Whether the reversal was after realising that the former Parti Rakyat Malaysia VICE president was definitely a bane to any organisation (Maxis will vouch for this) or due to pressure from concerned Petronas watchers, it is a piece of news that should be celebrated for the future of the nation and Petronas itself.
In the first place, Stothard was not chosen on merit. It was the decision of Petronas' kitchen cabinet - a powerful cabinet which even hold the corporation's president and CEO by his b....s!
For Stothard's fans who felt that she was deserving despite the fact that she is only a holder of a BA in English Literature and her writing fame was her frothing in the mouth anti-government articles, she was even forced to leave Maxis.
Obviously, a Maxis reject doesn't deserve a place in Petronas especially when the oil corporation is a national strategic body which cannot allow a person of Stothard's slimy credentials anywhere near Tower 1, let alone enter the building.
If this is true, then it's good news. Hopefully it's not a whitewash or deception aimed at diverting attention, while Stothard remain hidden somewhere in Petronas.
Petronas kitchen cabinet? Pak Lah the Sleepyhead's legacy still alive?! DS Najib, get rid of this disease, please!
The biggest blundered by the presiden should end in harakiri, Ds Najib should terminate the Presiden and those involved the stupid saga of hiring the queen. Do the right thing, the unprofessional and no integrity Presiden should be given sacked for the sake of the good image of Petronas.
On one hand it is indeed a fortunate move to abort her appointment however on the otherhand... what about the kitchen cabinet?
Hurray, good sense prevails. Kudos to all the dear bloggers for being ever watchful and vigilant.
And most of all for CARING ...
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