Thursday, 16 October 2008

BACKDOOR BOYS or Ibrahim Brothers?

Is this the same disgruntled politician who was sulking away somewhere in Australia when he was not chosen as a candidate in the March 8 elections, who later came into the Government through the BACKDOOR when Abdullah made him a Senator and Minister in the Prime Minister's Department in charge of 'Everything about Law' in this country?

Is this also the 'businessman cum lawyer cum politician' guy who bribed Abdullah, the Bar Council and part of the Judiciary by bribing a few judges who were sacked more than 20 years ago ?
(Some Cabinet members whispered that the total amount of the 'Bribery of the Highest Order' is more than TWO MILLION RINGGIT. Wonder why Malaysians are kept in the dark over the actual amount ... Dark Transparency is it?)

The same reformist who later found a way out via the ISA-opening when Abdullah was grasping for his last breath as Umno President ?

What is he actually?

Traitor, double-agent, merely a disgruntled & sulking politician, true-blue businessman, publicity crazy populist, a dedicated politician fighting for the rakyat, another of KJ's many lackeys or an opportunist who would sell his soul to the highest bidder?

p/s The picture was snapped by Jinggo at Anwar Ibrahim's Hari Raya Open House on Oct 12, 2008 at the Sultan Sulaiman Club in Kampung Baru, KL.

Go HERE to see more pics, including some latest classics which carries more than a thousand words and meanings.

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Premium Business said...

Sampai suatu masa dan ketika, zaid tak cukup tanah untuk berlari dan rumah mewah dan besarnya menjadi terlalu kecil dan sempit.

Najib dah cakap - dia cukup pantang dengan pengkhianat.

Bourne said...

cukuop dia lari dalam rumah takleh dekat padang golf buleh. kartun ni mmg not favourite sangat tapi lagi berat hak sekor lagi.

masing masing main politik beb. yang pasti UMNO kena reform baik baik. banyak jugak muka muka terer kat nuar open house ni.

anwar ada azman yahya jadi saksi tu yang berani kata dia tubuh dana modal dana harta tu. memang tak malu lah pendek kata berok berok ni.

TAPI yang paling pelik nya tak pulak dia kena PIMPIN kerana sakit ari tunye? Sehat lak nampak. Dia ni sakit bila naik Mahkamah je ke?

Bukan main steady lagi. Elok la kartun kawan badut sarkis jadi apa? entah aku pun tau berok makye kot