The still underground SAVE DAP movement, formed to prevent DAP from being turned into a Sendirian Berhad company by Kit, Kapal & Sons, is gaining momentum by the day. An increasing number of state DAP leaders, particularly party veterans, are increasingly impatient with the dictatorial ways of Kit & Gang. The SDN.BHD Gang's victims within DAP are many, scattered around the country in the various states that the socialist party has taken root.
Although DAP has been in existence for five decades now, the party has ONLY ONE LEADER in Lim Kit Siang.
He has been there, maintaining an iron-grip on the party's steering wheels for more than FOUR DECADES, while pointing fingers at others.
LIM KIT SIANG is a dictator who has successfully placed his son to take over if he kicks the bucket tonight, but that succession plan is in tatters now with the emergence of the SAVE DAP movement.
DAP veterans backing the movement or campaign, believed to be led by none other than founding member Dr.Chen Man Hin, have had numerous meetings in the run up to the upcoming DAP party polls later this year.
Those who have been suffering in silence for almost two decades after Kit & Gang strengthened their position by sacking prominent young leaders in mid-90s have now re-grouped.
Kit and Karpal's strategies to divide and rule DAP might have worked well in the past but come this party elections the two party supremo might be in for a shock, a shock of their lifetime.
While they are busy accusing the whole world of all types of crime and wrongdoings, the some young turks (backed by seasoned hands) are out for blood. They are out to settle an old score and Kit Siang knows his sins all to well.
kandang selangor September 4, 2010 at 12:40 pm
With the sacking of Tee Boon Hock and Yap Hock Siew for the Letterhead scandal, Lim Kit Siang and his son after more than a month the scandal broke out are still keeping quiet. We all know who is operating behind the scene or the unseen hands.
One glaring fact about this Letterhead scandal was: Tee Boon Hock, Yap Hock Siew and Ronnie Liu have all signed support letters for contracts or projects in Selangor.
Lim Kit Siang, the “great” defender against INJUSTICE and CEO of DAP Sdn Bhd must immediately clarify the GLARING INCONSISTENCY OF PUNISHMENT for these persons in accordance with the DAP principles of “CAT” (COMPETENCY, ACCOUNTABILITY & TRANSPARENCY).
p/s Hint - The family members and relatives of Kit and Karpal might no longer enjoy the 'special pass' to contest top party positions. Some might even be prevented from contesting at all.
Apanama - What a fantastic title to sum up the Lim & Karpal Dynasty in the Daddy Anak Party (DAP). Both of them are bent to promote their respective family members and at the same time to suppress other good DAP leaders.
Karpal Singh is the head crony of the Lim and son. He just dance to the tune of both Lim. He had not much choice because he has been relying on Lim and son to survive in the DAP all these years. He has no branch or service centre. He has not provided service for the voters. He is a well known press statement MP with zero service record. However, he has extremely good credential for sucking up to Lim and son to do the dirty job and killing the good DAP leaders so that his sons like Gobind and Jardeep can rise from no where. He is just a fraud.
I am now ashamed to be a member of this Daddy Anak Party dominated by self serving leaders like Kit Siang and son, and Kapal and son. They are just protecting and promoting their children and cronies in order to survive politically
Good leaders like Kua Kia Soong, Lee Ban Chien, Funf Ket Wing, S K Song (ex-Johor state chairman), Teoh Teik Huat, Gooi Hock Seng, Chua Kow Eng, Liew Ah Kim, Kerk Kim Hock, Wee Choo Keong, Fazlan yahya, Foo Piew Kok, Sim Tong Hin, Goh Lian Sun, Teng Chang Kim, Chan Teik Chan, Goh Hock Guan, Fan Yew Teng, Dr Boo of Johor and many others have been either sidelined or force out or sacked under dubious circumstances.
Well, Wee Choo Keong was sacked on the charge of not "Showing ENOUGH affections to party leaders". How pariah can a party be. Even the communist party does not demand its leaders to show "ENOUGH AFFECTIONS". So this fact confirm beyond doubt that the "Daddy Anak Party" leaders (Kit, Karpal and sons Sdn Bhd) are promoting a cult in Malaysia.
Too long - to be continued.
Deep throat in DAP
Continue - Deep Throat in DAP
No wonder YB Sim Tong Hin and Goh Liang Sun was instrumental in teaching Lim Kit Siang a lesson. Remember Lim Guan Eng and wife (Betty Chew) were thrown out from Malacca state committee. Both could not even garner enough votes to be an ordinary committee members. But Kit Siang save Guan Eng and wife from political wilderness. Guan Eng was elevated to be the Secretary General. What a joke!
Kit Siang and Karpal are only interested in protecting and promoting their family members and cronies at the expense of the country. Forget about the party. They are abusing the party fund for their own interests.
Kit Siang should clarify whether public donations received through "Milo tins" have been properly accounted for.
Tee Boon Hock sacking was a clear case of protecting their cronies like Ronnie Liew, Tony Pua and the like. Kit Siang and Karpal knew very well that Tee Boon Hock was controlling the grass root leaders in Selangor and they had to remove Tee so that Ronnie Liu and Tony Pua can survive. Ultimately, the promote the DYNASTY.
Deep Throat to be continued on Tony Pua, the financial genius like Tan Koon Swan of the MCA!
To be continue
DEEP Throat In DAP
Tony Pua is another fraud. He had lied in the 2008 GE. Look at his blog profile:
"Before joining politics full-time in January 2007, I was the CEO and founder of a Malaysian IT company, publicly listed in Singapore. I divested all my shares in the company to be able to serve the community and take part in socio-political affairs of Malaysia."
From the profile, Tony Pua was ashamed to publish the name of the listed company by the name of Cyber Village Holding Ltd. He didn't state that he was running a loss making company.
Pua didn't say that which company he had "divested" his share in Cyber Village. Cyber Village was quickly changed name in 2008 to Koyo International to mislead Malaysian and , of course, to avoid detection.
Pua did not state that Cyber village was taken over by Brightsphere Sdn Bhd (co No: 804460). Brightsphere is a RM2 company. Shareholders are the ex-staff of Cyber Village (Sua Shii Huey and Shieh Yee Bing). Top it all, the company secretary is Pua's wife, Yow ting Fong. Brightshphere registered address is next door to Pua wife's law firm, Chris Lim Ting and Partners, T-109, 3rd Floor, CentrePoint, Bandar Utama.
In 2004 Pua and his Cyber Village were in the shit hole and needed financial help. Who came to his assitance?? Justin Leong Ming Loong, the grandson of the late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong of Genting. Justin Leong pumped in S$3 million into Cyber Village to help Pua to breathe. For information to the readers and Inland Revenue, Justin Leong and his business partner (Gau Xiang Jun) used Treasure Valley International Limited (incorporated in Virgin Islands). This is Tony Pua, the self professed millionaire in Singapore before he joined DAP in 2008.
The Daddy Anak Party disciplinary Committee should take actions against Tony Pua for his lies during 3008 GE. By the way, Tony Pua is very close to Khairy Jalaludin, another son-in-law. You will observe that in most talk show or interview where Tony Pua was there, Khairy will also be there. They are closed buddy. Tony Pua, as the Information Chief of DAP, had never criticise Khairy and vice versa. I hope that UMNO leaders will also take note of this close relationship.
Ronnie Liu did sign support letter 4 months before Tee Boon Hock did but only reprimanded. An obvious covering up the corruptions of Ronnie Liu. He was a known figure with the underground in Selangor associated with prostitution, gambling, sport betting especially football betting, Ah Long activities and etc.
Ronnie Liu is surrounded by 3 underground right hand man namely Tan Yeong Meng, Tan Pek Chuan and Tan Peck Kong aka "Tua Pek Kong". These are also the famous 3 Tan, who were guarding the 15 floor exco office of Ronnie Liu. Wee Choo Keong was right when he exposed Ronnie Liu's underground connections in 2009. The DAP selangor memebrs knew all about this. Of course, Lim Kit Siang and his son pretended not to have any knowledge about this because both may be beneficiaries to the loots from the sand mining scandals, letter of support scandals and underground sport betting.
So now you know why Lim Guan Eng and father were so against legalising sport betting a few months ago. To protect their supporters and also the "jalan" for themselves through Ronnie Liu, the No: 2 crony to Karpal.
Genuine DAP members must beware of Kit Siang and son, Karpal Singh an son, Ronnie Liu, Tony Pua and a few others to be exposed at a later date.
Enough for now. Good night.
Deep Throat in DAP
Tony Pua is another fraud. He had lied in the 2008 GE. Look at his blog profile:
"Before joining politics full-time in January 2007, I was the CEO and founder of a Malaysian IT company, publicly listed in Singapore. I divested all my shares in the company to be able to serve the community and take part in socio-political affairs of Malaysia."
From the profile, Tony Pua was ashamed to publish the name of the listed company by the name of Cyber Village Holding Ltd. He didn't state that he was running a loss making company.
Pua didn't say that which company he had "divested" his share in Cyber Village. Cyber Village was quickly changed name in 2008 to Koyo International to mislead Malaysian and , of course, to avoid detection.
Pua did not state that Cyber village was taken over by Brightsphere Sdn Bhd (co No: 804460). Brightsphere is a RM2 company. Shareholders are the ex-staff of Cyber Village (Sua Shii Huey and Shieh Yee Bing). Top it all, the company secretary is Pua's wife, Yow ting Fong. Brightshphere registered address is next door to Pua wife's law firm, Chris Lim Ting and Partners, T-109, 3rd Floor, CentrePoint, Bandar Utama.
In 2004 Pua and his Cyber Village were in the shit hole and needed financial help. Who came to his assitance?? Justin Leong Ming Loong, the grandson of the late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong of Genting. Justin Leong pumped in S$3 million into Cyber Village to help Pua to breathe. For information to the readers and Inland Revenue, Justin Leong and his business partner (Gau Xiang Jun) used Treasure Valley International Limited (incorporated in Virgin Islands). This is Tony Pua, the self professed millionaire in Singapore before he joined DAP in 2008.
The Daddy Anak Party disciplinary Committee should take actions against Tony Pua for his lies during 3008 GE. By the way, Tony Pua is very close to Khairy Jalaludin, another son-in-law. You will observe that in most talk show or interview where Tony Pua was there, Khairy will also be there. They are closed buddy. Tony Pua, as the Information Chief of DAP, had never criticise Khairy and vice versa. I hope that UMNO leaders will also take note of this close relationship.
Ronnie Liu did sign support letter 4 months before Tee Boon Hock did but only reprimanded. An obvious covering up the corruptions of Ronnie Liu. He was a known figure with the underground in Selangor associated with prostitution, gambling, sport betting especially football betting, Ah Long activities and etc.
Ronnie Liu is surrounded by 3 underground right hand man namely Tan Yeong Meng, Tan Pek Chuan and Tan Peck Kong aka "Tua Pek Kong". These are also the famous 3 Tan, who were guarding the 15 floor exco office of Ronnie Liu. Wee Choo Keong was right when he exposed Ronnie Liu's underground connections in 2009. The DAP selangor memebrs knew all about this. Of course, Lim Kit Siang and his son pretended not to have any knowledge about this because both may be beneficiaries to the loots from the sand mining scandals, letter of support scandals and underground sport betting.
To be continued
Deep Throat in DAP
The Daddy Anak Party disciplinary Committee should take actions against Tony Pua for his lies during 3008 GE. By the way, Tony Pua is very close to Khairy Jalaludin, another son-in-law. You will observe that in most talk show or interview where Tony Pua was there, Khairy will also be there. They are closed buddy. Tony Pua, as the Information Chief of DAP, had never criticise Khairy and vice versa. I hope that UMNO leaders will also take note of this close relationship.
Ronnie Liu did sign support letter 4 months before Tee Boon Hock did but only reprimanded. An obvious covering up the corruptions of Ronnie Liu. He was a known figure with the underground in Selangor associated with prostitution, gambling, sport betting especially football betting, Ah Long activities and etc.
Ronnie Liu is surrounded by 3 underground right hand man namely Tan Yeong Meng, Tan Pek Chuan and Tan Peck Kong aka "Tua Pek Kong". These are also the famous 3 Tan, who were guarding the 15 floor exco office of Ronnie Liu. Wee Choo Keong was right when he exposed Ronnie Liu's underground connections in 2009. The DAP selangor memebrs knew all about this. Of course, Lim Kit Siang and his son pretended not to have any knowledge about this because both may be beneficiaries to the loots from the sand mining scandals, letter of support scandals and underground sport betting.
So now you know why Lim Guan Eng and father were so against legalising sport betting a few months ago. To protect their supporters and also the "jalan" for themselves through Ronnie Liu, the No: 2 crony to Karpal.
Genuine DAP members must beware of Kit Siang and son, Karpal Singh an son, Ronnie Liu, Tony Pua and a few others to be exposed at a later date.
Enough for now. Deep Throat In DAP
Fabulously done.
Ethics and in UMNO's case even elections, can be circumvented in political parties only if members are too stupid, corrupt or weak to act.
I am glad to see that DAP's members have both spines and ethics. This will set a precedent to prevent fiefdoms or seat reserving MPs and even Ministries forming in parliament as well, at least in DAP.
We are finally on our way to a First World Paradigm of governance and politics. This will eventually lead to liberalisation of laws and principled bureaucracy, enforcement and judiciary in time.
Good work there DAP stalwarts !
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