Khairy sedang ‘timbang secara serius’ lepas jawatan Ketua Pemuda UMNO
Khairy Jamalauddin berkata beliau sedang menimbangkan secara serius untuk tidak mempertahankan jawatannya sebagai Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia dalam pemilihan parti yang akan datang.
Bercakap dalam interbiu dengan Agendadaily di ruang rehat di bangunan Parlimen Selasa, Ahli Parlimen Rembau itu berkata, keputusannya untuk melepaskan jawatan itu semata-mata kerana mahu memberi laluan kepada bakat baru.
Khairy berkata demikian apabila ditanya sama ada benar atau tidak beliau ada membuat kenyataan mengenai hal itu ketika merasmikan satu mesyuarat perwakilan Pemuda UMNO Bahagian di Pahang baru-baru ini.
The above news report in online media Agenda Daily appears more like another DRAMA from Slumberjack's son-in-law but many within Umno are of the opinion that the CORRUPT Umno Youth chief's days are actually numbered.
AGENDA DAILY only says the SIL is considering not to defend his Youth Chief position in the next party election but the actual sentiment on the ground, among Umno leaders and members (and specifically among UMNO YOUTH EXCO and grassroots youth members) is for Khairy Jamaluddin to QUIT now.
UMNO, they say, doesn't have the luxury of time to recoup their declining support if the CORRUPT YOUTH LEADER wants to stay on until the next party elections.
KJ must QUIT as soon as possible and save Prime Minister and Umno President Dato Seri Najib Razak the headache of having him in the system.
Eleven out of ten Umno members think KJ must QUIT NOW too, WHAT DO YOU THINK?
We in APANAMA have decided to run a poll on this. Please take part in this poll (TOP of the PAGE) and state your stand.
Thank You
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