Monday, 28 October 2013

Who owns the 'KILLER GUARD' security company?

UPDATED! @1855hrs

It has been brought to our attention that Home Minister Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi has revealed the company as Kawalan Prima Sdn.Bhd and has re-assured that the operating license was revoked today after a five-day grace period for appeal. 
We shall await the next course of action from the Royal Malaysian Police, the Home Ministry and the Attorney General's Chambers. 

Well done and thank you Datuk Seri Home Minister!

Home Ministry must expose the culprits or risk being ridiculed

Anonymous Anonymous said...
this is a very serious offence due negligence of the security company which employed this bastard cold blooded murderer.

it is time the authority charge the company's directors and charge them under the penal code if it applies.

its just too much for a husband to lose a wife and children to lose a mother due to greed and negligence of such company directors.

Friday, October 25, 2013 10:04:00 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It is a tragedy waiting to happen. The Home Ministry has been closing one eye on Security companies.

Non-Malaysians SHOULD NEVER be allowed to be hired as security guards. They are walking around sensitive and high risk locations with walkie talkies in hand, speaking in Bangla, Nepali and other languages that the Managers do not understand.

Totally agree that the owners of the Security company must go to jail for such negligence!
Security guards must be made mandatory to be ex-servicemen. Their salaries must be reasonable to attract the right level of personnel

Saturday, October 26, 2013 12:01:00 AM

Anonymous MrAngry said...

The name of the company is K****** P**** Sdn. Bhd.

KDN CLAIM the license was revoked - the company is still operating. The company license was NOT revoked. It may be the statement by KDN can be construed for not telling the truth or the little napoleons at lower level refuse to enforce the revocation.

Proof can be seen, go and judge for yourself. For this weekend, you can see them managing KLCC. Go and look at the badges on the guard. Go walk around the banks on Monday and I garuntee, they are still running the show - including AmBank.

It's sad that those involved do not give a damn about the woman's life. Business as usual.

Saturday, October 26, 2013 7:18:00 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
if the security company is truly owned by M***** Hamid, i strongly doubt any thing more than a slap on the wrist will be taken against her company.

"sri hartamas"

Saturday, October 26, 2013 7:25:00 PM
Above are some of the damning comment on my previous posting urging the Government i.e. the Home Ministry to come down hard on irresponsible companies providing security services in our country. 

As stated earlier, the Home Ministry announced that the operating license of the company involved in the 'killer guard' incident at Ambank USJ Subang Jaya has been revoked. 

Based on the comments above, discussions on Twitter and views of ordinary Malaysians, we could sum up that there is a serious lack of trust. 

Generally people think the culprits, in this case the irresponsible owners/operators of the security company that employed the 'killer guard', will be let off with just a 'slap on the wrist'. 

People think the company was still operating despite the Home Ministry's 'revocation' because the company is owned by powerful, well-connected people. Some say the owner is an Umno politician.    

To put all this wild allegations and rumours to rest, and to prove that the Government of Malaysia is not run by corrupt little napoleons, I humbly call upon the Home Ministry to be transparent in this latest issue. 

The Home Ministry must make the name of the company public. 

The Home Ministry must make sure that the company does not operate as usual despite the revocation of their operating license (if the license has indeed been revoked).

The Home Ministry must initiate legal action against the company for 'arming an illegal immigrant with firearms'. FYI the illegal immigrant, who was given a firearm by this rogue company, killed an innocent young mother of two kids . 

The Home Ministry must come clean on this one. I trust the 'no nonsense' Home Minister to put such nonsense to rest. 

The issue at hand is about the security company employing an illegal immigrant and arming him with a firearm. 

It is not about the 'killer guard's fake identity card. The fake IC would not have been an issue if the company had adhered to the strict rules and regulations in employing security guards.

We don't need smoke screens. Expose, blacklist and charge the culprits. TQ

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RD. said...

Although I am sort of admirer of Zahid, I agree that KDN MUST name this rouge security company. This is why the rakyat is angry with UMNO/BN. We the supporters of BN, would find it hard to defend frome those DAP Cybies, come GE 14. Remember we have lost words on Sharizat's Condo Lembu, last GE13 & GE14, too?

We are not paid and we do it just for Agama , Bangsa, Raja dan Negara yang aman permai.

Unknown said...

Msia is a goldmine for PATIs of all denominations. BUT securityfirms are the worst employers with the TmC pf working contract and low-pays but lomg hours!
So at our condo if ine comes back in the wee hours of he morning, most likely these East Malaysians will be mouth wide open in deep slumber. Tje bar will be Up!
We opt not to pay the mothly collections after a spate of break-ins. Turned out the thieving gang lived in one of the units.
So changed the Security firm ever so often, too.
Now the fake ICs will make it harder to nab the killer robber!

Anonymous said...

(sumber :
Saya dengan penuh bertanggungjawab, ingin memperjelaskan dengan benar kepada kenyataan-kenyataan palsu, tidak tepat dan yang mempunyai agenda-agenda lain bahawa SECURIFORCE SDN BHD bukanlah syarikat yang terlibat menggajikan Pengawal Keselamatan yang menembak mati Pegawai Bank (AMBANK) Cawangan Subang Jaya baru-baru ini. Kami amat kesal dengan fitnah yang dilemparkan dalam blog tuan, kenyataan-kenyaatan murahan, yang malas membuat research, yang miskin dengan sumber maklumat dengan pandai-pandai dan sesuka hati menamakan SECURIFORCE sebagai syarikat yang terlibat dan seterusnya membabitkan nama Yang Berbahagia Datuk Hjh Maznah Hamid selaku pemilik syarikat.
Susulan daripada itu, saya bagi pihak SECURIFORCE SDN. BHD. memberi PERINGATAN dengan tegas bahawa pernyataan-pernyataan yang tidak betul dan tidak tepat seperti ini boleh menyebabkan pihak kami tidak akan teragak-agak untuk mengambil tindakan undang-undang. Ini kerana kandungan lapuran yang dimuatkan lebih menunjukkan satu niat yang buruk, mencemarkan peribadi seseorang dan secara langsung ditujukan kepada SECURIFORCE SDN. BHD.
Saya ingin memperingatkan kepada tuan agar lebih bertanggungjawab, carilah maklumat dengan tepat dan betul sesuai dengan peranan dan etika untuk menyampaikan berita, komen, maklumat yang benar kepada umum. Untuk pengetahuan tuan, warga alam maya pada masa sekarang lebih bijak dan beinformatif untuk menilai sebarang berita. Berkemungkinan mereka mempunyai informasi yang lebih betul dan tepat daripada berita tuan seperti yang dikutip dari tong sampah ini. Seharusnya saya bersimpati dengan tuan. Jadilah seorang blogger yang sebenar, bukan sebagai ‘blocked head’. Sebagai panduan, dan sedikit tips kepada tuan, maklumat sebenar syarikat yang terlibat sentiasa boleh didapati dengan tepat daripada :
1. Kementerian Dalam Negeri (Bahagian A, Keselamatan, KDN),
2. Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM),
3. Persatuan Perkhidmatan Kawalan Keselamatan Malaysia (PPKKM),
4. AMBANK atau
5. sila layari
6. Sila layari
7. Syarikat yang terlibat, KAWALAN PRIMA SDN BHD (
Sehubungan dengan itu, dengan maklumat yang disediakan, pihak kami menuntut agar tuan bertanggungjawab untuk memperbetulkan fakta yang sebenar secepat mungkin. Sekiranya memerlukan penjelasan dan maklumat lanjut sila hubungi pihak kami. Kami sedia untuk bekerjasama demi menyatakan kebenaran.
Ini adalah satu kes sensitif yang melibatkan kematian dan memberi impak kepada waris yang masih hidup. Janganlah mempermain-mainkan situasi ini. Seharusnya tuan meminta semua pengikut blog untuk sama-sama sedekahkan al-fatihah kepada Allahyarhamah atau memberi apa jua bentuk sumbangan kepada warisnya. Bukan membawa niat buruk tuan untuk cepat popular.
Marilah kita bersama sedekahkan surah al-Fatihah kepada Allahyarhamah mangsa, dan ucapkan takziah kepada keluarga mangsa.
Sekian, terima kasih.

019-2234555 / 03-4042 0266

Apanama said...

Jalil Ibrahim - I suspect your 'blocked head' statement is directed at another blogger. I won't blame you though. Cheers.
Stick to facts. TQ