The Securities Commission (SC) and Bursa Malaysia Securities will investigate the change in trend in the share prices of AirAsia Bhd and Malaysia Airlines following the suspension of trade on both the counters on August 9.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, who is also Finance Minister, said the SC and Bursa Malaysia will be studying the matter.
The SC and Bursa Malaysia will also monitor closely the share price movements from time to time including any unusual activity in terms of price and trade volume, he said.
Najib said this in his written reply to a question from Wee Choo Keong (Independent-Wangsa Maju) who wanted to know if the SC and Bursa Malaysia were aware that the share price of AirAsia had been on an uptrend and that of MAS was on a downtrend before the suspension of share trade on August 9.

This trend however reversed later with the share price of AirAsia going down and the share price of MAS going up, Wee said.--Bernama / BT
The horses have bolted and we want to lock up the gate and find out who left the gate open , and who had the keys to the padlock of the paddock gates and whose turn was it to hold the keys?
This is liberal transformation civil liberties human rights inclusive engagement unconventional 1 M, right ?
Najib you sure bought lots of salt for your food,and plenty left over to throw on MAS wounds.
arjuna waspada
changkat lobak.
They have done nothing wrong and all is above board.
The winner takes it all
The US accuses 2 bankers of aiding tax evasion so is reported in the paper that goes by “telling it as it is”. US prosecutors indicted two private bankers for helping 180 wealthy American evade taxes, drawing yet another Swiss bank into the dragnet/warpath of the US Justice Department. According to the indictment, widening crackdown on offshore tax evasion has been undertaken by the Justice Dept on Swiss banks that have helped its rich American clients to hide about US600 million (RM1.88 billion) that was undeclared to the US Internal Revenue Service.
Will law abiding tax –paying Malaysians ever see this happening in Malaysia. Or is this wishful thinking–phaps I should not “sangka buruk” & vice versa – as all Malaysians are law abiding tax-paying citizens.
What irks me is to read of the recent S Darby/E&O deal as reported & goes as such “Regulator’s probe finds Sime did not act in concert with E&O MD”. So reasonably minded, logically thinking, educated Malaysians are to deduce that the E&O’s Chairman, Datuk Azizan Abdul Rahman, who by chance, co-incidence/by God’s greater design happens to be the husband of the Chairman of the SC, Tan Sri Zarinah who happened to be heading the SC, had an awesome dream ONE COLD STORMY NIGHT.
In the dream, an angel must have told the Chairman to buy E&O shares from the market without telling him of the impending offer by Sime. The Chairman was told further not to share this “dream” even with his beloved spouse! What an arrangement. So the dream goes. I thought all men shared all their “ego trip” dreams with their spouse especially when they made “mega bucks”. I was wrong.
The denial by the better half only makes reasonably minded, logically thinking, educated Malaysians to deduce that hubbys & wifeys do not talk shop after 5.00. They talk about the famine in Somalia, why the ice is melting up in the North pole & what makes the salmon swim upstream.Nothing about the E&O shares.
Drawing some parallels to the above, the Justice Dept is going after ppl who knowingly stashed away millions whereas here, millions are knowingly made under the authorities’ nose & no action is taken. Or mebbe later.
Oswald Gruebel of UBS resigned as the Chief Executive following unauthorized trading by Kweku Adoboli, believed to work in the European equities division, costing the Swiss banking group an estimated $2bn (£1.3bn). While talk is that Gruebel resigned due to differences with the UBS Board, but the man resigned.
The irony and particularly damaging is that Kweku had taken upon himself to report the unauthorized trades which are thought to have gone on for many months - and was never picked up by UBS' internal controls. That is another story.
Corporations like UBS & our very own, Sime & E&O can have internal controls & processes that would put NASA to shame. Not forgetting the Corporate Governance Blueprint that was ironically launched by the Chairman of SC. The CG blueprint will remain just as that for as long as it can be circumvented by a mere 3%.
The “spider-web” connection that currently exists in the Malaysian corporate structure should not be perceived as a stumbling block for the authorities to carry out any form of investigation without fear or favour.
GK Goh Holdings > CIMB > Nazir Razak > PM’s kid brother. Chairman of E&O > Chairman of SC > niece > married to ex-PM’s (the doctor) son. By the way, the outcome of the review by the two Datuks was long anticipated by reasonably minded, logically thinking, educated Malaysians.
This is Malaysia – the land of fantasy & the fantasy never ends. That’s what makes the difference between USA - the land of the brave & the free & Malaysia - the land of milk & honey.
MASEU was reported in Utusan recently-
''Masalah pertukaran kepimpinan menjadi masalah utama dalam MAS. Pertukaran Pengarah Urusan MAS setiap tiga tahun umpama menguji kebolehan individu yang dilantik.
''Apabila pelantikan dibuat, pengarah urusan yang baharu mempunyai wawasan sendiri, lantas membawa masuk 30 hingga 40 orang mereka tetapi ditinggalkan di MAS apabila beliau tidak lagi berkhidmat dengan syarikat penerbangan itu.
''Malangnya orang luar yang dibawa masuk inilah yang akhirnya merosakkan MAS sebenarnya,'' katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Ditanya mengapa Maseu tidak mahu memberikan peluang kerjasama dijayakan dahulu, Alias berkata: ''Cukup-cukuplah jadikan MAS sebagai bahan percubaan kerana yang jadi mangsa adalah kakitangan MAS''.
Beliau berkata, terlampau banyak perkara yang berlaku akibat kesilapan pengurusan menyebabkan aset-aset dan perniagaan MAS tergadai."
And the Wafi guy is one of the 30 -40 people who were parachuted during Md Nor Yusof time and they are now back to deliver the final blow.
Oh ye, AJ and Danny tengah macam cacing kepanasan. Cabut jang sebelum anda di cabutkan.
The winner takes it all
The US accuses 2 bankers of aiding tax evasion so is reported in the paper that goes by “telling it as it is”. US prosecutors indicted two private bankers for helping 180 wealthy American evade taxes, drawing yet another Swiss bank into the dragnet/warpath of the US Justice Department. According to the indictment, widening crackdown on offshore tax evasion has been undertaken by the Justice Dept on Swiss banks that have helped its rich American clients to hide about US600 million (RM1.88 billion) that was undeclared to the US Internal Revenue Service.
Will law abiding tax –paying Malaysians ever see this happening in Malaysia. Or is this wishful thinking–phaps I should not “sangka buruk” & vice versa – as all Malaysians are law abiding tax-paying citizens.
What irks me is to read of the recent S Darby/E&O deal as reported & goes as such “Regulator’s probe finds Sime did not act in concert with E&O MD”. So reasonably minded, logically thinking, educated Malaysians are to deduce that the E&O’s Chairman, Datuk Azizan Abdul Rahman, who by chance, co-incidence,by God’s greater design happens to be the husband of the Chairman of the SC, Tan Sri Zarinah who happened to be heading the SC, had an awesome dream ONE COLD STORMY NIGHT.
In the dream, an angel must have told the Chairman to buy E&O shares from the market without telling him of the impending offer by Sime. The Chairman was told further not to share this “dream” even with his beloved spouse! What an arrangement. So the dream goes. I thought man shared all their “ego trip” dreams with their spouse especially when they made “mega bucks”.
The denial by the better half only makes reasonably minded, logically thinking, educated Malaysians to deduce that hubbys & wifeys do not talk shop after 5.00. They talk about the famine in Somalia, why the ice is melting up in the North pole & what makes the salmon swim upstream!Nothing about the E&O shares.
Drawing some “parallels” to the above, the Justice Dept is going after ppl who knowingly stashed away millions whereas here, millions are knowingly made under "questionable circumstances" & under everybody's nose & no action is taken.
Oswald Gruebel of UBS resigned as the Chief Executive following unauthorized trading by Kweku Adoboli, believed to work in the European equities division, costing the Swiss banking group an estimated $2bn (£1.3bn). While talk is that Gruebel resigned due to differences with the UBS Board, the fact of the matter is the man resigned.
The irony and particularly damaging is that Kweku had taken upon himself to report the unauthorized trades which are thought to have gone on for many months - and was never picked up by UBS' internal controls. That is another story.
Corporations like UBS & our very own, Sime & E&O can have internal controls & processes that can put NASA to shame. Not forgetting the Corporate Governance Blueprint that was ironically launched by the Chairman of SC will remain just as that for as long as it can be circumvented by a mere 3%.
The “spider-web” connection that currently exists in the Malaysian corporate structure should not be perceived as a stumbling block for the authorities to carry out any form of investigation without fear or favour.
GK Goh Holdings > CIMB > Nazir Razak > PM’s kid brother. Chairman of E&O > Chairman of SC > niece > married to ex-PM’s (the doctor) son. The Malaysian connection.
By the way, reasonably minded, logically thinking, educated Malaysians were not caught by surprise with the outcome of the review conducted by the two Datuks.
This is Malaysia – the land of fantasy & the fantasy never ends. That’s what makes the difference between USA - the land of the brave & the free & Malaysia - the land of milk & honey.
Are you kidding me. The finance minister know nuts about the deal. Najib should go fly kites
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