I was stunned when a senior director of a multinational giant related his encounter with Penang Chief Minister Saudara Lim Guan Eng.
Director X happened to be in Kuching for a top-level business meet and seems to have had the opportunity to witness the public appearances of Opposition politicians.
Guan Eng, I was told, was also in Kuching to attend the on-going Rulers Conference at the majestic new landmark of the Sarawak State Assembly.
The oldest assembly of elected representatives in Malaysia, another of architect Hijjaz Kasturi’s marvel, sits on a small hill overlooking the Sarawak River that cuts across Kuching.
The globe-trotting corporate player was indeed awed when he watched the Chief Minister being picked up from his hotel in an ordinary Proton (not the high-end Perdana, Satria Neo and the likes).
Other Menteri Besar and Chief Ministers, I was told, were driven around in imported luxury cars.
He vouched that it was an ‘old Proton’ that Guan Eng hopped into and was driven by DAP Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jin.
DAP seems to be walking their talk?
But Guan Eng’s father Lim Kit Siang and the rest of the gang including the current Chief Minister of Penang were against the National car project and even the Penang Bridge which they ply daily now.
Look for the labels they pasted on these national projects then, and compare with the unfolding drama more than two decades later.
On the Sarawak front, Chong is also an ardent critic of the new RM300 million Dewan Undangan Negeri.
Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, Sarawak, North Borneo (Sabah) and Singapura got together and formed the Federation of Malaysia in 1963, the DUN was also known as Council Negeri of Sarawak.
For a start now, please verify if MP Chong Chieng Jin actually drives an ‘old Proton’ in Kuching.
Tell me if I’m wrong, but I think he doesn’t.
p/s Another little bird told me that PKR Padungan state assemblyman Dominique Ng also drove an ‘old Proton’ to the opening of the new DUN building by DYMM Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, a day before the Rulers Conference.
The bird said he was in dark suit and brown shoes, and had exchanged his imported Toyota 6-seater for the ‘old Proton’, for that particular appearance.
This is indeed very interesting. Please tell me more.
Yeah. They like to criticize and ridicule our national projects. But when it comes to public appearances, they drive and travel around in what the masses sit in ... normal cars.
But when they are quick to buy Camrys.
Real sandiwaras.
brader, kuching MP has a Mercedes Benz and another imported Toyota MPV.
true story
wong ho leng and his wife also drive around Sibu in Mercedes Benz.
Hi,..please follow my blog
No lah where is the pretence ?
They all read the same books one.
George Orwell'Animal Farms,Borrow the famous line "All animals are equal,but some are more equal then others".
This Chief Minister boro or copy ideas frm the red dot island where all top party leaders who are also ministers are paid huge salaries and perks comparable with compensation packages of Multinationals CEOs.
Therefore they are not rich loaded but very comfortable.(oso guarded by fierce mercenaries wan)
Mah Ngah Tong.
they live double lives
whose motto is "break the rules BUT never get caught"
Anon 8.48,permision to boro ur words:
Yesteday demo at KL,only 15,000 came.
Mostly from 1,000,000 member parti,abt 500 want to enjoy govt facilities,80 people include makciks and 44 juveviles(got conned in Kedah for free trip KL trip).
LGE parti members stay home and enjoy TV and peanuts tea and chang.
LGE parti members follo (not the law) but motto---"break the rules BUT never get caught".
Those AMAL boys love the gas and exciting rush of adrenalin and make LGE laugh.
Next time do in Penang,Shahalam or Kota bahru,Kelante leaders s--t in other pple hses,but own n hse no entry --perff 2 standards.
Mah Ngah Tong
Ronnie Liu dilantik jadi mufti selangor baru, bacalah di http://kitaanakmelayu.blogspot.com
kalau orang PAs tak sedar sedar lagi tak tahulah
wahai orang melayu semua bersatulah
Khalid and Nizar sold the official Protons and bought Camry
DAP Double speak.
even pas have 1,000,000 cannot bring supporters to KL 01.08.09. s.
DAP Uses Malays to Hentam ISA.
DAP is inspired by the red dot island who very much wants to be part of Malaysia again.
Thats why the PAP founder Secretary General LKY came creating waves ,to survey the best land possible and secure deals with everyone that want to be friends with the red dot island.
The reddot strategy is at least 50 70 years look ahead.
Based on the Isreali model of land acquisition, they have to scout for land in the malay hinterland and Muslim dominated land mass,(same with Isreal-Egypt-Jordan)
Paul Blanchard, a professor in the UNiversity of MEXICO, made predictions that global warming(surf for details internet) in a 100 years time will raise sea and ocean water levels.
Many coastal cities will be drowned.
So,in 50 to 70 years time, the descendants of 3,500,000 citizens red dot state will diaspora to Penang,Kelantan,Pahang,and some say Selangor.
On 01.08.09 Many DAP pretenders(champion CAT) was home to watch TV,eat lulian and tea, and surf inter net to see 19,955 malays including Makciks and juveniles conned into free KL sight seeing trip ,got gassed and enjoy free showers.
They the malays all very brave,and macho...,
All went home feeling happy satified and ego massage,except for the 60 odd pple detained for nasi lemak.
Macho and cocky like thePLO-flagged-lying-the road-at-IPOH-guy-with-the-beard .
Good luck to the 19,955, next time u can get organised in KOTA BHARU (kelantan) stadium.
Those KB pple are very friendly,accommodating to 100,000 pples,since 1,000,000 pas have their leader there.
Pretenders can oso go to Kota Baharu,mah.
Mah Ngah Tong
Teman rase kalu berita DAPSY tak mau kongsi kuasa (kongsi raya nak...nanti ade cite kat bawah ni)
di war war kan kapada ORANG KETURUNAN MELAYU di Kawasan Ampang Selangor dan Cheras,tak jadi apa ape jadi malahan di sambut dengan kata kata tak percaya.
Pada 27hb Sept DAP Teratai dan DAP Cheras KONGSI RAYA pakai duit Kerajaan selangor,dan anjur kan kempen ajak orang Melayu masuk jadi ahli istimewa Seksyen Melayu.
Orang Melayu pun masuk dan mungkin bilangan nya ramai.
Pada saya ini adelah:
1.Sapertimana di Pulau Singa pada tahun 1965 ramai Melayu masuk PAP, kerana ade pemimpin Melayu yang berkarisma. dll...dan juga untuk "survival"... ta de kerja ketika dan zaman itu.
2.Sapertimana di Afghanistan sekumpulan evangelis dari Jepun bagi pertolongan kpd orang afghanistan dengan makanan pakaian dan dlll dan minta Afgan tu masuk kristian.
3.Sapertimana misonary kristian masuk dalam hutan dan kampung Orang asli dan bagi bantuan dan ajak masuk kristian.
4.sapertimana Pati Kominis Malaya tubuh kan Rejimen dan seksyen Melayu 1948 1965.
Pade say tak terperanjat orang Melayu mahu dan rela juga bolih masuk DAP sebab:
1.Penceramah dalam tazkirah Jumaat di Ubuddiah ade sebut bahawa 500,000 Melayu sudah murtad dan tunggu dapat tukar nama di MYKAD ala Lina JOY(bila tahun tak tahu dan Nauzubillaah).
2.Melayu dah nampak pati pas baik ngan DAP,dan DAp peluk peluk ngan pat.(tak haram kut)
3.Naluri Melayu senang di pujuk olih bangsa Cina,terus cair,cepat makan budi,cepat nak balas ngan bodi kpd cina.
4.Naluri Melayu cepat kembang dan besar hati kena jack sikit,bagi pangkat dah kira lagi baik dari UMNO konon nya....
5.Mungkin Melayu Ampang dan Cheras ,Mereka ni pernah di sisih dan di pinggir (atas alasan dan sebab tertentu ,cari aje ,tak susah)olih UMNO, maka masuk DAP ade power kat Teratai dan Cheras dan bolih dabik dada.
6.Dan sifat Melayu berdendam dan hati kurang Iman,membara nak balas balik...kalu aku jadi.... aku nak tibai.... betul betul..
Pembaca bolih lah ulasan yang banyak dan lebih bernas ...,
saya setakat kongsi pengelaman dengan taktik PAP, ya PAP, secara dekat,gaya PAP (sini DAP) tarik Melayu kawasan bandar memang sama ngan zaman PAP 1963 1965.
Tapi ade kebaikan kalu dah masuk, dah "turnover" "make over" bolih jadi kuda "trojan"atau "mole"..
Kapada Melayu Ampang dan Cheras yang dah masuk DAP, saya cadangkan anda semua belajaw Bahase Mandarin,tulisan Mandarin dan juga antar anak anak ke sekolah cina, baru lah dapat manafaat sepenuhnya di dunia Selangor.Belajaw kantonis pun ok,banyak wayang drama Kantonis di TV.
Tapi satu aje,tak payah kempen dan Dakwah kpd Jenise dan Teresa,dia orang dah lam jadi anak murid ketua pati pas.
Nanti anda kena sebiji ayat ...
atau dua ....
changkat lobak.
arjuna waspada.
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