Contrary to popular belief and inaccurate news reports, Tampin Member of Parliament since 1999 Datuk Seri Shaziman Abu Mansor was not DROPPED from PM Najib Razak's 2013 cabinet.
Shaziman, the Works Minister in the previous cabinet, was not DROPPED but the true gentleman of a politician opted to remain as an ordinary MP on his own will.
In fact, I was made to understand that the 49 year old Civil Engineer was even reluctant to defend his Tampin parliamentary seat and was ready to allow other capable leaders from his Umno Division to contest in the recently concluded GE. He was persuaded to defend Tampin.
Why this remarkable young politicians with an untainted track record chose to pull the hand brake is anybody's guess but he was certainly not sulking or demanding higher positions in the party or the government.
Shaziman may be young, indeed very young in political age, but his uncommon decision will certainly put many other politicians to shame. His understanding of politics and his sincerity in serving the rakyat will certainly put many dead wood warlords to shame (if they have any left).
Well, I just wanted to drive home the fact that Shaziman was NOT dropped from the cabinet. He opted out of the cabinet in a very honorable manner at a time when other lesser politicians are trying or holding the PM at ransom for perks and positions.
Tampin folks should stand tall and be proud, for you have a true leader who is not bound by perks or positions.
THANK YOU for your service to this nation as a member of the cabinet Datuk Seri Shaziman Abu Mansur, you have done Tampin proud.
p/s Those sulking, merajuk-king, sabotaging, crying, foot thumping politicians could seek Shaziman's help to nurture them to be better human beings since the Tampin MP would have much free time now...after his fairways and greens.
Are you sure the guy is untainted? Not what many heard and know.
To Anon Thursday, May 16, 2013 7:56:00 AM;
If you heard so many negative stories about this guy, then tell us, la. If not, you're just another hogwash who only knows how to slander other people. Besides, he's not in the cabinet.
This guy is tainted alright!
I'll tell you a secret. I heard someday back in 2010, he was eating lunch consisting of gulai lemak cili padi and some gravy splashed and stained his shirt.
Now that's what I call tainted. With gulai lemak.
As I am also from Negeri Sembilan, Dato Shaziman is indeed a genuine guy, and indeed we are sad that he himself decided not to stand. I fear that he is too nice to be in politics and hope that one day he will decide to come back to make Malaysia a better and uncorrupt country.
Harap-harap selepas ini Perdana Menteri akan mengurangkan pegawai-pegawai komiunkasi beliau yang sebahagian besarnya telah basi.
Karakter tukang jaga artis berpangkat Datuk Seri mungkin boleh kembali kepada tugas asal dan tak perlu menjadi hamba abdi buta tuli. Jangan bodek tak tentu pasal lagi.
Event organizer company Pasukan Komunikasi Nasional atau NCT harus dibubarkan. Penyangak NCT tidak menilai dan tidak tahu apa itu Janji DiTepati. Mereka hanya tahu salur dana kepada syarikat sendiri.
Karakter seperti Azman Awaldin, gundiknya Jaqueline dan saudara O, harus disiasat kerana ada maklumat mengatakan kumpulan ini telah menggelapkan dana puluhan juta ringgit.
Mungkin ada ramai yang tidak mempercayai tetapi fakta dan maklumat risikan tidak boleh ditepis lagi. Penyangak yang tikam Perdana Menteri dari belakang dengan Janji DiTepati harus diadili.
Jika tidak percaya cuba audit aset dan pemilikan individu-individu yang disebut tadi. Jangan lupa mahligai diP.Pinang dan Australia negeri sejuk mainan biri-biri. Periksa juga siapa pengarah dan pengerusi syarikay sapu sana sini.
Wahai bekas editor kanan berlagak penasihat memanda perdana menteri, jika ada perasaan malu dan harga diri, mohonlah maaf dan undurlah diri. Jangan khianati kepercayaan Perdana Menteri. Jangan bersekongkol dengan penyangak tak berperi walaupun gaji puluhan ribu diberi.
Berundurlah secara terhormat jika masih ada maruah diri.
Concerned Researchers
He would know why among others Shah Alam hospital has been delayed for numerous times already?!
This is a man who gave up his career to be in politics. He was a successful businessman and a true product of the NEP who returned after studying abroad to serve his motherland.
Some say he is related to Khairy Jamaluddin the infamous son in law of Tun Abdullah Badawi but Dato Sri Shaziman is bigger than that and is very different from Khairy.
While Khairy is hungry and clamouring for power and position, Shaziman is a true blue party man who is more keen to be of service to his rakyat.
Terima Kasih Dato Sri. Saya harap satu hari nanti Dato Sri akan kembali ke Kabinet. Assalammualaikum
ex-Kg Cenderam
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.
John C. Maxwell
Shahriman wanted the MB post,...not the menteri!!
Thank u very much for your remarkable service Dato Shaziman.He may not come to this remote village of mine during his round of duty but Dato deserves my praise for doing his best towards the development of the public works in general.Well done.
anon 3:43
You must be either an idiot or Kj's brother
Kenapa lah PM kita ni pi ambik bahan purba letak dalam kabinet tapi menteri berkualiti dilepaskan pergi? Baik lantik cik puan jadi menteri
Maybe he knew a file has been opened at MACC. Don't want to cause future trouble for BN. Maybe. Maybe not
Do you all notice that PR cyber trooper also gave some comments for this posting. Their wording is realy good. I think they going to win the war of perception. Anaways, just becareful someone is watching you.
Good luck.......peace
You apatahu ...
Shaziman belongs to one flock of birds of the same feather that ran amuck during the reign of Pak Lah. Some of the birds are still flying.
Shaziman's file can be traced to his days with TNB and JKR. Must know the associate.
So don't spoil your reputation and become a laughing stock by defending the indefensible.
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