Its time for the Malays to be reminded of unity and its strengths!
The Malays on the ground are increasingly agitated by the recent political arguments touching on issues like the special position of the Malays, Bumiputera and Islam.
They are indeed very unhappy with the behaviour of non-Bumi politicians from both sides of the divide who appear to be treading a dangerous path in the name of equality.
The Muslims are not happy with the uncouth behaviour of non-Muslim politicians who are openly abusing the sanctity of Suraus and Mosques, some with the endorsement of power hungry Muslim politicians and Islamic political parties.
There is great anger against Malay and Bumiputera politicians, including Ministers, who are perceived to be selling their soul to appear liberal among the neo-liberals.
It’s an undeniable fact today that the Muslim majority populace are getting increasingly worried with the perceived inaction of Malay-Muslim leaders against the onslaught of the neo-liberals.
In the books of the promoters of Malaysian Malaysia nothing appears sacrosanct any longer, nothing is considered sensitive and equality is their war cry.
Everybody else must give away their hold but those who dominate and basically ‘rule’ the economy must maintain status quo. That’s their brand of equality.
The ‘sons of the soil’ must cast aside their rights, privileges and existence as Bumiputera (sons of the soil), and be prepared to compete on equal grounds with the other financially dominant race.
But the financially dominant race gets to maintain its status quo and becomes more racist and blatant in its quest for political power. Their economic prowess and the bounty are used to further discriminate ‘others’ in their eyes.
These brands of racists often cry out aloud against anything and everything that stands in the way, blocking their greed.
These racists among us champion open-tenders and equal distribution of Government contracts but they dominate more than 90% of the entire private sector contracts.
This single racists group among us swallows an alarming portion of the private sector’s “economic cake”, yet there seems to be no end to their unabated greed.
Now, they even want to dictate who could speak up and who can’t.
Take the issue of Perkasa, the non-Governmental Organisation, for example.
Why is there a need for the whole weight of the Opposition to be stacked against Perkasa?
What is so racists about Perkasa the NGO, compared to the unruly mob behaviour of certain race and religion based organisations in our recent past?
Wonder what Hindraf is, if not a racist organisation that told lies about non-existent ethnic cleansing and genocide in Malaysia?
What about the racist Chinese NGOs that vehemently opposed the Sekolah Wawasan concept and churned out lies against the Government?
Chauvinist DAP leaders like Lim Kit Siang and his ilk would do everything possible to prevent the Malays from reuniting for obvious reasons.
Their lifespan would be cut short if the Bumiputera decide to discard negative, divisive politics and regroup for a noble cause, for their unity.
Since when an individual or an organisation which strives to preserve the provisions in the Federal Constitution is deemed to be racists?
True racists are those who preach about unity but make an about turn and threaten the Government when Sekolah Wawasan (Vision School) concept to unite our young was proposed.
True racists are the ones who are greedy by nature. Not only that they would like to be in control of everything that has been allocated for their race, they would also instigate and provoke for the share of the other races.
True racist are the ones who preach about unity and equality but would sent their kids only to THEIR school and effectively prevent the young from mixing with others.
True racists are the ones who ONLY speak their language among themselves and in public without any consideration of others around them. They won’t feel offended by such rudeness. (I heard in Indonesia they can’t and don’t behave in such manner).
True racists are the ones who ONLY employ their kind in their businesses, organisations, groups, companies etc and would only take in Others to fill a certain quota if the law requires them to.

True racists are the ones who would trade in anything and everything with TWO different sets of pricing. One for their kind and another with a slightly higher pricing for the other races.
True racist are the ones who monopolise the economy of the country in which they are the minority, but instead of being grateful they aspire to ‘colonialise’ the country.
True racists are greedy, ungrateful yet economically powerful and now they aspire for political supremacy.
When some among the majority, whom the racists aim to divide and rule, wake up and expose the racists’ ruse then these individuals or organisations would be demonised.
I believe this is why Perkasa is so popular among the racists, who have turned around and blamed the non-Governmental Organisation as racist.
The silent majority among the Malay Muslims in the Peninsula and their Bumiputera brethren from Sabah and Sarawak are increasingly worried about these greedy racists and that’s the reality on the ground today.
And that is exactly why Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad should go on a road-tour to drive some sense into the heads of the Bumiputera, like what he did in Pasir Mas, Kelantan on Saturday.
Pasir Mas stood still with more than 10,000 Malays, Siamese, Chinese, Indians dan ‘lain-lain” who flooded the Perkasa Kelantan gathering to listen to Dr.Mahathir’s message.
There was nothing racist about the gathering, which even had multiracial, multiethnic traditional dancers in the welcoming party for Dr.Mahathir… including a Chinese Lion Dance troupe (from Kelantan not China).
All Perkasa and many like-minded NGOs are concerned about is in stopping the racists from creating anarchy in this beloved nation of ours.
Buat Ahli-ahli politik dan juga penyokong parti politik..
Perlukan Rumah untuk Disewa (Homestay) Sempena PRK Dun Galas Yang Akan Tiba Tak Lama Lagi. Hubungi saya sekarang (En Sham (013-3598445) untuk keterangan lanjut.
Ada pelbagai rumah untuk disewa. Dari rumah Banglo hingga ke rumah teres. Selesa dan dekat dengan pengundi.
Lengkap dengan kemudahan asas. Amat sesuai untuk dijadikan rumah negeri, bahagian mahupun cawangan.
Yang penting harga berpatutan dan boleh ditawar.
Cepat sebelum tawaran ini habis..
- Anak jati Kelate di perantauan it becomes the second chinese largest country in the world now! If you read well of the malaysian history, these sentiments had been well disclosed by the then LKY , reasons so for the separation. We (the malays) should perhaps learn hard from singapore, that we stay united come what may. Hell to DSAI !!
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad should go on a road-tour to explain why this country could be facing serious political turbulence soon if the Malays choose to remain politically divided.
On which platform Dr Mahathir chooses to share his concerns and insights into the on-going political revolution is immaterial but his message and simple analogy ought to be delivered to the masses, particularly the Malays.
Its time for the Malays to be reminded of unity and its strengths!
(1) To fette dr.Evil is to neglect the fact that Ops Lallang, the 1988 Judicial Crisis, the unconstitutional Vehicular AP system, the illegal toll Concessionaires, the destruction of Sultan's Immunities, and the ISA arrests and extreme ill-gotten wealth of many UMNO politicians, money and power by devious means, do not equate taqwah or obeying prohibitions on asabiya. Malays are unifying against the wrong group, in this case these are the parasite Malays who have never shared ANYTHING unlike normal working class Malays.
Its time for the Malays to be reminded of unity and its strengths!
The Malays on the ground are increasingly agitated by the recent political arguments touching on issues like the special position of the Malays, Bumiputera and Islam.
They are indeed very unhappy with the behaviour of non-Bumi politicians from both sides of the divide who appear to be treading a dangerous path in the name of equality.
(Ans.2) If equality is viewed as a dangerous path, then APARTHEID would be sheer terrorism. Demogoguery against fellow citizens is seditious and apartheid.
The Muslims are not happy with the uncouth behaviour of non-Muslim politicians who are openly abusing the sanctity of Suraus and Mosques, some with the endorsement of power hungry Muslim politicians and Islamic political parties.
There is great anger against Malay and Bumiputera politicians, including Ministers, who are perceived to be selling their soul to appear liberal among the neo-liberals.
It’s an undeniable fact today that the Muslim majority populace are getting increasingly worried with the perceived inaction of Malay-Muslim leaders against the onslaught of the neo-liberals.
In the books of the promoters of Malaysian Malaysia nothing appears sacrosanct any longer, nothing is considered sensitive and equality is their war cry.
Everybody else must give away their hold but those who dominate and basically ‘rule’ the economy must maintain status quo. That’s their brand of equality.
The ‘sons of the soil’ must cast aside their rights, privileges and existence as Bumiputera (sons of the soil), and be prepared to compete on equal grounds with the other financially dominant race.
(Ans.3) Do you know what an inferiority complex is? Do you know what zero sum games do to countries sandwiched between 2 superpowers? All asked for is to be treated equally. Malays in the home nations of the minorities are in a reversed position and also have a right to ask for equality. Why do you not understand that the Earth and everything on it is to be shared? You have the intellect to write this article but clearly lack wisdom to understand the larger picture.
But the financially dominant race gets to maintain its status quo and becomes more racist and blatant in its quest for political power. Their economic prowess and the bounty are used to further discriminate ‘others’ in their eyes.
These brands of racists often cry out aloud against anything and everything that stands in the way, blocking their greed.
(Ans.4) It is your own materialistic understanding of the world and inability to see that the world belongs to all, that makes you feel this way. Do study these points on plutocracy and apply your hatred selectively. You cannot hate an entire race for the greed of a handful of it's members.
These racists among us champion open-tenders and equal distribution of Government contracts but they dominate more than 90% of the entire private sector contracts.
This single racists group among us swallows an alarming portion of the private sector’s “economic cake”, yet there seems to be no end to their unabated greed.
(Ans.5) This is a problem created by the PLUTOCRACY which also includes Malays. Do not lump all minorities together. It lazy mindedness you are displaying.
Now, they even want to dictate who could speak up and who can’t.
Take the issue of Perkasa, the non-Governmental Organisation, for example.
Why is there a need for the whole weight of the Opposition to be stacked against Perkasa?
What is so racists about Perkasa the NGO, compared to the unruly mob behaviour of certain race and religion based organisations in our recent past?
Wonder what Hindraf is, if not a racist organisation that told lies about non-existent ethnic cleansing and genocide in Malaysia?
(Ans.6) They have not stopped anyone from speaking. They just ask these groups to speak in a polite and JUST manner in accordance with the Human Rights Charter Article 1 and Hadiths An-Nisa’:1 and Al-Hujurat:13 which prohibit the sin of Asabiya.
What about the racist Chinese NGOs that vehemently opposed the Sekolah Wawasan concept and churned out lies against the Government?
Chauvinist DAP leaders like Lim Kit Siang and his ilk would do everything possible to prevent the Malays from reuniting for obvious reasons.
(Ans.7) Article 26.(3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. The government is supposed to ensure that preferred amenities are available to all citizens not impose it's will by forcing Wawasan schools on them. The minorities are preserving their culture and identity, this is not harmful so long as they still contribute the the nation's economy and abide by the nation's laws is it not? Whats so racist about having your own culture or education system? We can't stop Muslims from studying at religious schools either. This is a FREE WORLD after all.
Their lifespan would be cut short if the Bumiputera decide to discard negative, divisive politics and regroup for a noble cause, for their unity.
(Ans.8) Please do not threaten the lives of anyone. There are greater forces well capable of , and I am not referring to super powers who would doubtless react, but the monotheistic God that imbues Muslims with a sense of justice that they would not commit murder of fellow human beings. If of such words come from people intending bloodshed and riots, then a visit from the ISA rather than a kindly Imam at the Mufti's direction would be more appropriate.
Since when an individual or an organisation which strives to preserve the provisions in the
Federal Constitution is deemed to be racists?
(Ans.9) Since the term APARTHEID and DISCRIMINATION came about, to define narrow communalism and 'cultural genocide'. Since the extreme wealth and conflict of interest and nepotism typified those being spoken against.
True racists are those who preach about unity but make an about turn and threaten the Government when Sekolah Wawasan (Vision School) concept to unite our young was proposed. (Pls. see Ans.7)
True racists are the ones who are greedy by nature. Not only that they would like to be in control of everything that has been allocated for their race, they would also instigate and provoke for the share of the other races. (Pls. see Ans.5)
True racist are the ones who preach about unity and equality but would sent their kids only to THEIR school and effectively prevent the young from mixing with others. (Pls. see Ans.7)
True racists are the ones who ONLY speak their language among themselves and in public
without any consideration of others around them. They won’t feel offended by such rudeness. (I heard in Indonesia they can’t and don’t behave in such manner).
(Ans.13) It is a free world, anyone can speak any language. Are you delusional? What consideration is needed when someone is not speaking to you?
True racists are the ones who ONLY employ their kind in their businesses, organisations, groups, companies etc and would only take in Others to fill a certain quota if the law requires them to.
(Ans.14) Private companies/organisations are under no obligation to hire anyone and can set their own rules. Free World remember?
True racists are the ones who would trade in anything and everything with TWO different sets of pricing. One for their kind and another with a slightly higher pricing for the other races.
(Ans.15) In a system of 2 citizenship classes, you will certainly get this sort of effect. How about an "Automat Goods Dispenser" owned by the state that charges same to all? If you don't like private businesses who apply different prices, then wait till citizens are treated the same before complaining, otherwise hold your peace.
True racist are the ones who monopolise the economy of the country in which they are the minority, but instead of being grateful they aspire to ‘colonialise’ the country. (Pls. see Ans.5)
True racists are greedy, ungrateful yet economically powerful and now they aspire for political supremacy.
(Ans.17) How can the end of APARTHEID be viewed as political supremacy?
Since when an individual or an organisation which strives to preserve the provisions in the
Federal Constitution is deemed to be racists?
(Ans.9) Since the term APARTHEID and DISCRIMINATION came about, to define narrow communalism and 'cultural genocide'. Since the extreme wealth and conflict of interest and nepotism typified those being spoken against.
True racists are those who preach about unity but make an about turn and threaten the Government when Sekolah Wawasan (Vision School) concept to unite our young was proposed. (Pls. see Ans.7)
True racists are the ones who are greedy by nature. Not only that they would like to be in control of everything that has been allocated for their race, they would also instigate and provoke for the share of the other races. (Pls. see Ans.5)
True racist are the ones who preach about unity and equality but would sent their kids only to THEIR school and effectively prevent the young from mixing with others. (Pls. see Ans.7)
True racists are the ones who ONLY speak their language among themselves and in public
without any consideration of others around them. They won’t feel offended by such rudeness. (I heard in Indonesia they can’t and don’t behave in such manner).
(Ans.13) It is a free world, anyone can speak any language. Are you delusional? What consideration is needed when someone is not speaking to you?
True racists are the ones who ONLY employ their kind in their businesses, organisations, groups, companies etc and would only take in Others to fill a certain quota if the law requires them to.
(Ans.14) Private companies/organisations are under no obligation to hire anyone and can set their own rules. Free World remember?
True racists are the ones who would trade in anything and everything with TWO different sets of pricing. One for their kind and another with a slightly higher pricing for the other races.
(Ans.15) In a system of 2 citizenship classes, you will certainly get this sort of effect. How about an "Automat Goods Dispenser" owned by the state that charges same to all? If you don't like private businesses who apply different prices, then wait till citizens are treated the same before complaining, otherwise hold your peace.
Since when an individual or an organisation which strives to preserve the provisions in the
Federal Constitution is deemed to be racists?
(Ans.9) Since the term APARTHEID and DISCRIMINATION came about, to define narrow communalism and 'cultural genocide'. Since the extreme wealth and conflict of interest and nepotism typified those being spoken against.
True racists are those who preach about unity but make an about turn and threaten the Government when Sekolah Wawasan (Vision School) concept to unite our young was proposed. (Pls. see Ans.7)
True racists are the ones who are greedy by nature. Not only that they would like to be in control of everything that has been allocated for their race, they would also instigate and provoke for the share of the other races. (Pls. see Ans.5)
True racist are the ones who preach about unity and equality but would sent their kids only to THEIR school and effectively prevent the young from mixing with others. (Pls. see Ans.7)
True racists are the ones who ONLY speak their language among themselves and in public
without any consideration of others around them. They won’t feel offended by such rudeness. (I heard in Indonesia they can’t and don’t behave in such manner).
(Ans.13) It is a free world, anyone can speak any language. Are you delusional? What consideration is needed when someone is not speaking to you?
True racists are the ones who ONLY employ their kind in their businesses, organisations, groups, companies etc and would only take in Others to fill a certain quota if the law requires them to.
(Ans.14) Private companies/organisations are under no obligation to hire anyone and can set their own rules. Free World remember?
True racists are the ones who would trade in anything and everything with TWO different sets of pricing. One for their kind and another with a slightly higher pricing for the other races.
(Ans.15) In a system of 2 citizenship classes, you will certainly get this sort of effect. How about an "Automat Goods Dispenser" owned by the state that charges same to all? If you don't like private businesses who apply different prices, then wait till citizens are treated the same before complaining, otherwise hold your peace.
True racist are the ones who monopolise the economy of the country in which they are the minority, but instead of being grateful they aspire to ‘colonialise’ the country. (Pls. see Ans.5)
True racists are greedy, ungrateful yet economically powerful and now they aspire for political supremacy.
(Ans.17) How can the end of APARTHEID be viewed as political supremacy?
When some among the majority, whom the racists aim to divide and rule, wake up and expose the racists’ ruse then these individuals or organisations would be demonised.
(Ans.18) There are no racists. These are imaginary and only exist because you have an inferiority complex. Try to learn alternative ways for expression of these emotions than persecution and self defeating, displays of flawed thinking.
I believe this is why Perkasa is so popular among the racists, who have turned around and blamed the non-Governmental Organisation as racist.
(Ans.19) That logical burnouit getting to you here? This sentence makes no sense.
The silent majority among the Malay Muslims in the Peninsula and their Bumiputera brethren from Sabah and Sarawak are increasingly worried about these greedy racists and that’s the reality on the ground today. (Pls. see Ans.5 - they are targeting the wrong group)
And that is exactly why Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad should go on a road-tour to drive some sense into the heads of the Bumiputera, like what he did in Pasir Mas, Kelantan on Saturday.
Pasir Mas stood still with more than 10,000 Malays, Siamese, Chinese, Indians dan ‘lain-lain” who flooded the Perkasa Kelantan gathering to listen to Dr.Mahathir’s message.(Pls. see Ans.1)
There was nothing racist about the gathering, which even had multiracial, multiethnic traditional dancers in the welcoming party for Dr.Mahathir… including a Chinese Lion Dance troupe(from Kelantan not China).
(Ans.22) The purported multiracialism at Pasir Mas only exists because the attendees are interested in making money in performing, or are political lapdogs from lapdog parties hoping for political or monetary benefits. The principled among minorities and even principled Malays would not attend these farcial choreographed mummmeries of democratic expression. What was the purpose of the gathering? To justify dr.Evil's harmful actions to the whole of Malaysia throughout his APARTHEID regime. It won't work because facts cannot be changed. Are you even aware of what sides you are taking?
All Perkasa and many like-minded NGOs are concerned about is in stopping the racists from creating anarchy in this beloved nation of ours.
(Ans.23) Anarchy is created when citizens do not pay tax. Anarchy is created when nepotistic
Oligarchies are formed by people like dr.Evil. Anarchy is created when PERKASA goes around waving weapons simply because the political gains are viewed in isolation from the reputation of the Malays. Anarchy is created when bureaucrats and politicians are typified by extreme wealth and write abusive and unconstitutional Vehicular-AP systems, parasitic Toll Concessions, cause deaths in FORCED MILITARY CONSCRIPTIONS, closed tenders for licences for gambling etc.etc..
If they (and you) are so concerned, they'd target the PLUTOCRATS and 'Towering Malays'
involved in taking monies from Haram industries via proxy minorities instead of all minorities en masse.
This is a zero sum game that these so-called "Malay Unity" people will and already are losing.
The world belongs to all citizens, and only citizens who start to TOWER and CAST SHADOWS or allow themselves to be used to perpetuate APARTHEID are the true racists and criminals of Malaysia and the world.
dr.Evil, PERKASA and pro-APARTHEID groups must correct their flaws or suffer the consequences.
On meritocracy and racial hiring quotas/contract tenders I have this suggestion to add.
Holding interviews at a distance with voice synthesisers to hide accents and have facial features pixelated and recoloured by cams in secure 'interviewing boxes' to be separately and strictly maintained by neutral parties (i.e. foreign contractors with on the other side of the world in a country like Russia, Takikistan, Bolivia or East Timor) that are forbidden contact with any local government staff.
Combined with names exchanged with randomly generated numbers, this way the government interviewer will not have any way to determine the race and thus hire based on the content of the interview and competence and empirical information like experience and school results.
There will be no quota required then. This will even end gender, or 'appearance' and age discrimination, for the best talent instead.
Your concerned citizen,
The bumis are the majority so they will MAKE the decision as dictated in a democracy.
Apartheid is when the minority chinese want to take control over the majority.
Share and share alike as in equality - so when are you donating your race's wealth and riches to the Malaysian poor eh?
Share mah don't be so stingylah you die oso cannot take money what
The world in Malaysia is one that dictates and protects the SPECIAL POSITION of the Malays and Bumiputera - are you challenging the constitution huh??
This is not a question of inferiority complex dearie, it is one of an arrogant species trying to steal land and wealth from the original landowners who are truly a gracious, genteel, generous and civilised race.
See with the rise of china, your kind thinks you can now claim superiority eh?? This just goes to show the clannish attitude of the chinese (read that as racist).
If you are not well-read and knowledgeable - just shut up coz you are not only polluting with your fiction but also deafening the real intellectuals.
Don't shout all over the blogoshere - it's not appreciated, we are peace loving people.
The bumis are the minority WORLDWIDE so they WILL NOT MAKE any dictated decision as dictated in a democratic GLOBALISED WORLD.
Apartheid is when the majority bumi want to take control over any minority.
The SPECIAL POSITION of the Malays and Bumiputera - have long lapsed since the 15 year limit within the Reid Commission had passed and nears 4 times it's stipulated limits. Are you challenging the Social Contract by reneging on the word UMNO failed to keep huh??
This is not only a question of inferiority complex dearie, it is also one of an HUMAN RIGHTS CHARTER AWARE species trying to maintain equitable distribution of land and wealth from the MIGRANT landowners who came from Arabia, Indonesia and Yunnan.
Those who need to praise themselves as truly a gracious, genteel, generous and civilised race need to examine if they are really so.
See with the fall of APARTHEID, your kind thinks you can now claim inferiority eh?? This just goes to show the race transcendent attitude of the chinese (read that as non-Asabiya).
We are not the ones shouting all over the blogoshere - it's not appreciated, so who are not the peace loving people in reality?
Your stunning display of primitive closed mindedness is appreciated for it's originality, don't change it on anyone's behalf. It is a treasure to behold. But what is fair will be expected of all 'species' in Mankind's future will be backed by other advanced 'species'. Only the righteous, evolved and the Humanistic/Holistic will prevail. Evolve or become antiquated aliens in land and a planet that cannot belong to any but only to ALL Mankind.
Share and share alike as in equality - so when are you donating your race's wealth and riches to the Malaysian poor eh?
Practise what you preach - dearie.
someone's not happy! Here let me quote you what is written in the constitution - the highest set of laws in any country ..
errhhmmm on second thoughts "why cast pearls before swines"
someone's too happy!
Here let me quote you what is written ABOUT Constitutions of any nation -
" so called highest sets of laws in any country - have always been and will always be amended - especially if they are prejudicial to fair governance and contravene the Human Rights Charter Article 1 . . . "
A handful of mud is something that that only swine will mistake for pearls.
errhhmmm on second thoughts, let swine keep those who cast mud think they hold pearls . . .
someone's sure is touchy ...
nah, swines don't mistake mud for pearls, swine loves mud MORE than pearls
so that is why NEVER cast pearls before swines, they GO for the MUD anyway
hahahahahaha ...
"if they are prejudicial to fair governance and contravene the Human Rights Charter Article 1"
Yeah the british should be brought to court for dumping the immigrant workers they brought in by the shiploads
and left them here to impose on the landlords with their foreign culture and alien habits
they all reap wealth and riches OFF this Tanah Melayu
so there, justice must prevail
Valid points, and thank you for finding the minorities blameless.
Though the repatriation of millions alluded here at the expense of British, excluding reparations for inconvenience is out of context to the aspirations of today's Malaysians.
It is OUR world friend, it does not matter who is where as long as there are sustainable resources for everyone. That the wealth and lands of the world belong to Mankind is just and with the larger picture in view, I believe all Malaysians, especially Malays should feel free to migrate to India or China as well, to just prove to themselves this point :
That we are all stuck on this planet and need to treat each other with true equality and sincere respect which are found in Islam, the Human Rights Charter and all other faiths.
Even United Nation is racist. They are hiring for Project Manager who can speak Mandarin as advertised in Oct 16 Star (Pg 13 of Jobs section). In the past Sime Darby, Felda and many more GLCs also advertised for Mandarin speaking staff. I remeber my Chinese friend's Japanese restaurant. All his chef are Malays as well as 60% staff. Going by your definition he is less racist than Felda, SD etc
I would not advocate the limited scope such an administrator might bring to UN's reputation. Perhaps UN could insist on a polyglot administrator so that the element of disenfranchisement would not arise.
UN, how about it? I'm sure that such a polyglot administrator exists. No excuses given those massive resources UN has to not try looking harder ! Or beginning training such polyglot administrators ! Otherwise NAM could take over where UN fails !
The public sphere person has no such luxury afforded private sphere individuals. Let future UN hirings and advertisements reflect this fact.
"I believe all Malaysians, especially Malays should feel free to migrate to India or China as well" - This is the joke of the century. You wanna tel them chinese in PRC and indians in India that this is OUR world.
Are you aware that the chinese set up chinatowns all over the world - what does that say about the clannish chinese?
They run from persecution in their homeland but they cling on to a lifestyle and culture that they were running away from.
Absurd isn't it, and here they demand all sorts of rights to remain chinese in totality in direct conflict to being Malaysian.
Read what Jackie Chan has to say about his own race.
and also read what a chinese malaysian has to say about his own race and nationality too in "Sin Chew: Many Chinese here more loyal to China than Malaysia"
P.S. you want Tanah Melayu all to yourself eh, coz this is a great place huh? to reap wealth and riches with no obstacles unlike in china and india where they practice clans and caste system
I am in agreement with valid concerns mentioned by Anon above me.
I too would not advocate the limited scope such an administrator might bring to UN's reputation. Perhaps UN could insist on a polyglot administrator so that the element of disenfranchisement or discrimination would not arise.
UN, how about it? I'm sure that such a polyglot administrator exists. No excuses given those massive resources UN has to not try looking harder ! Or beginning training such polyglot administrators ! Otherwise NAM could take over where UN fails !
The public sphere person has no such luxury afforded private sphere individuals. Let future UN hirings and advertisements reflect this fact.
Anonymous said...
I am in agreement with valid concerns mentioned by Anon above me.
THIS Anon (On the UN advert issue) :
Wednesday, October 20, 2010 10:16:00 PM
NOT this Anon (Who's spouting communalistic siege mentality nonsense.) :
Thursday, October 21, 2010 3:02:00 AM
Blogosphere Ethics in not misrepresenting commentary by wrongful placement and timing is critical to HONEST discourse. Let the administrator's actions reflect his sense of integrity.
Oh god the examples that you showed in the papers are not the worst. I saw far worse here in Sarawakian papers: 'Muslims need not apply'... 'Chinese only'.. 'Non-Muslims only..' etc etc. I should scan them for posterity's sake >.<
Please highlight those ads Hanie.
Hanie I'm with you on that. But this perhaps is one way to find out which companies are racist, although some are being influenced by other factors like VIPs leaning on them or even in quiet protest of APARTHEID (which has been made necessary by UMNO-BN's attitude).
So make sure you know which ones are being genuinely racist and which ones are reflecting govt. policy or being forced to act in this manner of a 'silent protest' to allow themselves to one day be equal citizens in Malaysia.
Conversely Malays in India and China or elsewhere should also speak up if discrimination occurs there as well. we cannot choose our race and nation of birth, so let us all act in the spirit of brotherhood as in Hadith Surah al-Hujurat (49:13).
It is true apartheid occurs by this dual system (Bumiputra/Non-Bumiputra), some say triple system (UMNO-putra/Bumi-putra/Non-Bumiputra) of citizenships, so we must not fault those who would are so fearful that they resort to advertisements to stage silent protest.
But the instant all citizens are equal (apartheid via citizenship classes ends) any such adverts will signal true racists that should be summarily boycotted.
anon @ Monday, October 25, 2010 8:27:00 PM - is a clever brainwashing expert.
See how he sneakily justifies the racist ads.
blame on vips, protest of apartheid, reflect govt policy, silent protest to be equals (huh? when the constitution states clearly the special position of the Malay/Bumi) - what crap.
This one is very sly - the quote from Hadith - wow, using the strategy "beat them at their own game" - was that how dap captured pas hearts?
Then comes the fearful silent protest konon.
Aha the last line JUSTIFIES their RACIST actions - rephrased as "The moment UMNO removes article 153, is the moment such chinese racists ads will stop"
See how sneaky this fella is. Be forewarned - pas has fallen for such crap.
PAS is not fool. Don't bother thinking for them. 9.47 you sound like UMNO trouble makers.
Anon @ Sunday, October 31, 2010 9:12:00 AM
is that all YOU have to say
shows how empty your brain is
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