Who deserves Pingat Kedaulatan Negara?
Russia Negotiates End To Economic Sanctions. War Coming To An End.
*Russia has achieved a major first step in negotiating a ceasefire by
getting the United States to remove economic sanctions against Russian
wheat and fe...
5 hours ago
Foreign-funded newsportal that religiously runs down all vital institutions of the government and her leadership is awarded Pingat Kedaulatan Negara.
The Government may consider privatising Bernama to Malaysiakini next.
Perdana Menteri hargai JASA wartawan Malaysiakini?
Siapa yang gila?
Against all odd..namawee did it. Start rant then!
'Kita kena tubuhkan makmal untuk mengkaji bagaimana kekilafan ini berlaku di-era pemerintahan transformasi
Oh dear! PM Najib has truly lost it! PM material should not be vindictive (like Anwar) but this is really too much! You award the trouble makers? Namewee, Hindraf and now this?
Can somebody please check PM Najib's sanity?
Apa lagi Najib mahu buat?
Ah Jib GO..
Ah Jib GO..
Ah Jib GO..
Wartawan Msiakini tu pergi ke Lahad Datu Buat Liputan masa kejadian.
Ini adalah satu penghinaan kepada anggota keselamatan kita.
Difahamkan Jabatan Penerangan menerajui penganugerahan pingat ini kepada Malaysiakini dan wartawan lain.
Mungkin Ketua Pengarah Datuk Ibrahim Abdul Rahman ingin meraih populariti tetapi ini adalah satu tindakan yang amat dangkal dan tidak masuk akal.
Wartawan harus dihargai tetatpi bukan dengan Pingat Kedaulatan Negara yang sama yang kita anugerahkan kepada wira-wira PDRM dan ATM.
Kami pun hairan bagaimana Perdana Menteri dan pejabat beliau boleh diperBODOHkan dengan begitu mudah oleh individu yang cetek pemikiran seperti Datuk Ibrahim.
Bertaubat dan berubahlah sebelum kamu dihalau keluar.
Jika kedangkalan sudah tidak ada had, kami mungkin tidak ada pilihan.
Terima Kasih
Rashid exRanger
The CIA-Soros Partnership
By Robert Wenzel
September 25, 2012
Recently by Robert Wenzel: Top Hedge Fund Manager Warns on HitlerScenario
A curious link between George Soros and the CIA has emerged as a result of disclosures of funding of a Malaysian media organization by the National Endowment for Democracy. It turns out it was NED funding and Soros funding.
NED has long been known as a CIA front. In the clip below, one time CIA case officer Phil Agee describes the developments that led up to the formation of NED and how NED operates.
This is all noteworthy with regard to Soros, since the Malaysiakini, a Malaysian media organization, has just admitted receiving funds from NED.
The funding has been apparently been going on for many years and a journalist now discloses that he quit working for Malaysiakini because of its then secret funding by NED and Soros.
Y.L. Chong quit from Malaysiakini as its news editor more than a decade ago when the news portal management refused to admit that they were getting funds from NED and Soros.
“I told Malaysiakini 11 years ago to come clean, and not hide such information from our subscribers and readers.
“I decided to throw in my resignation as I could not toe the line and keep the Soros link under wraps,” he said in an interview with Malaysia’s The Star.
Chong revealed all this several years ago in his blog called ww.desiderata2000.blogspot.com.
“I was then news editor, and hence privy to information raised at Malaysiakini’s meetings, and I had learned that indeed Malaysiakini had received an initial 10% down payment of RM188,000 for a 10% interest in Malaysiakini,” he added.
Chong said he quit after confronting the two Malaysiakini’s top guns – Steven Gan and Premesh Chandran – and the two refused to publicly admit to receiving funds through Media Development Loan Fund run by the Open Society Institute, a well-known international unit linked to Soros.
“In fact Gan said it would be the death of Malaysiakini if they admitted to receiving funding from Soros,” he said.
Reprinted with permission from Economic Policy Journal.
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