While praying for the continuous peace and prosperity, lets also offer our prayers to all those who sacrificed their life to this beloved nation of our. Al-Fatihah.
Saturday, 31 August 2013
Malaysiaku Berdaulat Tanah Tumpahnya Darahku
While praying for the continuous peace and prosperity, lets also offer our prayers to all those who sacrificed their life to this beloved nation of our. Al-Fatihah.
Let us pray Malaysia will continue to be blessed with peace, prosperity and a harmonious populace glued by mutual respect and a higher level of sanity.
While praying for the continuous peace and prosperity, lets also offer our prayers to all those who sacrificed their life to this beloved nation of our. Al-Fatihah.
Friday, 30 August 2013
Thursday, 29 August 2013
NOW SHOWING: Tanda Putera
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Graphics by The Mole |
Unfortunately, they were working against the clock. Both men were dying of serious illnesses: Dr Ismail of a heart ailment and Abdul Razak, of leukaemia. They were treated in secret by a mutual doctor friend, Dr Stewart McPherson.
Abdul Razak kept his illness from his loved ones and the country, so that everybody could focus on bringing the country forward with the New Economic Policy (NEP) that he and Dr Ismail had formulated."

"While there are violent scenes of the riots, they are kept to a minimum to serve as backdrop to the turbulent period. The shootings of top officers and a terror attack on the National Monument aided by CGI are shocking, too.
Shuhaimi added wonderful CGI effects in the style of Forrest Gump, where the actors images are superimposed and blended into real footage of historical events.
Nevertheless, there are two glaring production mistakes in the logo of one political party and the Malaysian coat of arms.
Still, this film ought to be on every citizen’s “must watch” list for its historical significance. To date, it remains a strong contender for the top prize at the next Malaysian Film Festival. "
Read more of acclaimed 'walking encyclopedia' journalist Dennis Chua's review of Tanda Putera in the NST today.
I suggest the Cocky, Arrogant Tokong in Penang who continuously gives the Chinese a bad name and chauvinist outlook by his sheer arrogance and unbecoming behaviour as a chief minister, watch Tanda Putera before shooting his filthy mouth again.
You should at least give my friend Dennis Chua the benefit of the doubt. We watched the movie together last week and the last I checked he is still very much a happy, bubbly Malaysian Chinese who has managed to stay free from DAP's politics of hatred and chauvinism.
Grow up lah Guan Eng. You giving the Cinaman a bad name.
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Monday, 26 August 2013
It has been an uphill battle from the day, or even before the day, Datuk Seri Najib Razak took over as the Prime Minister of Malaysia from the previous guy who thought he was the Prime Minister for over FIVE years since 31st October or 1st November 2003.
While the guy who thought he was the PM was engrossed in his dreams from November 2003 till April 2009, those loathed '4th Floor' were plundering this nation from every possible angle.
But what many Malaysians, even those close to the corridors of power then, didn't realise was of an elaborate plan to prevent Najib from stepping up to the Prime Minister's seat.
Those who were plundering while the guy was sleeping in the driver's seat wanted to continue doing what they do best and they didn't want Najib to spoil their party. Those were the guys who put in a lot of effort, time and loads of cash to 'kill Najib morally and politically'.
When the MONGOLIAN woman Altantuya Shaariibuu was killed and those plunderers realised that she was linked to one of Najib's speech writers, they went for the kill. It was too good an opportunity to miss. For them Altantuya's murder was an act of God to serve their benefit.
The then Deputy Prime Minister and his wife was conveniently linked to Altantuya's death and the plunderers then activated their propaganda machinery to subtly justify why we cannot allow Najib to be the Prime Minister. Najib's wife was collateral damage in that game. The didn't give a damn about the speech writer or his Mongolian girlfriend.
In a nutshell the propaganda that Najib and his wife were directly involved in the death of Altantuya Shaariibuu was quite successful, especially after the murder was linked to the Scorpene submarine deal as Najib was also the Defence Minister for a long time.
But the propaganda was not good enough to prevent Najib from the premiership. Najib eventually became the PM as his predecessor's position became increasingly untenable. There was public outcry against his 'slumberjack' leadership and Najib was the only choice.
How far the Altantuya case has developed since then and how the Opposition (who took over the dirty job of slandering Najib and his wife from the plunderers) have used Mongolia, Altantuya and Scorpene in every nook and corner of this nation is self explanatory.
Opposition politicians and their rowdy supporters have been mocking the Prime Minister and his wife with shouts of 'Mongolia' and 'Altantuya' at many instances, particularly during the last General Election and the dozen by-elections before that.
But many of those mocking Najib and Rosmah came to their senses after the truth of the matter started surfacing. When SUARAM's activities, funding and most importantly their blatant lies about the Scorpene deal was exposed, level headed Malaysians began to see the conspiracy.
Last week the two policemen who were charged with the murder of Altantuya was acquitted and set free by the Appeals Court. Many were shocked. The Attorney General's Chambers are appealing against the Appeals Court's judgement.
But what came as a greater shock to many, who follow current issues and the Endless Bullshit that comes with it on a daily basis, is that the Government of Malaysia could be paying million of dollars to revive the 'unsavory' Mongolian connection.
None other than the Prime Minister's Communications Advisor seems to be working very hard to once again link the Prime Minister to a word/name that carries a very strong negative connotation.
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Farid Ridzuan - Communications Advisor to the Prime Minister of Malaysia |
I wonder how Farid Ridzuan managed to hoodwink the Prime Minister into buying the stale Endless Possibilities which was made public in Altantuya's motherland many many moons ago.
I hope the Prime Minister and/or those with the best interest of the Prime Minister at heart to get to the bottom of this scam. I am suspicious of what exactly that Farid wants us to recall with his latest branding bulls#$t.
The Prime Minister should consider SUSPENDING Farid Ridzuan from his Advisor's position (not sure if he is also at a Ministerial level as he appears to be eligible for a Special Officer to Communications Advisor to the Prime Minister) until the probe is over. BTW... why does the PM need a Communications Advisor?
The PM has been communicating very well all these years until some monkeys jumped into the picture and make him act like a clown.
Consider getting back to basics. All this 'cheap airlines' kind of marketing will not last.
On second thoughts, maybe Farid Ridzuan should just be SACKED from the Prime Minister's Office.
Dear Prime Minister, I hope that you take note of the fact that one too many of your ADVISORS have elevated themselves to your level. Some of them think they are the Prime Minister of Malaysia, thus criticizing them and correcting them is tantamount to being anti-Najib or trying to topple the Prime Minister.
Dear Prime Minister, please take note that we know exactly how to ask/demand a sitting Prime Minister to vacate his seat. Please remind your Advisors of their actual standing. Please also remind them, your Press Secretary Datuk Akmar included, that they are there to serve you, the PRIME MINISTER, and not themselves.
Dear Prime Minister, please take note that we take the trouble to tell you and/or the administration as it is. Black is black and White is white, we tell you that without fear or favour because we want you to remain as the Prime Minister and steer this nation to greater heights again.
Dear Prime Minister, we won't be doing what we are doing now if we think you are not fit to be the Prime Minister.
Thank you, Mr Prime Minister.
Sunday, 25 August 2013
Saturday, 24 August 2013
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Pingat KEDAULATAN Negara for Dummies
I'm sure the pictures above would bring back a wide range of memories of Ops Sulu - Ops Daulat in Lahad Datu Sabah.
Ops Sulu, which was later re-named Ops Daulat due to local sensitivities, was launched after a bunch of foreign funded lunatics presumably under the control of a crazy old man (who thinks he is the Sultan of Sulu and the rightful owner of Sabah) invaded Kampung Tanduo near Lahad Datu. The intruders were armed and our security forces (at that point of time confined to PDRM personnel) quickly cordoned the area.
Due to reasons and instruction which can't be spelled out here, the approved approach at that point of time was to end the stand-off without any bloodshed. Emissaries were dispatched to Manila and a few other locations to negotiate for those bunch of lunatics to leave Kampung Tanduo without any untoward incident.
We realised a little too late that these were not a bunch of ordinary lunatics but part of a bigger scheme of things orchestrated from a different level. That is a different story to be told on another day.
The 'restraint' imposed on the security forces was only lifted after those bunch of lunatics, or rather their snipers, killed two of our VAT69 police commandos in a 'white flag' incident.
That sparked an all out WAR to weed out those barbaric Sulu intruders, either dead or alive. That was the beginning of Ops Daulat.
In the end, 8 police officers and 2 soldiers were killed while many were scarred for life. (One of the soldier was killed in an accident while transporting food supply to the battle ground).
At least one stupid politician had claimed that Ops Daulat was the government playacting but many children lost their father, wives became widows overnight and parents lost their sons. It was heart wrenching just looking at their face at the TUDM base in Subang when they turned up to receive the remains of their loved ones.
We cried watching this video on the 206th Police Day.
When Ops Daulat was nearing its closure and the Eastern Sabah Security Command was in place, someone with a big heart in the Home Ministry came with the idea of recognising all those who gave their life and limb to protect this nation of ours. Non-security personnel who risked their lives were also to be included for the award.
The Pingat Kedaulatan Negara was then created, after careful deliberations of its shape, color and etc.
Initially it was awarded to the kin of our HEROES who gave their lives for Malaysia. Those family members stood up and received the PKN medals with great honor and pride, many from the Prime Minister himself.
PKN was also awarded for those policemen and soldiers who were injured during Ops Daulat. Later on it was extended to selected policemen and soldiers who had directly or indirectly played a role in the battle field.
The award was in recognition of selfless contribution during Ops Daulat.
But recently Pingat Kedaulatan Negara was cheapened by none other than the Prime Minister himself... via the professionalism of his Press Secretary Datuk Akmar Hisham and the Director General of the Information Department Datuk Ibrahim Abdul Rahman.
I heard Home Minister Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi was also aware of the stupid... DAMN BLOODY STUPID idea of awarding the same Pingat Kedaulatan Negara to more than TWO HUNDRED media personnel who were on duty in Lahad Datu during Ops Daulat.
Both the PM's Press Secretary and the publicity savvy Information DG had also awarded Pingat Kedaultan Negara for themselves... and yes it was pinned on them by none other than the PM himself.
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Datuk Ibrahim Abdul Rahman of the Information Department |
It is NOT STUPID to recognise the contribution of the media personnel, including the drivers, lighting man, technicians, those audio guys, make-up artists and all their bosses from Sabah to Putrajaya, and even those MAS/AirAsia pilots who flew the media to KK/Lahad Datu from KL.
They should have been given Letter of Appreciation by the Prime Minister or the Information Minister... FULL STOP!
Awarding Pingat Kedaulatan Negara, the same medal which was awarded to the fallen Heroes, to every Tom, DICK and Harry is not only STUPID but its an act of betrayal.
Don't you guys give a damn about the feelings of the children, wives, siblings and parents of those policemen and soldiers who died for this nation? You guys have no sense of shame?
I was told earlier today that the same Press Secretary wants to pacify those who have been criticising him. It seems he was planning to get the PM to award them (critics) the same PKN medals.
You see how idiots think and behave. People are questioning your stupidity not because they didn't get the PKN medal lah BODOH!
PKN is exclusive for our security personnel and selected civilians who are deemed to have played pivotal/vital role during our war in Lahad Datu.
I also heard that there are plans, by some politicians in position of power, to award more Pingat Kedaulatan Negara to civilians, village heads... and maybe political leaders at branch, division and other levels in Sabah.
I hope Home Minister DS Zahid will step up and stop any further abuses of such nature by self-centered beings in the administration.
Don't humiliate our Royal Malaysian Police and Armed Forces personnel by awarding every Tom, DICK and Harry with medals meant for heroes. TQ
p/s Taubat lah ketika masih berkesempatan!
najib razak,
ops daulat,
ops sulu,
pingat kedaulatan negara,
Monday, 19 August 2013
Don't prostitute The NST
SAFETY VIOLATIONS: Hundreds stranded at Ninoy Aquino airport after suspension of airline
MANILA:THE suspension of Zest Air, the Philippines’ unit of Malaysian brand carrier Air- Asia, left many passengers stranded at Ninoy Aquino International Airport here yesterday.
and then....
Is this called 'RESCUE'?
I hope the learned journalists, editors and their bosses in NST would stop prostituting the oldest English newspaper by reducing it to a role of some CHEAP airlines' newsletter. This is just ONE glaring example of many in the past.
Janganlah hadap sangat for their advertisement ringgit sampai you turn the newspaper into a low-grade toilet tissue and use it to wipe the CHEAP airlines' SHIT!
I don't even want to talk about The Star when it comes to this particular CHEAP airlines. Fellow blogger BIGDOG has a longer take in KAPAL KARAM.
air crash,
cabin crew,
cheap airline,
cheap fare,
media prima,
new straits times,
ninoy aquino,
tony fernandes,
zest air
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Saturday, 17 August 2013
Friday, 16 August 2013
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Monday, 5 August 2013
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Saturday, 3 August 2013
Friday, 2 August 2013
UPDATED: 1705hrs -
Datuk Abdul Farid Alias Is The New President, CEO Of Maybank Effective Today
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 2 (Bernama) -- Datuk Abdul Farid Alias, 45, has been appointed the new President and Chief Executive Officer of Malayan Banking Bhd effective Friday.
He was previously the bank's Deputy President and Head of Global Wholesale Banking.
He replaces Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar who resigned on June 4 to take over as Minister in the Prime Minister's Department in charge of the Economic Planning Unit (EPU).
Abdul Farid was also formerly Khazanah Nasional Bhd's Director of Investments and the government investment arm's nominee on the board of UEM Group Bhd in 2008.
Today's announcement was made by Maybank Chairman Tan Sri Megat Zaharuddin Megat Mohd Nor at a press conference at Menara Maybank.
Maybank is the country's largest bank and is ranked among the top 100 banks in the world.
Abdul Farid, who was also present at the press conference, said he was informed of the decision at 11 am today.
After a string of unpleasant appointments at GLCs in the past two months or so, finally there is a wise decision.
Speculation has been rife in the past weeks but a NST news alert minutes ago said - Datuk Farid Alias will be the new Chief Executive Officer of Maybank.
I think those in decision making positions (on GLC appointments) have finally come to their senses and made the right decision in appointing Datuk Farid to lead Maybank, one of the TOP 100 banks in the WORLD.
Congratulations bro!
An official announcement is expected anytime today.
p/s TQ PM
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