I fear the situation might get out of control if such dastardly insults against the Sultan of Perak and his prince Raja Nazrin is condoned any further.
The shameful web-posting is not only abusive of Raja Azlan Shah and Raja Nazrin, but also appears to be seeking to wipe out our entire MONARCHY.
Loke Siew Fook is no layman; he is also the Member of Parliament for Rasah. He MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE if he is the author of the outright SEDITIOUS posting.
ROCKY’s Bru for more.
I am with you Tuan Apanama. The rape of peaceful Malaysia should be stopped. This barbarian should be locked in the coldest of freezers.
But I doubt our country has the resolve and strength. In such matters I wish we are Singapore.
Bro Apanama,..heheh,..apo nak dikato,..wat is bro Hishamuddin doin?? whr r all d SB's,.. who is monitoring d blogs of d oppositions,.. I tink d worst scenario is goin to happen if d KDN is taking deir own sweet time to take action,.. dis kind of remarks by a chauvinist pig like Loke Siew Fook mite hurts sum1 who respect d monarchy deeply,.. d old Malay darah pendekar is still aroun jst waiting to b instigated and dey wud die fer d Sultan,..beware!! if LSFook is not put undr ISA I fear d worst as i hear d whisperers mention bout d 'Parang Terbang',..wat else can I say,..heheh,..(,") hope d harmony and peaceful life during Tun M's time will prevail less thr will b bloodbath again,.. dis is all d works of NWO,..apo nak dikato,..heheh,..(,")
bro, do visit dis new weblog I came across,.. a very interesting read on Malaysiakini,..
UMNO gila kuasa + PAS gila nak berkuasa = Melayu bacul!
DAP dan PKR dapat kuasa jadi Gila.
Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa Ramadhan 1430H
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