Its time to break their silence because talk is rife that 1MDB will bring Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak DOWN.
Talk has it that if the wheelings and dealings of 1MDB is laid bare, Najib has no option but to step down as Prime Minister and face the law. Talk has it that it is nothing but white collar crime.
If what The Edge has been going to town with is NOT TRUE and 1MDB is indeed run with the best interest of the nation at heart, please do the necessary and come clean.
Below is part of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's latest blog post on 1MDB.
1. Kebebasan adalah suatu petanda kedewasaan sesebuah negara. Kita dewasa. Dan kita beri banyak kebebasan termasuk kebebasan bersuratkhabar. Malangnya kadang-kadang kebebasan disalahguna. Ada akhbar di Malaysia yang sering menyalahgunakan kebebasan mereka.
2. Kita tidak lagi boleh masukkan sesiapa dalam tahanan ISA. Oleh itu apabila sesuatu disalahguna, maka penjelasan perlu dibuat. Jika tidak kebebasan akan membawa mudarat terutama apabila yang ditegur ialah Kerajaan.
3. Saya jarang membaca akhbar The Edge. Tetapi baru-baru ini saya terbaca rencana yang bertajuk “Tabiat 1MDB membayar lebih untuk memperolehi (hutang) duit.”
4. 1MDB ialah satu dana yang ditubuh oleh Kerajaan sebagai dana kekayaan negara (sovereign wealth fund) untuk dilabur supaya negara akan dapat hasil dari kekayaannya bagi masa depan.
5. Biasanya dana seperti ini ditubuh oleh negara pengeluar minyak yang banyak yang tidak dapat habiskan pendapatan setelah mentadbir dan membangun negara.
6. Malaysia bukanlah negara pengeluar minyak yang besar. Hampir semua 650 ribu tong yang dikeluar tiap hari diguna dalam negeri. Dan Malaysia pula mengalami defisit dalam belanjawannya. Tidak ada lebihan wang untuk dana kekayaan negara.
7. Oleh itu Kerajaan terpaksa hutang untuk dana kekayaan ini.
8. The Edge dalam rencananya menyebut bahawa kos pinjaman berbilion Ringgit luar biasa tingginya.
9. Pada 1 September 2009 1 Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) menggegarkan industri perbankan apabila bersetuju membayar faedah 5.75% keatas hutang RM 5 billion. Hutang ini dijamin oleh Kerajaan Malaysia. Biasanya bon Kerajaan membayar hanya 4.0%. Petronas membayar 3.6% sahaja. - MORE in Chedet

Dear Datuk Seri Najib, I sincerely hope you will personally handle this 1MDB matter soonest possible because the issue seems to be spiralling out of control with no real and credible explanation about all the claims and allegations.
The Edge is not a 'mosquito daily' and Dr Mahathir is certainly not DAP or PKR's strategic director. There is a real concern about 1MDB.
Many around you admit that 1MDB appears like a time-bomb but none is willing to do anything. Either they are waiting for you to fall or they are genuinely not bothered.
Datuk Seri, you have to address this issue on an urgent matter because it appears that none of your ministers or party leaders would want to touch it even with a 10-foot pole.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to defend you i.e. 1MDB because, from all that we know of it, 1MDB appears indefensible.... and all that we know comes from The Edge and yet-to-be-verified foreign wire reports.
The fact that 1MDB carries out community projects and sponsors people to perform their Haj as part of their CSR is not the issue. Datuk Seri, please advise your apple-polishers that 1MDB's CSR is not what The Edge and many high flying businessmen are telling the world about. Wake up!
The real concern is about 1MDB's level of debt, the suspected leakage through agents/commissions/etc, and the impact on our country as a whole. Don't try to sugar-coat anything.
Please do something Datuk Seri, no one seems to know what 1MDB is all about except for the fact that it could very well spell your drastic downfall. People say that 1MDB is being used to siphon off Government funds/assets. Please stand up and tell us this is not true Datuk Seri.
We trusted you to be better than Pak Lah Datuk Seri. Jangan sapu arang ke muka kami Datuk Seri. Kami malu!
Thank you Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak.
p/s I pray you will come up with a good explanation to set the record straight Datuk Seri.
The real issue is not the debt, but the asset value, I.e. What is left? I suspect this investment is deep underwater, with loans far exceeding asset values, but there are other issues. In published information, it was stated that the loans were guaranteed by other parties. Real or not? Also, it was stated that some investments are shared by others? Release the financial statements and be clear who we are doing business with (not some shell company but the real people behind these secretive tax haven companies).
Jib is in dubai. U think he reads? Sorry but he doesnt. And his minions only tell him the polished stuff. Not this unpolished article which bares the truth. Lets face it, jib is worse than pak lah. I hope this hits home but jib is a dim-wit. He is nothing. He only knows $ and how he perceives $ may take care of everything. This pm is a loser.
* "This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, . . . "
* "Whatever you are, be a good one."
-- Abraham Lincoln
I first commented on jho low when I firset read about Jho Low-the pehenomenon in nyt in 2009 in Malaysiakita-
Bakaq blog in 2009.
New York Times
8 Nov 2009
Big Spending Malaysian is the mystery man on City {NY].... NY Post
J Low helped run a usd 160000 [rm .5 million] tab at Avenue [club], flew a bevy of [big-tits]
Pink Elephants waitresses to Malaysia [to party with the Top Bosses of the 1 Malaysia Gomen]
Elsewhere, it was reported that Jho Low had been an investor in the Woolf project, in the bidding of
Reebok and most recently in the take-over of the Park Lane Hotel. Now whether the acquisition /investment
is that of 1Mdb or his personal thingy remains to be seen.
Somehow quite disappointingly there was no hue and cry when I related that Jho had flew a planeload
of big-tits waitresses together with crates of crystal champaigne to party with the ruling elites !
Elsewhere , other papers had related Jho was partying with Paris Hilton [Mirror 2010] and Eva [Taiwan starlet] - Asiaone in Dubai .
So the 1Mdb had borrowed to finance some slick acquisition [may be] and give Jho an outrageous life
big spending
imagine kalau 1MDB hancur... Nampaknya macam off balance sheet financing for gomen jer..
How about the answer below to the critics of 1MDB?
Aw, this was an incredibly nice post. Taking the time and actual
effort to produce a very good article… but what can I say… I put things off a lot and never manage to get
anything done.
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