Royal Malaysian Police under attack ?

pix from The Star
We have only watched movies and read in detail about how the much feared communist terrorist attacked and killed our policemen before torching their beat bases and stations.
One of the deadliest and blatant among those string of attacks in the Peninsula was in Bukit Kepong on the 23rd of February in 1950.
Fifteen years later, an equally vicious attack took place at the Siburan police station in Sarawak. The communist were ruthless.
In recent history only the 1985' MEMALI incident would ring an almost similar bell but with a slight difference - policemen were attacked and killed by villagers on Ibrahim Libya's orders.
So, it is indeed shocking and scary after learning that a group of men had used petrol to torch a police beat base in Bukit Tambun.
The ROYAL MALAYSIAN POLICE beat base in Bukit Tambun - Nibong Tebal was torched after police there arrested a suspected criminal believed to have been involved in an earlier brutal machete attack.
What will they do next ?
Are such actions fruits of a decade long move to demonise and ridicule the Royal Malaysian Police and other vital institutions in our country?
Where are we heading ?
p/s Home Minister, this requires your immediate attention. Not your personal 'action' but attention.
menteri akan keluarkan amaran
Where are we heading?
Ans : Anarchy = A***r ???
Careful! God's forbid.
Tak pe, nanti kita beri amaran keras !
Dont worry.. we have a very political menteri dalam negeri. He evaluates events in this country based on what political mileage he can get-(not what is good for the country ) and then issues templates such us " memandang berat..akan tidak tergagap-gagap ambil tindakan" and something like that and then goes back looking for his security blanket.
dammmnn, pkr getting so berani. wtf!
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