Monday, 29 September 2014
Who is our Mr Lim Siong Guan?

"He was the eldest son of a taxi driver and teacher who got only two new sets of clothes a year - during Chinese New Year and at Christmas. Home was a rent-controlled compound house in Upper Serangoon shared with 20 other relatives.
His biggest thrill was when his father swung by in his taxi to pick him up from Paya Lebar Methodist Afternoon School. The bright boy, who transferred to Anglo-Chinese School at Primary 5, worked hard to attain the highest rank of Colour Sergeant with the Boys' Brigade, struggling only with Chinese.
Whenever he or his three younger siblings failed in any endeavour, after putting in their best effort, his parents would take them out for a picnic. The value he caught was that: "The team that loses is the one that needs to be taken to McDonald's, not the winners. They need to be encouraged to go down to the football pitch next week to fight again."
He also learnt to treat everyone - regardless of station - with kindness. His mother had such a rapport with their Malay washerwoman, who lived in a nearby Malay kampung, that when the racial tensions broke out in the 1960s, she became their "guardian".
A university education was beyond his family's means. But he won the President's Scholarship to study at the University of Adelaide and graduated with first class honours in mechanical engineering in 1969, which gave him his clear-eyed, problem-solving approach to life.
He started work here as a mechanical engineer at sewage treatment plants where he got his hands dirty."
Read this great man's full story in the Straits Times HERE
I'm pretty sure that there are at least a few Malaysians with this public servant's values and qualities which certainly makes him a role model for all human beings. This is how human beings are supposed to live.
Imagine if Khazanah Nasional, Felda, Tabung Haji and other GLCs had more such men of honour and dignity. Even the increasingly flamboyant ministers and ministries, the Prime Minister's Department included, could do with a few such men of honour.
Just imagine, don't compare. You might slide into depression if you start comparing Mr Lim Siong Guan with some of our jet-setting GLC heads, high flying KSUs or even their no-position-holding spouses.
"Every time people visit Singapore, we show them our Housing Board flats, CPF, education system, we talk about our strong leadership and political will - all of which are important. But if I were to ask myself, so what is the brand image of Singapore? What made us succeed? What is the defining characteristic of Singapore?
"It is trustworthiness. That's why corporations plonk billions here and are prepared to wait 10 or 20 years to recover their investments. That's why so many Singaporeans work in China as financial controllers and accountants, jobs which require total integrity and honesty." - Lim Siong Guan
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Pakatan Rakyat - A classic example of the living dead
Pakatan Rakyat is certainly not breathing as a coalition or as partners. Listen to Hadi Awang's speech very carefully and you can't deny the fact that PR's is nothing but a zombie. There is nothing noble that holds the three party pact together.
All this while the only common interest was to overthrow the ruling party and to grab power. Fully subscribing to the 'end justifies the means' maxim, all three of them were prepared to be ridiculous and do unthinkable things, including telling blatant lies to hoodwink the rakyat.
I suspect some within Pas may have been really sincere in their prayers that God has finally opened the hearts and eyes of the party president and a very small group of other leaders, including the ailing spiritual leader Tok Guru Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz.
With open eyes and a clear heart, Hadi could certainly see Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Khalid Samad, Mat Sabu and Terasa Kok in a new light.
Hadi's speech at the closing of Pas' 60th muktamar is actually the beginning of the end.
It's just a matter of time before the zombie is laid to rest.
Take some time to listen to Hadi's speech, you'll understand WHY the zombie is going to the grave.
TRAPPED... in sex or corruption?
Shall we continue to live in a prolonged state of denial or take necessary action?
Shall we do it now or wait till our Malaysia gains greater international recognition and prominence for the wrong reasons?
Nigerian scam-kings and drug lords are already calling Malaysia home. Some areas in Kuala Lumpur now appears more like African, Burmese, Bangladeshi settlements complete with restaurants, convenience stores etc run by visiting foreign students, construction workers and house helpers. These foreign controlled areas are right in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.
Just take a slow drive around areas behind Masjid Jamek... along Jalan Hang Lekir, Jalan Tun HS Lee, Petaling Street and Leboh Pudu right up to Puduraya. Don't be perplexed if you come across countless shops/restaurants/merchants with signboards in foreign languages. The few in Bahasa Malaysia or English comes with heavy undertones from Myanmar(Burma) and or Bangladesh.
The above video about child trafficking-prostitution is just some of the things which are happening right under our nose and, as an 'expert' opines in the recording, we are certainly living in denial and happy with the reactive mode that everything around us revolves.
The first question that pops up in our mind is - What are our authorities doing?
The tendency would be to blame the police but what is the role of the local authorities to prevent such menaces in our society?
Why is it that Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur and a host of other local authorities appear absolutely powerless to ensure a conducive living environment for us Malaysians?
If it it because of CORRUPTION, we are certainly doomed.
I hope not all of our law enforcers have become slaves of syndicates themselves.
Btw, has anyone congratulated the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission for a job well done in sniffing out a well entrenched syndicate in the Royal Malaysian Customs Department?
Well done SPRM! You guys should also consider taking a break in one of those 'well protected' health SPAs or a Sunday drive along Leboh Pudu for inspiration.
p/s DBKL is no longer about rubbish collection.
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Saya tak rela bawa ahli-ahli Pas ke neraka jahanam - Abdul Hadi Awang
With all due respect to Tok Guru Hadi Awang, I think Pas had already put one foot in hell the day they decided to sleep in the same bed with Anwar Ibrahim and the socialist DAP.
It was nothing but pure political expediency. The aim, intention and motivation was not to serve the people but more towards defeating Barisan Nasional by hook or crook and grabbing the seat of power in Putrajaya.
The saying 'You reap what you sow' can't be more apt. The leadership circus in Selangor is a classic lesson, not only to politicians but every sane human being. Don't mix with bad hats because sooner or later you will be like them or forced pay a heavy price for your association. Some in Pas have certainly become crooks (and have sold themselves as claimed by Hadi) while the rest are paying a heavy price for their lack of intelligence.
If Hadi's is indeed a powerful president, it should be an immediate pre-emptive move to free Pas and sack Pakatan... before they start the all too familiar charade to defame and eventually sack Pas from the unholy alliance.
Friday, 19 September 2014
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Seeking those elusive details about 1MDB

I'm reproducing Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's latest posting about Malaysia's sovereign wealth fund - 1MDB - here because this particular posting seems inaccessible a few hours after this latest issue was highlighted by the Statesman.
Read and please think for yourself. Thank you.
SSK dengan 1MDB
1. Saya tertarik dengan tulisan sahabat saya Saleh Said Keruak (SSK) berkenaan 1MDB.
2. Beliau berpendapat 1MDB ialah untuk bantuan dalam bidang pelajaran. Saya akui saya tidak tahu akan kegunaan wang 1MDB untuk pelajaran. Tetapi ada iklan yang menyebut sudah lebih satu juta rakyat dapat bantuan pelajaran dari 1MDB. Bahagi 1 juta dengan 4 tahun ini bermakna 250,000 setahun. Jika benar, Alhamdulillah.
3. Yang saya tahu 1MDB diguna untuk membeli tiga buah stesen janakuasa dari YTL, Ananda Krishnan dan pemilik Jimah power plant di Negeri Sembilan. Harga pembelian lebih tinggi daripada harga pasaran. Kos tidak kurang dari 4 billion Ringgit
4. Baru-baru ini 1MDB akan memiliki sebahagian besar daripada saham stesen janakuasa yang akan dibina oleh Tenaga Nasional dan pihak lain. YTL telah tarik diri. Ramai yang menegur Tenaga kerana projek ini, kerana tidak mengadakan tawaran terbuka.
5. Pembangunan projek Tun Razak Financial Exchange di jalan Tun Razak akan di laksanakan dengan dana 1MDB juga.
6. Selain daripada itu berbillion dollar di urus melalui bank di sebuah Pulau Caribbean.
7. Sahabat saya tentu tahu bahawa dana 1MDB ini berlagak sebagai Sovereign Wealth Fund iaitu dana kekayaan Negara.
8. Banyaklah Negara pengeluar minyak mengadakan sovereign wealth fund daripada lebihan yang didapati setelah menjual beratus juta tong minyak setahun. Kuwait dan Qatar membeli banyak hotel terkemuka dengan wang yang banyak yang ada pada mereka.
9. Malaysia mengeluarkan hanya 650,000 tong sehari dan tidak ada lebihan wang daripada penjualan minyak oleh Petronas. Sebahagian besar keuntungan diserah kepada Kerajaan, selainnya untuk dilabur. Wang yang diserah ini tidak begitu besar.
10. Sebenarnya perbelanjaan Kerajaan lebih daripada pendapatan termasuk sumbangan daripada Petronas. Oleh itu bajet kita menghadapi defisit, bukan lebihan.
11. Duit untuk 1MDB bukan daripada lebihan kewangan Negara. Ia dihutang. Berbillion ringgit dihutang yang menambah hutang Negara dengan amat tinggi. Hutang oleh Negara mesti dibayar. Jika tidak kita akan muflis seperti Argentina. Sebuah Negara yang mengalami deficit tiap tahun tidak mungkin bayar hutang sebesar ini.
12. Biasanya dalam Kerajaan kita mengadakan belanjawan – iaitu catitan wang yang akan diterima oleh kerajaan bagi sesuatu tahun serta wang yang akan dibelanjakan oleh kerajaan pada tahun berkenaan. Pengurusan kewangan Negara perlu ikuti aturan peraturan. Diantaranya ialah kelulusan had siling hutang oleh Dewan Rakyat.
13. Memang saya tidak perhati betul-betul tetapi saya tidak tahu akan peruntukan dalam bajet untuk membeli stesen janakuasa atau pembangunan beberapa projek.
14. Untuk pelajaran kita tidak perlu berhutang. Sejak dahulu lagi kita peruntukkan hampir 25% dari bajet untuk pelajaran. Kita tidak pernah hutang untuk maksud ini.
15. Ada juga cerita-cerita yang merunsingkan berkenaan pembiayaan oleh 1MDB. Saya harap sahabat saya SSK dapat beri butiran lanjut dan dokumen tentang penggunaan 1MDB untuk semua tujuan, termasuk pelajaran.
p/s I hope Salleh Said Keruak would get back soonest with all the relevant details and money trail to answer Dr Mahathir's queries.
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Sultan says it without saying it

Biadap and derhaka are very strong words and today both PKR and DAP got a fair share of those words from none other than the Sultan of Selangor himself, via his private secretary.
Sultan Sharafuddin not only reprimanded those badly brought-up politicians and their ilk but also sent a strong, crystal clear message that it was his prerogative to appoint the chief executive of his state from among the elected representatives occupying the State Assembly.
Read the Sultan's strong message in The Mole - Sultan Sharafuddin will evaluate all Pas and PKR assemblymen for Mentri Besar post
I'm quite sure the time is now right for embattled Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim to dedicate Frank Sinatra's My Way to Anwar Ibrahim and his wives now.
p/s If I'm in Khalid's shoes, I'll give him a finger... I mean show him my finger.
Friday, 5 September 2014
Pas breaking up... PasMa, papa and mama in the making

Developments, moves and political manoeuvres in the last 24-hours have proven beyond any doubt that the unholy alliance of Pakatan Rakyat is as good as dead. Pas has clearly broken ranks with PKR and DAP in the choice of candidates for the Selangor MB's post.
This latest move is not something that was unexpected, as clearly proven by pre-emptive moves to punish Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang and the non-Anwarinas faction in the party for not taking orders from Anwar Ibrahim.
Reports suggest that the Anwarinas (Pas leaders subservient to Anwar) have started the ball rolling towards the formation of a new political entity that would initially masquerade as an NGO.
A string of late night messages from a well informed source within Pas suggests that Datuk Husam Musa could be the first president of PasMa which aims to contain the fallout between Pas and its allies in Pakatan.
PasMa's line-up, as described by the well placed source is as below -
Struktur Organisasi Parti Ummah Sejahtera Malaysia (Pasma) sessi 2014/16.
Mursyid Am Pasma : Ust Hj Ahmad Awang (Perak)
Timb Mursyid Am Pasma : Ust Muhammad Husin (Kel)
Presiden Pasma : Yb Dato' Husam Musa (Kel)
Timb. Presiden Pasma : Dr Hatta Ramli (Sel)
Naib Presiden Pasma : Dr Dzulkifli Ahmad (Sel)
Naib Presiden Pasma : Dr Mujahid Yusuf Rawa (Png)
Naib Presiden Pasma : Yb Khalid Samad (Sel)
Ketua Pemuda : Sheikh Omar (Joh)
Ketua Muslimat : Aiman Athirah (Sabah)
Ketua Ulamak : Ust Mohamad Nor (Mel)
AJK Pasma :
Nordin Majid (PGS - Phg)
Dato Wan Rahim (Kel)
Ust Taib Ahmad (Ked)
Ust Nasir Zakaria (Ked)
Ust Fuad Othman (N9)
Hanipa Maiden (Sel)
Syed Azman (Trg)
Mohamad Sabu (Png)
Ust Dzulqarnain (Per)
Sayuthi Basirun (Sel)
Abd Fatah Harun (Kel)
AJK Tambahan :
Rahman Talib
Hazmi Hassan
Sayuthi Omar
Hisyamudin Ghazali
If indeed PasMa becomes a reality, would the Papa & Mama-led PKR then have the final say on who takes over as Mentri Besar from the embattled Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim?
The next 24-hours or so should hold more clues.
p/s All this while the existence of a strong Anwarinas group within Pas was merely speculation, but now it has been proven. Anwar has certainly infiltrated PAS to the extend that several Pas leaders look up to Anwar, not Hadi, as their leader.
Monday, 1 September 2014
Anwar Ibrahim biadap, kata Felicia Ling
Felicia says she is a 'pengamal undang2'. I take that to mean that she is a lawyer and this brave lawyer has come up to put all those idiots who run after Anwar Ibrahim the liar' to shame.
You think Anwar Ibrahim the liar would dare sue this brave lawyer?
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