"Leaders of Malay organisations should seek out similarities, engage in discussions with prudence and wisdom, and protect and champion the plight of the Malays," the statement said.
The Malay Rulers emphasised that the integrity of the Malay race and the plight of the Malays would not be safeguarded if the leaders of Malay organisations were inclined to quarrel and chose to be at loggerheads.
"The Malay Rulers pray that beloved Malaysia always remains peaceful and its multiracial people continue to be united, prosperous and peaceful. Hopefully, Malaysia continues to receive the protection and blessings of Allah (God)," the statement said.
The above are the last few, but pertinent, paragraphs of the Statement of the 222nd Meeting of the Conference of Malay Rulers which was issued on the 30th of October, 2010. The meeting took place for two days from Oct 13, 2010 at the Istana Negara in Kuala Lumpur.
If the above statement still doesn't ring a bell in the heads of our leaders, particularly our community and political leaders, I doubt anything else would.
Having witnessed the never ending political squabbles among the Malay-majority political parties after the disastrous 2008 General Elections and the subsequent threat against everything that is Malay and Bumiputera, the Malay Rulers have spoken.
The Malay Rulers, the guardians of the Constitution and the Malays in particular, have said it out loud and clear that the integrity of the Malay race and the plight of the Malays would not be safeguarded if the Malays are not united.
What does it mean when Your Rulers order you to "seek out similarities, engage in discussions with prudence and wisdom, and protect and champion the plight of the Malays ?
The ORDER is very clear. It is not a request or a suggestion but a clear ORDER from the MALAY RULERS, demanding the Malays to unite.
Lets watch what the community and political leaders have to say.
p/s I applaud MCA-owned The Star newspapers for publishing the Bernama article about the Malay Rulers statement but WONDER WHY they decided to OMIT the last few PERTINENT paragraphs?
Space constraint is an unacceptable excuse as the online version is no different from the printed one, next excuse please!
I hope this is not another of the subtle racist acts of the racists among us who love to blame others as racists.
- Malaysian Digest carried the exact (unedited) Bernama version HERE.
p/s 2 - Please don't ask Anwar Ibrahim to comment on this important Order from our Malay Rulers because the PM-wannabe would once again confuse us.
Article 1.
* All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Malaysia is a signatory of the UNHRC and must abide.
Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
Hadiths An-Nisa’:1 and Al-Hujurat:13 which prohibit the sin of Asabiya.
Surah 22:51 (Al-Hajj). "But those who strive against *Our Signs*, to frustrate them,- they will be Companions of the Fire."
'Listen and obey even if your ruler was an Ethiopian slave whose head looks like a raisin.' Even rulers have fallen prey to advice from bad counsel and the righteous will know who 'bad counsel' is in Malaysia. Nepotism and oligarchy, extreme wealth, corruption . . .
The universe is vast and we are but one group of beings on this planet with no way off it. Should we not live as equals and share the lands and wealth of the planet?
If we ignore the Rulers and follow the liar and his chauvinist backers in no time we will have a new kingdom, the Sodom Kingdom. Like AirAsia's 'everybody can fly'...under the new kingdom 'everybody could walk around naked'.
Anon @ Monday, November 01, 2010 12:50:00 PM
I like your style. May I add, 'everybody could walk around naked with butts within easy reach"
P.S. the first anon is a brainwashing "expert" - complete with hadiths and all - like we are as gullible as PAS members.
Live as equals, and share, konon - go tell the chinese tycoons to distribute their wealth equally with the poor Malays, baru lah equal
I am not lying but being upfront about the diversity of lifestyle.
'everybody could walk around naked' :- IN DESIGNATED ZONES that will not represent the majority of Malaysia or in any way infringe or be affiliated with Muslims or mainstream society.
Please don't take diversity and freedom, self determinism out of context. The world belongs to all mankind, they have a god given right as you to live as they will.
For example, I have trouble with accepting euthanasia, but if a handful of people consensual and peacful desire access, what right to we by force of arms or threats or imprisonment or violence to stop them?
This is a Humanist issue, please think about it in an all encompassing manner. YOu have your preference, they have theirs, as long as these activities don't spill over into the living space of others, by being designated a proper space for expression, what is the problem in that case?
please link my blog http://matkilaupenang.blogspot.com/
please link my blog
" Live as equals, and share, konon - go tell the chinese tycoons to distribute their wealth equally with the poor Malays, baru lah equal. " Annonymous - Tuesday, November 02, 2010 5:43:00 AM
I am no fan of any tycoons including Chinese ones because in such matters, I will be HUMAN first.
Google "Utopia 20 Million"
For the below facebook group :
Utopia - Capitalism with Socialist Caps on Personal Wealth - US$20 Million
I detest sequestration of extreme wealth or overly large parcels of land (though some wealth - up to USD$20 Million or perhaps as CNN suggests USD$10-12 million and something reasonable like several acres of homestead, is good) and have no intentions of any hegemony against any race, and here only ask equal treatment and freedom from apartheid.
We are on the same team are we not?
BRO your blog hv been linked to the httP://suaramajlis.blogspot.com
"only ask equal treatment and freedom from apartheid"
so to translate simply = the Malays must be in control coz they are the majority (apartheid is where the minority rules)
also the Malays must be as rich as the chinese (equal treatment mah!)
Thursday, November 04, 2010 11:53:00 PM
(1) so to translate simply = the Malays must be in control coz they are the majority (apartheid is where the minority rules)
Apartheid means 2 unequal systems or unequal treatment or systematic discrimination bro. Learn the meaning of a word before you use it.
(2) Also the Malays must be as rich as the Chinese (equal treatment mah!)
Government must be neutral, but private sector earnings if not GLC based (most GLC corrupt anyway) doesn't count in wealth distribution unless you believe in Socialism to redistribute the extreme wealth segment of all races.
anon @ Monday, November 08, 2010 4:55:00 PM
"Government must be neutral, but private sector earnings if not GLC based (most GLC corrupt anyway) doesn't count in wealth distribution unless you believe in Socialism to redistribute the extreme wealth segment of all races."
Apa punya bangang sianon ni, dah lah buta ilmu, buta sejarah, BUTA perlembagaan pulak.
Pi baca dan fahami isi kandungan perlembagaan terutama sekali Article 153.
Aisehman punyalah bangang!! Berlagak macam pandai konon.
specially for the enlightenment of anon @ Monday, November 08, 2010 4:55:00 PM
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary Definition
apartheid noun /əˈpɑː.taɪt/, /-teɪt//-ˈpɑːr.taɪt/ n [U] (in the past in South Africa) a political system in which people of different races were separated
do upgrade your education
anon @ Monday, November 08, 2010 4:55:00 PM
Alamak! Orang ini menjawab di luar konteks.Ape tu konon berbicara omong kosong. Perkara 153 pun juga ketinggalan jaman. Mengglobal, dunia adalah untuk semua orang.
hullo anon @ Wednesday, November 10, 2010 8:29:00 PM
hahahahaha - apa mende tu "mengglobal"?? binatang buas ke?
Jikalau Perkara 153 ketinggalan zaman (not jaman!), maka seharus nya kerakyatan kaum pendatang yang diberi percuma harus ditarik balik.
Aisehman, Bahasa Melayu pun tak fasih, dah tu konon konon nak berbicara dalam BM pulak. Ejaan pun teruk. Haprak dan memalukan mengaku rakyat Malaysia.
hullo @Thursday, November 11, 2010 2:55:00 AM
" Jikalau Perkara 153 ketinggalan zaman (not jaman!), maka seharus nya kerakyatan kaum pendatang yang diberi percuma harus ditarik balik. "
Aku mengakui Bahasa saya tidak begitu baik. Tertapi :
Tidak dapat dilakukan, ada juga itus undang-undang antarabangsa -
* Jus Soli *
Kajian dan bertindak seperti warga Bumi (Planet Earth), bukan katak di bawah tempurung kelapa.
Woi anon @ Friday, November 12, 2010 5:18:00 PM
Teruk sangatlah Bahasa yang dipaparkan disini. Susah nak faham isi kandungan si anon bengang ni.
Gunakan 'aku' kemudian 'saya'. Apa mende 'Tertapi' - 'Keretspi tertepi ke? 'itus' tikus putus kepala ke?
'warga Bumi' huh? oh agaknya global citizen tak? Kalau gitu, suruh lah rakyat negeri china buang mandarin gunakan inggeris lah.
Habis cerita.
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