... KJ trying to do a 'Zaid Abrahim'.
Wednesday, March 24th, 2010 18:25:00
KUALA LUMPUR: Former PKR MP, Zulkifli Noordin, caused a stir at the Dewan Rakyat today after claiming that he was asked to implicate Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his wife in the murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu.
Zulkifli, in his first speech as an independent MP, also claimed that he was offered a reward to make a statutory declaration linking Najib and Rosmah to Altantuya's murder.
He claimed the offer, involving a huge sum of money, came from a third party during the Altantuya murder trial.
Zulkifli, who was recently sacked by PKR, was initially the counsel for Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri, one of the three accused, before discharging himself.
“I discharged myself from the case as there was an attempt by a third party to interfere in the case,” he said in his motion of thanks on the Agong’s Address.
He said the reward was tempting but he refused it.
Who is the THIRD PARTY that Zulkifli Noordin mentioned in the above report? Some were cock-sure the third-party involved a certain Opposition figure who was set to gain by tarnishing by the then Prime Minister in-waiting.
But what many of us failed to consider was, WHO could have been the biggest beneficiary, had the EVIL plan to implicate Datuk Seri Najib and his wife in the murder worked out as the culprits had planned?
(At that point of time Slumberjack Abdullah Badawi was Prime Minister but it was the FOURTH FLOOR satans- under KJ who were basically running the country).
So, had Najib been prevented from moving up to replace the Slumberjack, who stood to benefit the most for an extended period of time? THINK!
Eventually Zulkifli met Najib and had exposed the entire CONSPIRACY which was masterminded by two desperate Prime Minister wannabeeeees.
So, now PM know who the culprits are.
After their cover was blown, one culprit came up with Apco and some Jewish fairy-tales to divert the people's attention while another has now been trying to be a hero defending everything under the sun.
Apco back-fired bigtime on one while the other is basically threatening to jump ship.
With this on-going drama, some political analyst (specialized in political survival) feel that this is the best time for KJ to quit Umno, in order to safe Anwar Abraham and Pakatan Rakyat.
p/s The Prime Minister, they say, is also well aware of a very recent meeting (in Singapore) between Kalimullaaa, KJ and Anwar Abraham.
Another Evil conspiracy in the making or the final horse trading ... I wonder.
chookeong wants spErm to siasat lah
Ini adalah satu kenyataan mantan Mentri Kewangan II yang meperbodohkan atau meperbudakan rakyat Malaysia! Khazanah terpaksa membayar RM800 juta untuk mengambil alih Pantai daripada Parkway. Tidak semena-mena sebuah syarikat asing membuat keuntungan sebanyak RM500 juta daripada wang rakyat. Dan yang lebih teruk, Khazanah tidak mengurus Hospital Pantai, sebaliknya melantik Parkway Holdings untuk menguruskannya! Parkway dibayar fee pengurusan yang amat tinggi sekali. MENGAPA?! Untuk agenda kumpulan Tingakt 4 dan/atau Singapore operatives atau barua-barua Singapura.
Sebabnya mudah. Ini kerana “barua-barua” Singapura yang terlibat. Saya percaya ini berlaku dengan pengetahuan mantan Menteri Kewangan II (atau “he will be deemed to have known the actual facts, dengan izin), dan sudah tentu, Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Sekuriti, Tan Sri Zarinah Anwar, seorang lantikan atau appointee “kumpulan Tingkat 4.”
Jika mereka berdua tidak tahu pada semua masa yang material bahawa Hospital Pantai memegang dua konsessi essential, mereka tidak layak memegang jawatan Menteri dan Pengurusi Suruhanjay Sekuriti pada masa sekarang. Perdana Menteri bertangung jawab untuk menjaga kepentigan negara dan beliau tiada ada pilahan lain kecuali memecat mereka daripada jawatan masing-masing dengan segara demi kepentingan negara. Jika tidak berbuat demikian, maka PM “will be seen as to condone such acts of anti-national”, dengan izin.
Adalah jelas seluruh pentadbiran Barisan Nasional masa itu mengambil sikap menutup mata terhadap pengambilan alih jahat Pantai Holdings oleh syarikat Singapura Parkway dan pembelian semula oleh Khazanah kemungkinan besar sekumpulan mereka ada kepentingan.
Terlalu banyak contoh melibatkan barua dan balaci Singapura menjual kepentingan negara kepada Singapura. Pelupusan 10% saham Telekom kepada Temasek Holdings. Pembelian saham Temasek di dalam Bank International Indonesia oleh Maybank pada nilai 4.6 kali ganda daripada nilai buku, dan banyak lagi.
Traitors of the nation should be caught and trialed for being just that.
KJ - Kitol Jamban
I sensed that long time ago
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