"We Malaysians have not suffered as the Iraqis, Afghans, Bosnians and Palestinians have suffered from the wars launched against them.
We have not even suffered from the earthquakes, the volcanoes, the floods and the storms. Even when the tsunami hit us in 2004, we suffered less because Aceh took the brunt of it.
We have to be grateful that we have been saved from all these horrors.
But we must feel and sympathise with people who have been less fortunate than us. We must therefore try to appreciate the sufferings of others, be sympathetic towards them. That is the least we can do.
So Malaysians, please come to the Conference on War, on Criminalising War, and the upholding of justice.
No fees will be charged. Give us your moral support so that we can continue our effort to criminalise war so we may all be able to live in peace and security." CHEDET
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