YKN's corporate information says the foundation remains under the jurisdiction of the Women, Family and Community Development Minister.
The current minister is Datuk Rohani Karim(pic) from Sarawak. Rohani is a feisty politician from Sarawak BN's lynch pin, Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Sarawak ( yup, she is not from Umno and certainly not from Wanita Umno)
Information available on YKN's website suggests that former Minister and current Wanita Umno chief Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil still calls the shot at YKN. Shahrizat, the last I checked, is no longer any minister. She was recently appointed as the Prime Minister's Advisor, an appointment which relates more to the upcoming Umno polls than anything else. (I think its a bad decision though )
Now the BIG ? is...
Why is Shahrizat still in-charge of a national foundation which falls under the purview of a specific ministry and cabinet minister?
Was it a cabinet decision or the decision of the Prime Minister who briefly held the Women, Family and Community Development portfolio ( after Shahrizat's senatorship was not renewed) to re-appoint the Wanita Chief into YKN or did Shahrizat do it herself?
Talk is that the PM had asked Shahrizat to 'help' helm the YKN. Is this true, did the PM do it or is someone 'selling' Najib Razak's name?
Could the PM make such a decision, if indeed it is true, when the ministry is helmed by a politician from a powerful BN component from Sarawak? Is it wise if not right or legal?
SEVENTEEN of the 21 trustees of YKN are those 'appointed by the minister'. Which minister appointed them... Shahrizat, Najib Razak or Rohani Karim?
Could somebody in some position of authority, the Prime Minister included, provide some clear answers to the above queries?
EARLY WARNING: This could turn out to be a political time-bomb if left unattended. It is just simmering, but at a very dangerous level.
p/s Who says Datuk Rohani Karim of PBB is not fit to lead YKN?
Adakah Shahrizat sudah di beri kebenaran olih DSN supaya Hijack YKN dari Menteri yang telah dilantik olih nya?
Keadaan dalam UMNO dan Kerajaan makin hari makin menjadi tunggang langgang. Bila Tun M akan mengambil balik teraju UMNO dan STOP ALL THIS NONSENSE? Jangan pula kerana Mukhriz, UMNO dibiar rosak begitu sahaja.
Pity PMNajib. He is stuck in smelly cow dung and cannot get out. Sack the cow while you have the opportunity PM.
anon 5:08 / 5:35 and 6:03
Vulgar comments/personal attacks will not be published. Please avoid such comments in future. TQ
politik memang tidak selalu bagus, komentar ke www.goocap.com
"Raise your words, not voice. It is rain which grows flowers, not thunder."
- Rumi
Wanita Umno berjaya menyekat kerja kerja LGE. kita patut berbangga.
Berikutan video LGE 'tabik' Kekuatan WANITA UMNO.
Circling the wagon with old guards..
Kak Ijat reti retilah malu sikit. Undurlah, secara terhormat.
Kalaulah ada sipi sipi kehormatan yg masih tinggal!
Dahlah PRU12 kalah kat Lembah Pantai. Rafidah yg kunun kunun ‘dibenci’ tu menang kat Kuala Kangsar.
Tapi Kak Ijat masih nak jadi Menteri. Banggang Pak Lah Al-Tiduri tu pulak lantik, masih lagi tak malu nak terima walaupun jelas rakyat dah tolak.
Lepas tu kencingkan org org Rafidah walaupun persetujuan utk peralihan kuasa dicapai.
Menang Ketua Wanita secara mengelat! Sebab Rafidah tak cukup pencalonan. Sama permainan masa Anwar As-Sodomy menjuruterakan kejatuhan Pak Ghafar masa Nov 1993.
Lepas tu kuasa Allah Ta’ala, skandal pulak NFC timbul. Laki dia Salleh Budu buat sial, tak mau respons. Lama lama cerita dah tak boleh tampung. Rakyat makin resah.
Apa Kak Ijat buat? Dia dgn tatau malu langsung heret Wanita UMNO atas kapasiti sebagai Ketua Wanita menggunakan platform semasa PAU 2011, utk memerangi Zuraidah Mak Lampir bagi pihak maruah peribadi sendiri & keluarga dia.
Tak da kena mengena dgn UMNO!
Penghabisnya Najib terpaksa tendang dia keluo Kabinet.
Bukannya reti nak undur diri lagi tu!
Memang muka tak reti malu.
Lepas tu main wayang apabila Azalina nak tawar diri utk lawan dia.
Bagi tekanan kat Kak Midah, sebab nak lawan pilihan dia sebagai NK Wanita. Memang dasar tak hormat prinsip demokrasi.
Tapi bukan ni satu misteri pun. Kak Ijat dah pun terbukti tak hormat prinsip kredibiliti dan integriti. Jadi tak hormat hak ahli untuk laksana tuntutan demokrasi bukan lagi menjadi kudis pada kak Ijat.
Wanita UMNO patut matangkan diri secepat mungkin. Tak guna menang sorak, syok sendiri atas alasan “Demi perpaduan parti” TAPI kalau masa PRU14 kuasa Melayu makin lemah atau lenyap!
Tak kan Bangsa Melayu nak ikut kebodohan Kak Ijat ni??
macai KJ diTitiwangsa sebenarnya tak layak jadi calon http://thebenchmark0.blogspot.com/2013/10/untuk-lembaga-yang-jaga-disiplin-umno.html
When you're up in life, your friends get to know who you are. When you're down in life, you get to know who your friends are! Hopefully the PM be blessed with wisdom
korang n i bodohlah..salah ke tak salah ke itu mainan pembangkang, yg hangpa ni jd pembangang apapasal? RBA atau Cybertrooper yg berselindung dgn nama Anonymous atau macai barua yg berbayar..phuihh
Sokong Apakata. Kita telah dijerat oleh PR dan RBA dan akhirnya ikut rentak mereka. Rafizi nak jaguhkan Kak Jat pasai kalau nak jatuhkan UMNO kenalah attack sayap yang paling kuat...Wanita UMNO. Kak Jat jatuh percayalah Wanita UMNO pun akan terlingkup. Siapa yang paling happy... askar kacang merah la yg dikuasai oleh pak tokong....isssh u all ni terlalu emosi ler
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