Updated: 1815hrs - State Funeral for National Hero Kanang Anak Langkau
1945 - 2013
NST ALERT at 10:14am 3rd January 2013 read : National hero Datuk Temenggong Kanang anak Langkau died at Kuching General Hospital this morning. He was 67 years old.
Kanang (on Najib Razak's right) during a recent dialogue session with the Prime Minister.
My deepest heartfelt condolences to Kanang's family, friends and comrades who have lost a man ... who was so full of fire in his belly.
I first met Kanang in August, 2005 in Simanggang (Sri Aman) during my course of duty as a journalist in Sarawak.
Loud spoken, aggressive and opinionated yet Temenggong Kanang was a humble man. I've met, had long chats and worked with the hero on many 'social projects' since 2005.
Our last meeting was in Kuching sometime in 2011. A day earlier I had bumped into him during a Biro TataNegara do in Lundu which was officiated by Sarawak chief minister Pehin Sri Taib Mahmud and a bearded Kanang told me he was doing his bid to educate the younger generation on the value of peace.
Having had the truly 'bloody' experience of fighting the communist terrorists in Peninsula Malaysia, Kanang was engaging the young to enlighten them on the evils of war and armed confrontations.
Whenever we bumped into each other, Kanang (who often addresses his acquittance as 'tuan') will also always remind me "Tuan, ramai lagi pejuang lama yang masih tidak dihargai. Kita kena cari dia orang'.
For it was Kanang, the then Sri Aman police chief DSP Hamid Bulat and veteran Sarawak-based journalist James Ritchie who led me to re-discover Malaysia's sole surviving George Cross recipient Awang Anak Raweng, another legendary Iban tracker, also in August 2005.
May Your Soul Rest in Peace, TUAN KANANG!
Agi Idup, Agi Ngelaban.
Below is another good write up on the National Hero who died today.
IBAN WARRIOR FROM SIMANGGANG: How a tracker from Sri Aman fought on, through the pain

Even I listened raptly to his narration of his exploits against the communist terrorists (CTs), especially in the jungles of Ulu Kinta, Perak in 1980.
I was all ears because I was the Brigade Major at the Brigade headquarters in Ipoh and had monitored that particular operation and his platoon's every move. I also realised that there were a number of things that Kanang and his rangers had gone through during that operation which were not known to me.
We had fired hundreds of artillery rounds into the area of operation before the rangers were to move in. The object was to destroy an enemy camp reported to be in the area, as well as to hit those who happened to be in the vicinity.
The rangers were then to hunt down the CTs who survived and were making their escape after the artillery fire lifted.
It turned out that the artillery pounding never did hit any of the CTs. But it successfully turned the area to be searched into a mangled mass of shattered and fallen tree trunks and other debris, making it difficult for the rangers to move, let alone search the area.
I remember the commanding officer, the late Lt-Col Loone, telling me of the difficulties but that Kanang's platoon had somehow managed to get through and even picked up the enemy scent.
Kanang, to this day, cannot forget that part of the ordeal of going through the mess and tracking the CTs at the same time.
READ more - A true hero continues to inspire the next generation
Salam Takziah pada keluarga Tuan Kanang yang banyak berejasa pada negara . Semuga segala jasa dan baktinya akan sentiasa di kenang . Matinya seorang pahlawan . Tempur diserata medan untuk mencari keamanan.Gugurmu di kenag sepanjang zaman .Salam Takziah untuk semua ahli keluarganya .
Rest In Peace, Tuan Kanang. May the family be strong and comforted in this difficult time!
kuminis malaya - tu parti pas sudah mohon maaf sama enche kanang?
DAP, PKR, PAS says,
RIP Apai Kanang.....
Dengan salam takziah kepada Taun Kanang yang banyak berjasa kepada rakyat negeri sarawak dan semua rakyat malaysia dan jasa tuan akan dikenang hingga ke anak cucu dan saya sebagai seorang rakyat sarawak yang bekerja di semanjung sungguh berbangga kerana jasa tuan sentiasa dalam ingatan semua rakyat
my humble respect and admiration as well as my deepest condolences to a fellow serviceman though I only entered service from 1978 to 1993 as a vat69 member during the last 11 years of the communist insurgency.
Kanang will always be the yardstick for true gallantry to every serviceman and woman.
Did anyone from pkr pay their last respect? No. They cannot be bothered.
Salam Takziah Terhormat aku tujukan pada Beliau dan Keluarga..
Jasamu akan terpahat TEGUH sbagai salah seorang pahlawan negara yg TERBILANG..
This is cool!
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