuk rakyat dan negara dan bukannya untuk kepentingan peribadi serta keluarga atau kroni masing-masing.
Nilai semula kos melantik konsultan bermula dari Pejabat KSN.
Sebagai permulaan Kabinet harus membuat ketetapan bahawa Pejabat dan Jabatan Perdana Menteri adalah untuk Perdana Menteri serta kakitangan beliau, dan bukan nya untuk mana-mana individu dan isteri mereka.
Its an institution not your inherited family business.
Mantan KSU
Najib alleges he is not involved in the daily operations of the debt-ridden 1MDM fiasco as reported by The Sunday Times UK quoted Putrajaya as saying.
Is Najib trying to give a hint he will not leave office no matter what is the outcome of the PAC's investigation....??
DPM has shown crystal clear thinking that leads to a viable solution. His speech during UMNO gathering far outshine the "bangang" speech by PM anytime.
Support and loyalty pledge should go to DPM. Ahjibgor can go stare at all the "I love PM" banners accompanied by wifey.
1. It is imperative that all the 191 warlords need to be dislodged
2. I do not believe all the heads agree with najib as there may be pockets of leaders who are actually waiting for a few to turn their backs and demand actions to be taken.
3. Muhyiddin should lead the group to pressure najib to change for the better failing which a mutiny should ensue for rakyat's name sake.
4. We love BN and no slightest intention to replace it with PR group. Unfortunately we reject najib and replace him with muhyiddin. It would break our hearts to see BN loses the PRU14 election due to failure to change leadership soonest possible.
5. Whilst I agree that most of us are not one of the 191 heads, we certainly can form pressure group as voters. In this regard, BN supporters, moreso umno members should make serious attempt to coax TDM, TDZ and veterans to rally behind Muhyiddin.
6. Most of us bystanders and east malaysian BN supporters would never give our votes to zahid the rhetoric expert, hishamuddin the corroboration dependant and shafiee the excess baggage leader.
Mantan KSU,
Ingin saya bertanya:
Kita semua tahu bahawa Ketua Setiausaha Negara sekarang ada lah pilihan DS Najib, di lantik di atas beberapa Pegawai PTD yang lebih kekanan nya dari dia. Di percayai dia ta'at setia sapenuhnya kapada kehendak DS Najib, malahan sentiasa mengambil inisiatif membuat apa saja yang di fikirkan nya sejajar dengan kehendak DS Najib.
Oleh itu, saya berpendapat bahawa pemantaun sebanyak mana pun tidak akan menghapusi sapenuhnya gejala Pegawai Pegawai di JPM melayani "kepentingan peribadi serta keluarga atau kroni .. mana-mana individu dan isteri mereka ..", dan tidak dapat menentukan supaya JPM itu menjadi "an institution not your inherited family business."
So'alan saya: Boleh kah tidakan yang lebih tegas dan "assertive" di lakukan, contoh nya, semua KSU dan KP Perkhidmatan menemui KSU, atau bermesyuarat khas bekenaan perkara ini, meminta dia mengeluarkan arahan yang tegas berkenaan perkara itu. Malahan, jika perlu, menemui PM berama ramai, meminta persetujuan nya supaya arahan tersebut di beri secara bertulis kapada kesemua Pegawai di setiap peringkat di JPM, termasuk yang berkhidmat secara kontrak dsb nya.
Tindakan saperti itu mungkin memerlukan kata dua yang perlu di fikirkan. Akibat nya mungkin gentar sedikit, tapi kita juga tahu bahawa Pegawai Tinggi Kerajaan, terutama nya di peringkat KSU dan KP Perkhidmatan, tidak boleh di berhentikan kerja dengan sewenang wenang nya, walau pun boleh di kenakan tindakan disiplin yang makan masa menyelesaikan nya.
Tujuan saya menanya ini tiada lain dari mendapat tahu jika tindakan saperti itu boleh di lakukan atau tidak bagi mengatasi maalah yang Sdr sbutkan itu, yang selalu juga di bincang dek orang ramai. Saya amat berterima kasih jika Sdr dapat memberi pendapat, atau bayangan bagi nya. TK.
12:04:00 am,
Agree with you.
Money politics must be reduced to the minimum, if possible, erased. Therein lies the root of all problems.
It's abundantly clear that Najib would not do much more than the token action he did at the beginning of his PMship.
A change of PM will produce another injection shot on that disease. But if we shout frequently and loudly enough as soon as a new PM comes in, and throughout his tenure, there's a chance that a lot will be done.
There seems to be a trend of politicians amassing billions these days. Partly to protect them from being sued etc when no longer holding the high office. Been going on for some time already. Damn.
"...I do not mean to say that this government is charged with the duty of redressing or preventing all the wrongs in the world; but I do think that it is charged with the duty of preventing and redressing all wrongs which are wrongs to itself."
-- Abraham Lincoln 1859
Memang aemua pakai konsultan kot skrg... Senang nak sakau dan nenghalalkan cara nak merompak duit awam... Agensi 2 yg patut membantu ushawan pun main lantik
Konsultan jugak seperti teraju.... Jika semua dah suh konssultant buat kerja .... Lagi baik buang shja pekerja yg ada dan ambil konsultant ini bekerja... Lagi murah dan ruginye tiada percent sahja untuk sipolan dan sipolan
I like the timing of muhyiddin's press statement...
about 48 hours before umno heads meet. Love to see what comes out from the gathering.
One glaring point made by the DPM interests me:
The 1MDB Board of Directors should initiate legal action against all those detractors who make baseless accusations while they themselves must be ready to face the music if there are any hanky-panky business going on.
It is high time we deal with facts and not insinuations and false accusations.
apa hal kita semua nak pening!Ah Jib Gor .. SILA LETAK JAWATAN SERTA MERTA!
Anda kini liabiliti kerajaan dan negara..
Duduk diam2 kat rumah main cucu atau main ngan kak Mah..
Habis citer...
Pentadbiran harus didesak memartabatkan peranan dan tanggungjawab yang diamanahkan kepada PTD. PTD adalah pemegang amanah untuk mentadbirurus kerajaan.
Kembalikan tanggungjawab serta kepercayaan itu. Konsultan asing, konsultan tempatan mahupun beberapa kerat pegawai pinjaman dari agensi lain tidak mungkin menjadi Pemandu yang baik dengan fahaman menyeluruh tentang negara bangsa ini. Tumpuan mereka berlainan dari tumpuan kami yang dilatih untuk membina negara dan bukannya mengaut keuntungan semata-mata.
Setia Pada Negara
Sangat setuju. Sebagai contoh mula zaman bodohwi, fresh receptionist di bayar gaji rm3500-5000, baru graduate oversea x berpengalaman gaji rm15k-rm20k. Sya bkn ckp jer psl sya ada akses gaji2 dorang ni
Saya rasa ckp kat blog jer lom cukup. Bokeh tak sesape start buat sticker kereta sebagai contoh. Boleh tulis "STEPDOWN PM", WE DONT NEED A CLUELESS PM" dan lain2 lagi. Dgn cara ni, kita blh promote objektif ke seluruh malaysia dan yg paling penting ramai akan baca dan mungkin join skali
Saya sokong pasal zaman tun byk gunakan akal fikiran rakyat tempatan. Hasilnya negara maju, hidup lebih aman makmur, maruah terjaga.
Sekarang nak kena bagi tanglong free lah, bg peruntukan berlebihan dll lagi utk tarik undi kaum lain. Alih2 kena tikam belakang gak. Yg dok sebok undi dia makin merana..."utk kangkung..."ANDA MEMANG SEORANG PEMBELOT BANGSA"
FRIDAY, MARCH 06, 2015 11:16:00 PM Anonymous said...
"Support and loyalty pledge should go to DPM. Ahjibgor can go stare at all the "I love PM" banners accompanied by wifey...."
During the 50th Merdeka Sarawak with Malaysia held in Kuching last 2 years, It was held at Padang Merdeka Kuching near Waterfront.
As usual, you can see alot of people wearing T-Shirt with "I Love PM".
I guess all the VVIPs attended can see that and all "smiles"..
The funny thing was that the words "I Love PM" there was referring to I LOVE PLAZA MERDEKA ! not "Prime Minister". It was the campaign by the developer since the new Plaza Merdeka was open for business
All smiles by the Sarawakians.
The last Para is clear...1MDB got the land at nominal cost and later sell it off at a higher cost to bayar hutang. So what is the government? Bodoh Bahalul ke? Tanah Kerajaan habis di lelong habuk pun tak dapat!! Yang kenyang nak mampus siJho Low dan anak Rosmah!!
Kan Najib dah arahkan untuk Audit Negara siasat 1MDB. X yahlah nak tuduh yang bukan2. Najib nampak begitu telus sekali. 1MDB ditubuhkan pun untuk mencari dan menambah hasil negara melalui business dan pelaburan dan untung rugi tu biasa dalam perniagaan. Apa pun harap Najib saman je mereka yang sengaja memfitnah.
Is Najib bent on delivering Malaysia to the global bankers together with his con sultans? - watch out manusia, here comes TPPA ala Ah Jib Gor.
Dan harap ketua 1monkey donkey ni pun di sumbat ke dalam. Nak niaga pkai otak...bukan main lanyak jer...ingat duit mak bapak dia.
Adat niaga ya...bak mai duit hang smua aku niaga ikut suka ati boley?
A few hours from now, the 191 umno leaders will meet.
I would love to see or hear some "sparks"
It is expected that those being "fed" and "fattened" by najib would reiterate their loyalty (some forced to but some muted for fear of being "CHOPPED").
Unless the heads fear God and respects their followers, never expect miracles.
I pray hard that muhyiddin speaks his mind.
Sdr Setia Pada Negara,
Setuju bahawa PTD adalah pemegang amanah untuk mentadbirurus kerajaan.
Tapi saya fikir semangat PTD telah patah bila Najib lantik Ali Hamsa sebagai ketua nya, ia itu sebagai Ketua Setiausaha Negara, KSN, mengabaikan 3-4 pegawai PTD yang lebih kanan (senior) dari nya.
Jarang sekali, pendek kata, hampir tiada berlaku keadaan begitu di masa lalu. Maka, jatuh lah semanggat, malahan moral dari beberapa aspek, pegawai pegawai PTD itu.
Saya fikir ramai di PTD yang tidak setuju dengan dasar dasar Najib. Contoh nya, DEB, bantuan sekolah Cina, Ketuanan Melayu yang di lambangkan di Perkara Perkara sensitif di Perlembagaan, Akta Hasutan yang melindungi Perkara Perkara sensitif di Perlembagaan itu.
Nyata, PTD sedar tanggong jawab nya kapada Kerajaan yang teriri dari parti yang menang pilihan raya dan memerintah, tak kira siapa. Terutama nya kerajaan BN yang di pimpin oleh UMNO. Tapi, bila dasar, prinsip, adat dan tradisi yang di praktik PTD, sejak masa Malayan Civil Service, MCS, di zaman British kolonial lagi, ia itu penting nya kekananan (senioority), di cabul, ramai lah yang masam muka. Bukan melangkah 1, tapi 2-3 yang lebih kanan.
Benar, isu mogok dsb nya tidak timbul di PTD. Tapi saya fikir semangat kerja mereka terjejas. Sejauh mana kesan nya kapada pemerintahan Kerajaan sejak itu? Baca lah komen Mantan KSU di atas yang memberi gambaran berkaitan dengan nya.
Sdr Setia Pada Negara,
Sdr Mantan KSU,
Sdr 10:39:00 am,
So'al nya: Apa kita boleh buat? Kita yang tak ahli UMNO, kalau ahli pun, tak termasuk dalam 191 yang akan bermesyuarat pada pukul 3 - tak lama lagi di petang ini.
Kita laungkan saja lah ke tidak puasan hati kita. Bertalu talu, beberapa kali yang boleh. Minta Najib di gantikan.
Lihat isu Akta Hasutan. Sudah tentu ramai akar umbi UMNO tak senang hati pada masa yang sama bila kita tak senang hati dengar Najib nak buangkan Akta itu dahulu. Mereka bersuara di antara mereka, kita besuara di blog dll.
Saya fikir dengan yang bukan UMNO mengeluarkan suara di sana sini membantu orang orang UMNO berani mengeluarkan suara. Hingga UMNO Bahagian, Pemuda dan Wanita pun bersama. Sampai Najib umumkan keputusan menyimpan Akta Hasutan.
Mari lah kita terukan menyeru suoaya Najib di gantikan. Dan kita tunggu apa Ketua Ketua 191 Bahagian UMNO itu kata tak lama lagi.
Dukacita bahawa mesyuarat Ketua Bahagian UMNO di PWTC semalam tidak menghasilkan perkembangan yang memberi harapan kapada penyelesaian masalah 1MDB dengan memuaskan.
Saya amat khuatirkan masa depan Umno, bangsa Melayu dan kesejahteraan negara. Jahanam kita kalau Pakatan naik akibat peyelewengan besar besaran saperti yang mengakibatkan kerugian 1MDB. Bukan sikit wang - RM42 billion.
Saya sokong seruan DPM Muhyiddin supaya wang rakyat jangan di gunakan untuk menghidupkan 1MDB.
1. Just wonder why the other 30 chiefs including mukhriz and muhyiddin did not attend, thats about 16%.
2. Such an important meeting was missed by No. 2 and an MB certainly signalled some development not for public consumption.
3. Frankly speaking, as a non umno member but BN voter, i can see dark and black clouds hovering above BN. Gloomy and eeriee feeling.
4. One thing for sure, someone will pee on his grave when he dies.
5. BN loses 300 to 400 votes of our clans throughout malaysia. Surely not significant but think if there are 10 or more clans thinking like us.
Mungkin PR amat suka sekali melihat sokongan padu tanpa apa apa soalan yang dihadiahkan olih Ketua Ketua Bahagian UMNO kepada Najib!
Bak kata orang barat "The Nail is in the Coffin" bagi UMNO...Cuma menunggu masa sahaja.
Mereka tak perlu Anwar Ibrahim sebab anak anak muda PR lebih hebat dari Najib, Teuku Adnan, Hasan Malik dan Ahmad Maslan tiba masa bertanding pilihanraya nanti.
Sebelum itu Rakyat akan dapat melihat sandiwara berterusan courtesy Rosmah bersama besan dia dari khazakstan dan anaknya sendiri beserta dengan malapetaka yang bakal dihadiahkan olih yang maha berkuasa.
9:35:00 am,
For what it may be worth, Malaysian Insider, when reporting on the UMNO Div Heads meeting yesterday, quoted a Penang UMNO leader saying there was some acrimony within UMNO towards Najib. But "the pro-Najib sentiment was stronger".
Of course the credibility of Opposition news organs is always suspect.
I'm waiting to hear more credible sources of the "nay" views at that meeting.
I share your concern.
Its only rational and logical that those heads who were at the meeting yesterday pledged undivided support to No Uno albeit absence of no. 2 and 2 other MBs.
No head could say no in the meeting for he or she might gets a backlash.
Regardless of alleged "other commitments" by the 20% absentees, in spite of ismail sabri's comment that there should not be an issue, many had reasonably spin that there were genuine disputes and acrimonious statements madd i the meeting
Najib left without facing the press and scurried out HIS WAY!!!!!
Anybody gives any credence to Zaid Ibrahim saying
Muhyiddin should 'take over' ASAP, says Zaid
Free Malaysia Today - 1 hour ago
I hesitate to put any value to the opinion of a man who became a multi-millionaire from the huge amount of UMNO and government law businesses dished out to him, his law firm said to have become the largest in the country with over 100 lawyers, appointed a Minister, then abandoned UMNO/BN, joined PKR hoping to become Deputy President, elbowed out by Azmin Ali and company, stormed out to from KITA but eventually his own party shunned him.
What a joke.
But I don't mind the idea of Najib being replaced.
Bye bye UMNO. Kalu nak diikutkan isu 1MDB ini boleh mengembalikan keyakinan rakyat pada pemerintah. Sekiranga mereka tegas untuk menyiasat dan mengambil tindakan tegas kepada pengkhianat dalam 1MDB, ada kemungkinan Umno/BN boleh menang besar.
1. I am now on my way home after a meeting with 3 retiree friends of mine
2. Did anyone think about sumpah mubahalah which saiful and najib did when both of them were alleged to have lied in sodomy 2 and altantuya, respectively?
3. Would anyone especially the umno heads or ordinary members or the ordinary public demand najib to do it again in view of allegations against him the case of 1MDB?
4. A murder case involved a life lost and 2 with the noose over their heads after federal court rejected their appeal To overturn their convictions.
5. In the case of 1MDB, rakyats' money have been invested (esp KWAP) and the fiasco had seen something even worse than the infamous ENRON. Money trail is like a roller coaster........
4:39:00 pm,
Enron is US$50 billion of fellow Jews' money that Bernard Madoff made off with.
But 1MDB is rakyat's or our money. Bukan kepala bapak diorang punya wang. Geram, aku rasa nak menendang.
Alas, we are but mere powerless mortals. But we have the power of the pen, or the keyboard. Let's shout out loud and shrill every time possible, bro.
Expectations of a Najib-shaking outcome from the Sunday Umno Division Heads meeting fell flat. Though I'm wondering how true the statement that Najib hurried out after the meeting and whether his face was one of gobar and berdebar.
But I don't think Najib will change his ways. He might have condescended to the Division Heads, Youth and Wanita's calls for the retention of the Sedition Act as a matter of tactic but is relentless on his strategy of getting a developed nation status no matter what. In the process, lets the hanky panky surrounding his big projects go on, with the melepaskan batuk di tangga calls for audit, checks and the like.
Meanwhile, his wife and step son's mind boggling property purchases in New York, Los Angeles etc go unabated. Mind boggling? Yes, in prices and numbers. Even leading to questions on how much inheritance his father Tun A Razak left him and his siblings. Irrespective of the denials by the siblings of the suggestion that their father was anything but honest, frugal and dedicated.
Now that not much is talked about the kind of "acrimony" that went on during the Sunday Division Heads meeting, giving the overall impression that a considerable majority of those Heads stood by him, he is encouraged to do as he pleases. Irrespective of Muhyiddin's statement and the support for Muhyiddin issuing that.
I have a bad feeling. That all the hype about the Auditor General's auditing - forensic or whatever - would come to "no evidence of wrong doing" like said by Deolite, as claimed by Najib. And the Parliamentary Accounts Committee headed by the generally passive Nur Jazlan and including the loud mouthed DAP Tony Pua would only leave the DAP bloke shouting and berating at the 1MDB irregularities at the end of it all.
Perhaps this is my reverse psychology. Thinking the worst but hoping for the best. But right now I cannot think of the best at all. For the best to me is for Najib to be replaced. And for that we have to keep on speaking up.
I think the rakyat will have to fork out 1/3 of the 1MDB losses of RM42 billion. That's the amount guaranteed by the government that I read in a Singapore Straits Times report.
A three-panel task force has been set up to investigate the allegations of misconduct involving 1MDB. Consisting investigators from the Attorney-General’s Chambers, Malaysia Anti Corruption Commission and the Police.
Free Malaysia Today quotes the IGP saying, “We are part of the task force set up by the Attorney-General. We are investigating those reports lodged.” Looks like the AG being the one taking the initiative.
When asked if PM Najib, who is the chairman of 1MDB board of advisers, would also be questioned as part of the probe, the IGP said, “yes”.
I hope the AG will prosecute those committing the crimes in, with or for 1MDB, no matter who, without fear or favour. Acts or omissions, please. By company law, government General Orders, Financial General Orders, whatever that may be applicable.
Hope that would lead to the replacement of Najib, logically by DPM Muhyiddin who appears not to have been involved in the RM42 million debacle.
'Broad mandate' to probe Malaysia's 1MDB accounts, said the Auditor-General.
Including reports in the media alleging misappropriation of public funds by the state investment agency, he was reported by NST as saying.
"Follow the money", Sir. Wish you can do like the newspaper Washington Post did that led to the resignation in shame of the crooked President Richard Nixon in the 1960s. The film "All The President's Men" is about that.
Wish there would be a "Deep Throat" kind of source who would not divulge and protected his secret information sources but gave "Follow the Money" advice to the Washington Post investigative reporter who interviewed him at secret locations, talking in deep drawls kind of voice that got him the nickname Deep Throat.
Btw, any investigative reporters in our country? Anybody knows the extent they go and examples of their work? Yes, there are heroes among the journalists and I'm proud of them.
May I know why my comment before the two dot-comments above was not published?
It was related to the 1MDB blog post, about how in the US they dig into secrets and even got President Richard Nixon resign from the Presidency.
It'd be good to know as a guideline to future comment posting. But I acknowledge you have the right to accept or reject any and every comment without any explanation. And me taking my comments to other blogs.
But it would be civil if we communicate on the problem at least a little.
In the meanwhile, have a good day.
Sorry I didn't find it. Pleae re-send. TQ
Txs for the clarification. I didn't copy the comment into word etc. So, let it be.
I shall continue contributing comments to your blog as and when free.
Have a good day everybody.
While still on the subject, I wish to say that I'm glad to note Dato Kadir Jassin's suggestion as reported in Free Malaysia Today that the task force investigating 1MDB get the help of Interpol to trace “key witnesses and possible suspects” residing abroad.
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