Wan Junaidi: Malaysia under militant threat without ISA
KUALA LUMPUR: The repeal of the Internal Security Act (ISA) has impacted the fight against militant activities, said Deputy Home Minister Datuk Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar.
He said without the ISA, which allowed for the detention of someone without trial, it was difficult for the security forces to take appropriate action against suspected militants.
Under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 or SOSMA, which replaced the ISA, individuals can only be remanded for 28 days and have to be charged in court after this period.
"And only after they have been convicted by the court, can the individuals involved be jailed.
"But in the movement (militancy), it is not easy to provide proof that is acceptable to the court," Wan Junaidi told Dewan Negara in a reply to Senator Noriah Mahat.
Noriah wanted to know the reason for the existence of militant groups in this country and the holistic approach taken by the government with the cooperation of other countries in stemming the militancy threat.
Wan Junaidi noted that 12 Malaysians had been charged in court for militant activities.
"Eight were released due to lack of evidence. Only four cases are still on trial.
"So, this is among the effects of the abolishment of the much-feared ISA but unfortunately, our country is under threat without the ISA," he said. - The Star

The above 'unfortunately our country is under threat without the ISA' WARNING from none other than the Deputy Home Minister appeared exactly a week ago on the 1st of July in The Star newspaper.
What happened after the former police officer turned Deputy Home Minister's clear warning about the real and present danger threatening the peace and security of Malaysia and her people?
Obviously the Prime Minister, who just a few months ago was of the opinion that an overwhelming majority of Malaysians were against the ISA, appears to be holding on to his flawed understanding of the issue at hand.
Its an open secret that only a minority pressure group fuelled by certain Opposition politicians and the bunch of image builders masquerading as advisors continue to believe their own propaganda that abolishing the ISA is one of PM Najib Razak's brilliant moves so far. BR1M must the other one.
Lets accept the fact as it is. Abolishing the ISA didn't bear anything positive except for spiralling crime, increased racial/religious provocation and as confirmed by the Deputy Home Minister ... further strengthening the threat of militancy.
Experienced and battle scarred police officers, both serving and retired, are still trying to get the Government to its senses and to stop gambling with the future of this peaceful nation. Remember that we have terrorists/militant hotbeds all around us and recent developments have proven beyond any doubt that an increasing number of our fellow Malaysians are becoming terrorists and militants.
Serving senior police officers, the IGP included, have hinted and said it in not so many words that abolishing the ISA is a bad idea. The didn't say it was stupid but it was a bad idea.
Even our mainstream newspapers are now unsuspectingly 'promoting' militancy with good coverage of one militant's Facebook postings and why another militant's mother thinks he is a Jihadist and not a terrorist.
The Government, in particular the Prime Minister, must wake up fast and admit that it was a BIG MISTAKE to abruptly abolish the ISA without proper, prior consultations with all concerned parties, especially we the Malaysian public.
Do it now before bombs start exploding in your backyard. The situation must be grave because the Deputy Home Minister said so. We cannot be waiting for Jamil Khir to give the green light, can we?
There was no proper prior consultation before the announcement to abolish the ISA was made on the eve of Malaysia Day on 2011. There were proposals to amend/fine tune the ISA to prevent any form of abuse but abolishing the ISA was certainly NOT A COLLECTIVE decision of the cabinet.
Please stop populist moves that are threatening this country. Populism and populist knee-jerk policies like BR1M and other equivalent cash and goodies handout programmes are bad enough, so please don't extend similar approaches to areas concerning the peace and security of all Malaysians.
Don't risk the future of this nation by abolishing legistlations meant to safeguard us all. The intention to abolish the Sedition Act is another similar not so smart move and could backfire, especially under the current leadership.
Eminent persons have deliberated on the not so brilliant idea to remove the Sedition Act... here and HERE.
Please be informed that abolishing the ISA is NOT the wish of the majority of the people.
Whoever told the Prime Minister that this (abolishing the ISA) was what an overwhelming majority of Malaysians wanted was either telling a lie or is simply plain stupid to begin with.
The results of a quick poll is published below.

Unless you want to lead just 10% of the population, please stop such populist tricks right now and go back to basics. Start with an open discussion with those in charge of security and they'll tell you how wrong you are.
If you don't trust your own security personnel and veterans, try consulting your smart counterpart down south, Prime Minister Brigadier General Lee Hsien Loong. I'm very sure he'll quietly ask you to make a quick U-turn.
As Malaysians would say, bila dah nyata sesat, pulang lah kepangkal jalan. Swallow the bitter pill and do it now before the hundreds of Malaysian militants, currently serving overseas, decide to balik kampung.
Remember even the world's No 1 purveyor of Human Right, freedom and democracy still maintain the Patriot Act to protect their home against terrorists, militant and extremist... including those ruthless terrorists trained in Northern Ireland.
p/s Was abolishing the ISA a unilateral move Mr Prime Minister? #Justasking
1 comment:
one guy bombed the Iraqi's police department and kill 20 (maybe more). let's assume there are 100 suicidal bombers muslim (read: melayu) came back after abu bakar al baghdadi lost the war (if he wins, it will be even worse scenario). out of anger with what happened in malaysia, (eg kalimah allah, murtads, kitab injil, etc) we need only 1 out of 100 of those jihadis muslim (read:malay) to just bomb a small pondok polis. see what happened.
we have tamil rebels, we have jihadis and we have chienese kongsi. as the malays (i am no jihadis) would say, "gua lari dulu, beb"
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