Top Singapore officials trash the neighbours
Philip Dorling and Nick McKenzie
December 12, 2010
MALAYSIA'S ''dangerous'' decline is fuelled by incompetent politicians, Thailand is dogged by corruption and a ''very erratic'' crown prince, Japan is a ''big fat loser'' and India is ''stupid''.
So say some of Singapore's highest-ranking officials, according to leaked US State Department cables that are likely to spark intense political controversy in the region.
The cables, leaked exclusively to The Sunday Age by WikiLeaks, detail the content of separate meetings between senior US officials and Singapore's foreign affairs chiefs Peter Ho, Bilahari Kausikan and Tommy Koh.
The trio, who at the time of the 2008 and 2009 cables occupied some of the most senior positions in Singapore's Foreign Affairs Ministry, all give US officials damning assessments of Malaysia.
According to one cable detailing a meeting in September 2008, Mr Kausikan told US Deputy Secretary of Defence for East Asia David Sedney that ''the situation in neighbouring Malaysia is confused and dangerous'', fuelled by a ''distinct possibility of racial conflict'' that could see ethnic Chinese ''flee'' Malaysia and ''overwhelm'' Singapore.
''A lack of competent leadership is a real problem for Malaysia,'' Mr Kausikan said, citing the need for Najib Razak - now Malaysia's Prime Minister - to ''prevail politically in order to avoid prosecution'' in connection with a 2006 murder investigation linked to one of Mr Razak's aides.
''Najib Razak has his neck on the line in connection with a high-profile murder case,'' Mr Kausikan said.
Mr Ho's March 2008 assessment of Malaysia, given to another US official, is also unflattering, and includes claims that former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has been ''throwing stones'' at his replacement, Abdullah Badawi.
''The political knives will be out for Abdullah's son-in-law, United Malays National Organisation politician Khairy Jamaluddin, whom nobody likes because he got where he is through family ties,'' the cable records Mr Ho saying. ''As for … Najib Razak, he is an opportunist. Although he has not been critical of Singapore, he will not hesitate to go in that direction if it is expedient for him to do so. Najib's political fortunes continue to be haunted by the … murder scandal.''
In his September 2008 meeting with Mr Sedney, Mr Kausikan savages Thailand's political elite, labelling Thaksin Shinawatra as ''corrupt'' along with ''everyone else, including the opposition''.
Mr Kausikan is also critical of Thaksin's relationship with the Thai crown prince, stating that Thaksin ''made a mistake in pursuing a relationship with the crown prince by paying off the crown prince's gambling debts''.
''Kausikan said the crown prince was 'very erratic, and easily subject to influence','' the cable states, while also saying that Mr Kausikan warned of continued instability in Thailand.
In a September 2009 meeting with US officials, senior Singaporean foreign affairs official Tommy Koh savages Japan and India in relation to the impact on both countries of China's increasing regional might.
''Koh described Japan as 'the big fat loser' in the context of improving ties between China and ASEAN. He attributed the relative decline of Japan's stature in the region to Japan's 'stupidity, bad leadership, and lack of vision','' the cable says.
''He was equally merciless towards India, describing his 'stupid Indian friends' as 'half in, half out' of ASEAN.''
Other notable comments about regional affairs made by Mr Kausikan in September 2008 include his reported claims that:
■ Burma's neighbours, including China and India, are ''more concerned with stability than justice'' and they feared the Burmese junta's demise could produce ''an Asian reprise of the breakup of Yugoslavia''.
■ He would be ''more comfortable with a nuclear-capable North Korea, than a nuclear-capable Iran''.
■ Russia's economy is ''Third World'', its health system a shambles and its demographic challenges almost insurmountable.
Mr Koh is recorded praising China's ''investment and intelligent diplomacy in the region''.
''I don't fear China. I don't fear being assimilated by China,'' the cable states that Mr Koh said, while he pointed to China's decision to invest in Africa ''without lecturing them about human rights and democracy as the West does''. - Sydney Morning Herald
Philip Dorling and Nick McKenzie
December 12, 2010.
MALAYSIA'S "dangerous" decline is fuelled by incompetent politicians, Thailand is dogged by corruption and a "very erratic" crown prince, Japan is a "big fat loser" and India is ''stupid''.
So say some of Singapore's highest ranking officials, according to leaked US State Department cables which are likely to spark intense political controversy in the region.
The cables, leaked exclusively to The Sun-Herald by WikiLeaks, detail separate meetings between senior US officials and Singapore's Foreign Affairs chiefs Peter Ho, Bilahari Kausikan and Tommy Koh.
The trio, who at the time of the 2008 and 2009 cables occupied some of the most senior positions in the foreign ministry, all give US officials damning assessments of Malaysia.
According to one cable detailing a meeting in September 2008, Mr Kausikan told US Deputy Secretary of Defence for East Asia David Sedney there was a "distinct possibility of racial conflict" which could see ethnic Chinese "flee" Malaysia and "overwhelm" Singapore.
Mr Ho's assessment of Malaysia in March that year, given to another US official, is also unflattering and includes claims that former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad had been "throwing stones" at his replacement, Abdullah Badawi.
In his September meeting with Mr Sedney, Mr Kausikan savaged Thailand's political elite, labelling Thaksin Shinawatra as "corrupt" along with "everyone else, including the opposition".
Mr Kausikan was also critical of Mr Thaksin's relationship with the Thai crown prince, saying he "made a mistake in pursuing a relationship with the crown prince by paying off the crown prince's gambling debts".
In a September 2009 meeting, Mr Koh savaged Japan and India, describing Japan as ''the big fat loser'' in the context of improving ties between China and ASEAN, a cable says, adding: "He was equally merciless towards India, describing his 'stupid Indian friends' as 'half in, half out' of ASEAN." - Sydney Morning Herald.
The Singaporean behave like that because their mind are being contaminated by a 'diseasea named KIASU" supplied by Neewater ...yeakkkkk
The Singaporean behave like that because their mind are being contaminated by a 'diseasea named KIASU" supplied by Neewater ...yeakkkkk
WISMA PUTRA will react? come on lah apanama. You and I know that it wont happen.
In fact I bet Wisma Putra will not even do a single thing. Not one thing.
Some call it elegant silence.
Elegant silence cam kaki tido tundol,atau bagi amaran jek cam menteri Mulut Besar@menteri amaran@kerismudin.....tu ajalah malaysia leh buat ma...
The average Malay knows that it is not right that the LOTUS highly technical brand should be given to promote an Indian businessman whose greed knows now bound.
Proton is a national company so why should it allows only an Indian to benefit from its very valuable assets. All these while the Lotus ride has been Proton selling point suddenly it has been given away for free to that Indian guy. The one who Abdullah Badawi made an airport for. Why is UMNO promoting Indian businessmen? Ananda with satellite monopoly and cellular and Astro?
For all that Fernandz did it was for his own profit. We do not want Indians to profit from national assets as this is against the Federal Constitution and Malays themselves deserves the benefit.
Thus it is right that PROTON got itself involves with Lotus image as they are a car manufacturer and it is more logical to use their brand to promote Proton rather than than to allow Lotus to promote Airasia or an Indian ego.
The high profile Indian ego will only encourage Hindraf to ask for more from the Malays the latest being to be declared bumiputeras too!
So UMNO should be more competent and tactically aware of their kindness that will only destroy the nation order and Malayness of MAlaysia.
punggung kasiiiiiii rabak (pkr) kah kah kah !
Anwar Ibrahim has come a full circle . I beleive God has given him enough time to repent but the Satan has overruled his heart and mind.
Sorry Datuk Seri I sympatise with you but you appear to be a hardcore anusfucker.
sorry Datuk Seri we cannot allow you to become Prime Minister.
Sorry to hear that even your son has disowned you but we in PKR cannot be supporting you after knowing your love for male anus.
Sorry Datuk Seri but I'm more sorry for your wife and family.
Sorry Datuk Seri I feel your tittles should be revoked as you are a humiliation to all of us.
Sorry Datuk Seri.
So, if wikileaks on Anwar is true then wikileaks on Najib with that Altantuya is also true.
One a murderer and the ather one kaki buntut so, which one you prefer or you want Mat Sembab since he is smiling now.
poor anwar, he loves the back so much, now he realise his friends also hit him behind his back
and all this while anwar tot red dot is his fren
kesian ... karpal already told you long ago "anwar harus bertobat"
his lies and denial has come to hang him
All this wikileak not true. Source is Malaysia SB. DSAI innocent!
Anon @ Monday, December 13, 2010 9:38:00 AM
is clearly desperate and in state of denial
poor poor thing
are you zizah or nurul?
Let me introduce you guys to satellite neurotech or G.W.E.N..
LKY has access to this technology via the USA and is controlling our BN Malaysian politicians and Targeted Individuals via his daughters closed tender Bio-Polis
Neuroscience Department.
These mindwave frequency devices, satellite neurotech or G.W.E.N., are able to affect Malaysia and have a range of 300miles and could have been responsible to King
Bhumuibol's fall (directed satellite wave at the Monarch) during the 60th anniversary by a jealous you-know-who who would never have the semi-divinity in the eyes of
Nanotech implants have also likely been placed in ALL VIPs who have been to Singapore, including the Sultans, which means that anything said in the presence of the
Sultans would immediately be known to Singapore, the USA and by extension the Zionist lobby.
The world is no longer the same, and also note what could be a GWEN Wave Emitter Tower in Nautilus Bay Penang that was when countered by a suspected local
implanted telekinetic psychic who caused the rolling blackouts of 2008 followed by upgrades of thicker 60 hz wires island wide to facilitate control of stronger individuals.
700 hz technology will ensure the end of all freedom for any individual directly targeted. Watch those telecoms towers, cordless handsets, cell phones and especially 3G,
4G. They are neurotech EMITTERS and can control you to the benefit of those in control.
Free the mind slaves, this world belongs to all humanity, and those who must suffer the inquities inflicted on others will not escape via technology. Cosmos is aware.
How do we act? Vote against all Telekoms interests, remove all emissions towers, Wiifi, apply detection devices to prevent electronic harrassment. It is a hellish new
world and we must act against it.
I begin to believe that Anwar was implanted while drugged in prison, and that he did sodomise Saiful under the force of mind control, Saiful himself was also implanted
to discredit the opposition. Please think and act on this.
I suggest all opposition and even BN politicians contact BRIC nations (if trustworthy) or SCO or former Soviet bloc states to lend a helping hand here to free the
Malaysian population here. as for practicing psychics, they are downloading your mind, shift into neutral gear and heal at normal rates, your INTELLECTUAL
SPIRITUAL property is worth TRILLIONS and should not be 'downloaded' and stolen for free.
Again remember :
1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism
2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy.
3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution.
Anwar did sodomise Saiful, but his will was not his own.
With regards to secretly using such electronic methods on Targeted Individuals, DAP especially is the most dangerous of the lot due to the Singapore technology transfer link.
I also have circumstancial evidence that Lim Guan Eng and Chow Kon Yeow are directly aware of that any so inclined may try to reveal more so as to ensure the freedom of vote in Penang and Malaysia. This will be investigated upon with the help of outside agencies in due time if viable.
Citizens of Malaysia, please note that DAP is employing technology supplied from Singapore's PAP, (Biopolis National Neuroscience Institute in Singapore run by Lee Kuan Yew's daughter Lee Wei Ling, likely sourced from USA and Zionist APCO) to be employed via 3G and 4G telecomminications towers, the GWEN towers at Nautilus Bay Penang, a new form of electronic emitter that emits *Subliminal Sub-aural Frequencies*.
Apart from direct electronic harrassment methods being employed, the GWEN and 700 Hz frequencies will be used AGAINST the Malaysian populace and eventually whole of Malaysia's populace to cement hold on the Rakyat by manipulating voters directly.
cont below . . .
. . . cont from above . . .
This is PAP's initiative to control Malaysia by and given that electronic implants (or counter-electronic wave frequency based on DNA emissions readings)have already likely been installed in ANY Malaysian VIPs who have been to Singapore for any operation or treatment, please note that the Sultans themselves may already be indirectly manipulated by Lee Kuan Yew via existing implants.
This technology likely was invented in the early 80s and might have been employed in the Sultan of Pahang's gambling stint at Genting where he lost thousands of acres
of land and hundreds of millions in cash (under psychotronic influence of wave technology, possibly in collusion with Lim Goh Tong and Lee Kuan Yew, notice how many Lims are in power or have great wealth?).
The Twin Towers (also Burj Al Arab and other massive towers world wide) likely host the same technology. To counter the same which is nominally under dr.Mahathir's control, Najib wishes to build his own Warisan Merdeka. All the metal gantries on such towers are likely WAVE or BEAM EMITTERS of some sort.
Although neurotech can be used against individuals to a great degree, obviously harmful sub-aurals like those causing the target to hurt themselves will not be acted on by the public unless already suffering from depression, in which case a suicide could be induced.
Not however that since the 700 hz tech has not yet been rolled out and that 4G is not yet here, there is still a good window of opportunity for the people to act against this privacy invasive technology.
Your brain is like a cell phone receiver and with the completion of the gird, which has just recently being put off in Penang at least due to a commentator's findings, your thoughts can be directly received and used against you.
That is why 8 billion of FDI left Malaysia last year, industrial secrets will no longer be secret any more, business links will be exposed via this technology and thus GLCs and those related to PAP affiliated DAP, will be using such information to monopolise businesses and enevtually set up a Technological Dictatorship based on Telecom's/GWEN/4G tower.
cont below . . .
. . . cont from above . . .
It is likely that the secret 'technical' info that Lee Kuan Yew has on if Anwar Ibrahim did have sex with Saiful is true and based on this psychotronic or sub-aural
telecoms tower technology. It is also true that Anwar Ibrahim and Saiful were likely engaged in homosexual relations but UNDER the influence of neurotech/GWEN/sub-aurals as described above.
Please google any terms unfamiliar with here and vote for individuals are not involved in this form of Dictatorship.
As mentioned it is very possible DAP is certainly involved in use of electronic harrassment and other technologies against the populace, in time this will be revealed and
the criminal acctions punished.
DO NOT VOTE DAP, stick to PKR and PAS or other parties.
I hope Ong Tee Keat and Captain Bala will find out more and pen eventually laws against abuse of this technology as well as bring all those who employed the electronic weapons against citizens to justice.
We have entered a new era of oppression and weaponry, the form of police state can be avoided by not using cellphones or 3G or allowing 700 hz or Wiifi emitters.
Anyone with the technical know how and a conscience, please inform and hep the public so further abuses will not occur and that all criminal cases will be brought to book as well.
Malaysians be warned. Singapore's hand and link via the Biopolis Neuroscience Institute run by Kuan Yew's daughter Lee Wei Ling, in DAP to control Malaysia is becoming suspiciously clear, DO NOT VOTE *DAP* but continue voting PKR and PAS.
Related links : This article came out 1 day after the above post was released, presumably to defuse political fallout for Lim Guan Eng and Chow Kon Yeow.
(Everyone seems to agree eh? NO. YOu are outed and will be finished before your Technocratic Dictatorship comes to past.)
*** Cautionary Advice ***
I suggest that an immediate boycott of YTL and all it's subsidiary and linked firms be immediately carried out. All agencies and GLC related to YTL investigated for possible possession of such psychotronic weapons.
If there are no proof that can be found on the above (if not falsely planted), then well and good, will all parties mentioned then regard this is a bad piece of fiction , but if so, in as short a time as 10 years, free thought will no longer exist.
Anwar did sodomise Saiful, but his will was not his own.
Sectionm 377b is outdated and no longer exists. There is nothing wrong with being of any sexual orientation. This is an Islamic crime though and if guilty all Anwar needs to do is to go APOSTATE to not be punished for his sexuality. The civil courts are pursuing an outdated and abusive law.
Muslims cannot be gay that is all. But Muslims can go apostate. Just admit then change passport and IC and be done with it. No more case.
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