You may agree or disagree with the Pahang Mentri Besar but hear what he has to say first. Hear him first as there are fears of attempts to tarnish his image and push him out of the MB seat by forces within the state and some brokers from Putrajaya.
The latest mud flood incident a few days ago highlighted the scourge of illegal land clearing and a very high number of foreign workers in the highlands. These issues are reportedly being politicised to attack the MB.
Talk also has it that Long Nan, as Adnan is known among close circles, enjoys greater support from Istana Pahang than some impatient Umno leaders within and outside Pahang.
Long Nan certainly wasn't jumping up and down, throwing tantrums as portrayed in some WhatsApp and Telegram circles.
p/s Jangan cari kambing hitam. Scapegoat kata orang putih. Don't cloud the scene, there are bigger issues at hand for Umno during the upcoming General Assembly.
*Pasukan komando Akhmad (Akhmad special forces) adalah tentera Rusia
beragama Islam yang berasal dari kawasan Chechnya di pergunungan Caucasus
1 hour ago
Tak perlu cakap lagi,senseng lengan turun padang ,selesaikan masalah.Ini bukan kejadian pertama dan bukan perkara baru dalam soal penerokaan tanah.MB pun bukan baru bertugas.Ahli politik sentisa mencari alasan membela diri dulu ,kerja kemudian cerita,rakyat juga yg merana.Kalau aku jadi MB,aku terus berkampung di CH semunggu dua,bawa semua ketua jabatan masuk hutan keluar hutan,turun bukit naik bukit,jangan pula lalu atas langit saja.Jangan pula sampai TPM buat kerja dulu.
Kekayaan dan kelebihan Pahang ialah keluasan tanah dan alam semula jadinya.Tok Nan kena bagi priority,urus benda ni dgn baik.Cukuplah dgn teori konspirasi,macam Anwar, sendiri yg buat masalah,salahkan orang lain nak jatuhkan dia.Betul sanga t apa yg di katakan oleh TS Shafiee Abdullah,bila ahli politik dapat masalah mereka akan kata ada konspirasi nak jatuhkan mereka,walau pun TS Shafie bercakap mengenai kes mahkamah,tapi nampaknya betul pada semua hal asalkan melibatkan orang politik.
Statement bodoh seorang MB, kan stadium kat Pahang besar tertutup lagi , kumpul je kat sana asalkan penyelewangan dapat diselesaikan
Isu yang cukup bagus untuk Najib berselindung ketika Pergung Umno. Adenan Yakob jadi kambing hitam supaya Najib terselamat. Sebenarnya agenda siapa. Pencacai pemimpin amat licik
Dato MB mesti lebih tegas jalankan tanggungjawb. Dalam hal ini Utusan juga tidak brtanggungjawab dalam laporan kerana guna perkataan ""Cameron Di_Tawan"". Kita harus akui perkataan tawan sengaja di_guna untk sesasikan berita. Kedua2 pihak ada salah serta silap. Ini pendapat hambo.
"Talk also has it that Long Nan, as Adnan is known among close circles, enjoys greater support from Istana Pahang than some impatient Umno leaders within and outside Pahang."
This is the reason Najib is only influential around his Pekan parliament & not the whole of Pahang. Adnan Yaakob was supposed to step down at around the same time as Ahmad Said to make way for new blood but the "greater support" he gets ensured his position as the MB remains unchallenged.
What is the root cause of the rape of Cameron Highlands?
My simple answer is corruption but it is a systemic corruption from the very bottom to the very top.
Apa cerita blog "Anotherbrickinthewall" cakap APANAMA ni censor 6 minit dari video tu?
Takkan APANAMA nak cover yang MB Adnan ni kutuk media UMNO sendiri, Utusan...
Taubatlah APANAMA nak bodek sangat MB Adnan ni...
Dari blog
"Instead of managing the crisis, Pahang Menteri Besar response was to blast and ridicule Utusan Malaysia. Him, with the assistance of one state assemblymen fearing to get chopped by Adnan, spread a video claiming innocence. Hear the MB out in Apanama here.
Unfortunately, there was 6 minutes missing in Apanama's video. It was the part he ridiculed Utusan and their reporters in presence by saying said, “Utusan ni dah rugi … dah nak bankrupt …silap-silap Utusan tutup sebab tu nak cari berita sensasi.”
That is hitting the messenger than addressing the issue in hand. Before he left, he hurled insult at one Utusan reporter to say, “Bila nak tutup Utusan? Berapa hari lagi?”. [More here] Is that not rude and arrogant?"
~ AJK Masjid Tanah
Someone with a brain half the size of a peanut would know that it is a Media Pahang video. AJK Masjid Tanah ni kalau ada akal kena fikir. Kalau tak ada it's ok, tak payah taubat pun. TQ
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