This is exactly the situation for the people of Permatang Pauh.
Will Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi resign as the Prime Minister of Malaysia IF a good majority of the rakyat in Permatang Pauh REJECT his leadership and put their CROSS for a devil's advocate?
Should Abdullah continue to lead (if at all it's him) the BN if the rakyat from Penang, particularly the Malays, show once again that they are SICK of him?
The real issue on the ground is the current absence of LEADERSHIP in Umno/BN and the Government. The rakyat are going to bed worried about their future ... that's the fact.
Voters in Permatang Pauh who love the BN but hate the sight of Pak Lah and his running dogs are indeed in a Catch-22 situation. If the BN wins, Abdullah will be quick to claim credit and stay on.
Without any shame, Abdullah would admit that the win was an endorsement for his leadership. If BN loses the lame duck and his hounds would place everything on Najib's shoulders.
This is a BIG headache for pro-BN voters in Permatang Pauh who are sick of Pak Lah.
It's truly a case of being in between the DEVIL and the DEEP BLUE SEA ... and lots of spoilt votes in the bin.