Little birds tell me that the Prime Minister has washed his hands and distanced himself from the recent unwarranted mainstream i.e. TV3, Utusan and NST's attacks against Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tun Daim Zainuddin.
They say a recent meeting in Davos and London attended by powerful strategists and lowly operators had decided that they must find a scapegoat, or rather a few scapegoats for the leader's political survival. Not sure if Najib himself had attended the meeting of conspirators.
The blade, I heard, would fall on a few media bosses and at least one senior officer from Najib's office itself. The media bosses would be blamed for all the TV3/NST/Utusan attacks, including the lowly decision to use Anwar Ibrahim and other PKR politicians, against Tun Dr Mahathir and Tun Daim.
Guess who becomes more powerful and gets away scot-free despite being the low class mastermind and a direct messenger between Najib and the media bosses?
When the going gets dirty, we could safely expect more dirt to float.
On another note, it was learnt that both the Tuns had a brief meeting a few days ago and one of the Tun was told by the other that Najib had promised to get his boys to stop all media attacks and vouched that it was not his doing and that he was not in the know.
Serious housekeeping and changes too were promised to the Tun, in exchange of some breathing space.
I think the 'not his doing and not being in the know' is just another bloody lie but let's give him the benefit of the doubt and watch closely if extra Oxygen could do wonders.
Bergembira Tepuk Tangan Sama-sama,
Kita Menari goyang bandan goyang Kaki,
Hooray Hooray Hooray Hooray Bergembira,
Nuar Brahim Al Jubori ke Penjara...
Haa haaa Haaa
Aku Tanyer Macai Aper Khabor?
Aku Tanyer Macai Aper Khabor?
Aku Tanyer Macai Aper Khabor....Nuar Di Penjara....
Yaaa Huuuu Malaysia akan Aman Tanya Peliwat Nuar Brahim...
Saudara, Najib must go. There are no two ways about that. Tan Sri Mahyudin amat layak dengan asas agama yang utuh. Allahuakbar
Once I wrote - bangkit lah seperti sinar mentari pagi... then a week later PM Najib said the same in Terengganu... what a sight...
The last I wrote about economic and political "keseimbangan"... PM said that too...
Now, do we have that "sinar mentari pagi ?" Where is the "keseimbangan?".
Wasatiyyah already long gone with the "the jab" of a new belief from the "moderate of billionaires" in media, ngos and from those top guns...
Que sera and scapegoats ? Or just another Don Quixote ?
When you start to believe in politicians promises (aka lies), then you start to live in a dreamworld. Get real, all this is sandiwara, all these feints, attacks, withdrawals are part of the strategy.
Komen bernas dipetik dari blog Dato Kadir
msh said...
Salam Dato.
Nmpak mcm...Umno masih tak sedar2 dan tak faham2 tentang isu yg sebenar...hingga Shahidan pula menawar diri sbgai 'Pendamai'.
Atau ...mereka sedar tapi buat2 tak sedar.
Sy tertanya2 pd diri sendiri..."apa perperangan yg telah terjadi...hingga ada yg nak mendamaikan ? ".
Nmpak mcm konsep 'Damai' sudah disalah guna pula.
Isu di sini....1 pihak telah ditegur...dan pihak menegur pula memang berhak menegur.....seperti semua ahli2 parti dan rakyat yg majoriti.
Tetapi pihak yg ditegur pula kelihatan defensif... berdesing...naik angin..dan bertindak dgn melulu dan hendak 'berperang'.
Umum pun tahu kualiti kerja org yg ditegur....lemah dan mengecewakan.
semua data tentang kelemahan prestasi beliau jelas terpampang...bukan dibuat2...sudah terbukti dgn rekod kerja yg sudah lebih 6 tahun bukan 6 bulan.
Apa perlu Shahidan nak jadi pendamai atau org tengah pula?
Ini...tidak menolong...malah suatu jerja yg buang masa sahaja.
Jika pihak yg kena tegur tersa bahang panasnya....undur diri sahaja.
Itu jln sebaiknya....bukan merumit tambah apa yg telah kusut.
Lebih baik Mahathir dan Daim bertanya atau berkata pd Shahidan;
"Apa sebenarnya yg dia mahu atau apa yg Najib mahu ?".....
"Atau lebih baik lagi kalau Shahidan dan pengampu2 dlm Umno verjumpa Najib dan berbisik ketelinga dia...bahawa Mahathir..Daim..Tan Sri Rashid...Ngo2...Bloggers2...Rakyat ramai....memang betul dan tidak boleh menerima dia lagi dan mahu dia melepas jawatan sahaja."
Ini yg sepatutnya...bukan menjadi 'badut' untuk menegak benang yg basah....buat pihak Najib.
Veteran Umno seperti Mahathir dan Daim memang layak menegur.
Tetapi seperti yg Dato...kata diatas...Najib tidak suja ditegur..
Dia yg isu disini....bukan Mahathir atau Daim...atau rakyat.
Tidak perlu menjadi pendamai pd perperangan yg tidak wujud....cuma kerana pihak yg ditegur tidak suka ditegur...dan keras kepala...serta penting diri.
Lebih baik jika Shahidan menolong Najib mendamaikan diri dia dan berhenti sahaja....dan menyuruh bloggers2 bangang Umno...dan Pengampu2 Media dia 'stand down'.
Itu lebih afdal lagi.
Terima kasih.
Inilah bala bencana yang sebenar bukan permainan kambing hitam dengan tuan mereka
" Not his knowing !" . Is there somebody else are more influence and powerful then Najib ,that his boys had to report to ?.
Kita terima Melayu mudah lupa. Bila mereka mengamuk boleh sampai lupa diri. Menghapus dan membunuh hingga tidak kenang jasa dan budi. Di dunia ini sifat amuk hanya ada pada orang Melayu. HIDUP MELAYU!!!
Straits Times is abuzz with talk of a Chinese opposition leader preparing detailed reports against Najib's top dirty barua. Suspicion is someone higher up from DAP. Could not be PKR, Anwar is sleeping partner. Everyone plays dirty when you stop playing by the rules and stab your friends.
Bet he plays football like shit ... an ocean away from the boys of Brazil (can't forget his sick clueless comment during the world cup loss)
If najib is not in the know why did he take those who coreographed the attack on the two Tuns, to London? He really thinks the rakyat is as stupid?
Najib should just switch career and become the star in the Spongebob Squarepants series.
Selagi Tv 3 menguna teori karma wijaya selagi itu Tv 3 mundur
How to fit crooked into square pants bro.?
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