I wonder. I truly wonder what could be pushing our Pulai MP Datuk Nur Jazlan so hard that he appears more like a desperate politician.
Just read and compare his statements - the top one is his latest state of mind while the 'news report' below that was his state of mind almost exactly two years ago in 2012.
While the protests against toll and/or the quantum has always been a hot debate, as we have witnessed before in other toll-ed roads and bridges in the country, what shocked me is the fact that Nur Jazlan has actually stooped low to play the racial card in this issue.
"Namun tanpa disangka, kenaikan tol di Tambak Johor dan Lebuhraya Penyuraian Timur (EDL) bertukar menjadi isu perkauman kerana ia dilihat lebih terkesan kepada masyarakat Cina yang lebih ramai bekerja di Singapura berbanding kaum lain termasuk orang Melayu." - Nur Jazlan
"Kita perlu sedar hakikat kawasan Johor selatan kini, mempunyai ramai pengundi masyarakat Cina yang bekerja di Singapura dan mereka sudah pasti mahu memilih parti yang memperjuangkan nasib mereka. "- Nur Jazlan
From the way I look at it and by his own words, Nur Jazlan appears to be playing to the gallery and simply politicising the whole issue to serve his very own political interest. He's certainly trying to bend over as best as possible to win over the support of all the Johor Chinese who are working in Singapore and their kin.
It is certainly much easier to play politics, the DAP-kindda politics, of blaming everyone else and shed crocodile tears (Guan Eng and dad is good at this) to win votes. Go against everything the government does and blame everybody else except yourself and the votes will flow in.
But I wonder why Jazlan is doing this DAP-kindda populist jazz when he is still a ruling Government MP.
Kenapa dulu naik, sekarang tak naik YB?
p/s Mmmmmm maybe Najib is considering another Cabinet reshuffle.... maybe.
Nampaknya memang MELAYU MUDAH LUPA
Sorry CAM I can't approve your comment. Please refrain from personal attacks against the dead for a simple reason that a dead man can't defend himself and this issue is not directly linked to him. Thank you
Kesian nur jazlan, masih perasan rupanya cina johor selatan undi bn. Hehehe... Bila pulak cina pilih bn berbanding dap. Nurjazlan masih mimpi indah nampaknya....
ahli politik BN ni tak paham paham ke? membuat jasa kepada cina diibarat mencurah air ke keladi... menabur garam ke air laut...
Inilah hasil pimpinan Najib yang terlalu menyembah kaum cina sehinggakan semua menteri UMNO sedang berlumba-lumba mengampu kaum cina. Memang benar kata Rayer-UMNO celaka di bawah Najib.
The common man rejoices when the government official is competent in administration and prudent concerning the people's welfare; Incompetence and foolhardiness have no place in public governance.
no problem. noted. sorry .. was a bit emotional.
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